Turkey's determination to humiliate Israel


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Despite Israel’s apology to Turkey over the Mavi Marmara incident and the talks on compensation to the victims, Turkey is continuing to make reconciliation between the two countries difficult.

On Wednesday, Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said that his country will not be satisfied with Israel simply paying compensation to the Marmara victims. The Jewish state, he said, must acknowledge that the money it is paying to the victims is a result of its committing 'a wrongful act.'

“In our first meeting [the Israelis] showed no opposition to this. But in the second meeting, they intended to give an ex gratia payment as a form of reparation because they fear compensation [as a result of their wrongful act] will set an example for other cases, which is not a concern to us,” Arinc was quoted by the Turkish daily Hurriyet as having told Ankara bureau chiefs.

“The amount of money is not the problem,” Arinc explained, according to the Hurriyet. “There are two problematic areas. The first one is that Israel should accept that it’s paying this money as a result of its wrongful act. Nothing less than this will be accepted. And second, we are waiting for them to realize our third condition of cooperating with Turkey in making life conditions easier for Palestinians. We are not talking about the amount of money as our first two conditions have not been met.”

Turkey: Israeli Compensation Not Enough - Middle East - News - Israel National News


Maybe Netanyahu should beg for forgiveness. That'll probably help!:doubt:
Israel boarding that ship was completely legal. The ship was defying Israel's warning not to break the legal blockade. The only mistake Israel made was thinking that the passengers on board the Mavi Marmara would comply with the IDF boarding. I think the IDF acted in a very restrained manner considering they were attacked. Israel however needs Turkey and feels the payment would be worth it. Turkey however, even with payment, will still probably not forgive or forget.

And if anyone feels angry about Turkey, here is a little light relief:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9arWlCRYt4]Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan tape - will never be able to have children anymore. - YouTube[/ame]
Despite Israel’s apology to Turkey over the Mavi Marmara incident and the talks on compensation to the victims, Turkey is continuing to make reconciliation between the two countries difficult.

On Wednesday, Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said that his country will not be satisfied with Israel simply paying compensation to the Marmara victims. The Jewish state, he said, must acknowledge that the money it is paying to the victims is a result of its committing 'a wrongful act.'

“In our first meeting [the Israelis] showed no opposition to this. But in the second meeting, they intended to give an ex gratia payment as a form of reparation because they fear compensation [as a result of their wrongful act] will set an example for other cases, which is not a concern to us,” Arinc was quoted by the Turkish daily Hurriyet as having told Ankara bureau chiefs.

“The amount of money is not the problem,” Arinc explained, according to the Hurriyet. “There are two problematic areas. The first one is that Israel should accept that it’s paying this money as a result of its wrongful act. Nothing less than this will be accepted. And second, we are waiting for them to realize our third condition of cooperating with Turkey in making life conditions easier for Palestinians. We are not talking about the amount of money as our first two conditions have not been met.”

Turkey: Israeli Compensation Not Enough - Middle East - News - Israel National News


Maybe Netanyahu should beg for forgiveness. That'll probably help!:doubt:

Whoa! Isn't paying compensation an admission? arabs being arabs as usual.
If Israel ever admitting to doing something wrong the Red Sea would part again.

Israel apologized.

Israel said it will give them money.

Israel admitted to over using of military force.

But no, the maglomanians in Turkey won't rest until they have Israel on its knees.

Which only proves it was never about the victims. or justice. or compensation.

If it was really abuot THAT, they would have taken the money, and give it to their families.

No, it has always been about honor.

The Turks want to humiliate Israel because they need to feel great about something, they were pissed that even though they have threatened the Syrian regime, they didn't budge, but Israel did the first step, and that just pissed Erdugan OFF, so much.

The world, Europe, especially, know that Turkey is full of crap, many of the nearby states hate the Turkish government, so their only way of feeling like they can accomplish something, is by sticking their fangs on the Marmara crap.

That is all they've got, and for them, like many Arab state, the humiliation of Israel became the easy way out.

That is all what its about.
I say that Israel should initiate resolutions in the U.N. over Turkey's occupation of Cyprus, their oppression of the Kurds, and their failure to take responsibility for their genocide of Armenians.
I say that Israel should initiate resolutions in the U.N. over Turkey's occupation of Cyprus, their oppression of the Kurds, and their failure to take responsibility for their genocide of Armenians.

Yes, but then also there are more resolutions that Israel could initiate with other countries. If they start one (with Turkey) they should start others, otherwise it is tit-for-tat and is futile. The UN is a 'joke' nowadays.
Despite Israel’s apology to Turkey over the Mavi Marmara incident and the talks on compensation to the victims, Turkey is continuing to make reconciliation between the two countries difficult.

On Wednesday, Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said that his country will not be satisfied with Israel simply paying compensation to the Marmara victims. The Jewish state, he said, must acknowledge that the money it is paying to the victims is a result of its committing 'a wrongful act.'

“In our first meeting [the Israelis] showed no opposition to this. But in the second meeting, they intended to give an ex gratia payment as a form of reparation because they fear compensation [as a result of their wrongful act] will set an example for other cases, which is not a concern to us,” Arinc was quoted by the Turkish daily Hurriyet as having told Ankara bureau chiefs.

“The amount of money is not the problem,” Arinc explained, according to the Hurriyet. “There are two problematic areas. The first one is that Israel should accept that it’s paying this money as a result of its wrongful act. Nothing less than this will be accepted. And second, we are waiting for them to realize our third condition of cooperating with Turkey in making life conditions easier for Palestinians. We are not talking about the amount of money as our first two conditions have not been met.”

Turkey: Israeli Compensation Not Enough - Middle East - News - Israel National News


Maybe Netanyahu should beg for forgiveness. That'll probably help!:doubt:

Not necessary. The Russian Jewish singers who performed in Turkey were a huge hit. Hold on and let me go get you the video. You won't believe your eyes. Looks to me as if Turkish officials missed the story I'm about to put up. Sit tight and let me go get it.


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