Two anti gun bills introduced in California

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No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?
Murdering people is your shtick. Not mine.
Man passes through TSA security with loaded gun in carry-on bag, boards plane

50 years, of hard labor correct??

And what "valuable content" you are providing us with today. Simply amazing.
Possession is not a crime. Now, if he were to brandish the weapon at a TSA agent then yes. Ship him off to prison.
It's illegal for a normal person to take a loaded gun (or any gun) on board a commercial aircraft. 50 years, no questions asked: Airlines Firearm Rules

But as I said, why not just shoot them, and be done with it?

And that sort of law is stupid. There was a time when I carried a gun on an airplane when I traveled. No one cared. In fact I was such a regular the pilots were curious as to what I was carrying on any particular day. Like I said, possession is not a violation, the criminal misuse of it is. I understand that you have a problem with conceptual thinking but that's your issue. Not mine.
Unlike you, I can read the laws, as written. A gun, for a normal person, taken onto a commercial aircraft, loaded or unload, is against the law. 50 years. Do the crime, do the time.

It is now. And like most stupid laws it can be repealed. Time was I could carry any sort of thing I wanted on a plane. No one cared until a bunch of Islamic terrorists started hijacking jets. Then they passed the laws. Didn't prevent the hijackings but did make it easier for the scumbags to take over the airplanes.
No, it can't. It protects you from idiots and assholes. Guess what, my gun can't just go off and kill someone either. I have to pull the trigger, just like you have to press down on the accelerator, you big pussy!

Toddlers shoot more Americans than terrorists, and more preschoolers are shot and killed than cops. Admit you are just a coward.

Good luck proving that silly person. You are now just getting stupid. Well, you are pretty much always stupid, now you're just getting really, really stupid.

TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists

FALSE! San Bernardino. Gosh you are stupid...They killed one more than toddlers did and you're such a fucking parrot and so unable to think for yourself that you didn't even bother to check. What a fucking loser!

Here's the latest updates on the investigation into Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the shooters who attacked Farook's office holiday party, killing 14 and wounding 22,

At the last minute, terrorists barely pulled ahead by one. I'll bet you're proud. Still doesn't explain your constant fear.

Proud? No, why would I be proud of people being killed. Happy that I showed you to be the moron you are though....PRICELESS!
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

Sure. Problem is the criminals that you so love don't play fair. And assholes like you want to make it easier for them, not us. Why do you hate honest people so much and like violent assholes? Why is that?
It is now. And like most stupid laws it can be repealed. Time was I could carry any sort of thing I wanted on a plane. No one cared until a bunch of Islamic terrorists started hijacking jets. Then they passed the laws. Didn't prevent the hijackings but did make it easier for the scumbags to take over the airplanes.
So, 50 years then eh? And I can find plenty of other gun "crimes" made by people innocently. Shall I, or have I made my point and we can mush on?
Right. Everything that doesn't support your pathetic fears is a big conspiracy. Typical RWNJ / gun nut

oh look! The silly person with no argument resorts to calling people names. How precious!

Hypocrite much? Just admit you are too afraid to face the world without a gun. Those little old ladies in Walmart might attack you. Embrace your cowardice. You'll feel better.

Wal-Mart Parking Lots Are A Virtual Magnet For Crime

LOWER PRICES, MORE VIOLENCE: Walmart Linked To Higher Crime Rates: Study

Wal-mart Crime Report

Meth Labs & Selling Babies: 10 Bizarre Crimes in Walmart Parking Lots

There's more, you were saying?

At least you will admit you live in constant fear.

No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.

When I was a Boy Scout, they called keeping your gun in a safe when not hunting or otherwise transporting it to a range or other proper location just responsible ownership. Who knows why they would now say a coward should carry one with them all the time. Nothing is more dangerous than a scared person with a gun.
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?
Sure. Problem is the criminals that you so love don't play fair. And assholes like you want to make it easier for them, not us. Why do you hate honest people so much and like violent assholes? Why is that?
I want the criminals to win - to rape, assault, rob, molest, beat, harass, and murder at will, just for the pure fucking fun of it eh?

Or, could it be, could it just maybe be, that I am tired of this: Father who killed teen son after mistaking him for an intruder will not be charged

You choose...
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?
That would be any NEW restrictions, the CDC reported that existing gun laws have virtually no impact on the criminal use of guns, yet you demand people give the criminals an advantage by giving up their ability to have equal or greater firepower than the criminals will have. Sorry I ain't buying that.

Of course you aren't. You're firmly inside the RWNJ bubble.

So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I have no problem with citizens having full auto firearms, most people can't afford the ammo bills to use them. Explosive are a different category all together.
It is now. And like most stupid laws it can be repealed. Time was I could carry any sort of thing I wanted on a plane. No one cared until a bunch of Islamic terrorists started hijacking jets. Then they passed the laws. Didn't prevent the hijackings but did make it easier for the scumbags to take over the airplanes.
So, 50 years then eh? And I can find plenty of other gun "crimes" made by people innocently. Shall I, or have I made my point and we can mush on?

Yes, you are mush headed. I will make it super dooper easy for you to understand. Anyone who commits a violent felony with a firearm gets 50 years. Minimum. Hows that for you? Simple enough for your tiny little brain?
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?
Sure. Problem is the criminals that you so love don't play fair. And assholes like you want to make it easier for them, not us. Why do you hate honest people so much and like violent assholes? Why is that?
I want the criminals to win - to rape, assault, rob, molest, beat, harass, and murder at will, just for the pure fucking fun of it eh?

Or, could it be, could it just maybe be, that I am tired of this: Father who killed teen son after mistaking him for an intruder will not be charged

You choose...

Your actions might reduce the number of people dying stupidly. Might. I am personally highly doubtful as stupid people always manage to figure out a way to kill themselves, but your desires would ABSOLUTELY increase the number of innocent people being murdered by criminals. That is proven.
I have no problem with citizens having full auto firearms, most people can't afford the ammo bills to use them. Explosive are a different category all together.
And why would that be? Explosives are tools now, in many cases. Do tell?

Are explosives not "for protection" like this:

Just look at how well "protected" they are? They don't even "protect" themselves until they see the whites of their enemies eyes?
Of course you aren't. You're firmly inside the RWNJ bubble.

So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I have no problem with citizens having full auto firearms, most people can't afford the ammo bills to use them. Explosive are a different category all together.

Since you say most can't have fully automatic weapons any way. doesn't that mean you want criminals to have an advantage because they can have better firepower than the average gun owner?
It is now. And like most stupid laws it can be repealed. Time was I could carry any sort of thing I wanted on a plane. No one cared until a bunch of Islamic terrorists started hijacking jets. Then they passed the laws. Didn't prevent the hijackings but did make it easier for the scumbags to take over the airplanes.
So, 50 years then eh? And I can find plenty of other gun "crimes" made by people innocently. Shall I, or have I made my point and we can mush on?
Yes, you are mush headed. I will make it super dooper easy for you to understand. Anyone who commits a violent felony with a firearm gets 50 years. Minimum. Hows that for you? Simple enough for your tiny little brain?
Simple? Felony? You bet, you proposed it:

What is the Charge?

If you are found with a gun in your carry-on luggage, you could be charged any number of weapons charges. For instance, you could be accused of carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. This crime is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and up to $4,000 in fines.
Additionally, you could be charged with carrying a concealed weapon in a restricted area (even if you have a permit). This is as Class B punishable by 180 days in jail and a fine of $2,000. More specifically, you could be charged with carrying a concealed firearm. This crime is a third degree felony, punishable by two to ten years of incarceration and a $10,000 fine.
Airport Gun Violation | Plano Weapons Defense Lawyer

50 years, hard labor I say, or just immediate execution, but I know, you are only worried about the Darkies using guns at the 7-11 and they can't afford to fly on welfare anyway. Whitey will be just fine eh?
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.
Your actions might reduce the number of people dying stupidly. Might. I am personally highly doubtful as stupid people always manage to figure out a way to kill themselves, but your desires would ABSOLUTELY increase the number of innocent people being murdered by criminals. That is proven.
It is? People in countries with strict gun control, like Japan, are just shot right and left by criminals because they don't have guns? Got stats on that one eh?
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?
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