Turns Out, African American Trump Supporter May Have Been Justified In Beat Down...

Act like an asshole in a massive crowd you're bound to get clocked. I don't care if you're at a basketball game, football game or concert...act a fool, pay the price. I don't condone violence but its the way things work. Just as if you toss a ball into the air, its going to come back down.

Except it doesn't happen at Democrat rallies

Even the guy was blatantly lying Bill was trying not have him asked to leave. Bill was trying to engage with him and discuss with him, Trump is covering legal fees...

Sorry, the Trump supporters are on a very low rung here....

No, it's the 'Protesters' who are on a very low rung here. I mean, come on Democrats. Really??

that's not who was beaten up. I've heard the guy in the hood is Ted Cruz.
T for "Testosterone" Trump!.

Was the guy wearing the American Flag shirt the same one who was wearing the hood? Did he ever have a hood on? I just can't tell from the small clips.

The African American Trump supporter had enough. These assholes were wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in his face all day. He'll have a case when it goes to court. The assholes were there to incite riots and violence. Hopefully, they'll be charged and prosecuted.

Typical GOP. That guy is wearing an offensive hat. Let's beat the shit out of this other guy.

Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.
The African American Trump supporter had enough. These assholes were wearing KKK outfits and shoving confederate flags in his face all day. He'll have a case when it goes to court. The assholes were there to incite riots and violence. Hopefully, they'll be charged and prosecuted.

Typical GOP. That guy is wearing an offensive hat. Let's beat the shit out of this other guy.

Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??

Any curious reader of this thread can only conclude that Trump's addiction to being a pathological liar contaminates his supporters.
Typical GOP. That guy is wearing an offensive hat. Let's beat the shit out of this other guy.

Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??

You have been told repeatedly. The person wearing the hood was not the one who got beat. The one who got beat is the guy walking up the steps wearing an American flag shirt. That makes your claim that the protester was beat for wearing a KKK "OUTFIT" a total lie.
Are all nutbbags unable to watch a video and see what happened? It is really weird.

The GIRL with the KKK hood.....which was mocking Trump supporters who are KKK like.....was not punched. Please.....watch with sane eyes.
Trump told the SUCKERS that the man who was beaten up was "wearing a KKK outfit," and that settles it no matter how much evidence there is that Trump was LYING!
Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??

You have been told repeatedly. The person wearing the hood was not the one who got beat. The one who got beat is the guy walking up the steps wearing an American flag shirt. That makes your claim that the protester was beat for wearing a KKK "OUTFIT" a total lie.


Pretty messed up, no? Come on, y'all have hopped aboard the crazy train. :cuckoo:
Typical GOP. That guy is wearing an offensive hat. Let's beat the shit out of this other guy.

Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??


I have now read through the thread. You are trolling in your own thread. You must be a bored mother fucker to sit here all day typing the same thing over and over. HAve you enjoyed it?
T for "Testosterone" Trump!.

Was the guy wearing the American Flag shirt the same one who was wearing the hood? Did he ever have a hood on? I just can't tell from the small clips.
No, the black guy beat the Hispanic guy in the stars and stripes, not the guy in the hood.

The guy in the stars and stripes was Hispanic so the black guy probably thought he was beating a rapist. Because he was Hispanic.

That's already been established. It was the effects of the entire day. Democrats were there inciting all day. The KKK hood thing was likely too much for this particular African American. He lashed out. I can understand his anger.

But since the guy is a Trump supporter, he has no right to express his anger. Never mind that the guy probably had all he could take of that type of mental abuse. If he supported Hillary or Bernie, they would say he is justified in beating, looting, and burning. If a minority isn't a Dem, they are treated so different.

While it's understandable for people to be angry at injustices, the left is so selective. I don't approve of violence but get frustrated when only those on the right are called on it.
Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??


I have now read through the thread. You are trolling in your own thread. You must be a bored mother fucker to sit here all day typing the same thing over and over. HAve you enjoyed it?


Come on, was that you? You can tell us.
Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??


I have now read through the thread. You are trolling in your own thread. You must be a bored mother fucker to sit here all day typing the same thing over and over. HAve you enjoyed it?
He does this all the time. He simply can't admit to being wrong so he keeps repeating the same idiotic thing over and over and over again.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??


I have now read through the thread. You are trolling in your own thread. You must be a bored mother fucker to sit here all day typing the same thing over and over. HAve you enjoyed it?


Come on, was that you? You can tell us.

That's not the person who got beaten dumbass.

That's already been established. It was the effects of the entire day. Democrats were there inciting all day. The KKK hood thing was likely too much for this particular African American. He lashed out. I can understand his anger.

But since the guy is a Trump supporter, he has no right to express his anger. Never mind that the guy probably had all he could take of that type of mental abuse. If he supported Hillary or Bernie, they would say he is justified in beating, looting, and burning. If a minority isn't a Dem, they are treated so different.

While it's understandable for people to be angry at injustices, the left is so selective. I don't approve of violence but get frustrated when only those on the right are called on it.

Who is saying looting is justified?
Typical GOP. That guy is wearing an offensive hat. Let's beat the shit out of this other guy.

Well, you go ahead and wear your KKK outfit and shove confederate flags in African Americans' faces. That's your call. But you're likely gonna have a very bad day.
The photo's of the guy wearing the hood being featured in this thread is not the guy who got beat. The guy who got beat was a the guy wearing an American flag shirt. Why is it necessary to be so misleading and dishonest on this topic?

Try wearing your KKK outfit and shoving confederate flags in African Americans' faces again. I dare ya. Go for it.

You dumb shit There are dozens of TRUMP SUPPORTERS at these rallies WEARING REBEL FLAG HATS AND T-SHIRTS. You are a dishonest hack.

Absolutely shameful. WTF??


Given that there is a policeman standing right behind that person, your argument that vigilantism is justified is pretty much kaput.
Seriously though Democrats... WTF??



wearing the pointy pillowcase over her head

NOT THE MAN that was kicked and punched

AND the man that was punched and kicked


with the hood.


WHERE is this man that was punched and kicked in relation to this Woman wearing the hood?


please STOP LYING.
Ho-hum. More Trump supporters cheerleading thuggery.

Fascist thugs, the whole lot of 'em. But only brave in packs. Unless Trump supporters outnumber someone 10-1, they'll whimper and run.

The fascist thugs are your buddies who are being paid to disrupt the Trump rally's just like the Brownshirts disrupted Hitlers opponents. YOU are the Nazi here.
Ho-hum. More Trump supporters cheerleading thuggery.

Fascist thugs, the whole lot of 'em. But only brave in packs. Unless Trump supporters outnumber someone 10-1, they'll whimper and run.

The fascist thugs are your buddies who are being paid to disrupt the Trump rally's just like the Brownshirts disrupted Hitlers opponents. YOU are the Nazi here.

Got a link for all the protesters being paid to protest? or for even 1%-20% being paid to protest?
The disturbing pattern continues. If you are in a group protected by the left, you have free reign to do whatever you want.

When Muslims attack and kill, it's our fault for inciting them because of polices or insults to Islam. They are not held responsible and the left rushes to protect the image of Muslims by claiming that the radicals are not part of them. Everyone knows radicals attack and kill when offended, so it's your fault for insulting them. Some think we deserved 9/11.

When the minorities in Ferguson and Baltimore attacked, looted and destroyed, it was our fault for being white and creating the environment. The left rushed to protect the offenders by claiming they were pushed into it and couldn't help themselves. It's just how it is and we should know that one wrong move will cause them to react violently. The answer is to bend over and go along with the BLM bullshit even though they said it's too late for an apology and have indicated that the killing of whites, particularly cops, will continue. Obama praised them for their efforts despite the massive violence they've encouraged among their members.

When some nutjob shot at a Planned Parenthood, it was again the fault of the right and the NRA for supporting guns. There was no attempt to separate this idiot and all on the right were held responsible and painted with the same broad brush.

When a guy gets punched at a rally for wearing a KKK hood, again, it's the fault of the right. All Trump supporters are being painted with the same broad brush and held accountable. Unlike Muslims and radical groups, this guy won't get away with claiming he was reacting to insults or the sight of a white supremacy symbol. That excuse is reserved for liberals and their supporters.

When Trump was shoved, it was all his fault for aggravating people and pushing them to act violently. Many libs laughed at the incident.

If protesters started shutting down Hillary's rallies or if someone shoved her, they'd be called terrorists and the media would claim all on the right are like that.

When people broke in homes to destroy Confederate flags, the left acted like the home owners asked for it by having those flags displayed.

Now many libs are cheering the effort to shut down rallies for Hillary's political opponents. If it were the other way around, all hell would break loose and the media would act like the country is under attack by crazed radicals.

The left makes excuses for their own and always places blame elsewhere. Apparently, only leftists and their supporters get pushed past the limit. And it's pretty damn easy to get them to act violently. The Ferguson shooting was justified yet the violence started before facts were known. They have yet to admit they were wrong. And it's clear that there aren't enough incidents of real racist cop shootings, so they continue to make them up.

To recap the rules:

Reacting violently to insults of your religion. Okay if you're Muslim, not okay if you're Christian.

Refusing service to gays, beheading or tossing gays off rooptops is acceptable and expected if you are Muslim. Refusing to cater a gay wedding is unacceptable and not allowed for Christians. More outrage will be expressed over lack of cake than over hundreds of dead gays.

Reacting to racist remarks. Okay if you are a Dem minority. Never okay if you're a Repub minority. Racism doesn't exist when the aggressor is a minority. Also, if a minority is a Repub, they are not allowed to be outraged at racism.

Attack Repub candidates or shut down rallies through intimidation or violence is freedom of speech for liberals but terrorism if the protesters are Repubs.
Ho-hum. More Trump supporters cheerleading thuggery.

Fascist thugs, the whole lot of 'em. But only brave in packs. Unless Trump supporters outnumber someone 10-1, they'll whimper and run.

The fascist thugs are your buddies who are being paid to disrupt the Trump rally's just like the Brownshirts disrupted Hitlers opponents. YOU are the Nazi here.

Got a link for all the protesters being paid to protest? or for even 1%-20% being paid to protest?

Check craigslist anytime there is a Trump rally in your area. That's how they rounded up 4000 people for the Chicago mob.

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