Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

If we have enough on Trump when we have nothing. then what do you call what we have on the Clintons? A slam dunk?

Notice to liberals: putting America first isn't a crime. I know you'd like to think it is, but really, it isn't.
Just libs lying...
Most all they’ve got is innuendo, and hope others consider it true. Lol

Actually, we have the former FBI director testifying to Congress that Trump asked him to drop the Flynn investigation, and we have Trump on television saying he fired Comey over the "Russian thing". It looks pretty bad, and it prompted a special counsel and two congressional committees. Those are facts. And they are problematic facts for a person trying to say he was not obstructing justice.
Even if your idiotic characterization of what occured was true, which it obviously isn't, there's no crime there, moron.
It has? Please, enlighten us.
. Go to some credible news sources and wal-la.

The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
The little twerp thinks he knows more than the Watergate special council prosecutors.
Why? Because Hannity told him so. Would Hannity lie to him?
Mueller has nothing.

He has 2 indictments of tax evasion from 2009.

Poppa is a plant who wore a wite and shopped a book deal

Muller's own crimes of hiding Russian crimes in 2009

He has abandoned his tasking to dig into Israel and Turkish Cleric

The media and fellow lawyers just teported he has a history of being a F*-Up
- Now we know whete Comey got it from - his mentor...

This butt-hurt circus has been exposed for what it is...past time to shut it down...and put the Investigator and accusers under Special Counsel for their crimes...

Oh look, another Miss Chloe! I have never seen so many clairvoyants in one place!

Without magical powers, you could not possibly know what information or evidence the Mueller team does or does not possess.
Sure we could. He has nothing because there is nothing.
It has? Please, enlighten us.
. Go to some credible news sources and wal-la.

The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
You poor, demented, psychopath -- that's for Mueller to decide, not you.
View attachment 162644
. Go to some credible news sources and wal-la.

The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Bripat is as insane as they come. He’d sell his mother to sex traffickers to defend Putin’s Puppet.
. Triggered
Says you.

Comey says otherwise. Only he was there and you weren't.

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December." ~ James Comey
. Comey was caught lying, so his credibility is no good.

Haha, this is gettimg embarrassing to watch. When do you plan to apply the same standard to Trump? Seriously, how do you type this garhage with a straight face....

And I can promise you: if it comes down to Comey's credibility versus that of Trump, it wont even be a contest. So you might want to find a different line of propaganda.
Oh, so you see your propaganda as being better than the best of them eh ?
Fox employees revolted because they’ve been appalled over their station avoiding the Russian story.
That’s why idiots like you and your kind keep saying “ What Russian scandal?”
. No, what Russian cullusion ?
Another trump sheep that doesn’t follow the news.
Look up Trump Jr emails- Wikileaks-
. Go to some credible news sources and wal-la.

The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
The little twerp thinks he knows more than the Watergate special council prosecutors.
Why? Because Hannity told him so. Would Hannity lie to him?
No, it's because I'm not a leftwing hack. The watergate special councils don't have any special knowledge, moron. Your argument is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.
. Go to some credible news sources and wal-la.

The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
You poor, demented, psychopath -- that's for Mueller to decide, not you.

Then why are you chiming in on the subject, douchebag?
Mueller has nothing.

He has 2 indictments of tax evasion from 2009.

Poppa is a plant who wore a wite and shopped a book deal

Muller's own crimes of hiding Russian crimes in 2009

He has abandoned his tasking to dig into Israel and Turkish Cleric

The media and fellow lawyers just teported he has a history of being a F*-Up
- Now we know whete Comey got it from - his mentor...

This butt-hurt circus has been exposed for what it is...past time to shut it down...and put the Investigator and accusers under Special Counsel for their crimes...

Oh look, another Miss Chloe! I have never seen so many clairvoyants in one place!

Without magical powers, you could not possibly know what information or evidence the Mueller team does or does not possess.
Sure we could. He has nothing because there is nothing.
Moron forgets what thread he’s in.
Too damn funny.
The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
The little twerp thinks he knows more than the Watergate special council prosecutors.
Why? Because Hannity told him so. Would Hannity lie to him?
No, it's because I'm not a leftwing hack. The watergate special councils don't have any special knowledge, moron. Your argument is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.
The Watergate prosecutors have the same info everyone else has. Trump’s own words caught live on TV. Based on just that she concludes theres enough evidence to charge him with obstruction of justice.
But what does she know. Right?
The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
You poor, demented, psychopath -- that's for Mueller to decide, not you.

Then why are you chiming in on the subject, douchebag?

You poor, demented psychopath, I quoted Comey. Your opinion is meaningless, Mueller's opinion? That's the one which matters.
. Uh no he didn't... That's already be debunked.

It has? Please, enlighten us.
. Go to some credible news sources and wal-la.

The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?

I didnt say a single thing that was a lie. I repeated what Comey said, and it is a fact that he said it. You seem to have a problem focusing and articulating your thoughts, and understanding what you read.
It may be a fact that he said it, but what he said isn't a fact. That's what you fail to understand. That's how we know you're a moron.
Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
The little twerp thinks he knows more than the Watergate special council prosecutors.
Why? Because Hannity told him so. Would Hannity lie to him?
No, it's because I'm not a leftwing hack. The watergate special councils don't have any special knowledge, moron. Your argument is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.
The Watergate prosecutors have the same info everyone else has. Trump’s own words caught live on TV. Based on just that she concludes theres enough evidence to charge him with obstruction of justice.
But what does she know. Right?
That's absolutely correct: she doesn't know anything everybody else doesn't already know. If you would have stopped there your post would have been factual.
The credible news sources are all reporting that Comey testified that Trump asked him to drop the inveatigation into Flynn. Because that's a fact. So I think you're going to need more than a little dance.

Comey is a liar, and not even the fake news outlets have reported any such thing.

The lying just never stops with you, does it?
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
The little twerp thinks he knows more than the Watergate special council prosecutors.
Why? Because Hannity told him so. Would Hannity lie to him?
No, it's because I'm not a leftwing hack. The watergate special councils don't have any special knowledge, moron. Your argument is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.
No you’re a right wing hack. I just follow the evidence and the news.
You suck off Trump when he says,” Don’t believe anything you hear unless you hear it from me first.”
As usual, you prove to be insane. Comey's own words...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
The little twerp thinks he knows more than the Watergate special council prosecutors.
Why? Because Hannity told him so. Would Hannity lie to him?
No, it's because I'm not a leftwing hack. The watergate special councils don't have any special knowledge, moron. Your argument is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.
The Watergate prosecutors have the same info everyone else has. Trump’s own words caught live on TV. Based on just that she concludes theres enough evidence to charge him with obstruction of justice.
But what does she know. Right?
That's absolutely correct: she doesn't know anything everybody else doesn't already know. If you would have stopped there your post would have been factual.

Trump incriminated himself JUST LIKE IVE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR MONTHS. Now we have expert professionals telling you this yet you still think you know better.
Your stupidity and blind loyalty to this criminal makes me laugh.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidenceright now to indict Donald Trump’

Bripat: They’re wrong. I heard it from a blogger and I trust him,
. Comey was caught lying, so his credibility is no good.

Haha, this is gettimg embarrassing to watch. When do you plan to apply the same standard to Trump? Seriously, how do you type this garhage with a straight face....

And I can promise you: if it comes down to Comey's credibility versus that of Trump, it wont even be a contest. So you might want to find a different line of propaganda.
Oh, so you see your propaganda as being better than the best of them eh ?
Fox employees revolted because they’ve been appalled over their station avoiding the Russian story.
That’s why idiots like you and your kind keep saying “ What Russian scandal?”
Of course, you can't name any of them, can you?

I already did. Yesterday. Once again you come here and admit you’re the clueless wonder.
Fox employees embarrassed with Russia coverage

What are their names, hosebag?
Comey's understanding is irrelevant. What matters is what Trump actually said, and he didn't say that.

Furthermore, Trump was Comey's boss. Trump could have ordered him to investigate whatever Trump wanted investigated, and also what not to investigate.
The little twerp thinks he knows more than the Watergate special council prosecutors.
Why? Because Hannity told him so. Would Hannity lie to him?
No, it's because I'm not a leftwing hack. The watergate special councils don't have any special knowledge, moron. Your argument is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.
The Watergate prosecutors have the same info everyone else has. Trump’s own words caught live on TV. Based on just that she concludes theres enough evidence to charge him with obstruction of justice.
But what does she know. Right?
That's absolutely correct: she doesn't know anything everybody else doesn't already know. If you would have stopped there your post would have been factual.

Trump incriminated himself JUST LIKE IVE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR MONTHS. Now we have expert professionals telling you this yet you still think you know better.
Your stupidity and blind loyalty to this criminal makes me laugh.
Appeal to authority - a logical fallacy. Plenty of experts have said there's nothing illegal about what Trump said to Comey.
Trump winning the presidency has been a gift that keeps on giving. :)

Watching the left dig and scratch at every tidbit of hope seeing him impeached is almost as entertaining as the vids we saw the night he won.....

They shed tears for America

WTF did we do?

They shed tears for their own little crushed dream of working for the Hillary administration, and for nothing else.
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Former Watergate prosecutors Jill Wine-Banks and Nick Akerman joined MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday night to discuss the latest revelations about Michael Flynn potentially flipping and testifying against President Donald Trump.

Acknowledging her history, Hayes asked Wine-Banks whether there was enough evidence for an obstruction of justice charge against President Trump.

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!
Two senile old bastards you say?

I'm shocked. I bet they're not even leftists huh?

Senile+leftist=Who gives a damn what they think.

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