Two anti gun bills introduced in California

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No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.

No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.
I think the gun makes you feel like a man, like you have the advantage, and you like guns, they are super fucking cool to play with and make you feel powerful. Because you fear being just another person in the real world, therefore alike in power, you carry that thing because that helps you get out in public, to sleep at night, it makes you feel safe. Funny, I'm just fine wherever I go but I, unlike you adult children with your deadly toys, do not fear death so I don't need a gun to buy socks and bread at the Walmart. And if I die, trying to save others, I don't need a gun to do that either.

In the real world, almost no one needs a gun. In your fantasy world, and your world of fear, you can't understand why there's a single person who doesn't own at least one. How could they be safe otherwise?
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.

I doubt he's pissing his pants but tell us, the law abiding citizen (we'll assume) who shot the car-jacking victim in the head in Houston and then grabbed his brass and ran away before the cops arrived, what do you think of him?

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away
New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

Make NICS available to the public for free, no paper given to the government, I would be good with that.
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.
I think the gun makes you feel like a man, like you have the advantage, and you like guns, they are super fucking cool to play with and make you feel powerful. Because you fear being just another person in the real world, therefore alike in power, you carry that thing because that helps you get out in public, to sleep at night, it makes you feel safe. Funny, I'm just fine wherever I go but I, unlike you adult children with your deadly toys, do not fear death so I don't need a gun to buy socks and bread at the Walmart. And if I die, trying to save others, I don't need a gun to do that either.

In the real world, almost no one needs a gun. In your fantasy world, and your world of fear, you can't understand why there's a single person who doesn't own at least one. How could they be safe otherwise?

Fuck you and your baiting fantasies. I'm not going to waste anymore time on ignorance. The great thing about this country, I have no obligation to justify myself to the likes of you.
And the criminals will ignore. How completely banal your responses are.

Criminals don't obey laws, that's why they're criminals. Why not just get rid of all laws (your logical conclusion)...

Nope.....your thinking process is what is wrong.

Laws state the punishment for behavior you are not allowed to do the behavior you get punished. We are fine with fact that is what we support as WestWall's post showed...there is a law that says you cannot use a gun to commit rape, robbery, murder and other crimes...if you use a gun to do those things you go to jail. There...exactly the way a law is supposed to work.

The same mechanic applies to all behavior we have made illegal....we say if you go 36 miles an hour in a 35 mile an hour get a ticket.

Now you want the law to act as a magical control. You want to pass a law that prevents the breaking of the law in the first place.... you want the law to act like the Precogs, in the Tom Cruise movie "minority report" where the psychics sitting in the pool can see the crime before it happens and then you twits send in Tom Cruise to keep the crime from happening.....that is how you twits envision the law.....and why we don't take you seriously....and also why we don't trust you.

You think if you just find the right law that the criminals will be stopped from using guns. That isn't the way laws work. Laws define behavior and punish people when they do that behavior....they can't prevent the behavior.

We have laws against murder. We do not have laws that prevent people from committing murder. If you commit murder, something we cannot stop, then you are arrested and put in prison.

We have laws against rape. We do not have laws that prevent people from committing rape. If you commit rape, we catch you and put you in prison.

You are the nutty one.....we understand how laws work.....

I know you know how they work just want to use them in your don't care if criminals use just want to punish gun owners. That is why you have all these laws that create bureaucratic traps for law abiding gun owners...and if they fail to fill out the paperwork, or they fail to fill it out on the right date, or fail to fill it out completely crush take their money, you lock them in prison, you stigmatize them as felons for the rest of their lives, you take away their job and make it impossible to get a good one in the future, and most important of all to get to take their guns.........

They will not have actually used their guns to commit a crime. They will have hurt no one....and their guns could sit in a closet in their home for 100 years....but they miss that paperwork......they are f****d...and you own them......

In will treat that person who made the clerical mistake worse than an actual rapist, robber or killer.....simply because they own a gun...

I agree. I would decriminalize the use and possession of all drugs. I would still prosecute the hell out of the criminal misuse of drugs (think drunk driving laws), but you are absolutely correct. Passing laws against things doesn't work. Never has, never will. Thank you for making my point so well.

Taking criminals off of the streets though. That DOES work. So why do you prevent that? Why do you insist on releasing the violent criminals back out on the street?

I really am curious.

Because, like the war on drugs it's unworkable. It would cost too much. Also, too many innocents would get caught up in the process. Also, people do get rehabilitated. There is a certain type of criminal that will never be rehabilitated (pedos for example), but as long as they do their time they should be allowed a second chance.

Yes...a second chance to kill again...or to rape again..right? You guys don't think things you....?
Murdering people is your shtick. Not mine.
Man passes through TSA security with loaded gun in carry-on bag, boards plane

50 years, of hard labor correct??

And what "valuable content" you are providing us with today. Simply amazing.

Possession is not a crime. Now, if he were to brandish the weapon at a TSA agent then yes. Ship him off to prison.

West are these anti gunners, there is no greater crime than possession of a gun...not rape, robbery or murder........that is why all of their laws punish mere possession of a gun....and they go light on actual rape, robbery and murder...but they will hammer anyone they can catch possessing a gun without all the proper paperwork...those people they will absolutely destroy....
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

Here ....

you cannot use a gun to commit a crime.

If you are a convicted felon you cannot own or carry a gun.

Those are pretty much all encompasing restrictions....they actually target people who break the law, and they leave non criminals who own guns alone.
oh look! The silly person with no argument resorts to calling people names. How precious!

Hypocrite much? Just admit you are too afraid to face the world without a gun. Those little old ladies in Walmart might attack you. Embrace your cowardice. You'll feel better.

Wal-Mart Parking Lots Are A Virtual Magnet For Crime

LOWER PRICES, MORE VIOLENCE: Walmart Linked To Higher Crime Rates: Study

Wal-mart Crime Report

Meth Labs & Selling Babies: 10 Bizarre Crimes in Walmart Parking Lots

There's more, you were saying?

At least you will admit you live in constant fear.

No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.

When I was a Boy Scout, they called keeping your gun in a safe when not hunting or otherwise transporting it to a range or other proper location just responsible ownership. Who knows why they would now say a coward should carry one with them all the time. Nothing is more dangerous than a scared person with a gun.

You was probably in one of those pansy troops that didn't allow pocket knives.
That would be any NEW restrictions, the CDC reported that existing gun laws have virtually no impact on the criminal use of guns, yet you demand people give the criminals an advantage by giving up their ability to have equal or greater firepower than the criminals will have. Sorry I ain't buying that.

Of course you aren't. You're firmly inside the RWNJ bubble.

So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

Yes for fully automatic weapons, it seems to work in Switzerland, grenade launchers are a squad support weapon, not a personal arm, so I will give you that one. Since criminals already can get France keeps showing us.....the law abiding do not use them to commit crimes...and when you catch a criminal with them...arrest them.
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I have no problem with citizens having full auto firearms, most people can't afford the ammo bills to use them. Explosive are a different category all together.

Since you say most can't have fully automatic weapons any way. doesn't that mean you want criminals to have an advantage because they can have better firepower than the average gun owner?

The average criminal doesn't have automatic weapons either, not too bright are ya?
Yeah sure little one. Anyone who calls people cowards for being prepared is simply a moron. So, you pussy. Drop your car insurance. If you even own a car that is. And only cowards have home insurance. Pussies!

My car insurance can't go off and kill someone. You big coward.

No, it can't. It protects you from idiots and assholes. Guess what, my gun can't just go off and kill someone either. I have to pull the trigger, just like you have to press down on the accelerator, you big pussy!

Toddlers shoot more Americans than terrorists, and more preschoolers are shot and killed than cops. Admit you are just a coward.

Good luck proving that silly person. You are now just getting stupid. Well, you are pretty much always stupid, now you're just getting really, really stupid.

TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists

Criminals are stopped 1.5 million times by armed Americans.....according to bill clinton....
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?
Sure. Problem is the criminals that you so love don't play fair. And assholes like you want to make it easier for them, not us. Why do you hate honest people so much and like violent assholes? Why is that?
I want the criminals to win - to rape, assault, rob, molest, beat, harass, and murder at will, just for the pure fucking fun of it eh?

Or, could it be, could it just maybe be, that I am tired of this: Father who killed teen son after mistaking him for an intruder will not be charged

You choose...

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives...according to bill clinton and supported by barak obama and his CDC in 2013....
You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I have no problem with citizens having full auto firearms, most people can't afford the ammo bills to use them. Explosive are a different category all together.

Since you say most can't have fully automatic weapons any way. doesn't that mean you want criminals to have an advantage because they can have better firepower than the average gun owner?

The average criminal doesn't have automatic weapons either, not too bright are ya?

Actually, in France...where all military weapons are completely banned and illegal....the fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice of their criminal gangs, they also like to use grenades.
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.
Yes, we want all the guns so that only criminals will have guns and can rob, rape, and murder you. Oh wait, when guns are banned only criminals will have guns, by definition.

And what are these "reasonable restrictions" on guns you support? You never told us...

New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

For the dealer...sure. As long as it is immediate and pass/fail, and doesn't cost anything to do......since guns are a Right and not a privelege.
It is now. And like most stupid laws it can be repealed. Time was I could carry any sort of thing I wanted on a plane. No one cared until a bunch of Islamic terrorists started hijacking jets. Then they passed the laws. Didn't prevent the hijackings but did make it easier for the scumbags to take over the airplanes.
So, 50 years then eh? And I can find plenty of other gun "crimes" made by people innocently. Shall I, or have I made my point and we can mush on?

Yes, you are mush headed. I will make it super dooper easy for you to understand. Anyone who commits a violent felony with a firearm gets 50 years. Minimum. Hows that for you? Simple enough for your tiny little brain?

And a 1000 dollar fine for trying to take a gun on an prison time, no felony........unless they are already a felon......
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.

I doubt he's pissing his pants but tell us, the law abiding citizen (we'll assume) who shot the car-jacking victim in the head in Houston and then grabbed his brass and ran away before the cops arrived, what do you think of him?

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away

First I've heard of this one, how do you know it was a good guy and not an accomplice? That said, anyone who makes the decision to pull the trigger, should be prepared to stay and defend that decision.
So you want criminals to have the advantage, good to know what you call reasonable.

You really need to try to separate what I say from what the voices in your head tell you. What did I say to make you think I want criminals to have any advantage.

You want to make the equipment available to me inferior to what's available to a criminal, what other conclusion is possible?

Some criminals have access to fully automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Do you think everyone should be able to buy those when ever they want?

I have no problem with citizens having full auto firearms, most people can't afford the ammo bills to use them. Explosive are a different category all together.

Since you say most can't have fully automatic weapons any way. doesn't that mean you want criminals to have an advantage because they can have better firepower than the average gun owner?

Criminals can already get fully automatic rifles if they want them...the drug cartels get them easily from China and Europe. It is only normal people who won't misuse them who can't get them.
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