Turkey shoots down Russian jet for violating its' air space.

No it's Russia being pissed off because they believe they were not violating Turkish airspace and thus were wrongly shot down. Sounds like a standard reaction, of Putin, to me.
Because you read the Western news =) There's a little truth.

Minor violation of the border can not be an excuse for such an attack. Turkish plane made a training flight, checking the radar in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea "- this statement was made by Erdogan (then Prime Minister) in 2012, after the Syrian military shot down the F-4" Phantom "which violated the airspace Syria.

Something has changed now?
More Obama legacy.

Are you a Republican? What do you think of Trump? Personally I'm not a big fan. Sometimes he does get it right though, like last month on Fox News when he called GWB "a disaster". Yes, he said "I think [Bush] was a disaster, and I think it (invading Iraq) was one of the worst decisions ever made,” Trump said. “[Bush] has totally destabilized the Middle East....." Again he said this last month, not years ago.
You can add that to Trumps previous statement to
O'Reilly that GW "didn't have the IQ " to handle Putin
and "the last thing we need in the White House is another Bush". He may be a clown but at least he knew cause and effect in this case. You can draw a straight line from Bush's decision to invade Iraq and the turmoil engulfing the M.E. right now. That's Bush's legacy and hey, don't blame me - the guy leading the race to become your next candidate for prez said it.
You're a dupe. Iraq was a bipartisan effort with Hillary leading the charge. Its failed aftermath was exploited by dems with the aid of dem dupes like you.
No it's Russia being pissed off because they believe they were not violating Turkish airspace and thus were wrongly shot down. Sounds like a standard reaction, of Putin, to me.
Because you read the Western news =) There's a little truth.

Minor violation of the border can not be an excuse for such an attack. Turkish plane made a training flight, checking the radar in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea "- this statement was made by Erdogan (then Prime Minister) in 2012, after the Syrian military shot down the F-4" Phantom "which violated the airspace Syria.

Something has changed now?
Что ты сме ешься му дила? =))):2up:
Well....depends if Russia wants revenge on Turkey.

Oh....and Turkey is in NATO. Meaning Obama is obligated to defend them if they enter a conflict with Russia.

Remember....President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton allowed the situation over there to deteriorate to this. When they raised their hand and said they wanted to be the most powerful 2 people on Earth....this responsibility came with it.
We are about to go into WW3 and we have Obama leading the charge. We are fucked and Russia will have their revenge.
We are not going to to WW3 just because 2 Russian thugs.
For me, these guys are heroes.
Criminals - the US government .

...They shot down the rescue helicopter?!? That is /unacceptable/, they need to be booted.
No . Rescue helicopter shot down women and children.
Which bombed the evil russians.

On video with a dead pilot is visible "moderate opposition".
With Kalashnikovs.

Russians has been bombing moderate rebels against Assad and they don't care if these are children. Putin and Assad should stand trial for war crimes. Not heroes.
Here is a link describing the atrocities committed by these Russian thugs. That was last month October and it also mentioned Russian repeatedly violated Turkeys air space.

The Civilian Toll of Russia's Bombing Campaign
In Crimea, the Ukrainian radicals committed a terrorist act, leaving the peninsula without electricity.
In Syria, shoot down aircraft.
Ukrainian troops shelled Donetsk.

It seems to me or someone provokes Russia?
Are you still working at 55 Savushkina Street or have they moved you to a new location?

We have a new office at Savushkina 56. Wanna visit us? :)
Protocol I, Article 42, of the Geneva Conventions explicitly forbids attacking parachutists who eject from damaged airplanes, and surrendering parachutists once landed.

That is only applicable to regular armies of war not to civilians who is fighting for their lives. Do you think any rebels will even care any of those articles?
Protocol I, Article 42, of the Geneva Conventions explicitly forbids attacking parachutists who eject from damaged airplanes, and surrendering parachutists once landed.

What do you want from terrorists?

It also proves the lies about violation of Turkish borders... Or Turkey's official supply of world terrorism...
Breaking Update: Video Released Showing Russian Pilots being murdered as they parachute to the ground as the shooters yell Allahu Akbar proudly.

What did I told from my post #35 five hours ago? Any Russian that are caught in that area will be killed by these rebels. Russians goal is to make sure Assad remain in power. So they bomb these rebels. The pain they inflicted to these people will last forever thus Russians will become their permanent enemy.
Turkey should have been thrown out of nato when the nature of their relationship with Isis became clearer, and Nato should not be siding with them now. As usual we back the wrong horse.

Senior Western official: Links between Turkey and ISIS are now 'undeniable'
A US-led raid on the compound housing the Islamic State's "chief financial officer" produced evidence that Turkish officials directly dealt with ranking ISIS members, Martin Chulov of the Guardian reported recently.The officer killed in the raid, Islamic State official Abu Sayyaf, was responsible for directing the terror army's oil and gas operations in Syria. The Islamic State (aka ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh) earns up to $10 million a month selling oil on black markets.
Documents and flash drives seized during the Sayyaf raid reportedly revealed links "so clear" and "undeniable" between Turkey and ISIS "that they could end up having profound policy implications for the relationship between us and Ankara," senior Western official familiar with the captured intelligence told the Guardian.

NATO member Turkey has long been accused by experts, Kurds, and even Joe Biden of enabling ISIS by turning a blind eye to the vast smuggling networks of weapons and fighters during the ongoing Syrian war.

The move by the ruling AKP party was apparently part of ongoing attempts to trigger the downfall of Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.

Ankara officially ended its loose border policy last year, but not before its southern frontier became a transit point for cheap oil, weapons, foreign fighters, and pillaged antiquities.
Well....depends if Russia wants revenge on Turkey.
Oh....and Turkey is in NATO. Meaning Obama is obligated to defend them if they enter a conflict with Russia.
Remember....President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton allowed the situation over there to deteriorate to this. When they raised their hand and said they wanted to be the most powerful 2 people on Earth....this responsibility came with it.
We are about to go into WW3 and we have Obama leading the charge. We are fucked and Russia will have their revenge.
We are not going to to WW3 just because 2 Russian thugs.
For me, these guys are heroes.
Criminals - the US government .
...They shot down the rescue helicopter?!? That is /unacceptable/, they need to be booted.
No . Rescue helicopter shot down women and children.
Which bombed the evil russians.
On video with a dead pilot is visible "moderate opposition".
With Kalashnikovs.
Russians has been bombing moderate rebels against Assad and they don't care if these are children. Putin and Assad should stand trial for war crimes. Not heroes.
Here is a link describing the atrocities committed by these Russian thugs. That was last month October and it also mentioned Russian repeatedly violated Turkeys air space.
The Civilian Toll of Russia's Bombing Campaign
I understand your point of view.
What can I say.
You have been taught for many years that Russian is the bad guys. I do not know how to explain what it is not.
We are killing children. We eat virgins. for breakfast. What else do we do?

Let me ask you a question. America has been a leader all these years?
Where it led the world?
In the ass.
The Islamic state was formed in places where the United States intervened.
Not this way?
Russians has been bombing moderate rebels against Assad and they don't care if these are children. Putin and Assad should stand trial for war crimes. Not heroes.

The ashes of Bataclan don't beat upon your breast? Sad...
Last edited:
No it's Russia being pissed off because they believe they were not violating Turkish airspace and thus were wrongly shot down. Sounds like a standard reaction, of Putin, to me.
Because you read the Western news =) There's a little truth.

Minor violation of the border can not be an excuse for such an attack. Turkish plane made a training flight, checking the radar in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea "- this statement was made by Erdogan (then Prime Minister) in 2012, after the Syrian military shot down the F-4" Phantom "which violated the airspace Syria.

Something has changed now?
Что ты сме ешься му дила? =))):2up:
Это не переводит хорошо на английский .......
Funny how words can come back to haunt you:

Mr Erdogan spoke of Turkey's "rage" at the decision to shoot down the F-4 Phantom on 22 June and described Syria as a "clear and present threat".

"A short-term border violation can never be a pretext for an attack," he said. The Turkish jet was on a training flight, testing Turkey's radars in the eastern Mediterranean, he said.

Turkey PM Erdogan issues Syria border warning - BBC News
Russians has been bombing moderate rebels against Assad and they don't care if these are children. Putin and Assad should stand trial for war crimes. Not heroes.

The ashes of Bataclan aren't beat upon your breast? Sad...
What is Bataclan and why should anyone beat ashes upon their breast? Sounds messy and futile. Is that a Russian custom or something?

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