Zone1 Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
The classic movies ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are about to get remade for the sake of “diversity” according to a director and writer currently working on the scripts.

Variety reports that Kenya Barris, creator of the show ‘Black-ish’, wants to give the 1939 Judy Garland tale, as well as the 1946 Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, a makeover which will involve telling the stories from a “different point of a view,” with “diverse characters.”

Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants - modernity

They already did the black Wizard of Oz in 1978. These woke culture creators of today have zero originality. They are a parasitic culture that feeds of the host culture.

OP, can you explain how the movie industry works?

I mean, how do the creators "know what someone wants?"
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Interesting but sort of stupid. Are they going to have Cardi B have the "Dorothy" role accompanied by a pit bull in the role of Toto? Maybe replace the Flying Monkeys with Flying Honkies?

And have all new rap numbers composed for the musical score?

The main difficulty will be recruiting enough black midgets able to sing and dance to fill the Munchkin roles. Maybe the producers could work out a deal with the chiefs of the Pygmy Tribe in deepest darkest Africa to send over a boat load?
I hear they even had a black Little Mermaid

What is this country coming to?
Don‘t they know white people dont want to see blacks in roles other than maids and servants?
OP, can you explain how the movie industry works?

I mean, how do the creators "know what someone wants?"
Apparently they just refer to the framework of intersectionality and default to remaking things with actors who’s demographics have more social privilege.


We need equal representation >>>>>

Almost all of the Honky actors in Hollywood now are raging libs. They should be replaced.

Mel Gibson has already been blacklisted, but he makes his own films nowadays.
Cute, but you didn't answer the question.

How do the creators know what people want?

Oh, very serious man asking very serious question.

The very serious answer is that they don’t know what people want. Thats why these projects are box office floaters and streaming steamers.

Disney makes devastating £700million loss after woke remakes flop at box office

Being woke is the inability to comprehend anything beyond the racist dogma that saturates your head.

The “remakes that no one wants” in the title is part of the article headline and is not attributed to the woke producers.

Oh, very serious man asking very serious question.

The very serious answer is that they don’t know what people want. Thats why these projects are box office floaters and streaming steamers.

Disney makes devastating £700million loss after woke remakes flop at box office

Being woke is the inability to comprehend anything beyond the racist dogma that saturates your head.

The “remakes that no one wants” in the title is part of the article headline and is not attributed to the woke producers.

That's not what "woke" means.

But you already know that.

You must be a pretty pathetic white man to not have found success in America, a country that's designed and setup for the white man not to fail.
That's not what "woke" means.

But you already know that.

You must be a pretty pathetic white man to not have found success in America, a country that's designed and setup for the white man not to fail.
So in a “country that’s designed and set up for the white man not to fail” why is it ok for a black woman to portray Joan of Arc but it’s not ok for a white man to portray MLK?
If don't like it, don't watch, no biggie. We love "the Great" which has a very multiracial cast for various Russian royalty, and it works.
I guess growing up in a period where Shakespearean production were multiracial broke that barrier for me.
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(CNN) -- There was a time when if a white actor or actress was cast in the role of a character of color, there was very little outcry.

When Swedish actor Warner Oland portrayed Asian detective Charlie Chan or Elizabeth Taylor was cast as Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt, there was no call for boycotts or publicized outrage.

But times have changed, and these days some fans ask the question why, with so many talented black, Latino and Asian actors, does Hollywood continue to pass them over?

White actors snagging minority roles causes furor -

If they don’t like it, just don’t watch it? No double standard right?
The classic movies ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are about to get remade for the sake of “diversity” according to a director and writer currently working on the scripts.

Variety reports that Kenya Barris, creator of the show ‘Black-ish’, wants to give the 1939 Judy Garland tale, as well as the 1946 Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, a makeover which will involve telling the stories from a “different point of a view,” with “diverse characters.”

Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants - modernity

They already did the black Wizard of Oz in 1978. These woke culture creators of today have zero originality. They are a parasitic culture that feeds of the host culture.

"The Wiz" was great! Trying to top that is bound to end up in epic fail, because there's no pool of massively talented people

now like was in that. Seriously "The Wiz" is comparable to "Ben Hur", IMO.

It's Epic! Anyone that hasn't seen it should.
Lol, that shit ain't about woke. Streaming is killing the theater. Profit is leaving the industry. No money to pay the talent leads to no talent in the industry. No talent in the industry leads to shortcuts like remakes. Lol, good luck filling Jimmy Stewart's shoes. Maybe there will be a good side effect! Maybe if tv and movies suck people will get off the couch. Probably not though people seem to be content watching idiots on tiktok.
What if in the diverse remake of Its a Wonderful Life, when George Bailey is wondering around seeing what life would be like without him, there is just less crime and violence?
Well, let us imahgine for a moment the look on everybody's faces at the board meeting when some cat says, hey, I've got an idea, let's remake Tarzan, King of the Jungle and Lord of the Apes, except we have a black guy play Tarzan...

Yeah, who can imagine a native Black man from, and in, Africa, growing up w/wild animals and wearing underwear, while swinging from tree branch to tree branch.

Naturally, only a white man can be imagined doing that.

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