TWA flight 800

We've yet to see any photographs of what the witnesses saw.

Nor do we have any witness testimony that they saw something go up into the sky and then the plane went boom.

For all we know they saw a flash or heard a boom, looked up, and saw a trail coming from the plane and confused it with a trail that went towards the plane.

After thinking about all the witness reports I see how many of them could be wrong. Sound travels at a speed of 4 seconds per mile. It would be at least 50 seconds before anyone heard the explosion. Burning parts would have already hit the ground leaving a smoke trail before people heard the first explosion, looked up, saw the fireball & heard the second explosion.
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Otherwise you wouldn't be repeating that "someone saw a missile"..

I didn't repeat it. I just reported that you and your pals were repeating it. Like this.

JoeBlam said:
Several witnesses told authorities they saw an object leaving a contrail on a path toward the airliner just before it exploded.

Obviously, you didn't read through the thread, if you missed that.

To be exact -- it was a 154 witnesses citing a fast moving trail leading UP to the location of the plane..

You're chanting "154 witnesses" like a comforting religious mantra, even though those 154 witnesses saw something consistent with the official theory.

How many civil air investigations have had the CIA called in to produce simply flight tragectory analysis eh Mamooth?

All of them where international terrorism is suspected. And, contrary to your strange claim, the CIA did not "simply" do flight trajectory. The CIA did all kinds of things. Just another of the many things you get wrong.

What was the FAA actions required for 747s regarding the fuel tank??

Now you're declaring that the slow pace of government bureaucracy, much of it due to pushback from airlines resisting the huge costs of a change, somehow supports your conspiracy theory. I guess if all the physical evidence contradicts you, that's the best you can do.

You seem to still be going with the missile theory, given your focus on the eyewitness stories here. So how do you explain the complete lack of any missile shrapnel or shrapnel damage?
The center fuel tank blew apart catastrophically. Pieces of it blew outwards in all directions. That is not debatable, unless someone is claiming dozens of investigators deliberately lying about it, without the slightest shred of evidence to support such an accusation. And if someone is claiming that, they're too far gone beyond reason to be worth speaking to.

What kind of missile can hit the top center fuel tank?

Small missiles hit engines, and only take out an engine. They don't cause large aircraft to catastrophically explode instantly.

Large missiles, like fired from Navy ships, could do it. But such missiles are like small rockets, and would have lit up the whole night sky. No one would have called it a "flare". So that didn't happen.

In either case, missile shrapnel will be part of the wreckage. It wasn't there. No radars saw a missile. There was no missile. Unless someone is postulating a special super-secret missile, sending them off into the realm of undisprovable magic, and making them not worth talking to.

Bomb? No evidence. No high-velocity bomb damage.

The "flares"? The front end of the plane blew off, causing the now unbalanced burning aircraft to point up and climb until it exploded again.

The most sensible theory? Jim Speer is addle-brained now. Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is most likely to be correct.

The 'flare' was likely just someone with some left over July 4 fireworks. It was in mid July, I'm thinking. The crash of a jet would be much more exciting, no further need to shoot fireworks off. Seriously, I just can't envision the kind of scenario in NYC or the harbor that would facilitate the firing or a missile and take down a jet with no one noticing anything but a 'flare.' If a missile was fired from the harbor it would have to be from a large ship that would then have to put out to sea or be a sub. It couldn't be gone before the emergency crews started flying around.

I am laughing out loud.

Anyone ever hear of a guy name of bin Laden?
Guy armed with shoulder mount AAA by ReagaNUTs just like Mr Saddam Hussein, matter of fact.

He was just in his debut then. Not big on the scene.
may have been shot down by a missile or missiles.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

Holy shit...
The fuel tank explosion story was always bullshit....Kerosene (jet fuel) doesn't explode.

It will if it's atomized....kinda like after being hit with a missile.

It's like pouring powdered none dairy creamer over an open flame. WHOOSH!!!

Man I never tried that!
No question about it.
Reagan funded Charlie Wilson's war.

My point, obviously too complex for the nutball element, is that it isn't any more absurd to blame bin Laden than to blame Hussein.
Next time I'll just drool and go, "Yeahman. Thassitokay."

Carter began sptting the mujhadeen before Reagan was even in office:rolleyes: ........ next time just wipe your chin first.

What does Carter have to do with Reagan giving tens of millions of dollars to bin Laden and other "Afghan patriots? Reagan never seemed to tire of bloviating about heroic Afghan freedom fighters.

As for your wit, divide your own estimate in two and there you "half-wit".

What does that have to do with this thread?
Bill Clinton (and the mainstream media) and the "justice dept" dismissed the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1992 as a non terrorist related criminal act. Thanks to the Clinton administration America wasn't ready for international terrorism four years later so it was easy to dismiss credible reports of a SAM con trail in the 1996 disaster of a passenger plane that blew up at 13,000 feet just after takeoff at JFK. The feds still cling to the theory that a short circuit in the (empty?) fuel tank sparked a disaster.
very interesting. I wonder where this will go now.

hopefully they will re-open the case, but since clinton was in charge then, I have no hope of that


I'd like to know;
who attacked us
why was it covered up

Muslims, of course; it was shortly after 9/11 while all that anthrax attacking and others were going on.

At the time I recognized that it had to be an attack.

There ARE no coincidences that remarkable. What, right after 9/11 a plane explodes over New York and that's an ACCIDENT??

Between New York and the Pentagon getting planebombed and the anthrax multiple attacks, we were a mess as a nation; the powers that be decided to conceal what happened to keep us from going wild.

Does anyone think that was a good decision? it is true there haven't been big attacks since the plane. So far. Well, the Boston one, but that wasn't as big a loss of life as the others.

What are you talking about? Flight 800 was in 1996. 9-11 was in 2001.
Do you know what a contrail is?

We've yet to see any photographs of what the witnesses saw.

Nor do we have any witness testimony that they saw something go up into the sky and then the plane went boom.

For all we know they saw a flash or heard a boom, looked up, and saw a trail coming from the plane and confused it with a trail that went towards the plane.

154 witnesses mentioned missile. INCLUDING the cockpit crew of an ANGuard C-130.. One of the CLOSEST planes to Flight 800.. NYTimes -- one or two days after the "accident".

A missile would have shown on radar.
Your quoting national holidays of the NEW IMPROVED IRAQ.. Not the Iraq under Saddam Hussein...
Actually no, July 14 didn't become a holiday under the NEW IMPROVED IRAQ.

Iraqi Public Holidays Overhaul Update
Shortly after the fall of Sadam Hussein Iraq's new governing council had scrapped 2 of the annual public holidays associated with Saddam Hussein; the July 14 anniversary of the overthrow of the monarchy in 1958, and July 17 anniversary of the Ba'ath party revolution.

Why would they be scrapping the July 14 holiday if you claim it is a holiday of the new improved Iraq? Doesn't make sense.

Remember, you're the guy who initially claimed it was the Oct 3 Iraqi Independence Day before changing your story.

or I can just harbor a long-term grudge for your insult
It is a message board, do you really think anyone gives a shit about someone holding a long-term grudge?
It wouldnt surprise me one bit if it was covered up.
Could have been hushed just to keep the general public from panic. Or possibly it was an American missile that had been sold by our gov to a not so friendly group. And of course political reasons.

And I seem to remember a shitload of train derailments around 9/11 that were all called "accidents".

Nothing would surprise me.

Probably rogue Saudis. That's what the planebombing on 9/11 was, after all.

But our government is bestest fwiendsies with the Evil Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, so they'd cover it up.

Flight 800 was in 1996.
We've yet to see any photographs of what the witnesses saw.

Nor do we have any witness testimony that they saw something go up into the sky and then the plane went boom.

For all we know they saw a flash or heard a boom, looked up, and saw a trail coming from the plane and confused it with a trail that went towards the plane.

154 witnesses mentioned missile. INCLUDING the cockpit crew of an ANGuard C-130.. One of the CLOSEST planes to Flight 800.. NYTimes -- one or two days after the "accident".

A missile would have shown on radar.

Nope.. Not neccessarily.. Not a small agile one. Especially since FAA aint looking for a MACH 2 tiny blip appearing for a couple seconds. There are DEEP conspirator types that CLAIM there is radar evidence. And this new "documentary" suggests that there is MORE radar evidence of an ordinance type explosion.. So we will see what they got...

Got an EXPERT WITNESS in a C-130 military transport that called in what he and his co-pilot saw. Wasn't fireworks if a veteran military crew called it a missile trail. He was one of the closest aircraft to the airliner. You're avoiding this for "some reason"..
Look if you're n the fire control center of an Aegis cruiser or even a DD and you just shot down an airliner, dude everyone o that ship would know it...the firing of the missile, then a detonation, the fire on the water...., you think that could be kept secret?

how? they send everyone from the ship to the same Cheyene-cheney/fuhrer bunker where they have the passengers from the Pentagon flight;)

I cannot see that, at all...
ok, then what was the flare that was seen hitting the plane?

hundreds of eye witnesses, describing the same thing

weather balloon?

:lol: j/ me...

*shrugs* but it wasn't a stinger or portable system of that model....

Left over fireworks. Coincidence.
The 'flare' was likely just someone with some left over July 4 fireworks..

It was 10 miles away. At that distance, a burning plane in flight in the twilight would have looked like a flare.

Center fuel tank explodes.

Nose of plane is blown off, but engines are still running.

The burning plane is now unbalanced and tail-heavy, so it goes nose-up and starts climbing.

From 10 miles away, it looks like a flare going up.

34 seconds later after the first explosion, the wings tear off and it explodes a second time.
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Your quoting national holidays of the NEW IMPROVED IRAQ.. Not the Iraq under Saddam Hussein...
Actually no, July 14 didn't become a holiday under the NEW IMPROVED IRAQ.

Iraqi Public Holidays Overhaul Update
Shortly after the fall of Sadam Hussein Iraq's new governing council had scrapped 2 of the annual public holidays associated with Saddam Hussein; the July 14 anniversary of the overthrow of the monarchy in 1958, and July 17 anniversary of the Ba'ath party revolution.

Why would they be scrapping the July 14 holiday if you claim it is a holiday of the new improved Iraq? Doesn't make sense.

Remember, you're the guy who initially claimed it was the Oct 3 Iraqi Independence Day before changing your story.

or I can just harbor a long-term grudge for your insult
It is a message board, do you really think anyone gives a shit about someone holding a long-term grudge?

Go away..

I gave you an NPR SOURCE -- Even YOU confirm the July 17 date and the assertion I made that the flight went down on Iraq Revolution Day..

........ and yet you STILL WANT TO BADGER ME???

Grudge on dude...
154 witnesses mentioned missile. INCLUDING the cockpit crew of an ANGuard C-130.. One of the CLOSEST planes to Flight 800.. NYTimes -- one or two days after the "accident".

A missile would have shown on radar.

Nope.. Not neccessarily.. Not a small agile one. Especially since FAA aint looking for a MACH 2 tiny blip appearing for a couple seconds. There are DEEP conspirator types that CLAIM there is radar evidence. And this new "documentary" suggests that there is MORE radar evidence of an ordinance type explosion.. So we will see what they got...

Got an EXPERT WITNESS in a C-130 military transport that called in what he and his co-pilot saw. Wasn't fireworks if a veteran military crew called it a missile trail. He was one of the closest aircraft to the airliner. You're avoiding this for "some reason"..

Who do you think you are? Vince Gill? Are you high on crack? Are you posting from the prison library? From MTMHI? Avoiding? Geeze. I was actually around when it happened unlike many on this forum with you likely being one of them.

And I don't believe any 'expert witness' would be talking out of school the way you claim one did.
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I'm done re-hashing all the speculation.. We really should be looking more towards what these guys have to reveal... Found an excellent article (of course it's British because WE don't have a press)...

'We weren’t allowed to talk about the TWA 800 investigation when we were inside,' Young said. 'We had to retire first. That took a while.

'What [witnesses] told us doesn’t fit the mechanical failure scenario that was presented to the public at the end of our investigation.'
'The very next day [after the crash], the FBI came to speak to me and said, "you did not see that, you saw nothing",' one investigator said.

The documentary features interviews with these key members of the original investigation team, who now claim that their investigation was systematically undermined.

'This team of investigators who actually handled the wreckage and victims' bodies, prove that the officially proposed fuel-air explosion did not cause the crash,' said the film's producers.
'They also provide radar and forensic evidence proving that one or more ordinance explosions outside the aircraft caused the crash.'

The whistleblower team claim that at the time they were placed under a gag order by the NTSB, which they charged falsified the official conclusion of the cause of the crash, reports

Read more: Are conspiracy theorists who say TWA flight 800 was shot down right? Flimmakers claim jet that crashed over Long Island killing 230 was hit by explosions OUTSIDE aircraft | Mail Online
Got an EXPERT WITNESS in a C-130 military transport that called in what he and his co-pilot saw. Wasn't fireworks if a veteran military crew called it a missile trail. He was one of the closest aircraft to the airliner. You're avoiding this for "some reason"..

There are many different versions of that supposed testimony floating around. And when people ask why there's no concrete testimony, they learn that the feds supposedly put a gag order out. My, how convenient.

And there's _still_ no missile damage on the aircraft. You're avoiding that for some reason.

By the way, why is a transport or helicopter pilot an "expert witness" on explosions? Did they spend their career watching missiles hit aircraft and making them explode? As the answer is "no", how would they know what it looks like? A sensible person would conclude that they have no special expertise there.
A missile would have shown on radar.

Nope.. Not neccessarily.. Not a small agile one. Especially since FAA aint looking for a MACH 2 tiny blip appearing for a couple seconds. There are DEEP conspirator types that CLAIM there is radar evidence. And this new "documentary" suggests that there is MORE radar evidence of an ordinance type explosion.. So we will see what they got...

Got an EXPERT WITNESS in a C-130 military transport that called in what he and his co-pilot saw. Wasn't fireworks if a veteran military crew called it a missile trail. He was one of the closest aircraft to the airliner. You're avoiding this for "some reason"..

Who do you think you are? Vince Gill? Maybe.. Lots of music folks in the Hillbilly Hollywood hills I live in

Are you high on crack? Not at the moment. But I saw frog skeletons crawling on the ceiling this morning

Are you posting from the prison library? No.. Currently under lock-down. Phoning it in on my ObamaPhone

From MTMHI? Mary Tyler Moore Humor Institute? Nope.

Avoiding? Geeze. I was actually around when it happened unlike many on this forum with you likely being one of them. I meant SELECTIVELY avoiding.

And I don't believe any 'expert witness' would be talking out of school the way you claim one did.

ANY media report will verify the C-130 crew statements. No talking "out of school".
You want me to go fetch? or can U handle it?

C-130 Flight 800 crew statement

Can ya google that for us? Pick NYTimes or some first tier source if ya want. It's ALL there. I'm gonna wait for the NEW info before I tire of all this OLD stuff.
Got an EXPERT WITNESS in a C-130 military transport that called in what he and his co-pilot saw. Wasn't fireworks if a veteran military crew called it a missile trail. He was one of the closest aircraft to the airliner. You're avoiding this for "some reason"..

There are many different versions of that supposed testimony floating around. And when people ask why there's no concrete testimony, they learn that the feds supposedly put a gag order out. My, how convenient.

And there's _still_ no missile damage on the aircraft. You're avoiding that for some reason.

By the way, why is a transport or helicopter pilot an "expert witness" on explosions? Did they spend their career watching missiles hit aircraft and making them explode? As the answer is "no", how would they know what it looks like? A sensible person would conclude that they have no special expertise there.

See now that's the non-sensical stuff that's tiring me here. A C-130 is one of the military's biggest sitting ducks for small missiles. In fact, used to be a wing of them out of Nashville would practice EVASIVE landings and take-offs in a group (kinda over my massive hillbilly compound)..

If you're the target, I GUARANDAMNTEE you that the military wants you to know what a MANPAD tragectory and trail looks like.. Go groom yourself..

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