Turns Out, African American Trump Supporter May Have Been Justified In Beat Down...

Act like an asshole in a massive crowd you're bound to get clocked. I don't care if you're at a basketball game, football game or concert...act a fool, pay the price. I don't condone violence but its the way things work. Just as if you toss a ball into the air, its going to come back down.

Except it doesn't happen at Democrat rallies

Even the guy was blatantly lying Bill was trying not have him asked to leave. Bill was trying to engage with him and discuss with him, Trump is covering legal fees...

Sorry, the Trump supporters are on a very low rung here....

No, it's the 'Protesters' who are on a very low rung here. I mean, come on Democrats. Really??

It was the effects of the entire day. Democrats were there inciting all day. The KKK hood thing was likely too much for this particular African American. He lashed out. I can understand his anger.
Again, they more likely were establishment Republicans.
And the Trump supporter lashed out at the AMERICAN FLAG, not the CON$ervative KKK hood.

I'm glad you agree that the sight of an American Flag is enough to set off a Trumpster to violence.
Thank you.
It was the effects of the entire day. Democrats were there inciting all day. The KKK hood thing was likely too much for this particular African American. He lashed out. I can understand his anger.
Again, they more likely were establishment Republicans.
And the Trump supporter lashed out at the AMERICAN FLAG, not the CON$ervative KKK hood.

I'm glad you agree that the sight of an American Flag is enough to set off a Trumpster to violence.
Thank you.

Seriously, you Democrat Wingnuts are shameful. WTF??

The guy in the hood is not the one who was beaten up.

Paul is just stubbornly stuck on lying about the incident. The hood is what he calls a KKK outfit, he claims there were multiple people wearing the "outfits" and refuses to acknowledge that the guy that got beat was not wearing a hood, let alone a KKK outfit. Just outright lying over and over trying to make that lie stick, and as a backup trying to justify an assault.
The other day at a Tucson Trump rally, a protestor wore a KKK hood, and encountered an African American Trump supporter who was not amused, and who proceeded to stomp on him and get arrested.
This is wrong on two counts.

First, the person who was beat up is not the person in the Klan hood.

Second, the person wearing the hood is a female.
The guy in the hood is not the one who was beaten up.

Paul is just stubbornly stuck on lying about the incident. The hood is what he calls a KKK outfit, he claims there were multiple people wearing the "outfits" and refuses to acknowledge that the guy that got beat was not wearing a hood, let alone a KKK outfit. Just outright lying over and over trying to make that lie stick, and as a backup trying to justify an assault.

Y'all are shameful. Spin it anyway you like, but that's the reality. I would advise you wingnuts to reconsider dressing up in your little KKK outfits. You may end up having a very bad day. Shame on ya.

The fact is that most Americans of any political tendency recognize that employing the KKK costume is a provocative act, the equivalent of fighting words.

So many more things are being equated to actual fighting that pretty much any excuse will do. And you know how people are. They eventually run out of excuses, dont they?

Well then go get your hood on son. If you got the ballz, go for it.

That doesnt address what I said but ok
The guy in the hood is not the one who was beaten up.

Paul is just stubbornly stuck on lying about the incident. The hood is what he calls a KKK outfit, he claims there were multiple people wearing the "outfits" and refuses to acknowledge that the guy that got beat was not wearing a hood, let alone a KKK outfit. Just outright lying over and over trying to make that lie stick, and as a backup trying to justify an assault.

Y'all are shameful. Spin it anyway you like, but that's the reality.

Nope. The reality is the person in the KKK hood is not the one who was beaten. The reality is the person in the KKK hood is a woman.

You are the one out of touch with reality. You got your facts completely wrong.

I would advise you wingnuts to reconsider dressing up in your little KKK outfits. You may end up having a very bad day. Shame on ya.

I am glad you are going on record saying it is okay to beat the shit out of someone exercising free speech. I am especially glad you are going on record saying it is okay to beat on someone in a Klan hood or Confederate colors.


You have demonstrated an amazing amount of hypocrisy today. All those topics you have started condemning the police for beating people who have "asked for it" are now tainted with your hypocrisy.
I would also lay a bet the woman in the Klan hood and giving the Nazi salute was satirizing Trump's racist and nazi tendencies. She was mocking his rally where he had his chumps pledge to him.

This won't be forgotten. One of the most heinous expressions of 'Protest' ever. Shame on you Democrats.
No, it's the 'Protesters' who are on a very low rung here. I mean, come on Democrats. Really??

Yeah, the crime was holding up a picture of Trump while wearing the American Flag.


Come on Trump SUCKERS, Really??
No, it's the 'Protesters' who are on a very low rung here. I mean, come on Democrats. Really??

Yeah, the crime was holding up a picture of Trump while wearing the American Flag.


Come on Trump SUCKERS, Really??
A picture of Trump with the Confederate stars and bars superimposed over his face.

They clearly were mocking his racist and nazi tendencies.

Remember kids. If you see someone waving the Confederate colors or wearing a Klan hood, it's okay to beat the shit out of them. paulitician says so.

These people are inciting a riot. It's okay to run over them with your car. Just tell them paulitician said it's okay.
Been established. It was the effects of the entire day. Democrats were there inciting all day. The KKK hood thing was likely more than this particular African American could handle. He lashed out. Can't condone it, but i can understand it.
It hasn't been established that the protesters were Dems, they were much more likely to be establishment GOP supporters, and the thugish Trump goon dis NOT lash out at the GIRL in the hood, but clearly and undeniably lashed at the photo of Trump the American Flag clad gentleman was holding over his head. The Trunp thug grabbed the sign and ripped it up first before attacking the American Flag.


This is why you have to chill out and look into these incidents more calmly and carefully. The Left/Democrat Press hasn't really told the whole story about the beat down of a 'protester' at the Trump Tuscon rally. Turns out, it was uglier and a bit more complicated than reported...

Media meltdown coming over black Trump supporter stomping on KKK hood-wearing protestor?

What’s a good progressive to do? Two articles of the progressive faith are in conflict in the latest incident of “violence at a Trump rally.” The other day at a Tucson Trump rally, a protestor wore a KKK hood, and encountered an African American Trump supporter who was not amused, and who proceeded to stomp on him and get arrested.



The fact is that most Americans of any political tendency recognize that employing the KKK costume is a provocative act, the equivalent of fighting words. And the fact that an African American Trump supporter even exists contradicts all those memes being propagated by the anti-Trump media.

So covering this is a no-win situation for the anti-Trump forces.

Read more: Blog: Media meltdown coming over black Trump supporter stomping on KKK hood-wearing protestor?
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Damn. Another one.

Are all nutbbags unable to watch a video and see what happened? It is really weird.

The GIRL with the KKK hood.....which was mocking Trump supporters who are KKK like.....was not punched. Please.....watch with sane eyes.

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