Two anti gun bills introduced in California

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You keep pathetically saying I hate guns. I have guns and use them myself. You're a gun nut, so believe what you want. You've pushed the issue much further than you should have, and the results won't be what you expected.

Obviously you don't know any reasonable gun owners. If you only hang with gun nuts, that's probably why you don't see the majority of the country supports reasonable gun restrictions.

It is highly doubtful you own firearms. You know so little about them, and how they are used that your protestations to the opposite simply make your claim unbelievable.

I really don't care what you believe. Gun nuts believe so many silly things. No, I'm not a gun expert,but I know about the ones I have. What exactly makes you think otherwise?

Easy, the very words you use to describe those who you don't like. No gun owner I know uses the term "gun nut". Not one. I won't bother to tell what we do call ourselves.

I guess you only hang with gun nuts. Most gun owners don't really go for your bullshit. They know reasonable restrictions are a good thing. The NRA used to know that before they went nuts.

Guess you only hang out with progressive lunatics who hate the Constitution of the US and hate this country as well. You have been trying to dismantle it for the last 100 years or so. Why don't you move to a country that has the same beliefs that you have? Why do you insist on dragging the single constitutional republic that exists on this planet and changing us into the same type of governmental system that exists everywhere else? Freedom terrifies you that much?

I'm feeling my years, but I'm not old enough to have done anything 100 years ago. More than 90% of Americans want reasonable gun control. Much more than half of gun owners want reasonable gun control. More than half of NRA members want reasonable gun control. Are you trying to say all of us hate the constitution and hate this country as well? Your pathetic rant about how you think I hate the constitution or the country probably gets approval when you're around other gun nuts, but not so much in the sane world. Enjoy your tinfoil hat and silly militia mentality. Sane people laugh at you. You are mistaken to believe that all gun owners agree with your childish beliefs.
Typical gun nut belief. Reasonable people know better.

Everything they "know" is wrong.

Just to be clear, are you saying everything reasonable people know is wrong? Typical gun nut attitude.

You don't get to define "reasonable". That's the problem with you regressives, you think people who disagree with you aren't reasonable, that road goes both ways.

You oppose any restrictions. That would include reasonable restrictions.

You have 20,000 gun laws on the books already. Your compromise will only end when the people of this country are disarmed thus you are by definition unreasonable. You demand we give up everything and you are unwilling to give up anything. Thus you are either insane or incredibly stupid. I'll let you choose which you are.

Typical gun nut rant. Stupid,but typical.
Typical gun nut belief. Reasonable people know better.

Everything they "know" is wrong.

Just to be clear, are you saying everything reasonable people know is wrong? Typical gun nut attitude.

You don't get to define "reasonable". That's the problem with you regressives, you think people who disagree with you aren't reasonable, that road goes both ways.

You oppose any restrictions. That would include reasonable restrictions.

Our definition of reasonable restrictions are different, live with it and stop the name calling. You sound like a child.

You've made it quite clear that you oppose any restrictions
Everything they "know" is wrong.

Just to be clear, are you saying everything reasonable people know is wrong? Typical gun nut attitude.

You don't get to define "reasonable". That's the problem with you regressives, you think people who disagree with you aren't reasonable, that road goes both ways.

You oppose any restrictions. That would include reasonable restrictions.

You have 20,000 gun laws on the books already. Your compromise will only end when the people of this country are disarmed thus you are by definition unreasonable. You demand we give up everything and you are unwilling to give up anything. Thus you are either insane or incredibly stupid. I'll let you choose which you are.

Typical gun nut rant. Stupid,but typical.

Rant? Those are facts. What do you present? Oh yes, you call people names and demand we give you things. In other words it is YOU who are the ranter here.
Everything they "know" is wrong.

Just to be clear, are you saying everything reasonable people know is wrong? Typical gun nut attitude.

You don't get to define "reasonable". That's the problem with you regressives, you think people who disagree with you aren't reasonable, that road goes both ways.

You oppose any restrictions. That would include reasonable restrictions.

Our definition of reasonable restrictions are different, live with it and stop the name calling. You sound like a child.

You've made it quite clear that you oppose any restrictions

You already have 20,000. How many more do you need?
Obviously you don't know any reasonable gun owners. If you only hang with gun nuts, that's probably why you don't see the majority of the country supports reasonable gun restrictions.

It is highly doubtful you own firearms. You know so little about them, and how they are used that your protestations to the opposite simply make your claim unbelievable.

I really don't care what you believe. Gun nuts believe so many silly things. No, I'm not a gun expert,but I know about the ones I have. What exactly makes you think otherwise?

Easy, the very words you use to describe those who you don't like. No gun owner I know uses the term "gun nut". Not one. I won't bother to tell what we do call ourselves.

I guess you only hang with gun nuts. Most gun owners don't really go for your bullshit. They know reasonable restrictions are a good thing. The NRA used to know that before they went nuts.

Guess you only hang out with progressive lunatics who hate the Constitution of the US and hate this country as well. You have been trying to dismantle it for the last 100 years or so. Why don't you move to a country that has the same beliefs that you have? Why do you insist on dragging the single constitutional republic that exists on this planet and changing us into the same type of governmental system that exists everywhere else? Freedom terrifies you that much?

I'm feeling my years, but I'm not old enough to have done anything 100 years ago. More than 90% of Americans want reasonable gun control. Much more than half of gun owners want reasonable gun control. More than half of NRA members want reasonable gun control. Are you trying to say all of us hate the constitution and hate this country as well? Your pathetic rant about how you think I hate the constitution or the country probably gets approval when you're around other gun nuts, but not so much in the sane world. Enjoy your tinfoil hat and silly militia mentality. Sane people laugh at you. You are mistaken to believe that all gun owners agree with your childish beliefs.

That number is a lie promulgated by a billionaire elitist. Go figure. You people bleat all about the one percenters and how they are screwing you over, and then a one percenter of the one percenters wants to ban guns so they can REALLY fuck you over, you spread your ass cheeks for him.

Typical brainless 'tard.
Everything they "know" is wrong.

Just to be clear, are you saying everything reasonable people know is wrong? Typical gun nut attitude.

You don't get to define "reasonable". That's the problem with you regressives, you think people who disagree with you aren't reasonable, that road goes both ways.

You oppose any restrictions. That would include reasonable restrictions.

Our definition of reasonable restrictions are different, live with it and stop the name calling. You sound like a child.

You've made it quite clear that you oppose any restrictions

That would be any NEW restrictions, the CDC reported that existing gun laws have virtually no impact on the criminal use of guns, yet you demand people give the criminals an advantage by giving up their ability to have equal or greater firepower than the criminals will have. Sorry I ain't buying that.
All regulations are a violation of the 2nd Amendment. What part of "shall not infringe" don't you anti-gun nuts understand?

That was part of my point. Gun nuts think any regulation is an assault on your rights. You think everyone, every thug, every terrorist, every mentally unstable person should be fully armed, and any effort to reasonably restrict guns is bad.You are stupid and wrong, but you being a gun nut, I don't think you can help yourself.

Every regulation proposed in the last 50 years is a violation of your 2nd amendment rights.

Typical gun nut belief. Reasonable people know better.

Everything they "know" is wrong.

Just to be clear, are you saying everything reasonable people know is wrong? Typical gun nut attitude.

You are not reasonable...
You already have 20,000. How many more do you need?
Ten, that the NRA can't undermine.
And the criminals will ignore. How completely banal your responses are.
Yes, let's have no laws because the criminals will only ignore and disobey them which makes them, wait for it, dumbass .................................................................................................criminals, by definition.
Just to be clear, are you saying everything reasonable people know is wrong? Typical gun nut attitude.

You don't get to define "reasonable". That's the problem with you regressives, you think people who disagree with you aren't reasonable, that road goes both ways.

You oppose any restrictions. That would include reasonable restrictions.

Our definition of reasonable restrictions are different, live with it and stop the name calling. You sound like a child.

You've made it quite clear that you oppose any restrictions

That would be any NEW restrictions, the CDC reported that existing gun laws have virtually no impact on the criminal use of guns, yet you demand people give the criminals an advantage by giving up their ability to have equal or greater firepower than the criminals will have. Sorry I ain't buying that.
We have the wrong laws, obviously. Does this actually need to be pointed out to you?
You already have 20,000. How many more do you need?
Ten, that the NRA can't undermine.
And the criminals will ignore. How completely banal your responses are.
Yes, let's have no laws, the criminals will only ignore and disobey them which makes them, wait for it, dumbass.......................................................................criminals, by definition.

Show me a single gun law that has worked anywhere silly boy. Norway has some of the strictest in the world. A scumbag murdered more people with a gun than any mass murderer has accomplished here in the States. You're a brainless retard.
Yes it is.....magazines are just one way to get certain guns banned since the manufacturer will just not make those guns and so they won't be selling their guns in California.....a backdoor ban.

And it is pointless....magazine capacity has no bearing on crime or mass shootings...but it does allow them to attack semi automatic guns.

Nothing more than closing a loophole in the detachable magazine law. Any regulation is anti gun in the mind of a gun nut, and you are no exception. You want to assure that terrorists can easily get all the guns they want so your opinion isn't worth listening to.

All regulations are a violation of the 2nd Amendment. What part of "shall not infringe" don't you anti-gun nuts understand?

That was part of my point. Gun nuts think any regulation is an assault on your rights. You think everyone, every thug, every terrorist, every mentally unstable person should be fully armed, and any effort to reasonably restrict guns is bad.You are stupid and wrong, but you being a gun nut, I don't think you can help yourself.

No, we don't. We WANT bad guys who use guns to commit crimes to go to jail forever. It is you silly people who keep letting them out to prey on the innocent over and over.

So what are you willing to do to determine who those people are, and to limit their ability to purchase guns, or would you see any of those efforts as an affront to your gun nut mentality?

Easy....when they use a gun to commit a crime you arrest them. When cops stop someone for a traffic stop or other interaction, and they find a gun, they run the persons name and birthdate...if they are felons and they had that gun, they can be arrested on the spot.

See...the beauty of those two things.....they actually stop criminals. Everything anti gun nuts like you do makes law abiding people into criminals...and does nothing to stop actual criminals who use are mentally ill....
Show me a single gun law that has worked anywhere silly boy. Norway has some of the strictest in the world. A scumbag murdered more people with a gun than any mass murderer has accomplished here in the States. You're a brainless retard.
As usual, gun laws work very well in Japan, which has, on average, fewer than 15 and as few as two gun murders a year for a population 2/5th as large as the US.
You keep pathetically saying I hate guns. I have guns and use them myself. You're a gun nut, so believe what you want. You've pushed the issue much further than you should have, and the results won't be what you expected.

Obviously you don't know any reasonable gun owners. If you only hang with gun nuts, that's probably why you don't see the majority of the country supports reasonable gun restrictions.

It is highly doubtful you own firearms. You know so little about them, and how they are used that your protestations to the opposite simply make your claim unbelievable.

I really don't care what you believe. Gun nuts believe so many silly things. No, I'm not a gun expert,but I know about the ones I have. What exactly makes you think otherwise?

Easy, the very words you use to describe those who you don't like. No gun owner I know uses the term "gun nut". Not one. I won't bother to tell what we do call ourselves.

I guess you only hang with gun nuts. Most gun owners don't really go for your bullshit. They know reasonable restrictions are a good thing. The NRA used to know that before they went nuts.

Guess you only hang out with progressive lunatics who hate the Constitution of the US and hate this country as well. You have been trying to dismantle it for the last 100 years or so. Why don't you move to a country that has the same beliefs that you have? Why do you insist on dragging the single constitutional republic that exists on this planet and changing us into the same type of governmental system that exists everywhere else? Freedom terrifies you that much?

Because they are mentally ill....they are OCD against freedom.....they are compelled from some uncontrollable impulse to seek out free people and take their freedoms away......
Obviously you don't know any reasonable gun owners. If you only hang with gun nuts, that's probably why you don't see the majority of the country supports reasonable gun restrictions.

It is highly doubtful you own firearms. You know so little about them, and how they are used that your protestations to the opposite simply make your claim unbelievable.

I really don't care what you believe. Gun nuts believe so many silly things. No, I'm not a gun expert,but I know about the ones I have. What exactly makes you think otherwise?

Easy, the very words you use to describe those who you don't like. No gun owner I know uses the term "gun nut". Not one. I won't bother to tell what we do call ourselves.

I guess you only hang with gun nuts. Most gun owners don't really go for your bullshit. They know reasonable restrictions are a good thing. The NRA used to know that before they went nuts.

Guess you only hang out with progressive lunatics who hate the Constitution of the US and hate this country as well. You have been trying to dismantle it for the last 100 years or so. Why don't you move to a country that has the same beliefs that you have? Why do you insist on dragging the single constitutional republic that exists on this planet and changing us into the same type of governmental system that exists everywhere else? Freedom terrifies you that much?

Because they are mentally ill....they are OCD against freedom.....they are compelled from some uncontrollable impulse to seek out free people and take their freedoms away......
Guns are one freedom most people no longer need. Like the freedom to marry a ten-year-old girl, you could do that here once, or have an unregulated induced abortion, that was legal as well, times have changed.
You see silly oppressive crap like this and then when the Moon Bats say they are for "reasonable" gun laws you will just laugh at them.

These Libtards wouldn't know the meaning of the word "reasonable" if it bit them in the ass.
Show me a single gun law that has worked anywhere silly boy. Norway has some of the strictest in the world. A scumbag murdered more people with a gun than any mass murderer has accomplished here in the States. You're a brainless retard.
As usual, gun laws work very well in Japan, which has, on average, fewer than 15 and as few as two gun murders a year for a population 2/5th as large as the US.

Wrong....gun laws do not stop the Yakuza from getting guns when they want to kill each other...I have posted about the gang wars...and how they use grenades and guns to kill each other in fact, they are on the verge of another gang war.

What makes Japan a low crime country...Japanese a people they are homogeneous, they have not allowed violent muslims into their country, they do not allow each other to commit crime and use group shame to keep their people in line. Also, they give their police and prosecutors vast powers to enforce the law.....things you anti gun nuts would never allow here...they have stop and frisk x100, a police officer can stop you and frisk you for any reason, anytime and you can't say crap to them.....also, the judges look the other way at presecutorial abuses of prisoners....

So no, gun laws do not stop gun crime in Japan, their culture does...especially their criminal culture which is unique....they have store fronts for their criminal gangs and their criminal gang leaders are open and respected in the community.....

Sell that Japan gun control crap to people who don't know the issue.
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