Twitter Introduces New 'White Supremacy' Algorythm; What Could Go Wrong?

Why would you object to white supremacists losing their platform?

Oh, I forgot, your messiah is Trump.

That explains it.

Most white supremacists despise Trump, an opinion you have in common with them.

I don't share the view that everyone who expresses an unpopular idea should be banned from expressing them. Obviously, many on the left don't share that concept.

Oh? You’ve got a poll from white supremacists?

Please share it….
More people are shot and killed due to the influence of rap music than muh white supreeemacy so why not delete rap music from the internet too?
Because White Supremacy is bullshit?

Because it has led to a world war?

Because it was the justification for the government inflicted murders of tens of millions of people?

Because it is anti-Christian, anti-human, and anti-rational?

If you are fine with left wingers dictating what you can and cannot say then theres something wrong with you...

I get your anger, but I ultimately support twitter to run there business they way they see fit. They are still subject to market forces, and as long as there is an alternative then they don’t have a monopoly. Were you happy when the baker had to bake a cake he didn’t agree with?
If you are fine with left wingers dictating what you can and cannot say then theres something wrong with you...

Did you realize a person can reject BOTH White Supremacy and Marxism at the same time?
Everything that exists in this civilization has been created by Americans and Europeans. Accept reality.

You mean besides all the stuff we import from Asia......actually, I have no idea what you mean.
Jeebus Jumpin Jimminy Cricket!

To the left anyone left of Mittens Romney is a White Supremacist.

Is this merely a cover for further purges of conservatives from Twitter?

Report: Twitter Employee Claims Company's 'White Supremacy Algorithm' Could Target Republican Politicians | Breitbart

The employee argued that, on a technical level, content from Republican politicians could get swept up by algorithms aggressively removing white supremacist material. Banning politicians wouldn’t be accepted by society as a trade-off for flagging all of the white supremacist propaganda, he argued.

There is no indication that this position is an official policy of Twitter, and the company told Motherboard that this “is not [an] accurate characterization of our policies or enforcement—on any level.” But the Twitter employee’s comments highlight the sometimes overlooked debate within the moderation of tech platforms: are moderation issues purely technical and algorithmic, or do societal norms play a greater role than some may acknowledge?
Amarnath Amarasingam, an extremism researcher at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, discussed why there may be issues with algorithmically removing white supremacist content on Twitter telling Motherboard:

“Most people can agree a beheading video or some kind of ISIS content should be proactively removed, but when we try to talk about the alt-right or white nationalism, we get into dangerous territory, where we’re talking about [Iowa Rep.] Steve King or maybe even some of Trump’s tweets, so it becomes hard for social media companies to say all of this ‘this content should be removed,’” Amarasingam said.

“There’s going to be controversy here that we didn’t see with ISIS, because there are more white nationalists than there are ISIS supporters, and white nationalists are closer to the levers of political power in the US and Europe than ISIS ever was.”​
To the rest of the world right wingers shooting up synagogues and burning black churches is a really terrible and deplorable thing. But to the right wing it seems like they’re just calling it good old boys having fun. RePublicans really good at defending the indefensible.
If you are fine with left wingers dictating what you can and cannot say then theres something wrong with you...

Did you realize a person can reject BOTH White Supremacy and Marxism at the same time?
Everything that exists in this civilization has been created by Americans and Europeans. Accept reality.
You mean except for everything that wasn’t. And I can tell you for sure all the modern stuff was created by scientists. Scientists . Scientists are people Republicans call liars and hate for being too smart. Scientists are people Republicans hate because they don’t know everything. Scientists are people Republicans hate because occasionally a scientist is (gasp) wrong about something.
If you are fine with left wingers dictating what you can and cannot say then theres something wrong with you...

Did you realize a person can reject BOTH White Supremacy and Marxism at the same time?
Everything that exists in this civilization has been created by Americans and Europeans. Accept reality.
You mean except for everything that wasn’t. And I can tell you for sure all the modern stuff was created by scientists. Scientists . Scientists are people Republicans call liars and hate for being too smart. Scientists are people Republicans hate because they don’t know everything. Scientists are people Republicans hate because occasionally a scientist is (gasp) wrong about something.
And yet the greatest ones are white. Go figure.
If you are fine with left wingers dictating what you can and cannot say then theres something wrong with you...

Did you realize a person can reject BOTH White Supremacy and Marxism at the same time?
Everything that exists in this civilization has been created by Americans and Europeans. Accept reality.
You mean except for everything that wasn’t. And I can tell you for sure all the modern stuff was created by scientists. Scientists . Scientists are people Republicans call liars and hate for being too smart. Scientists are people Republicans hate because they don’t know everything. Scientists are people Republicans hate because occasionally a scientist is (gasp) wrong about something.
And yet the greatest ones are white. Go figure.
Are they?

List of black Nobel laureates

List of Latino and Hispanic Nobel laureates

List of Muslim Nobel laureates

List of Asian Nobel laureates
If you are fine with left wingers dictating what you can and cannot say then theres something wrong with you...

Did you realize a person can reject BOTH White Supremacy and Marxism at the same time?

Did you know you don't have to buy into the Marxist multiculturalist anti-white propaganda?
Move to white utopia land that Hitler envisioned or shut the fuck up with all that bitch ass whining...yo side with it
More people are shot and killed due to the influence of rap music than muh white supreeemacy so why not delete rap music from the internet too?
One is a song. The other is a group of disgusting bigots & racists.

It's a-ok to sing songs glorifying gang violence, selling drugs and objectifying women? What about songs glorifying European heritage and cultural supremacy?
If you are fine with left wingers dictating what you can and cannot say then theres something wrong with you...

Did you realize a person can reject BOTH White Supremacy and Marxism at the same time?

Did you know you don't have to buy into the Marxist multiculturalist anti-white propaganda?
Move to white utopia land that Hitler envisioned or shut the fuck up with all that bitch ass whining...yo side with it

"My side" hasn't even started fighting yet.

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