Two anti gun bills introduced in California

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The legal definition of assault is an intentional act which causes bodily harm to a person. Now it seems that big brother in the Golden State is compelling citizens to register their formerly legally owned firearms as instruments of intentional bodily harm. Since the rate of automobile accidents is higher than gunshot victims why not compel automobile owners to register their cars as assault weapons?
The legal definition of assault is an intentional act which causes bodily harm to a person. Now it seems big brother in the Golden State is compelling legal gun owners to register their formerly legally owned weapons as instruments of intentional bodily harm or face arrest. Since the rate of automobile accidents is higher than gunshot victims why not compel automobile owners to register their cars as assault weapons?
A car wasn't designed only to kill but, a gun was. Apples and bathroom cleaner.
The legal definition of assault is an intentional act which causes bodily harm to a person. Now it seems big brother in the Golden State is compelling legal gun owners to register their formerly legally owned weapons as instruments of intentional bodily harm or face arrest. Since the rate of automobile accidents is higher than gunshot victims why not compel automobile owners to register their cars as assault weapons?

You really should look that shit up before you spout such wrong information.

An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal and/or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and tortlaw.

Bodily harm is not required. A threat of bodily harm is
Guess you only hang out with progressive lunatics who hate the Constitution of the US and hate this country as well. You have been trying to dismantle it for the last 100 years or so. Why don't you move to a country that has the same beliefs that you have? Why do you insist on dragging the single constitutional republic that exists on this planet and changing us into the same type of governmental system that exists everywhere else? Freedom terrifies you that much?

I'm feeling my years, but I'm not old enough to have done anything 100 years ago. More than 90% of Americans want reasonable gun control. Much more than half of gun owners want reasonable gun control. More than half of NRA members want reasonable gun control. Are you trying to say all of us hate the constitution and hate this country as well? Your pathetic rant about how you think I hate the constitution or the country probably gets approval when you're around other gun nuts, but not so much in the sane world. Enjoy your tinfoil hat and silly militia mentality. Sane people laugh at you. You are mistaken to believe that all gun owners agree with your childish beliefs.

That number is a lie promulgated by a billionaire elitist. Go figure. You people bleat all about the one percenters and how they are screwing you over, and then a one percenter of the one percenters wants to ban guns so they can REALLY fuck you over, you spread your ass cheeks for him.

Typical brainless 'tard.

Right. Everything that doesn't support your pathetic fears is a big conspiracy. Typical RWNJ / gun nut

oh look! The silly person with no argument resorts to calling people names. How precious!

Hypocrite much? Just admit you are too afraid to face the world without a gun. Those little old ladies in Walmart might attack you. Embrace your cowardice. You'll feel better.

Wal-Mart Parking Lots Are A Virtual Magnet For Crime

LOWER PRICES, MORE VIOLENCE: Walmart Linked To Higher Crime Rates: Study

Wal-mart Crime Report

Meth Labs & Selling Babies: 10 Bizarre Crimes in Walmart Parking Lots

There's more, you were saying?
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.
I'm feeling my years, but I'm not old enough to have done anything 100 years ago. More than 90% of Americans want reasonable gun control. Much more than half of gun owners want reasonable gun control. More than half of NRA members want reasonable gun control. Are you trying to say all of us hate the constitution and hate this country as well? Your pathetic rant about how you think I hate the constitution or the country probably gets approval when you're around other gun nuts, but not so much in the sane world. Enjoy your tinfoil hat and silly militia mentality. Sane people laugh at you. You are mistaken to believe that all gun owners agree with your childish beliefs.

That number is a lie promulgated by a billionaire elitist. Go figure. You people bleat all about the one percenters and how they are screwing you over, and then a one percenter of the one percenters wants to ban guns so they can REALLY fuck you over, you spread your ass cheeks for him.

Typical brainless 'tard.

Right. Everything that doesn't support your pathetic fears is a big conspiracy. Typical RWNJ / gun nut

oh look! The silly person with no argument resorts to calling people names. How precious!

Hypocrite much? Just admit you are too afraid to face the world without a gun. Those little old ladies in Walmart might attack you. Embrace your cowardice. You'll feel better.

Wal-Mart Parking Lots Are A Virtual Magnet For Crime

LOWER PRICES, MORE VIOLENCE: Walmart Linked To Higher Crime Rates: Study

Wal-mart Crime Report

Meth Labs & Selling Babies: 10 Bizarre Crimes in Walmart Parking Lots

There's more, you were saying?

At least you will admit you live in constant fear.
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?
Our definition of reasonable restrictions are different, live with it and stop the name calling. You sound like a child.

You've made it quite clear that you oppose any restrictions

That would be any NEW restrictions, the CDC reported that existing gun laws have virtually no impact on the criminal use of guns, yet you demand people give the criminals an advantage by giving up their ability to have equal or greater firepower than the criminals will have. Sorry I ain't buying that.

Of course you aren't. You're firmly inside the RWNJ bubble.

So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?
You've made it quite clear that you oppose any restrictions

That would be any NEW restrictions, the CDC reported that existing gun laws have virtually no impact on the criminal use of guns, yet you demand people give the criminals an advantage by giving up their ability to have equal or greater firepower than the criminals will have. Sorry I ain't buying that.

Of course you aren't. You're firmly inside the RWNJ bubble.

So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?
Murdering people is your shtick. Not mine.
Man passes through TSA security with loaded gun in carry-on bag, boards plane

50 years, of hard labor correct??

And what "valuable content" you are providing us with today. Simply amazing.
Possession is not a crime. Now, if he were to brandish the weapon at a TSA agent then yes. Ship him off to prison.
It's illegal for a normal person to take a loaded gun (or any gun) on board a commercial aircraft. 50 years, no questions asked: Airlines Firearm Rules

But as I said, why not just shoot them, and be done with it?

And that sort of law is stupid. There was a time when I carried a gun on an airplane when I traveled. No one cared. In fact I was such a regular the pilots were curious as to what I was carrying on any particular day. Like I said, possession is not a violation, the criminal misuse of it is. I understand that you have a problem with conceptual thinking but that's your issue. Not mine.
That would be any NEW restrictions, the CDC reported that existing gun laws have virtually no impact on the criminal use of guns, yet you demand people give the criminals an advantage by giving up their ability to have equal or greater firepower than the criminals will have. Sorry I ain't buying that.

Of course you aren't. You're firmly inside the RWNJ bubble.

So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I own several machine guns so yeah, i do. I used to own a M203 grenade launcher but the ammo was too expensive so I sold it.
What do you think I want you to give me? I'm sorry if you are such a coward till you think you need to be armed 24/7 but that's a gun nut problem for you to deal with. I'm not the one who scared you.

Yeah sure little one. Anyone who calls people cowards for being prepared is simply a moron. So, you pussy. Drop your car insurance. If you even own a car that is. And only cowards have home insurance. Pussies!

My car insurance can't go off and kill someone. You big coward.

No, it can't. It protects you from idiots and assholes. Guess what, my gun can't just go off and kill someone either. I have to pull the trigger, just like you have to press down on the accelerator, you big pussy!

Toddlers shoot more Americans than terrorists, and more preschoolers are shot and killed than cops. Admit you are just a coward.

Good luck proving that silly person. You are now just getting stupid. Well, you are pretty much always stupid, now you're just getting really, really stupid.

TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists
Murdering people is your shtick. Not mine.
Man passes through TSA security with loaded gun in carry-on bag, boards plane

50 years, of hard labor correct??

And what "valuable content" you are providing us with today. Simply amazing.
Possession is not a crime. Now, if he were to brandish the weapon at a TSA agent then yes. Ship him off to prison.
It's illegal for a normal person to take a loaded gun (or any gun) on board a commercial aircraft. 50 years, no questions asked: Airlines Firearm Rules

But as I said, why not just shoot them, and be done with it?

And that sort of law is stupid. There was a time when I carried a gun on an airplane when I traveled. No one cared. In fact I was such a regular the pilots were curious as to what I was carrying on any particular day. Like I said, possession is not a violation, the criminal misuse of it is. I understand that you have a problem with conceptual thinking but that's your issue. Not mine.

Possession of a firearm on a plane is a violation. Where are you getting all these wrong beliefs?
Murdering people is your shtick. Not mine.
Man passes through TSA security with loaded gun in carry-on bag, boards plane

50 years, of hard labor correct??

And what "valuable content" you are providing us with today. Simply amazing.
Possession is not a crime. Now, if he were to brandish the weapon at a TSA agent then yes. Ship him off to prison.
It's illegal for a normal person to take a loaded gun (or any gun) on board a commercial aircraft. 50 years, no questions asked: Airlines Firearm Rules

But as I said, why not just shoot them, and be done with it?

And that sort of law is stupid. There was a time when I carried a gun on an airplane when I traveled. No one cared. In fact I was such a regular the pilots were curious as to what I was carrying on any particular day. Like I said, possession is not a violation, the criminal misuse of it is. I understand that you have a problem with conceptual thinking but that's your issue. Not mine.
Unlike you, I can read the laws, as written. A gun, for a normal person, taken onto a commercial aircraft, loaded or unload, is against the law. 50 years. Do the crime, do the time, your rules.
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Of course you aren't. You're firmly inside the RWNJ bubble.

So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I own several machine guns so yeah, i do. I used to own a M203 grenade launcher but the ammo was too expensive so I sold it.

Then you know there are many restrictions on that type weapon. Are you opposed to those restrictions? Why?
Yeah sure little one. Anyone who calls people cowards for being prepared is simply a moron. So, you pussy. Drop your car insurance. If you even own a car that is. And only cowards have home insurance. Pussies!

My car insurance can't go off and kill someone. You big coward.

No, it can't. It protects you from idiots and assholes. Guess what, my gun can't just go off and kill someone either. I have to pull the trigger, just like you have to press down on the accelerator, you big pussy!

Toddlers shoot more Americans than terrorists, and more preschoolers are shot and killed than cops. Admit you are just a coward.

Good luck proving that silly person. You are now just getting stupid. Well, you are pretty much always stupid, now you're just getting really, really stupid.

TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists

FALSE! San Bernardino. Gosh you are stupid...They killed one more than toddlers did and you're such a fucking parrot and so unable to think for yourself that you didn't even bother to check. What a fucking loser!

Here's the latest updates on the investigation into Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the shooters who attacked Farook's office holiday party, killing 14 and wounding 22,
That number is a lie promulgated by a billionaire elitist. Go figure. You people bleat all about the one percenters and how they are screwing you over, and then a one percenter of the one percenters wants to ban guns so they can REALLY fuck you over, you spread your ass cheeks for him.

Typical brainless 'tard.

Right. Everything that doesn't support your pathetic fears is a big conspiracy. Typical RWNJ / gun nut

oh look! The silly person with no argument resorts to calling people names. How precious!

Hypocrite much? Just admit you are too afraid to face the world without a gun. Those little old ladies in Walmart might attack you. Embrace your cowardice. You'll feel better.

Wal-Mart Parking Lots Are A Virtual Magnet For Crime

LOWER PRICES, MORE VIOLENCE: Walmart Linked To Higher Crime Rates: Study

Wal-mart Crime Report

Meth Labs & Selling Babies: 10 Bizarre Crimes in Walmart Parking Lots

There's more, you were saying?

At least you will admit you live in constant fear.

No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I own several machine guns so yeah, i do. I used to own a M203 grenade launcher but the ammo was too expensive so I sold it.

Then you know there are many restrictions on that type weapon. Are you opposed to those restrictions? Why?

Yes, there are many restrictions. And no I don't support them. Why? Because they don't prevent crime. In all the years since the NFA was passed ONE legally owned machinegun has been used to commit a crime. And guess what. It was a cop who did it. Machineguns are simply too valuable, and too cool, and the collectors who buy them are wealthy enough that we don't use them in stupid ways.

Period end of story. The fact that they make you piss your pants is on you.
My car insurance can't go off and kill someone. You big coward.

No, it can't. It protects you from idiots and assholes. Guess what, my gun can't just go off and kill someone either. I have to pull the trigger, just like you have to press down on the accelerator, you big pussy!

Toddlers shoot more Americans than terrorists, and more preschoolers are shot and killed than cops. Admit you are just a coward.

Good luck proving that silly person. You are now just getting stupid. Well, you are pretty much always stupid, now you're just getting really, really stupid.

TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists

FALSE! San Bernardino. Gosh you are stupid...They killed one more than toddlers did and you're such a fucking parrot and so unable to think for yourself that you didn't even bother to check. What a fucking loser!

Here's the latest updates on the investigation into Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the shooters who attacked Farook's office holiday party, killing 14 and wounding 22,

At the last minute, terrorists barely pulled ahead by one. I'll bet you're proud. Still doesn't explain your constant fear.
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