Turley says the quiet part out loud.

It's exactly what he said.

You rubes have been running around claiming g to have a mountain of evidence for months.

Then your own expert witness says you don't have that kind of evidence.

And now you rubes are left holding the empty bag, scrambling for new lies.
No. Not exactly. Not at all. It’s not what he said.

Why do you lie when what he said is on record, you moron?

He said there is insufficient evidence at the moment to warrant an impeachment BUT you propagandist bullshit artists manage to ignore what else he said:

The investigation is now necessary.

It can be true that no impeachment is justified (yet) but also true that the investigation is warranted.

The expert witness looked at it and said otherwise.

Making stuff up?
Look at Farty. Embracing Turley’s “expertise.”

But then how come Farty doesn’t embrace the “expertise” when Turley ALSO said that there is enough evidence to warrant the investigation?
I don't care. Are you going to impeach hunter? I mean, you're pretending to care, you might as well pretend to impeach him, too.
I keep telling you I admire what democrats are still able to get away with (Born in Kenya Barack & Big Mikey, cheating in the tens of millions column in 2020) the same way I admired Uncle Joe Stalin for twisting FDR around his finger and controlling the Allied war efforts.

Stop being so ashamed and evasive!

Own your successes!
As one of their first witnesses, Republicans called on Jonathan Turley, a conservative legal scholar who previously served as a Justice Department tax attorney. Turley was set to act as a content witness to help analyze the Biden family’s business dealings—but even he admitted there’s not enough evidence.

“I do not believe that the evidence currently meets the standard of a high crime and misdemeanor needed for an article of impeachment,” Turley said in written testimony submitted ahead of the hearing.

Turley also said he did believe it was “warranted” for the House to investigate potential connections between Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings. But Republicans have been doing just that for months, and they still haven’t found proof linking the president to Hunter Biden’s work.

Was this something they knew he was going to say?
If Turley has spent any length of time rubbing elbows with the D.C. blood suckers, then he's likely more RINO than he is "conservative" and he's likely more of the problem than he is the solution. D.C. and their buddies in the mainstream media have become the biggest, circus sideshow on earth. I can't think of a single person who steps foot into the D.C. sewer that comes out trustworthy.
Uh, yes, dupe.
Turley just said that to date, Comer has produced nothing that is impeachable let alone criminal. :rolleyes:

There was enough evidence to warrent an investigation.

You guys talk move your goals posts all the time to protect the demented pedophile you pushed on the nation.
There was enough evidence to warrent an investigation.

You guys talk move your goals posts all the time to protect the demented pedophile you pushed on the nation.
There was already an investigation. One that looks like it uncovered nothing useful to Republicans. :rolleyes:

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