TWA flight 800

You're too stupid and crazy to pull off the condescending act. You just sound shrill when you try.

Back to the simple question you keep avoiding. There's no missile damage, no missile shrapnel. A logical person would conclude that meant no missile. You, however, think differently. Is it your contention that all the investigators are lying about the lack of missile damage? That would make your theory non-disprovable, a major indicator of the presence of some fine steaming BS.

And have you ever considered some self-examination as to why you so easily get snookered by so many conspiracy theories?
Got an EXPERT WITNESS in a C-130 military transport that called in what he and his co-pilot saw. Wasn't fireworks if a veteran military crew called it a missile trail. He was one of the closest aircraft to the airliner. You're avoiding this for "some reason"..

There are many different versions of that supposed testimony floating around. And when people ask why there's no concrete testimony, they learn that the feds supposedly put a gag order out. My, how convenient.

And there's _still_ no missile damage on the aircraft. You're avoiding that for some reason.

By the way, why is a transport or helicopter pilot an "expert witness" on explosions? Did they spend their career watching missiles hit aircraft and making them explode? As the answer is "no", how would they know what it looks like? A sensible person would conclude that they have no special expertise there.

See now that's the non-sensical stuff that's tiring me here. A C-130 is one of the military's biggest sitting ducks for small missiles. In fact, used to be a wing of them out of Nashville would practice EVASIVE landings and take-offs in a group (kinda over my massive hillbilly compound)..

If you're the target, I GUARANDAMNTEE you that the military wants you to know what a MANPAD tragectory and trail looks like.. Go groom yourself..

You don't live in a very nice part of town. In fact, you live in the ghetto. Did you buy a computer with your first welfare check? Maybe you could go for a citi card and get air miles.

Just because you live in a ghetto near the airport doesn't give you any greater knowledge about military matters than anyone else.
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ok, then what was the flare that was seen hitting the plane?

hundreds of eye witnesses, describing the same thing

weather balloon?

:lol: j/ me...

*shrugs* but it wasn't a stinger or portable system of that model....

150+ people see a rocket, yet no one has talked.

Launched from a sub?

a dummy launch that turns out to not be the dummy?

thats possible but you're back to the 'sequester of any witnesses on the firing platform scenario'....

Look, when we die we'll know for sure, all will be revealed; where your skate got lost, Hoffas body location, what happened to judge Crater...and what happened here, be patient. ;)
New York Times - More Traces Of Explosive In Flight 800
Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed that its lab and another independent laboratory had detected a microscopic trace of explosives. Three officials said that chemical was PETN, pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Those traces were found on a piece of floor board in the same general area as the RDX was found. Both RDX and PETN are the prime ingredients of Semtex. They are high-powered explosives that are usually mixed into puttylike substances, which can be molded into almost any shape. The plastic is easily concealed and cannot be detected by X-ray.
weather balloon?

:lol: j/ me...

*shrugs* but it wasn't a stinger or portable system of that model....

150+ people see a rocket, yet no one has talked.

Launched from a sub?

a dummy launch that turns out to not be the dummy?

thats possible but you're back to the 'sequester of any witnesses on the firing platform scenario'....

Look, when we die we'll know for sure, all will be revealed; where your skate got lost, Hoffas body location, what happened to judge Crater...and what happened here, be patient. ;)

Where is the video or audio of this C-130 crew statement? All I could find was people referencing other people who said they saw it, along with the usual fears the C-130 crew was silenced by the government.
TWA 800 Seconds From Disaster (2007)

TWA 800 Eyewitness (2011)
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Remember this, Clinton's FBI deciding this wasn't a missle attack is the same FBI that found no cause for prosecution on those who murdered women and children at Mount Carmel.....shot them as they ran from the fire out back where the cameras couldn't see.....the one and only Janet Reno.


And of course, Clinturd was facing reelection....much like what we just witnessed at Benghazi.
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TWA 800 Seconds From Disaster (2007)

So we're to believe that a frayed high-voltage wire's current jumped into a frayed low-voltage wire, which ran down into the fuel tank and exited the insulation on yet a third frayed low voltage wire lighting up the air-fuel mixture?

I've run a few wiring harnesses in my time on motorcycles and know a rectifier is needed to convert current for various uses to various gauges of wire. I never heard of lighter gauge wire able to carry more current than it was designed for. So unless this sequence of events happened within a few inches of each other, I don't see how the theory can work. :eusa_eh:
I posted the links to two other incidents of mostly empty center fuel tanks blowing up on the tarmac in hot climates. That would be the real-world evidence showing the theory does work.

And there's _still_ no missile damage to the wreckage, no missile shrapnel. Apparently, if the physical evidence is inconvenient to the conspiracy theory, the physical evidence gets discarded. Vague and mutually contradicting witness statements apparently always outweigh physical evidence.
You're too stupid and crazy to pull off the condescending act. You just sound shrill when you try.

Back to the simple question you keep avoiding. There's no missile damage, no missile shrapnel. A logical person would conclude that meant no missile. You, however, think differently. Is it your contention that all the investigators are lying about the lack of missile damage? That would make your theory non-disprovable, a major indicator of the presence of some fine steaming BS.

And have you ever considered some self-examination as to why you so easily get snookered by so many conspiracy theories?

Holy shit there any time in your life when you exit that bubble you live in???!! You really should be blogging over at over there, without exception, is caught up in the established matrix.......hook, line and stinker. Go....go......go.......:up:

Here is a for example.......this idiot Mamooth can actually look at this photo taken at the Boston bombing site and not ask one single question. Zero analysis.......a photo of a poor guy who just got his legs blown off.......

Millions of soft heads like Mamooth see shit like this and just go with it......its fucking beyond hysterical.:eusa_dance: This mofu is desparately trying not to burst out laughing AND HE JUST GOT HIS FUCKING LEGS BLOWN OFF.

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yall seem surprised that the government would kill citizens to promote its own agenda?

What was the agenda? Unless it could get billed as a terrorist attack, which it didn't, I don't see the point. So, are you saying it was an assassination? Of whom?
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Don't forget the unguarded remarks by Stephanopoulus and Kerrey. There's enough here to have Flt 800 conspiracy conventions larger than the Kennedy Assassination crew..

Govt CAUSES these conspiracies either by ineptness or arrogance. They made it APPEAR to be one or the other.. Being a huge believer in Govt incompetence, I don't go full samurai into conspiracy mode..

[ame=]Obama: "My Muslim Faith" - YouTube[/ame]

Obama referred to 'my muslim faith' in an 'unguarded moment', but most people don't believe he is a muslim.
There are many different versions of that supposed testimony floating around. And when people ask why there's no concrete testimony, they learn that the feds supposedly put a gag order out. My, how convenient.

And there's _still_ no missile damage on the aircraft. You're avoiding that for some reason.

By the way, why is a transport or helicopter pilot an "expert witness" on explosions? Did they spend their career watching missiles hit aircraft and making them explode? As the answer is "no", how would they know what it looks like? A sensible person would conclude that they have no special expertise there.

See now that's the non-sensical stuff that's tiring me here. A C-130 is one of the military's biggest sitting ducks for small missiles. In fact, used to be a wing of them out of Nashville would practice EVASIVE landings and take-offs in a group (kinda over my massive hillbilly compound)..

If you're the target, I GUARANDAMNTEE you that the military wants you to know what a MANPAD tragectory and trail looks like.. Go groom yourself..

You don't live in a very nice part of town. In fact, you live in the ghetto. Did you buy a computer with your first welfare check? Maybe you could go for a citi card and get air miles.

Just because you live in a ghetto near the airport doesn't give you any greater knowledge about military matters than anyone else.

I chose this "part of town" from ANYWHERE i wanted to live in the entire country.. And I guarantee ya --- the tours of the homes of the country music stars go right past the road outside my "compound". Your slinging stuff here and not thinking or doing.

I COULD do a beat down on the TRUTH of what I just told you -- but it would be pretty useless --- wouldn't it?
See now that's the non-sensical stuff that's tiring me here. A C-130 is one of the military's biggest sitting ducks for small missiles. In fact, used to be a wing of them out of Nashville would practice EVASIVE landings and take-offs in a group (kinda over my massive hillbilly compound)..

If you're the target, I GUARANDAMNTEE you that the military wants you to know what a MANPAD tragectory and trail looks like.. Go groom yourself..

You don't live in a very nice part of town. In fact, you live in the ghetto. Did you buy a computer with your first welfare check? Maybe you could go for a citi card and get air miles.

Just because you live in a ghetto near the airport doesn't give you any greater knowledge about military matters than anyone else.

I chose this "part of town" from ANYWHERE i wanted to live in the entire country.. And I guarantee ya --- the tours of the homes of the country music stars go right past the road outside my "compound". Your slinging stuff here and not thinking or doing.

I COULD do a beat down on the TRUTH of what I just told you -- but it would be pretty useless --- wouldn't it?

And having a tour bus drive past your house on the way to somewhere doesn't imbue class into a combat zone. Which is what most people I know from NashVegas, where I lived 20 years myself, call that part of town. Blow smoke up your own ass if you want, but I know that area. It won't work with me. You don't know any more about the military activities in and around that airport than anyone driving down the interstate, or parked on it, would know. So stop trying to impress.
You don't live in a very nice part of town. In fact, you live in the ghetto. Did you buy a computer with your first welfare check? Maybe you could go for a citi card and get air miles.

Just because you live in a ghetto near the airport doesn't give you any greater knowledge about military matters than anyone else.

I chose this "part of town" from ANYWHERE i wanted to live in the entire country.. And I guarantee ya --- the tours of the homes of the country music stars go right past the road outside my "compound". Your slinging stuff here and not thinking or doing.

I COULD do a beat down on the TRUTH of what I just told you -- but it would be pretty useless --- wouldn't it?

And having a tour bus drive past your house on the way to somewhere doesn't imbue class into a combat zone. Which is what most people I know from NashVegas, where I lived 20 years myself, call that part of town. Blow smoke up your own ass if you want, but I know that area. It won't work with me. You don't know any more about the military activities in and around that airport than anyone driving down the interstate, or parked on it, would know. So stop trying to impress.

How about I take a half hour off from work here to defend the TRUTH I presented and then we NEG each other?? Would that work for you?
My AC/AM squadron was called in to assist USMC during the siege at Khe Sanh....when a C-130 was approaching to do a touch and go, we'd hunker down with M-14s to wait for nathan's teams toting RPGs to assemble. Since an RPG has limited range, they'd have to come much closer to the wire than they wanted to. And since it takes more time to acquire a target with an RPG than a carbine, we'd usually see them pop up in time and put a round through their chests. The cargo would exit the rear of the C-130 and nathan's snipers and mortar teams would assemble to shoot at anybody who approached it....meanwhile the C-130 would be climbing and executing a hard turn to make itself a harder profile to hit....this went on for days.
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