Twitter locks out Trump

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google censoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.

Name the best example of his so called "division".

GIve one so we can seriously discuss it.

Pick a tweet - any tweet. He loves pissing people off and stoking hatred. Do you deny he's a troll?

Division means turning groups of people against other groups of people.

Give me your best example to back up your claim.

Also, ,it is worth noting you deny being a lefty, but are A. spouting the lefty part line and b, employing standard lefty evasive techniques.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google encoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
Then you, truly, do not understand the First Amendment.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Let us know when anyone is indicted for insurrection. All they really did was trespass and break one window. Do you believe a woman should be shot for trespassing?
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google encoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
Then you, truly, do not understand the First Amendment.
Sure I do. I also understand that you're a lying douchebag. You are not a libertarian.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.

Name the best example of his so called "division".

GIve one so we can seriously discuss it.

Pick a tweet - any tweet. He loves pissing people off and stoking hatred. Do you deny he's a troll?

Division means turning groups of people against other groups of people.

Give me your best example to back up your claim.

Jesus - seriously? Nearly everything the motherfucker says fills the bill. His stoking of xenophobia and racism. His constant name-calling and insults of opposition. His false accusations of anyone who opposes him.... do I need to go on?

Also, ,it is worth noting you deny being a lefty, but are A. spouting the lefty part line and b, employing standard lefty evasive techniques.

Quote me spouting the "lefty party line". Or rather, go looking for a quote, and when you fail, come back here and apologize.
Twitter is anti-america. This isn't surprising.
Anyone who doesn’t suck Trump’s dick is anti American to you, you fascist.
You believe anyone who doesn't suck Biden's dick should be shot.
Uh no. I literally never said that and nothing I have ever said should make you think that. You’re just making shit up.
Not in so many words.
Nope never made the implication either. Not even close.
Of course you have.
Lol go ahead and quote me. I’ll wait.
You are dismissed.
Yep, I figured you’d pussy out.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google censoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
The First Amendment protects individuals from government censorship. Social media platforms are private companies, and can censor what people post on their websites as they see fit.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google encoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
Then you, truly, do not understand the First Amendment.
Sure I do. I also understand that you're a lying douchebag. You are not a libertarian.

Fucking read a book. Whatever it is you think "libertarian" means, is way, way off the mark.
When you're shopping you have choices.

Consider whether the business where you're shopping advertises on Twitter.
If it does - move on. But first tell the proprietor (not some piss-ant clerk) in firm but gentle terms why you're not buying.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.

Name the best example of his so called "division".

GIve one so we can seriously discuss it.

Pick a tweet - any tweet. He loves pissing people off and stoking hatred. Do you deny he's a troll?

Division means turning groups of people against other groups of people.

Give me your best example to back up your claim.

Jesus - seriously? Nearly everything the motherfucker says fills the bill. His stoking of xenophobia and racism. His constant name-calling and insults of opposition. His false accusations of anyone who opposes him.... do I need to go on?

Also, ,it is worth noting you deny being a lefty, but are A. spouting the lefty part line and b, employing standard lefty evasive techniques.

Quote me spouting the "lefty party line". Or rather, go looking for a quote, and when you fail, come back here and apologize.

Dude. Insulting an opponent is not divisive.

You said divisive. Back it up or admit that you cannot.

"Stroking of xenophobia"?

Support that shit, concisely and seriously. Or admit that you cannot.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Let us know when anyone is indicted for insurrection. All they really did was trespass and break one window. Do you believe a woman should be shot for trespassing?

They interfered with government business, attacked the police while the police were protecting our duly elected officials and their motives were political in nature to overturn an election result. Sounds like insurrection to me and felonious. They did this while some were carrying handcuffs and they built a structure outside the capital for hanging.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.

Name the best example of his so called "division".

GIve one so we can seriously discuss it.

Pick a tweet - any tweet. He loves pissing people off and stoking hatred. Do you deny he's a troll?

Division means turning groups of people against other groups of people.

Give me your best example to back up your claim.

Jesus - seriously? Nearly everything the motherfucker says fills the bill. His stoking of xenophobia and racism. His constant name-calling and insults of opposition. His false accusations of anyone who opposes him.... do I need to go on?

Also, ,it is worth noting you deny being a lefty, but are A. spouting the lefty part line and b, employing standard lefty evasive techniques.

Quote me spouting the "lefty party line". Or rather, go looking for a quote, and when you fail, come back here and apologize.

Dude. Insulting an opponent is not divisive.

You said divisive. Back it up or admit that you cannot.

I gave you three examples. Address them, or admit you cannot. I'm not going to chase you around your denial bush.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.

Name the best example of his so called "division".

GIve one so we can seriously discuss it.

Pick a tweet - any tweet. He loves pissing people off and stoking hatred. Do you deny he's a troll?

Division means turning groups of people against other groups of people.

Give me your best example to back up your claim.

Jesus - seriously? Nearly everything the motherfucker says fills the bill. His stoking of xenophobia and racism. His constant name-calling and insults of opposition. His false accusations of anyone who opposes him.... do I need to go on?

Also, ,it is worth noting you deny being a lefty, but are A. spouting the lefty part line and b, employing standard lefty evasive techniques.

Quote me spouting the "lefty party line". Or rather, go looking for a quote, and when you fail, come back here and apologize.
I have no problem with division from blood sucking leftwing parasites.
Link coming

They need to kept the seditionist-in-chief under wraps.

His main means of communication needs to be taken away.

They should have done this years ago and for longer than 12 hours.
It's just weird watching someone celebrate censorship

Maybe he shouldn't incite a mob riot on the Capital. I know, you don't think he did because you're illiterate between the lines.

They were mostly peaceful. The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested.
Should, but wont.

But if a drunk black woman in Detroit pounds on your door at 3 am and you tell her to leave but she refuses, and you shoot and kill her thru the door, YOU GET 50 YEARS IN PRISON FOR MURDER

Yeah, shooting a drunk black woman is murder.

I don't know yet what the circumstances were for the shooting of the woman at the capital but I guess she wasn't listening to police and was in the act of breaking the law and from what you guys seem to say that means she's a lawful target. For me, I'll wait to see more details before passing judgement.

Funny how suddenly being unarmed or a woman or not a threat or that the man was bigger, or blah, blah, blah,

suddenly doesn't mean shit to you lefties.

Suddenly someone committing a crime shouldn't be shot according to you numbnuts.

I'm willing to see the evidence, you've made up your mind.
When did any right winger say people should be shot for committing misdemeanors?

Anybody who wants to shoot people for crossing the border for starters.

I'm also not so sure committing insurrection is a misdemeanor either.
Only morons believe they committed insurrection, and I have never advocated shooting people for crossing the border illegally.

Wingnuts have and it was insurrection. There purpose was to hold up our elections and they brought handcuffs and nooses because that's fun.

Let us know when anyone is indicted for insurrection. All they really did was trespass and break one window. Do you believe a woman should be shot for trespassing?

They interfered with government business, attacked the police while the police were protecting our duly elected officials and their motives were political in nature to overturn an election result. Sounds like insurrection to me and felonious. They did this while some were carrying handcuffs and they built a structure outside the capital for hanging.
They didn't attack the police. The police attacked them. "Interfering with government business" is not a crime that I'm aware of. Their motives are irrelevant. What are the motives of Antifa and BLM?

Bottom line: you're a douchebag who has two sets of standards - one for Democrats and another for Republicans.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google censoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
The First Amendment protects individuals from government censorship. Social media platforms are private companies, and can censor what people post on their websites as they see fit.
Twitter is a government protected monopoly. That makes it constrained by all the rules that constrain government. They are not a "platform." Platforms don't play favorites. Twitter is a publication and should be subject to all libel and defamation laws
When you're shopping you have choices.

Consider whether the business where you're shopping advertises on Twitter.
If it does - move on. But first tell the proprietor (not some piss-ant clerk) in firm but gentle terms why you're not buying.
Just don't use Twitter, period.
You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?

Well, I'm only 56, so you're full of shit right out of the gate. And I don't recall pushing any division or hatred. Examples?

The constant race baiting is the big one. A whole segment of society is not allowed to even discuss their interests, because even saying the name of their group, gets one dog piled.

Well, I don't recall doing that. Do you have quotes or links to posts where I'm doing that? I think you're just making shit up.

That is one example of the division lefties like you have been planting in our society since at least teh 60s.

Ahhh... there's your mistake. I'm not a lefty. Try again.

YOu asked a question. I answered. The answer stands. IF you are not a lefty, you still have seen the actions of lefties.

So, you happy now? Your question is answered.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

You answered nothing. You made a false claim. I called you on it. You said "You never considered the cost of all that division and hate you were pushing over the last 60 years?"

I haven't been pushing division and hate. I'm not a race-baiter and I'm not a liberal or a lefty. Your assumption was in correct.

Noted. You claim to not be a lefty. My answer still stands, even if it is not directly ABOUT you.

This is about Traditional Americans, Trump is just our current spokesman.

So, you happy with the answer? Do you have a comment on it?

So, you're just using my post to rail about "lefties". Ok.

Getting back to the topic, Twitter should have banned Trump long ago. He's a demagogue and thrives on division and hatred. He sows dissent and spreads paranoia.
You claim to be a libertarian, and you say twitter should ban Trump?

You realize what a douchebag hypocrite you are, don't you?

No. But it's clear you don't have the slightest clue about individual rights. Twitter has every right to ban Trump from their website. The fact that you don't get that - that you have the same, fucked-up, inverted conception of rights that progressives do, is telling. Freedom of speech means government can't pass laws to silence you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen, or put your horseshit on their website.
No, it doesn't have that right. It's a government protected monopoly. If it wants to be free to censor, then it needs to give up it's government protection from lawsuits.

LOL - fucking hypocrite. You really an uber-authoritarian. Is it the 'strongman' thing that gets you hard? Or do you just love state run media??
Says the fucking Commie who defends cnesorship this swindle election.

Says the sore loser who can't admit he loves bullies.
You're the bully, asshole. You defend censorship and shooting people for committing misdemeanors.

Nope. Wrong again. I defend the right of any business to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. As far as shooting people for misdemeanors, you're just making shit up. 'Cause making shit up is all you got.
What you don't defend is the First Amendment, and you endorse government protected monopolies the right to censor.
You should actually read the First Amendment. It starts with "Congress shall make no law ..." It's a limitation on government power. It prevents Congress from passing laws that limit speech. It's not a mandate on businesses to cater to every moron who thinks he has something to say. Libertarians understand this. You, do not.

What felony did the woman the capitol police shot commit?
Beats me. I never said she should have been shot. Again, you're just making shit up. I guess because you're cornered and have nothing else to defend your insane position.
I'm done arguing about this shit. If you support Twitter and Google encoring people, then you oppose the First Amendment.
Then you, truly, do not understand the First Amendment.
Sure I do. I also understand that you're a lying douchebag. You are not a libertarian.

Fucking read a book. Whatever it is you think "libertarian" means, is way, way off the mark.
I've been a libertarian for 40 years, and I've read hundreds of books on the subject. That's how I know that you are no libertarian. You're a Biden dick sucker.
Twitter is anti-america. This isn't surprising.
Anyone who doesn’t suck Trump’s dick is anti American to you, you fascist.
You believe anyone who doesn't suck Biden's dick should be shot.
Uh no. I literally never said that and nothing I have ever said should make you think that. You’re just making shit up.
Not in so many words.
Nope never made the implication either. Not even close.
Of course you have.
Lol go ahead and quote me. I’ll wait.
You are dismissed.
Yep, I figured you’d pussy out.
I have better things to do than go on your scavenger hunt.

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