Twitter To Censor Trump Tweets Ahead Of 2020 Election

So, what other industries to the Trumpsters want to declare "public utilities"?
Huh, English please

Which companies do you want to fuck over next?
So you are for companies having total freedom as long as it suits your political agenda or angle, but if it is conservative companies all hell breaks loose if it goes off the plantation eh ???

Nope. I defend the freedoms of conservative companies too. When Democrats come after Fox news, I'll be fighting them just as hard.
So, what other industries to the Trumpsters want to declare "public utilities"?
Huh, English please

Which companies do you want to fuck over next?
So you are for companies having total freedom as long as it suits your political agenda or angle, but if it is conservative companies all hell breaks loose if it goes off the plantation eh ???

Nope. I defend the freedoms of conservative companies too. When Democrats come after Fox news, I'll be fighting them just as hard.
Yeah ok.
So, what other industries to the Trumpsters want to declare "public utilities"?
Huh, English please

Which companies do you want to fuck over next?
So you are for companies having total freedom as long as it suits your political agenda or angle, but if it is conservative companies all hell breaks loose if it goes off the plantation eh ???

Nope. I defend the freedoms of conservative companies too. When Democrats come after Fox news, I'll be fighting them just as hard.
Yeah ok.

Will you? If you all get your way, and establish federal authority to "regulate" internet media - will you be OK with Democrats using it get their way?
Huh, English please

Which companies do you want to fuck over next?
So you are for companies having total freedom as long as it suits your political agenda or angle, but if it is conservative companies all hell breaks loose if it goes off the plantation eh ???

Nope. I defend the freedoms of conservative companies too. When Democrats come after Fox news, I'll be fighting them just as hard.
Yeah ok.

Will you? If you all get your way, and establish federal authority to "regulate" internet media - will you be OK with Democrats using it get their way?
The fcc regulates FOX news, who regulates Twitter? At some point in your life talk apples to apples
Which companies do you want to fuck over next?
So you are for companies having total freedom as long as it suits your political agenda or angle, but if it is conservative companies all hell breaks loose if it goes off the plantation eh ???

Nope. I defend the freedoms of conservative companies too. When Democrats come after Fox news, I'll be fighting them just as hard.
Yeah ok.

Will you? If you all get your way, and establish federal authority to "regulate" internet media - will you be OK with Democrats using it get their way?
The fcc regulates FOX news, who regulates Twitter? At some point in your life talk apples to apples

If you get your way, the government will. Democrats are going to love that when they get back in power.
So you are for companies having total freedom as long as it suits your political agenda or angle, but if it is conservative companies all hell breaks loose if it goes off the plantation eh ???

Nope. I defend the freedoms of conservative companies too. When Democrats come after Fox news, I'll be fighting them just as hard.
Yeah ok.

Will you? If you all get your way, and establish federal authority to "regulate" internet media - will you be OK with Democrats using it get their way?
The fcc regulates FOX news, who regulates Twitter? At some point in your life talk apples to apples

If you get your way, the government will. Democrats are going to love that when they get back in power.
Fox News is, what’s the difference?

Still lost aren’t you
So the NYT may write that you’re an alien and be Ok with it? There are certain rules to journalism and Twitter is closer to NYT than AT&T and should be regulated as such.

Twitter does not publish anything, they are a platform for others to post things. the NY Times is just the opposite.

They are all three separate types of entities and should all be treated differently.

you can repeat 1000 more time that Twitter is like ATT but it does not make it true.
Twitter should be treated like USMB. Pretty similar? Yet Twitter receives greater protections than USMB. Ask the Mods. Why is that? If they are truly just an internet conduit of info. then why do they block content? They should not block anything but allow the users to block content, which they may but Twitter, which leans Left is blocking conservatives. I am not on Twitter but I find that alarming if in fact they claim to be just a conduit and not like the NYT..a source for biased info.

They block content because as your link above alluded to, they can still be sued for what is on their site

Then they should not advertise or be classified as a neutral provider of content. They block what they deem is offensive. Subjective. Should be regulated as such imo. We are going in circles we need a third party to moderate.

Being a neutral provider of content does not prohibit you from blocking content that would damage your company.

Which is subjective. Hence you’re not neutral.

Then no such thing exist, nor should it exist. A private company should always do what is best for its bottom line.

This isnt a private company. Its a public company.
They block content because as your link above alluded to, they can still be sued for what is on their site

Then they should not advertise or be classified as a neutral provider of content. They block what they deem is offensive. Subjective. Should be regulated as such imo. We are going in circles we need a third party to moderate.

Being a neutral provider of content does not prohibit you from blocking content that would damage your company.

Which is subjective. Hence you’re not neutral.

Then no such thing exist, nor should it exist. A private company should always do what is best for its bottom line.

This isnt a private company. Its a public company.

Who knows what you mean by "public company", but Twitter is privately owned. It is not the property of the state.
Yeah private business can do whatev er they want and refuse service to who ever they want

Unless youre a leftwing nazi drama queen fag harassing bakers

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They block content because as your link above alluded to, they can still be sued for what is on their site

Then they should not advertise or be classified as a neutral provider of content. They block what they deem is offensive. Subjective. Should be regulated as such imo. We are going in circles we need a third party to moderate.

Being a neutral provider of content does not prohibit you from blocking content that would damage your company.

Which is subjective. Hence you’re not neutral.

Then no such thing exist, nor should it exist. A private company should always do what is best for its bottom line.

This isnt a private company. Its a public company.

It is a private entity as in the government does not own or operate it.

I realize you think the government should own everything, but some of us do not agree with that
Every media outlet selectively will you decide which ones get free speech protections and which ones don't?

We're not talking about "free speech protections".. We're talking about immunizing a media platform for content that THEY don't create.. So if some hot-head troll slanders or libels somebody or incites a crime on their platform, the plaintiff can't INCLUDE their deep pockets in a law suit... They would have to go after the member who created the content...

USMB immunizes itself with a legal disclaimer in the Terms and Conditions, but could STILL BE sued and closed for not enforcing the "other terms and conditions" that appear there.. Twitter and the other giants got a special deal...

It's almost completely the same as the VACCINE companies got from the Feds.. I'm not completely opposed to DOING THIS -- but if they discriminate by OPINIONS or political affiliations --- as a public accommodation, they should LOSE their Federal legal immunity for content prosecution...

so are you saying platform owners should be able to be sued for the content that appears on their platforms?

Nope. What he is saying is that Twitter tells the Govt that they are like AT&T. They are just a conduit of messages. If I call you to discuss a bank robbery, AT&T is not liable as they are just a platform for communication. But imagine if AT&T blocked every fifth word or didn’t allow people who liked the color red to talk on their phone lines? They would then need to register as a different sort of company. If Twitter is like AT&T, which is their claim then what right do they have to censor anyone? They are just a conduit of information. Someone can get on the phone and state that they want to kill all 7 foot tall people and AT&T would not censor them. Twitter censors frequently and from what I read, mostly conservatives.
Mostly conservatives? Or is it, at this time, that is more conservatives who are engaging in the kind of content that breaks the TOS.

I don’t think the government should be involved in censoring the media beyond things that affect national security (such as recruiting for terrorists). I do however think that monopolies are a much bigger concern. What competition does twitter or fb have? If people are not happy where can they go?
They do when it comes to regulations. 100%. They say they are just a conduit of content. But they aren’t as they choose which content people can post and which they cannot. As such they are more like a newspaper and should be held to those regulations. NYT and AT&T are not regulated the same way.

Newspapers produce what they publish or pay for it from other sources. They do not allow anyone to put an article in their paper, they hold 100% editorial control.

Sites like this and Twitter and even FB do not do that. They exercise some control over content but they do not produce the content and they do not pay for the content.

You are still comparing apples to oranges to pineapples.

Should this site be treated like a newspaper and be held responsible for every single thing you or I post?

I disagree with you! They do exactly as the newspapers do. Exercise editorial control by banning mostly conservatives. I am not comparing apples to oranges. Twitter is! This site doesn’t block content or those who post based on political identity and when you register you agree to the disclaimer that the site is not liable. But yes this site may still be sued!!! Twitter cannot as it received a special disclaimer from the govt
What conservatives are banned in newspapers and what is the reason given?
Yeah private business can do whatev er they want and refuse service to who ever they want

Unless youre a leftwing nazi drama queen fag harassing bakers


Yes! It's exactly the same principle. Government shouldn't have that kind of power.
Then why did you vote for obammy?

I didn't.

So, do you agree that government shouldn't have that kind of power?
Government should protect the public from crime and that’s it
Yeah private business can do whatev er they want and refuse service to who ever they want

Unless youre a leftwing nazi drama queen fag harassing bakers


Yes! It's exactly the same principle. Government shouldn't have that kind of power.
Then why did you vote for obammy?

I didn't.

So, do you agree that government shouldn't have that kind of power?
Government should protect the public from crime and that’s it
Vague equivocation. Lovely.

Government shouldn't have the power to "go after" businesses who aren't toeing the party line. Businesses should be free to express their values in how they do business, and no government should have the power to take that away.
Remove section 230 protections, for a start.

Why should a social media that is selectively censoring content that SHOULD BE free speech get a SPECIAL FEDERAL protection against prosecution? If they are gonna over-moderate users that make them uncomfortable, they don't NEED legal immunity...

USMB can't get that deal... Why should Twitter?

Every media outlet selectively will you decide which ones get free speech protections and which ones don't?

As privately owned they have a right to decide what sort of messaging they allow on their platforms?

They will not be private for much longer.
What’s disturbing is how conservatives are actually proud of their authoritarianism – in the age of Trump contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions has become a badge of honor for conservatives.

In an age where journalistic independence and freedom is imperiled around the world we need to be really careful in demanding censorship.

That said, social media platforms have been allowed to run wild with no accountability, unlike traditional media. It is a new world, and I am not sure what the answers to the huge problems that are arising from it.

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