Two Boston cops hospitalized in apparent racially motivated mob attack


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Two Boston cops hospitalized in apparent racially motivated mob attack
Two Boston cops hospitalized in apparent racially motivated mob attack

Left-wing Boston Mayor Martin Walsh immediately issued a statement claiming the attackers had not been emboldened by racial agitation over Mike Brown and Eric Garner.

The media racial agitation against white police officers is now a physical war of violence.
Over the past few days, officers have been attacked in RI, FL, CA, and NC New attacks on police officers in RI NC FL and CA . Three of those attacks were attempted assassinations.
Now two Boston police officers, one male and one female, have been hospitalized in a mob attack by a group of black teenage perpetrators. The perpetrators were as young as 13. The two officers were kicked, punched, and choked.
Like the other four attacks, the media is censoring the race in every article.
However,Â*the attack occurred in one of the blackest parts of Boston. In fact, the attack occurred in a census tract that is 1% white. They area is over two thirds black and the rest is Latino. The two adult suspects do not have Spanish names, and the suspects are said to be all related.
The left-wing mayor of Boston immediately issued a public insult to everyone’s intelligence. He instantly declared that the attackers had not been emboldened by racial agitation over Mike Brown and Eric Garner.
The Boston attack is very similar to the recent attack in Rhode Island, when a black male assaulted two male cops and then a crowd of other black males and females attacked a female officer in a mob attack.
Too say that these attacks are have nothing to do with racial agitation over Mike Brown and Eric Garner is absurd.
Meanwhile, supporters of the ongoing Mike Brown/Eric Garner racial agitation are vowing to disrupt Boston’s New Year’s Eve events with “die ins.” …The officers, a woman and a man, went to an apartment in the city’s Roxbury neighborhood on Monday morning to serve a warrant on a 19-year-old man for defaulting on court appearances, the Boston Herald reported.
Seven people were arrested in all, including the person police were originally seeking, Woobenson Morrisset.
Morrisset, and 18-year-old Lorcen Morrisset, who is accused of participating in the attack, are scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday. It’s not known if either has a lawyer.
The other teens, a 17-year-old boy and girls ages 13, 14, 15, and 16, face assault and battery on a police officer and other charges in juvenile court.
When the officers found Woobenson Morrisset in a rear stairwell, he attacked them, according to the police report.
Police Commissioner William Evans told WBZ-AM that as the officers were about to handcuff Morrisset, residents of two apartments came to his aid and “kicked, punched, and choked” the officers.
They used pepper spray to fight off the attackers until other officers arrived. Evans said they never drew their guns.

Blacks think they can attack and kill all the whites and cops they damn well please. You leftist assholes stand by this shit? Shame on you...Blood on your hands.
The left stirs shit up and when things happen they're never responsible. That's just not reality. All these left wing leaders and protestors bare some responsibility for what is happening. If you are one of these people you should feel great shame.
How many black bashing threads is that today Matty? This has to be #4 at least.
I note you did not dispute the veracity of the claim.
Only idiots would imply that the Council of bigoted citizens has any veracity to begin with...
In other words you admit it was racially motivated.

Of course I admit that the council of bigoted citizens is going to be racially motivated by everything.
It seems like people on the left would rather talk about Matthew than the story in the OP. Why is that?
Do liberals really think that if no one comes out and says that it's black people doing these attacks that no one will notice? No one will notice black mobs taking over malls, attacking the police, burning people alive. It could be anyone. It could be whites attacking the police. It just so happens to accidentally be mobs of blacks.

You can't hide it anymore. You can't coddle it away anymore. Everyone can see it for themselves.
Oh, shut up, Matthew, please, and stop the racial agitation.

You and S. J. and Tipsycatlover and the others are every bit as bad as the NBPP, etc.

Let's have all the news out before you go on the warpath again.
Oh, shut up, Matthew, please, and stop the racial agitation.

You and S. J. and Tipsycatlover and the others are every bit as bad as the NBPP, etc.

Let's have all the news out before you go on the warpath again.

But you and others jump to conclusions about the police and the level of threat they felt they were under, in order to claim that their actions are based upon racism? How is that?
Fire up the MRAP and activate SWAT...and straighten that ghetto up.

Animals. Treat them like it.
No more political correctness.

The black community can fix itself or our cops should abandon it.
No more political correctness.

The black community can fix itself or our cops should abandon it.

Sounds like a plot line for one of the Snake Plisskin movies! Lol. How would you suggest to contain the violence. Of course, unless you walled off entire communities, violence would spill over into other areas. I can understand the frustration though.
Anyone that tells me that there isn't hate in the black community = a lair.
who has told you there isn't hate in the black community?

who has said it is okay for these cops being attacked Matthew?

who has said that criminals should not be arrested Matthew?

Who has supported the deaths of the brooklyn cops Matthew?

you, need to take your meds on schedule and stop claiming crap that the left wants or believes when it IS YOU MAKING UP SH*T about the left.... CLAIMING the left said it, and believe it....but it is YOU creating this up in your own head...

That is the mind of someone who is demented Matthew, someone with a mind that is not fully developed, the mind of someone immature, or the mind of someone that needs the help of a Doctor.... I'm thinking paranoid schizophrenic...or maybe obsessive compulsive disorder...but I am not a doctor....? see one, for your own good...

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