Twitter tries to fact check woman’s obituary



This is how far the social media Marxists will go to try and brainwash their masses.

All of these Covid numbers are fucking bullshit

Example. 85 yr old woman in end stage renal and liver failure catches Covid and dies...................Reason: Covid...LOLOLOLOLOL

The fucking bullshit these libturds did with this are crimes against humanity
People just aren't coming around quickly enough to what's really going down out there.
Americans have gotten lazy. They aren’t going to pay attention until it slaps them upside the head.

Wait until they start witnessing the shortages of pet food ( already happening),toys for Christmas,car parts/ cars. Then they will start whining even though we have been trying to clue them in for a year or longer.
Americans have gotten lazy. They aren’t going to pay attention until it slaps them upside the head.

Wait until they start witnessing the shortages of pet food ( already happening),toys for Christmas,car parts/ cars. Then they will start whining even though we have been trying to clue them in for a year or longer.

I have been trying, with very limited success, to awaken family members to the collapse of all we know and understand to be America. My wife and I are "on board", as a are a few other family members and close friends. Myself and a couple of Army buddies have seen this kind of "thing" go down before, in person, in other places around the world. Despite our firsthand experience and knowledge of the rise of totalitarianism and genocide/democide, most people we have tried to warn will not listen, will not hear it; they are too firmly fixed in false reality and false comfort, as if they've been caught in quicksand.

My in-laws, my wife's parents, while extremely well educated have both voluntarily been jabbed and firmly believe that since they've been vaccinated they are in the clear and all will return soon to pre-pandemic normal. They will not allow us, my wife and I, to enter their home or even sit down across from them in a restaurant, unless we are masked. Further, they are applying constant relentless pressure on my wife to get the jab(s). This Cult of the Vaccinated has made madmen out of people we know and love and used to be able to trust. I am guessing it's also like this for many other Americans and people around the world.

So it looks like the bad guys are winning—about to win. Looks like it's a matter of time until THEY will take everything away from the unvaccinated and perhaps even go door to door force vaccinating the holdouts. I suppose we'll soon find out . . .

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