Two anti gun bills introduced in California

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Hitler liked guns and had gun control only for, his enemies. But we know, you are way better than Hitler, and fully support guns for ISIS since guns are for protection...

Hitler, what a douche, not wanting his enemies to be armed...
Guns for ISIS, yes. Got it.

And do you know that some asswipe above said guns are for killing? What an asshole, he knows nothing about guns, which are only for protection.
There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.

I doubt he's pissing his pants but tell us, the law abiding citizen (we'll assume) who shot the car-jacking victim in the head in Houston and then grabbed his brass and ran away before the cops arrived, what do you think of him?

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away

First I've heard of this one, how do you know it was a good guy and not an accomplice? That said, anyone who makes the decision to pull the trigger, should be prepared to stay and defend that decision.
Well, he didn't stay and he shot the victim in the head while shooting at the two who car-jacked his truck. So, your opinion is?

My option is the answer I gave you, deal with it.
Great, so this John Wayne Wannabe did the wrong thing by:
1. Pulling his gun
2. Shooting the victim
3. Running away before the cops arrived?

Gee, I just can't imagine what the anti-gun people are concerned about with your kind acting out your vigilante fantasies, at the Walmart.

Normal people look at the facts, CHL folks commit far fewer crimes than the police. The stats are out there, look them up.

Why don't you start here, the guy provides links to all the data used.

Police Officers Three Times More Likely to Murder Than Concealed Carry Permit Holders
I doubt he's pissing his pants but tell us, the law abiding citizen (we'll assume) who shot the car-jacking victim in the head in Houston and then grabbed his brass and ran away before the cops arrived, what do you think of him?

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away

First I've heard of this one, how do you know it was a good guy and not an accomplice? That said, anyone who makes the decision to pull the trigger, should be prepared to stay and defend that decision.
Well, he didn't stay and he shot the victim in the head while shooting at the two who car-jacked his truck. So, your opinion is?

My option is the answer I gave you, deal with it.
Great, so this John Wayne Wannabe did the wrong thing by:
1. Pulling his gun
2. Shooting the victim
3. Running away before the cops arrived?

Gee, I just can't imagine what the anti-gun people are concerned about with your kind acting out your vigilante fantasies, at the Walmart.

Normal people look at the facts, CHL folks commit far fewer crimes than the police. The stats are out there, look them up.

Why don't you start here, the guy provides links to all the data used.

Police Officers Three Times More Likely to Murder Than Concealed Carry Permit Holders
Tell me, just why would you think I care when what I care about is gun deaths?

Oh right, I wouldn't. And, next time read your fuckin' links. I can, unlike most, do the math:

"There are no complete and definitive sources of data that will give us an accurate ratio of unjustified homicides committed by police compared to CCW holders. The numbers are very small and no one keeps a national record of them."

Still can't read I see. I stated very clearly VIOLENT FELONY, you know like your buddies commit all of the time. That you support...
Is Armed Robbery "violent", even if there's no violence?

I didn't know you were so fond of those who commit felonies, as long as they aren't "violent" that is.
If you are taking something from someone by way of threat, yes.
How very typical of you, since that's not what violence means:

noun vi·o·lence \ˈvī-lən(t)s, ˈvī-ə-\
Simple Definition of violence
  • : the use of physical force to harm someone, to damage property, etc.
  • : great destructive force or energy
Definition of VIOLENCE

That's just another way for you to call for locking up the Darkies, for 50 years no less.
Yeah, rarely violent therefore not "violence". What's the violence if some asshole steals my car from a parking lot, me having to call for a ride?

And let's play your game. Some guy smacks his bitch in the head with a gun, he gets 50 years but if he uses a hammer he's doing community service? Sure thing, your plan works like a charm.

According to every legal dictionary on the planet you are flat wrong. Thanks for playing but that qualifies as an epic fail dude. Truly epic.
Hitler liked guns and had gun control only for, his enemies. But we know, you are way better than Hitler, and fully support guns for ISIS since guns are for protection...

Hitler, what a douche, not wanting his enemies to be armed...

Yes, and like your hero you want everyone but criminals to be disarmed. A wonderful analogy! Thanks!
Is Armed Robbery "violent", even if there's no violence?

I didn't know you were so fond of those who commit felonies, as long as they aren't "violent" that is.
If you are taking something from someone by way of threat, yes.
How very typical of you, since that's not what violence means:

noun vi·o·lence \ˈvī-lən(t)s, ˈvī-ə-\
Simple Definition of violence
  • : the use of physical force to harm someone, to damage property, etc.
  • : great destructive force or energy
Definition of VIOLENCE

That's just another way for you to call for locking up the Darkies, for 50 years no less.
Yeah, rarely violent therefore not "violence". What's the violence if some asshole steals my car from a parking lot, me having to call for a ride?

And let's play your game. Some guy smacks his bitch in the head with a gun, he gets 50 years but if he uses a hammer he's doing community service? Sure thing, your plan works like a charm.
According to every legal dictionary on the planet you are flat wrong. Thanks for playing but that qualifies as an epic fail dude. Truly epic.
Nope. And there's no violence in someone ripping off my car or TV when I don't even know until it's too late. That requires rational thought, you won't get it.
If you are taking something from someone by way of threat, yes.
How very typical of you, since that's not what violence means:

noun vi·o·lence \ˈvī-lən(t)s, ˈvī-ə-\
Simple Definition of violence
  • : the use of physical force to harm someone, to damage property, etc.
  • : great destructive force or energy
Definition of VIOLENCE

That's just another way for you to call for locking up the Darkies, for 50 years no less.
Yeah, rarely violent therefore not "violence". What's the violence if some asshole steals my car from a parking lot, me having to call for a ride?

And let's play your game. Some guy smacks his bitch in the head with a gun, he gets 50 years but if he uses a hammer he's doing community service? Sure thing, your plan works like a charm.
According to every legal dictionary on the planet you are flat wrong. Thanks for playing but that qualifies as an epic fail dude. Truly epic.
Nope. And there's no violence in someone ripping off my car or TV when I don't even know until it's too late. That requires rational thought, you won't get it.

According to every legal dictionary you're still wrong. Are you by any chance related to Generalissimo Francisco Franco? He's still dead too, you know...
Hey, we already covered this, no law is valid because there's always someone who doesn't obey it so, all laws are worthless.

No, laws are valid as a means of incarcerating bad people. Laws don't prevent crimes, they merely codify what the crime is and what the proper punishment is. How is it that you are so stupid as to not understand this?:eusa_think:
According to every legal dictionary you're still wrong. Are you by any chance related to Generalissimo Francisco Franco? He's still dead too, you know...
Every legal dictionary? So, you checked them all? List them, asshole.

And this is why you are so fucking stupid. Robbery, theft, which is very rarely violent, is listed as a "violent" crime so you accept that even though no actual violence usually takes place. What you believe to be true is what someone else, who you approve of, said. It had nothing to do with reality, that you can't begin to understand.
Hey, we already covered this, no law is valid because there's always someone who doesn't obey it so, all laws are worthless.
No, laws are valid as a means of incarcerating bad people. Laws don't prevent crimes, they merely codify what the crime is and what the proper punishment is. How is it that you are so stupid as to not understand this?:eusa_think:
He already showed us that laws don't work, like you and your 20,000 gun laws dogma so, there should be no laws, people will just break them anyway.
According to every legal dictionary you're still wrong. Are you by any chance related to Generalissimo Francisco Franco? He's still dead too, you know...
Every legal dictionary? So, you checked them all? List them, asshole.

And this is why you are so fucking stupid. Robbery, theft, which is very rarely violent, is listed as a "violent" crime so you accept that even though no actual violence usually takes place. What you believe to be true is what someone else, who you approve of, said. It had nothing to do with reality, that you can't begin to understand.

Fuck you. You do the work.
According to every legal dictionary you're still wrong. Are you by any chance related to Generalissimo Francisco Franco? He's still dead too, you know...
Every legal dictionary? So, you checked them all? List them, asshole.

And this is why you are so fucking stupid. Robbery, theft, which is very rarely violent, is listed as a "violent" crime so you accept that even though no actual violence usually takes place. What you believe to be true is what someone else, who you approve of, said. It had nothing to do with reality, that you can't begin to understand.
Hey, we already covered this, no law is valid because there's always someone who doesn't obey it so, all laws are worthless.
No, laws are valid as a means of incarcerating bad people. Laws don't prevent crimes, they merely codify what the crime is and what the proper punishment is. How is it that you are so stupid as to not understand this?:eusa_think:
He already showed us that laws don't work, like you and your 20,000 gun laws dogma so, there should be no laws, people will just break them anyway.

Just because you're too stupid to understand logic, doesn't mean the rest of us are. Face it junior, you're way out of your league.
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