Two Climate Protesters Shot Dead

People need to respect other people and not block innocent people from going to work or to school or to the hospital. It's stressful enough on the road without these assholes adding to the problem. But you could say this demonstration was a success since these two won't be adding any more CO2 to our atmosphere. MAGA
I can't really call this justified because it doesn't look like he was being threatened. Yet, I understand his lack of patience for it though.

I agree. It ain't worth killing someone over. Instead, take out your .460 grain Weatherby Magnum, aim it at all of their cars, then punch a hole right through their engine blocks.

Now, no one is moving.
Empathizing with a man that gunned down two unarmed people in the street. Classy.
Pointing out the obvious is neither empathizing nor approving....The guy is nothing like what the violent leftist cranks portray those who oppose them to be.

Be very, very afraid of armed people who aren't acting out of blind emotion....Their aim is much better.
As stated above, you can see the expression of this man.
He is a man who just can't take it anymore. The straw that broke his back was this scene.
When he got into his car that day, he had absolutely no idea what was going to happen.
But on this day, after seeing everything he has known turn to shit, surrounded by madness... he is stopped on his way to his destination by more of the very shit he can't take anymore.
And he acted on it. He lost his wits.

And now two people are dead.
In my opinion - this is a result of liberal policies that prevent the police from enforcing the law.
I would wager $1000 that the police in the area are not allowed to arrest and convict people blocking roads like this.
And so this man had no recourse.

I am not excusing him. I am just stating a fact.
You push people and push people and push people - and this is what happens.
Pointing out the obvious is neither empathizing nor approving....The guy is nothing like what the violent leftist cranks portray those who oppose them to be.
Yeah? So you don't approve of this man or his actions?

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