turn out the lites the party is over ....

Hillary's lead in the RCP avg is 3.7%.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

And a mindblowing 4.6% in the head to head. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
A new survey monkey just came out with a 7 point head to head lead for clinton.

How does this compare to Obama/Romeny? Head to head on the 10th of Oct 2012 Obama was just .7% ahead. And what really blows the mind is Obama never again led by more the 1% from the 12th of Oct to election day in the rcp avg in 2012. 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics
Lefties can't see liberal bias. They aren't smart enough.

They should be able to at least see the pro establishment bias though...
One would think. It use to be the D party stood for anti-establishment, but now they are entirely one with the establishment. Unfortunately, most D voters don't see this truth. They get all their news from biased sources, so they do not know Hillary is owned entirely by the 1%. They do know that Trump is AWFUL.
Hillary's lead in the RCP avg is 3.7%.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

And a mindblowing 4.6% in the head to head. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
A new survey monkey just came out with a 7 point head to head lead for clinton.

How does this compare to Obama/Romeny? Head to head on the 10th of Oct 2012 Obama was just .7% ahead. And what really blows the mind is Obama never again led by more the 1% from the 12th of Oct to election day in the rcp avg in 2012. 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics
now matthew ... don't be giving them any facts with sources ... that will drive them crazy then they already are ... they don't like facts and sources ...
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Lefties can't see liberal bias. They aren't smart enough.

so tell us again why the only demographic donald wins is uneducated white males.

we'll wait while you and your fellow ignoramuses try to figure it out.

I know a thousand times more than you do which is why I want nothing to do with the Clintons. Face the fact that you are the most guilty of what you accuse others of doing.

This needs to be an enduring lesson for conservatives, National elections cannot be won on wrath alone.
Conservatives need to realize that abolishing all of government that helps people or is useful is unpopular. They need to repackage their vision for America into one of efficiency and of providing more with less tax dollars.

Conservatives also need to get away from the racism, sexism and ugliness and once again move towards a platform based on education. Everyone should be welcomed!
Lefties can't see liberal bias. They aren't smart enough.

They should be able to at least see the pro establishment bias though...
One would think. It use to be the D party stood for anti-establishment, but now they are entirely one with the establishment. Unfortunately, most D voters don't see this truth. They get all their news from biased sources, so they do not know Hillary is owned entirely by the 1%. They do know that Trump is AWFUL.
you see, that's your problem ... your inability to think ... no democrat has ever been anti-establishment ....we have been against what the government was pushing on us ... Vietnam war, we were against Johnson and Nixion ...both parties ... were are against the tpp obama was for it ... we let him know we are against it ... now heres the difference between us democrats and you republicans .... we will show or distain for a policy whether its a democrats or a republican policy ... you on the other hand will walk in lok step with the republicans right off the cliff right or wrong ...
Sure, that's why no one is talking about Trump dropping out of the race anymore.

He was quite clear about that indeed. I liked how pissed Anderson and Raddatz were getting. It got bad enough that Anderson was snapping at the audiance. Honestly, the media WANTS us to be talking about anyone opposing Hillery dropping out, but Trump if nothing else is giving the media and political elite some serious heart burn. You know they are worried when all they got left is to accuse Trump of being a Russian spy. Good shut last night. Hope Trump keeps it up.
I think I saw somewhere this morning that Trump was complaining the air around
him was tampered with...He had trouble breathing and that threw off his performance...

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