Two anti gun bills introduced in California

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No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.


I am afraid of some who are strapping a gun to their leg since that law went into effect in Texas. I went to school with some of them, and I know they don't have enough sense to behave properly. Some are just hoping for a chance to play cowboy.

Actually citizens with guns legally, have a better safety record in public than the police, but hey let's not facts get in the way of your fantasies.
I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

Make NICS available to the public for free, no paper given to the government, I would be good with that.

You don'e even know what the law says, but you are against it anyway.
Background Check Records: As of July 2004, approved purchaser information must be destroyed within 24 hours of the official NICS response to the dealer.20 This destruction requirement has been imposed in appropriations bills as part of the so-called “Tiahrt Amendments,” named after their chief proponent Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS).

Are you senile or just plain stupid? I know what the law says, I also know new laws can replace older laws or amend them. Why don't you go suck on your dear leader ass, I think you're getting malnourished.
So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

Make NICS available to the public for free, no paper given to the government, I would be good with that.

You don'e even know what the law says, but you are against it anyway.
Background Check Records: As of July 2004, approved purchaser information must be destroyed within 24 hours of the official NICS response to the dealer.20 This destruction requirement has been imposed in appropriations bills as part of the so-called “Tiahrt Amendments,” named after their chief proponent Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS).

Are you senile or just plain stupid? I know what the law says, I also know new laws can replace older laws or amend them. Why don't you go suck on your dear leader ass, I think you're getting malnourished.

So come back when the law you are whining about becomes effective. Your paranoid fears aren't a valid point.
Neither bill is an anti gun bill. The bullet button was introduced to get around existing law concerning detachable magazines. Closing that loophole is not anti gun.

Yes it is.....magazines are just one way to get certain guns banned since the manufacturer will just not make those guns and so they won't be selling their guns in California.....a backdoor ban.

And it is pointless....magazine capacity has no bearing on crime or mass shootings...but it does allow them to attack semi automatic guns.

Simple math on this one. The bulk of the killing at the mass shootings have been done by semi auto mag rifles. Not a problem there. But the other thing all of them had in common was all of them had high capacity clips. Either mulitple 20 round, one 100 round clip, or the multiple 32 round clips. In colorado, anything over 15 cannot be imported or sold into the state. The size of the Mag does most of the killing. Yes, there were semi auto handguns involved but the percentage of dead from them versus the high capacity mag semi auto

The facts seem to get in your way.
Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

Make NICS available to the public for free, no paper given to the government, I would be good with that.

You don'e even know what the law says, but you are against it anyway.
Background Check Records: As of July 2004, approved purchaser information must be destroyed within 24 hours of the official NICS response to the dealer.20 This destruction requirement has been imposed in appropriations bills as part of the so-called “Tiahrt Amendments,” named after their chief proponent Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS).

Are you senile or just plain stupid? I know what the law says, I also know new laws can replace older laws or amend them. Why don't you go suck on your dear leader ass, I think you're getting malnourished.

So come back when the law you are whining about becomes effective. Your paranoid fears aren't a valid point.

Fuck off bitch, you asked if I would be good with universal checks, I stated if they met certain conditions, I wouldn't oppose them. Not only are you stupid and senile, you're also one ignorant ass, you brought up the proposal not me.
You oppose any restrictions. That would include reasonable restrictions.
It's so nice that these liberals support "reasonable restrictions".

The 14th amendment says that anyone born in the U.S. and under its jurisdiction, are citizens.

Wouldn't it be reasonable to make just a few exceptions?

Such as, if the person is born to foreign citizens who are in this country illegally, they are excluded from birthright citizenship?

I look forward to the leftist fanatics agreeing that this restriction is "reasonable", and thereby acceptable.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.

I doubt he's pissing his pants but tell us, the law abiding citizen (we'll assume) who shot the car-jacking victim in the head in Houston and then grabbed his brass and ran away before the cops arrived, what do you think of him?

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away

First I've heard of this one, how do you know it was a good guy and not an accomplice? That said, anyone who makes the decision to pull the trigger, should be prepared to stay and defend that decision.
Well, he didn't stay and he shot the victim in the head while shooting at the two who car-jacked his truck. So, your opinion is?
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