Twitter locks out Trump

Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It's not "censorship". Incitement to riot is a crime. Posting things you know to be lies to incite people to riot isn't "free speech", it's sedition - also a crime. Yesterday, Trump told the people the election was "stolen" from him which is a lie, and one Trump knows to be untrue. He told his supporters to march to the Capital and "stop the steal".

Donald Trump told his supporters to march to the capital and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. And they did, or at least they tried to do so and failed.

Rioting has been accepted as political speech in America for years now. That you try to turn back the clock now, is you trying to have it both ways.


Rioting is NOT acceptable.. Peaceful protest is protected by law.. looting, vandalism and arson .. any violence is a crime. Do YOU know the difference?
Strange, it was acceptable in Portland, Seattle and Kenosha. CNN even said it was admirable. When did any of you Trump hating douchebags object to looting, vandalism and arson in those cities?

It's utterly hilarious watching you sleazy hypcrotical turds get irate about what happened in Washington yesterday.

Vandals, looters and arsonists were arrested, you moron. Protest is protected by law.. Rioting is not. My God, you Trumpies are so incredibly stupid.
No, most of them weren't arrested. If they were, they were immediately let go with no charges filed.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It's not "censorship". Incitement to riot is a crime. Posting things you know to be lies to incite people to riot isn't "free speech", it's sedition - also a crime. Yesterday, Trump told the people the election was "stolen" from him which is a lie, and one Trump knows to be untrue. He told his supporters to march to the Capital and "stop the steal".

Donald Trump told his supporters to march to the capital and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. And they did, or at least they tried to do so and failed.

Rioting has been accepted as political speech in America for years now. That you try to turn back the clock now, is you trying to have it both ways.


Rioting is NOT acceptable.. Peaceful protest is protected by law.. looting, vandalism and arson .. any violence is a crime. Do YOU know the difference?

Sure. Someone has to say it is peaceful protest no matter the amount of destruction or violence.

I am "someone" and I have said it. Thus it is so. That is all it has taken over the last 4 years.

Why are you pretending to be upset? Your side put a lot of working into fostering this "change".

Working hard for "Change" and then being afraid of it, is kind of pathetic.

With all due respect.

What are you talking about? I voted in the election like 150 million other Americans and Biden won.
Biden did not win. He swindled the election. That being said, you didn't address the fact that you turds have said looting, arson, murder and assault are perfectly acceptable if you're protesting.
Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.

This is about Traditional Americans who are tired of being pissed on, by fucking assholes.

Trump stepped forward to speak up for US, and we appreciate that. But we were here before him and we will be here after him.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, got some bad news for you. This is just the beginning.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It's not "censorship". Incitement to riot is a crime. Posting things you know to be lies to incite people to riot isn't "free speech", it's sedition - also a crime. Yesterday, Trump told the people the election was "stolen" from him which is a lie, and one Trump knows to be untrue. He told his supporters to march to the Capital and "stop the steal".

Donald Trump told his supporters to march to the capital and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. And they did, or at least they tried to do so and failed.

Rioting has been accepted as political speech in America for years now. That you try to turn back the clock now, is you trying to have it both ways.


Rioting is NOT acceptable.. Peaceful protest is protected by law.. looting, vandalism and arson .. any violence is a crime. Do YOU know the difference?
Strange, it was acceptable in Portland, Seattle and Kenosha. CNN even said it was admirable. When did any of you Trump hating douchebags object to looting, vandalism and arson in those cities?

It's utterly hilarious watching you sleazy hypcrotical turds get irate about what happened in Washington yesterday.

Vandals, looters and arsonists were arrested, you moron. Protest is protected by law.. Rioting is not. My God, you Trumpies are so incredibly stupid.
No, most of them weren't arrested. If they were, they were immediately let go with no charges filed.
Arrests are being made today...and investigations are beginning.

There's gonna be a lot of Trump assholes in jail shortly
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It's not "censorship". Incitement to riot is a crime. Posting things you know to be lies to incite people to riot isn't "free speech", it's sedition - also a crime. Yesterday, Trump told the people the election was "stolen" from him which is a lie, and one Trump knows to be untrue. He told his supporters to march to the Capital and "stop the steal".

Donald Trump told his supporters to march to the capital and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. And they did, or at least they tried to do so and failed.

Rioting has been accepted as political speech in America for years now. That you try to turn back the clock now, is you trying to have it both ways.


Rioting is NOT acceptable.. Peaceful protest is protected by law.. looting, vandalism and arson .. any violence is a crime. Do YOU know the difference?
Strange, it was acceptable in Portland, Seattle and Kenosha. CNN even said it was admirable. When did any of you Trump hating douchebags object to looting, vandalism and arson in those cities?

It's utterly hilarious watching you sleazy hypcrotical turds get irate about what happened in Washington yesterday.

Vandals, looters and arsonists were arrested, you moron. Protest is protected by law.. Rioting is not. My God, you Trumpies are so incredibly stupid.
No, most of them weren't arrested. If they were, they were immediately let go with no charges filed.
Arrests are being made today...and investigations are beginning.

There's gonna be a lot of Trump assholes in jail shortly
What's your point, asshole?
Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.

This is about Traditional Americans who are tired of being pissed on, by fucking assholes.

Yet they line up for a golden showers from Trump. What gives?

Trump stepped forward to speak up for US, and we appreciate that. But we were here before him and we will be here after him.

Trump spoke up for miscreants and shitstains. You'll crawl back under your rock when he goes away.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

It's not "censorship". Incitement to riot is a crime. Posting things you know to be lies to incite people to riot isn't "free speech", it's sedition - also a crime. Yesterday, Trump told the people the election was "stolen" from him which is a lie, and one Trump knows to be untrue. He told his supporters to march to the Capital and "stop the steal".

Donald Trump told his supporters to march to the capital and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. And they did, or at least they tried to do so and failed.

Rioting has been accepted as political speech in America for years now. That you try to turn back the clock now, is you trying to have it both ways.


Rioting is NOT acceptable.. Peaceful protest is protected by law.. looting, vandalism and arson .. any violence is a crime. Do YOU know the difference?
Strange, it was acceptable in Portland, Seattle and Kenosha. CNN even said it was admirable. When did any of you Trump hating douchebags object to looting, vandalism and arson in those cities?

It's utterly hilarious watching you sleazy hypcrotical turds get irate about what happened in Washington yesterday.

Vandals, looters and arsonists were arrested, you moron. Protest is protected by law.. Rioting is not. My God, you Trumpies are so incredibly stupid.
No, most of them weren't arrested. If they were, they were immediately let go with no charges filed.
Arrests are being made today...and investigations are beginning.

There's gonna be a lot of Trump assholes in jail shortly

Unequal before the law, got it.

Yep. This is only beginning.
Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.

This is about Traditional Americans who are tired of being pissed on, by fucking assholes.

Yet they line up for a golden showers from Trump. What gives?

Trump stepped forward to speak up for US, and we appreciate that. But we were here before him and we will be here after him.

Trump spoke up for miscreants and shitstains. You'll crawl back under your rock when he goes away.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?
Was there a point to your verbal diarrhea?
Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.

This is about Traditional Americans who are tired of being pissed on, by fucking assholes.

Yet they line up for a golden showers from Trump. What gives?

Trump stepped forward to speak up for US, and we appreciate that. But we were here before him and we will be here after him.

Trump spoke up for miscreants and shitstains. You'll crawl back under your rock when he goes away.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?
Was there a point to your verbal diarrhea?
Nothing you'd understand.
Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.

This is about Traditional Americans who are tired of being pissed on, by fucking assholes.

Yet they line up for a golden showers from Trump. What gives?

Trump stepped forward to speak up for US, and we appreciate that. But we were here before him and we will be here after him.

Trump spoke up for miscreants and shitstains. You'll crawl back under your rock when he goes away.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Also, your pretense to not understand the plural of "you" is just you playing stupid, to avoid the point.
Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.

This is about Traditional Americans who are tired of being pissed on, by fucking assholes.

Yet they line up for a golden showers from Trump. What gives?

Trump stepped forward to speak up for US, and we appreciate that. But we were here before him and we will be here after him.

Trump spoke up for miscreants and shitstains. You'll crawl back under your rock when he goes away.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Also, your pretense to not understand the plural of "you" is just you playing stupid, to avoid the point.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.

View attachment 438345

He could resurface on Parler.

Hmm... so they were mostly, peacefully, storming the capitol building. How does that work?
Same way it worked for BLM and Antifa.

And why would you want to emulate them? I mean, I've always said that Trump had more in common with progressives than with actual conservatives. You seem to be proving my point.

You fine with an unarmed woman being shot by a cop for no reason?

No, but if she's part of a mob storming the capitol building, it's kinda predictable.
But your ilk went crazy when a black guy who was arrested for cause died because he refused to cooperate with the police.

Do you actually believe it's OK for police to kill people for simple trespass?

Do you think its OK for a mob to storm the Capitol?
Patriots will soon be marching on the capitol.
Will they be dressed like the Village People?
Do you wear diapers?

I'll take that as a yes. Trump is a carnival con-man, and you are his mark.

That you think this is about TRump, shows how utterly ignorant you are.

LOL - sure, sure. Trump has nothing to do with it. Them's some heavy-duty hallucinogens you're tripping on. Be careful.

This is about Traditional Americans who are tired of being pissed on, by fucking assholes.

Yet they line up for a golden showers from Trump. What gives?

Trump stepped forward to speak up for US, and we appreciate that. But we were here before him and we will be here after him.

Trump spoke up for miscreants and shitstains. You'll crawl back under your rock when he goes away.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Also, your pretense to not understand the plural of "you" is just you playing stupid, to avoid the point.

Are you pretending to not understand the term, or pretending to not know that you side engages in it as a matter of course constantly?
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

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