TV evangelist Jan Crouch has died

another one bit the dust!! next up for the worm farm, pat Robertson!!!
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?
another one bit the dust!! next up for the worm farm, pat Robertson!!!
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?

I'm not the one that misspelled the word revival, BOY. I can understand why you would.
Jan Crouch, a co-founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network and popular televangelist, has died following a stroke, her son announced Tuesday via a posting on his and his wife's website. She was 78.

"Laurie and I have just watched the transition of our precious mother from this world to the next; watched her step into the presence of Jesus and into her heavenly reward," Matt and Laurie Crouch said in a statement. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

Always look at your source. When they are attacking here they don't even understand that a maltese s a breed unto itself.

They blew themselves out of the water.
Nah I think they got their point across pretty well
another one bit the dust!! next up for the worm farm, pat Robertson!!!
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?

I'm not the one that misspelled the word revival, BOY. I can understand why you would.
why would I or any Jew debase himself with the goyim man god on two sticks
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?

I'm not the one that misspelled the word revival, BOY. I can understand why you would.
why would I or any Jew debase himself with the goyim man god on two sticks
guno, are you really Jewish? Because it seems your only purpose on this forum is to act hateful towards Christians in a spiteful effort to get to get Christians to hate Jews. Why would a real Jew do that?
another one bit the dust!! next up for the worm farm, pat Robertson!!!
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?

C'mon, don't really mean that "goyim" you? Because you are insinuating that non-Jews are inferior to Jews and that leaves yourself wide open to some very nasty attacks. I don't think you really want to "go there", do ya?
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?

I'm not the one that misspelled the word revival, BOY. I can understand why you would.
why would I or any Jew debase himself with the goyim man god on two sticks

You debase yourself by merely existing.
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?

I'm not the one that misspelled the word revival, BOY. I can understand why you would.
why would I or any Jew debase himself with the goyim man god on two sticks
guno, are you really Jewish? Because it seems your only purpose on this forum is to act hateful towards Christians in a spiteful effort to get to get Christians to hate Jews. Why would a real Jew do that?
fundy christers don't consider you catholic statue bowers christians
You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?

I'm not the one that misspelled the word revival, BOY. I can understand why you would.
why would I or any Jew debase himself with the goyim man god on two sticks
guno, are you really Jewish? Because it seems your only purpose on this forum is to act hateful towards Christians in a spiteful effort to get to get Christians to hate Jews. Why would a real Jew do that?
fundy christers don't consider you catholic statue bowers christians
That's not the point. I don't go around spreading hate like you do, and trying to get people to hate Catholics. But that is what you're doing as a Jew, deliberately going out of the way to spread as much hate as possible, in the hopes that the hate will be returned back on you and your fellow Jews. This is a self-destructive strategy, so I have to conclude you are a self-hating Jew, or not really a Jew at all, but someone who hates Jews.
TV evangelists are out to make a buck and that's it. Good thing our savior forgives our sins. I have no I'll will for her but I doubt her motives were led by Christianity.
I will have to say one thing in defense of Guno's post about this lady. Someone that claims to be a God fearing Christian that lives the life of luxury with an extravagant lifestyle is not a Bible believing Christian by any stretch of the imagination. These parasites prey on those that need some kind of hope to cling to in a very fucked up world and they take advantage of it. I would never, ever take advantage of people or take money from poor folks regardless of whatever message I had to share that inspired them.
Liberal compassion:

Another Christian has died, "Let's all laugh and make jokes!"
I remember when the last person who believed in Greek gods died. It was 560 ad.

This woman made too much $ to be good. Not all Christians are good. Hell, how do you even know she really believes? Seems like a con artist to me. Didn't Obama say he's a Christian? Some think he's a Muslim.
I will have to say one thing in defense of Guno's post about this lady. Someone that claims to be a God fearing Christian that lives the life of luxury with an extravagant lifestyle is not a Bible believing Christian by any stretch of the imagination. These parasites prey on those that need some kind of hope to cling to in a very fucked up world and they take advantage of it. I would never, ever take advantage of people or take money from poor folks regardless of whatever message I had to share that inspired them.
If I ran one of those charities I would pay myself $100k no more and the rest would go to people who need it. If she has $1 million plus in the bank she's a greedy con artist.
Liberal compassion:

Another Christian has died, "Let's all laugh and make jokes!"
I remember when the last person who believed in Greek gods died. It was 560 ad.

This woman made too much $ to be good. Not all Christians are good. Hell, how do you even know she really believes? Seems like a con artist to me. Didn't Obama say he's a Christian? Some think he's a Muslim.
I don't know what Barry is, he acts like a hypocrite...
One thing is for certain, He does sell a shit load of firearms... :dance:

I will have to say one thing in defense of Guno's post about this lady. Someone that claims to be a God fearing Christian that lives the life of luxury with an extravagant lifestyle is not a Bible believing Christian by any stretch of the imagination. These parasites prey on those that need some kind of hope to cling to in a very fucked up world and they take advantage of it. I would never, ever take advantage of people or take money from poor folks regardless of whatever message I had to share that inspired them.
If I ran one of those charities I would pay myself $100k no more and the rest would go to people who need it. If she has $1 million plus in the bank she's a greedy con artist.

Hell, I would just cover my basic expenses and give the rest away. I lived in Detroit and in a bad part of town and I did so on purpose. I had cheap rent and was making some serious coin. I always set aside a certain amount every pay day to just give away. There isn't any bigger blessing than walking up to someone who you know needs a hand and then buy their groceries or buy Christmas for them. It's priceless and the joy that comes from doing it can't even be measured. All I am doing is paying it forward for all the good that was done to me when I had times that I needed a hand. We are all in this together and the powers that be are betting that we will turn on each other when the SHTF.....I am betting that we won't.
another one bit the dust!! next up for the worm farm, pat Robertson!!!
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?
I love on orange is the new black the black girl wants to become a Jew so she can get the koshure meals but she sells it so well she gets in. What I liked is it sounds like Jews are honest and even question if God really exists. Is that true? If that is true that's awesome. At least you are smart enough and honest enough to discuss it. Not in our cult. That would be blasphemy
another one bit the dust!! next up for the worm farm, pat Robertson!!!
Couldn't help but notice guno, you seem to have a lot of make up on. You trying out for the vacancy?
nah, thinking of going with the tent revial thing

You should learn to spell the word before going to one.
i'm sure you goyim know all about that low IQ stuff, where will you send you money now?
I love on orange is the new black the black girl wants to become a Jew so she can get the koshure meals but she sells it so well she gets in. What I liked is it sounds like Jews are honest and even question if God really exists. Is that true? If that is true that's awesome. At least you are smart enough and honest enough to discuss it. Not in our cult. That would be blasphemy
What I liked is it sounds like Jews are honest and even question if God really exists. Is that true?

Yep even in Israel 60 percent are non believers, it is a cultural thing , and there is a growing movement of humanistic Judaism, questioning is always good, wherever it takes one SHJ: Society for Humanistic Judaism

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