Zone1 Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants

The classic movies ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are about to get remade for the sake of “diversity” according to a director and writer currently working on the scripts.

Variety reports that Kenya Barris, creator of the show ‘Black-ish’, wants to give the 1939 Judy Garland tale, as well as the 1946 Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, a makeover which will involve telling the stories from a “different point of a view,” with “diverse characters.”

Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants - modernity

They already did the black Wizard of Oz in 1978. These woke culture creators of today have zero originality. They are a parasitic culture that feeds of the host culture.

Have you seen the Wiz?

The Wiz is a 1978 American musical adventure fantasy film directed by Sidney Lumet. Adapted from the 1974 Broadway musical of the same name, the film reimagines the classic 1900 children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum with an African-American cast.
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The Wiz (film) - Wikipedia
The classic movies ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are about to get remade for the sake of “diversity” according to a director and writer currently working on the scripts.

Variety reports that Kenya Barris, creator of the show ‘Black-ish’, wants to give the 1939 Judy Garland tale, as well as the 1946 Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, a makeover which will involve telling the stories from a “different point of a view,” with “diverse characters.”

Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants - modernity

They already did the black Wizard of Oz in 1978. These woke culture creators of today have zero originality. They are a parasitic culture that feeds of the host culture.

I think it's because people who are that 'woke' don't have any creative or innovative instincts any more so they are incapable of coming up with anything new that will sell at all. It's that or just one more effort to destroy American culture, traditions, entertainment history. Maybe both.
OP, can you explain how the movie industry works?

I mean, how do the creators "know what someone wants?"
What we do know is that most of the filthy ass woke movies don't do very well at the box office.

We see the goddamn Negroes every time a commercial comes on TV so why in the hell would we pay to see the shits in a movie?
Have you seen the Wiz?

The Wiz is a 1978 American musical adventure fantasy film directed by Sidney Lumet. Adapted from the 1974 Broadway musical of the same name, the film reimagines the classic 1900 children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum with an African-American cast.
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The Wiz (film) - Wikipedia
Yes. I saw it as a kid in the theater when it was released. Ive watched it once or twice over the years since then.
I think it's because people who are that 'woke' don't have any creative or innovative instincts any more so they are incapable of coming up with anything new that will sell at all. It's that or just one more effort to destroy American culture, traditions, entertainment history. Maybe both.

Have you watched the Wiz? It's very good..
What we do know is that most of the filthy ass woke movies don't do very well at the box office.

We see the goddamn Negroes every time a commercial comes on TV so why in the hell would we pay to see the shits in a movie?
At this point, only an idiot still believes the "go woke, go broke" rightwing meme is anything other than myth.

"Woke" movies have been making Corporate America rich!

What we do know is that most of the filthy ass woke movies don't do very well at the box office.

We see the goddamn Negroes every time a commercial comes on TV so why in the hell would we pay to see the shits in a movie?

You don't want to see Black Americans to succeed, do you? You must be a real loser.
Have you watched the Wiz? It's very good..
Nope and probably won't. When it comes to classic movies I don't like the makeovers regardless of whether the makeover is 'woke' or not. If they can't come up with their own thing, they shouldn't be making movies at all.
Nope and probably won't. When it comes to classic movies I don't like the makeovers regardless of whether the makeover is 'woke' or not. If they can't come up with their own thing, they shouldn't be making movies at all.

Lol 😂 So you don't know. That's typical.
The classic movies ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are about to get remade for the sake of “diversity” according to a director and writer currently working on the scripts.

Variety reports that Kenya Barris, creator of the show ‘Black-ish’, wants to give the 1939 Judy Garland tale, as well as the 1946 Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, a makeover which will involve telling the stories from a “different point of a view,” with “diverse characters.”

Two Classic Movies Are Getting “Diverse” Remakes That No One Wants - modernity

They already did the black Wizard of Oz in 1978. These woke culture creators of today have zero originality. They are a parasitic culture that feeds of the host culture.

"the wiz" has been done with dianah ross as dorathy and michasel jackson as the scare crow and maybe redd fox as the lion?

a little late to be outraged isnt it.
[At least] three different issues at play here.

(1). Should actors be cast exclusively in roles where the character is of the same demographic group as the actor? This is just silly. For EONS, men have portrayed women, whites have portrayed blacks, blacks have portrayed whites, and so on. Actress Linda Hunt portrayed an Asian man, Billy Kwan, in The Year of Living Dangerously (got an Oscar for it). Lou Gossett Jr. played a redneck drill sergeant in An Officer and a Gentleman, whites have portrayed Asians and many straight actors have played gay and vice versa. It's called ACTING (pretending), and sometimes the audience has to suspend its disbelief and go along with it.

(2). Should POC's be cast in roles that are written for "white" people? Only if it doesn't impact the story line, and is not preposterous in context. Having Black people show up as members of the British aristocracy? Come on. An inter-racial couple in the Deep South that raises no eyebrows? Forget about it. But having a cop be Black when the script is for a white guy or is silent, who cares?

(3). Is there any value to completely re-casting "white" films and plays with POC's? Every work of art must judged on its own merits. If you want to script the Sound of Music with all Blacks in an analogous historical setting (assuming that's possible), go ahead and try it; but not in 1939 Austria. If people patronize it and it's profitable go ahead and do it. No harm done. The Wizard of Oz? Knock yourself out.
Yeah, who can imagine a native Black man from, and in, Africa, growing up w/wild animals and wearing underwear, while swinging from tree branch to tree branch.

Naturally, only a white man can be imagined doing that.

Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Technically speaking, it makes far more sense to have a black guy do the Tarzan role.

But they'd never run a storyline of a black guy being raised by gorillas and eventually becoming the king of the jungle.

Anyway. I was just sharing my thought on your question about how they know what people want.

Black folk probably don't want to further or placate the stereotype that racist types associate with black folk, the jungle and apes and all of that.
"the wiz" has been done with dianah ross as dorathy and michasel jackson as the scare crow and maybe redd fox as the lion?

a little late to be outraged isnt it.
No, I was careful to note the “woke culture creators of TODAY” specifically to distinguish that I wasn’t referring to the Wiz.

Black cinema wasn’t “woke” 40 years ago. “Wokeness” is really just a thing of the past decade or two. Prior to that, the juxtaposition of blackness on mainstream media had cultural merit and originality.

[At least] three different issues at play here.

(1). Should actors be cast exclusively in roles where the character is of the same demographic group as the actor? This is just silly. For EONS, men have portrayed women, whites have portrayed blacks, blacks have portrayed whites, and so on. Actress Linda Hunt portrayed an Asian man, Billy Kwan, in The Year of Living Dangerously (got an Oscar for it). Lou Gossett Jr. played a redneck drill sergeant in An Officer and a Gentleman, whites have portrayed Asians and many straight actors have played gay and vice versa. It's called ACTING (pretending), and sometimes the audience has to suspend its disbelief and go along with it.

(2). Should POC's be cast in roles that are written for "white" people? Only if it doesn't impact the story line, and is not preposterous in context. Having Black people show up as members of the British aristocracy? Come on. An inter-racial couple in the Deep South that raises no eyebrows? Forget about it. But having a cop be Black when the script is for a white guy or is silent, who cares?

(3). Is there any value to completely re-casting "white" films and plays with POC's? Every work of art must judged on its own merits. If you want to script the Sound of Music with all Blacks in an analogous historical setting (assuming that's possible), go ahead and try it; but not in 1939 Austria. If people patronize it and it's profitable go ahead and do it. No harm done. The Wizard of Oz? Knock yourself out.
I tend to agree with your whole post. If an actor can do the part well and is convincing in the role, then I don’t really care who their real-life ancestors might have been. The issue is the forced diversity for the sake of forced diversity.

At the genesis of this issue was originally a valid argument that diverse roles should go to diverse actors. But that ideal has since been lost and abandoned. Now the pendulum has swung so far in the opposite direction, that we have the same problem we started out with just in reverse.

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