'Turn off your cell phone' day is March 9th. Can you do it?

Don't cry for me Argen- I mean USmessagefolks: I REALLY AM SAD !!! at least I didn't have service. I am such a low techie that I didn't put my nice photos elsewhere. WE ARE SOOOO ADDICTED...PARTING from ones cell makes for a bad mental health day.
Did you know the microphone was on?
old-nokia-cell-phone-on-the-orange-network-AHNW3C.jpg NO ONE USED TO STEAL THESE !!!
Geez... Bunch of Luddites around here. After having one for the past 15 or so years, they are so feature packed and useful as to be nearly indispensable. I suppose I could go back to not using one, but why?
What features in your phone can't you live without?
'Turn off your cell phone' day is March 9th. Can you do it?
I have a landline phone and call forwarding functionality everywhere I go, and I have a laptop. So, yes, I could do it, and doing it wouldn't be terribly burdensome, but it would be a PITA in one respect:
  • I'd have to change all the call forwarding configurations I have on my various landlines to direct calls not to my cellphone as they are presently defined, but to whatever landline I'm at that day, and I'd have to forward my incoming cellphone calls to that same landline.
  • I'd have to change all of them back at the end of the day.
The thing is that my cellphone use entails overwhelmingly (80%+) doing nothing other than talking on the phone, I don't see there being much point to not using my cellphone. The remaining 18% is checking emails (I don't much send emails via the phone), 1% using apps related to travel, and 1% text messages. I don't tweet; I don't "Facebook" or "Instagram." I don't take photos with the phone and I haven't in over a year accessed the Internet using my phone.

Now were there to be a "turn off your computing devices" day, I couldn't do that.
View attachment 175498 NO ONE USED TO STEAL THESE !!!

or this

why not they were beautiful!

Interesting that you should mention rotary phones. I had to buy Momma an analog-to-digital converter so she could keep using what she called her "pretty phone" (her words) in her bedroom.

This isn't her actual phone, but you get the idea.


I bought her a phone similar to the one above, and she complained that the buttons make it look "an ungodly mess." So to this day, she has an analog phone in her bedroom.
fuck cellphones oops

we don't need cell phones
View attachment 175498 NO ONE USED TO STEAL THESE !!!

or this

why not they were beautiful!

it used to suck if you dialed the very last number wrong, then you had to do it all again. ... damn! 5 minutes just to dial the number! but yeah, my grandmother had a volks wagon bug painted the same color.. and she had that same phone :rolleyes-41:

It was a real pain yet somehow comforting to have a phone like that. maybe it was knowing you could beat an intruder to death with it
I'm sure the younger you are, the harder it will be. I doubt my sons will do it. I'll do it but I probably spend maybe 15 or 20 minutes a day on my phone, so isn't a big deal for me.

National Day of Unplugging

I can't do this. I don't own a cellphone. :p
Neither do I. I'm not a Luddite. I just don't want to be that connected nor that obnoxious. Society hasn't got cell phone etiquette down yet. I've been in social situations when someone gets a cell phone call. Real interhuman interaction gets put on hold while the interloping cell call takes priority. Every Friday night me and my friends get together to play intricate board games. One of our number takes calls from his wife and kids. My Pop used to play poker with other small business owners in town. It would never occur to me or my brother to call him while he was out playing poker. We respected his personal time, and the personal time of his friends. Today's kids never consider that.
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I'm sure the younger you are, the harder it will be. I doubt my sons will do it. I'll do it but I probably spend maybe 15 or 20 minutes a day on my phone, so isn't a big deal for me.

National Day of Unplugging

I can't do this. I don't own a cellphone. :p
Neither do I. I'm not a Luddite. I just don't want to be that connected nor that obnoxious. Society hasn't got cell phone etiquette down yet. I've been in social situations when someone gets a cell phone call. Real interhuman interaction gets put on hold while the interlocking cell call takes priority. Every Friday night me and my friends get together to play intricatboard games. One of our number takes calls from his wife and kids. My Pop used to play poker with other small business owners in town. It would never occur to me or my brother to call him while he was out playing poker. We respected his personal time, and the personal time of his friends. Today's kids never consider that.

I just haven't had a need for a cellphone. If I were to be out a lot, I might decide to get one. :D

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