Two anti gun bills introduced in California

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New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

what's so different about universal background checks.

I answer it every single time you twits bring it up......I'll get you the links...

The primary reason and must have absolute gun registration for universal background don't need that for the dealers.
New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

Background checks are not just for sales of guns.....gun nutters like yourselves want to use background checks to effect loaning guns at a range, sales between family members, safety classes, and safe the links......and again, you cannot have universal background checks without total registration of guns....

How Everytown’s background check law impedes firearms safety training and self-defense

The Bloomberg system applies to every firearms “transfer.” In normal firearms law, a “transfer” means “a permanent exchange of title or possession and does not include gratuitous temporary exchanges or loans.” Chow v. State. 393 Md. 431, 473, 903 A.2d 388, 413 (2006).

owever, the Bloomberg laws create a very different definition. For example, the Washington state law says that “ ‘Transfer’ means the intended delivery of a firearm to another person without consideration of payment or promise of payment including, but not limited to, gifts and loans.” Rev. Code Wash. § 9.41.010(25).

In other words, it applies to sharing a gun while target shooting on one’s own property, or to lending a gun to a neighbor for a weekend hunting trip.

Under the Bloomberg system, transfers may take place only at a gun store. The transfer must be conducted exactly as if the retailer were selling a firearm out of her inventory. So the transferee (the neighbor borrowing the hunting gun) must fill out ATF Form 4473; the retailer must contact the FBI or its state counterpart for a background check on the transferee; and then, the retailer must take custody of the gun and record the acquisition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. Finally, the retailer hands the gun to the transferee and records the disposition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. A few days later, after the hunting trip is over, the process must be repeated for the neighbor to return the gun to the owner; this time, the owner will be the “transferee,” who will fill out Form 4473 and undergo the background check.


Safety training

Sensible firearms policy should encourage, not impede, safety instruction. The Bloomberg laws do just the opposite. They do so by making ordinary safety training impossible unless it takes place at a corporate target range. (The federal S. 374 allows transfers “at a shooting range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in firearms.”)

A target range is usually necessary for the component of some safety courses that includes “live fire” — in which students fire guns at a range under the supervision of an instructor. However, even the courses that have live fire also have an extensive classroom component. Some introductory courses are classroom-only. In the classroom, dozens of firearms transfers will take place. Many students may not yet own a firearm; even if a student does own a firearm, many instructors choose to allow only their own personal firearms in the classroom, as the instructor may want to teach particular facts about particular types of firearms. The instructor also wants to use firearms that he or she is certain are in good working order. In any classroom setting, functional ammunition is absolutely forbidden.


The next article in the series...private sharing on private property, with a link to long term storage article...

Sharing firearms for informal target shooting: Another legitimate activity outlawed by Everytown’s ‘universal background checks’

Here are two things that a person might do with a firearm: 1. Sell the firearm to a complete stranger in a parking lot. 2. Share the firearm with a friend, while target shooting on one’s own property. Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown” lobby is promoting “universal background checks” as a means of addressing activity No. 1. But the Bloomberg laws also outlaw activity No. 2. In a previous post, I detailed how the unusual Bloomberg laws about “background checks” for “private sales” constrict safety training and self-defense; and also obstruct safe storage. This post addresses another non-sales activity, firearms sharing.


How background checks affect long term storage when owner is away and wants to leave guns with friends...

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Although the Bloomberg system is promoted as addressing private sales of firearms, the Bloomberg laws as written apply to all firearms loans — whether for a few seconds or a few weeks. There are some limited exceptions (e.g., certain family members, or at a corporate target range). But these exceptions do not apply to safe storage situations.

Consider a person who will be away from home for an extended period, such as a member of the armed services being deployed overseas, a person going away to school, a family going on a long vacation, or someone evacuating her home due to a natural disaster. Such persons might wish to store firearms with a trusted friend or neighbor for months or years. Under the Bloomberg system, for the friend or neighbor to store the firearms, the following procedures must be followed:
The owner and the bailee must find a gun store that is willing to process the loan. The store must treat the loan as if it were selling a firearm out of its inventory. Under the threat of a five-year federal prison sentence for perjury, the bailee and gun store must answer the dozens of questions on ATF Form 4473. Next, the gun store contacts the FBI or a state counterpart for permission to proceed with the sale. Under ideal circumstances, permission to proceed is granted in less than 10 minutes. The retailer then logs the gun into his Acquisition and Disposition record book, as an acquisition. He next logs the gun out of the record book, as a disposition. He hands the firearm to the bailee. The process must be followed for every firearm. If there are two are more handguns, the store must send additional forms to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Depending on the state, a fee is charged for each background check requested. The gun store, of course, will process this transaction only if it can charge a fee to compensate it for handling the paperwork. Unlike with an inventory sale, the gun store is not making any profit on the gun itself.
Later, when the bailor returns and is ready to take custody of her firearms, the entire process must be repeated, with bailor and bailee both taking all the guns to the gun store, before they may be returned to the bailor.
Make NICS available to the public for free, no paper given to the government, I would be good with that.
Do you think they don't already know who has guns here? Interesting.

Actually I know they don't, I have a gun I personally bought when I was 12 with cash from a Western Auto store, no paper work involved except a cash receipt. The government has no idea if that gun still exist or who has it. Actually I have several that were purchased with no paperwork, that were purchased from dealers.
New ones, hummmmmm, can't think of one.

OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

Dealer checks check people who sell large volumes of guns....but they still don't stop gun dealers from actually breaking the law......once they get the license they can sell guns to criminals and until they get an informant to turn them in, they won't get background checks for dealers are really just as useless as between the dealer and the customer.

Criminals simply get people with clean records to buy their guns....thereby making a background check useless......same with the individual with a clean record can get the license, then sell to you guys think this thru?
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.

I doubt he's pissing his pants but tell us, the law abiding citizen (we'll assume) who shot the car-jacking victim in the head in Houston and then grabbed his brass and ran away before the cops arrived, what do you think of him?

Texas ‘good guy with a gun’ shoots carjacking victim in head — then runs away

According to bill clinton, and backed up by research ordered by barak obama and conducted by his CDC in 2013....Americans with guns stop 1.5 million violent criminal attacks and save lives every year....
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

So I guess you think cops are cowards too eh little child? When are you going to grow up? I really am curious. Your little tantrums, while amusing, don't really address the issue.
It is now. And like most stupid laws it can be repealed. Time was I could carry any sort of thing I wanted on a plane. No one cared until a bunch of Islamic terrorists started hijacking jets. Then they passed the laws. Didn't prevent the hijackings but did make it easier for the scumbags to take over the airplanes.
So, 50 years then eh? And I can find plenty of other gun "crimes" made by people innocently. Shall I, or have I made my point and we can mush on?
Yes, you are mush headed. I will make it super dooper easy for you to understand. Anyone who commits a violent felony with a firearm gets 50 years. Minimum. Hows that for you? Simple enough for your tiny little brain?
Simple? Felony? You bet, you proposed it:

What is the Charge?

If you are found with a gun in your carry-on luggage, you could be charged any number of weapons charges. For instance, you could be accused of carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. This crime is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and up to $4,000 in fines.
Additionally, you could be charged with carrying a concealed weapon in a restricted area (even if you have a permit). This is as Class B punishable by 180 days in jail and a fine of $2,000. More specifically, you could be charged with carrying a concealed firearm. This crime is a third degree felony, punishable by two to ten years of incarceration and a $10,000 fine.
Airport Gun Violation | Plano Weapons Defense Lawyer

50 years, hard labor I say, or just immediate execution, but I know, you are only worried about the Darkies using guns at the 7-11 and they can't afford to fly on welfare anyway. Whitey will be just fine eh?

Still can't read I see. I stated very clearly VIOLENT FELONY, you know like your buddies commit all of the time. That you support...
As I have pointed out before...fully automatic weapons are the weapon of choice in Europe...

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Man killed in drive-by shooting

A man was shot dead after two assailants opened fire with automatic weapons from a van near a town centre, police said.
A second man suffered minor injuries after the apparent drive-by shooting in Brewery Road, Hoddesdon, Herts.

Both victims were white and the two suspects, also white, abandoned their van in the Lampits area of the town. Police said it was not believed the public were at further risk.

A Hertfordshire Police statement said: "It is believed the injuries were caused by automatic weapons."

A witness, who lives near the scene, told Sky News: "It's a kind of downhill slope. It looked like they came down the hill on the other side of the road, pulled up close, and opened up through the car.

"It looked like shots were fired through the car itself. It looked like him (the victim) and a friend were coming out of a health centre and both were injured.
No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

There ya go, projecting again. Your the one pissing your pants because a trained, law abiding citizen might have on gun on them.


I am afraid of some who are strapping a gun to their leg since that law went into effect in Texas. I went to school with some of them, and I know they don't have enough sense to behave properly. Some are just hoping for a chance to play cowboy.
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OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

Make NICS available to the public for free, no paper given to the government, I would be good with that.

You don'e even know what the law says, but you are against it anyway.
Background Check Records: As of July 2004, approved purchaser information must be destroyed within 24 hours of the official NICS response to the dealer.20 This destruction requirement has been imposed in appropriations bills as part of the so-called “Tiahrt Amendments,” named after their chief proponent Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS).
OK. How about existing ones. Are there any that you think are necessary? What about background checks for gun dealers?

I can live with what we have at the federal level currently, I don't think States should be able to exceed that. TX laws are pretty good because they mirror federal law, the only thing I disagree with is our concealed carry law, no law abiding citizen should be required to get a license to carry a gun.

So are you for or against background checks for gun dealers?

Asked and answered, stop being redundant.

If dealer background checks are good, what's so different about universal background checks. I haven't found a gun nut who will answer that yet. They always mumble something about not wanting to, or whine because they think they don;t work, but if dealer checks work, why wouldn't universal checks work?

what's so different about universal background checks.

I answer it every single time you twits bring it up......I'll get you the links...

The primary reason and must have absolute gun registration for universal background don't need that for the dealers.

No, I carry a gun for the same reason I have a home owners insurance policy, you never know if you're going to need it, but there is a possibility you will. The boy scouts call that being prepared.
Prepared to kill, at the Walmart while buying beer, and fried chicken.

Tell us, can you be a man, meaning defend yourself, in public without a gun?

I suppose you think it's cool to bring fist to a gun fight, I don't. Fuck off child.

Embrace your cowardice.

So I guess you think cops are cowards too eh little child? When are you going to grow up? I really am curious. Your little tantrums, while amusing, don't really address the issue.

Cops need guns. That's part of what we pay them for. Does anything I ever said lead you to think I believe otherwise?
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