Turn Down the North Korea Volume


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
When rogue state North Korea on Sunday conducted its third test of a long-range missile, defying a test ban imposed by the U.N. Security Council, critics from around the world condemned its actions. President Barack Obama called it a “provocative act,” Japan’s prime minister called it an “extremely provocative act ” and South Korea’s president called it a “reckless action.”

But Rep. Ron Paul, the onetime Republican presidential candidate known for his strident libertarian policies, thinks everyone’s overreacting. His main points, released in a statement accompanying a video address:

1) North Korea has a legal right to launch a rocket into space.
2) North Korea isn’t a significant threat to the U.S.
3) The White House has reacted in an “overly bellicose and provocative manner.

Turn Down the North Korea Volume, Argues Ron Paul - Washington Wire - WSJ

The video can be found at the link.

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