Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!
You silly liberals crack us up...

You just keep pissing in the wind

and all you end up with is piss on your face.....

Get use to President Donald J. Trump

You can't beat him.....

He has proved this over and over again.

Seven More Years my Butt Hurt foes....

Trump has done a great job at defeating himself. The article is correct they have enough evidence to indict Trump on Obstruction of Justice. You know when you get on an NBC interview and admit you fired Comey over the Russian investigation--I really don't think there is clearer evidence of Obstruction of Justice, and really am not certain what Mueller is waiting for on this one.

Comey did mention to others--regarding Trump pressuring him to drop the case on Michael Flynn, and when he didn't, Trump he fired him. Then they made up this ridiculous excuse that Trump fired Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton. That didn't fly--so he decided to do that NBC interview--:badgrin: That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go - CNNPolitics
Deputy AG briefs the full Senate after whirlwind week of controversy

comey was fired for cause....

He was not the Judge and Jury..........

"comey was fired for cause" -- That is something the investigation will determine.

Any non ZEALOT with common sense

knows comey's firing was justified....

You liberals are just pissed off because

President Donald J. Trump

did it...

exactly, they cannot get over Hillary losing because they media lied to them and told she couldn't lose.

oh you keep telling yourself that....whatever salve you need.

tick tock.
great, now do a narcissism search on Obama, Clinton, McCain, Bush, Reagan, Johnson, Kennedy, Carter, Jesse Jackson, Sharpton,

Actually, YOU should do that search, Mr. Tunafish
.....and then compare them to the orange clown's BIGLY reputation as a blowhard...........

(How's that Trump inauguration crowd bullshit coming along??......LOL)

they are all narcissists. WTF is wrong with you? Hillary lost, Trump won, democrats lost, republicans won. the country rejected the Clintons, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general. Until you libs grasp those FACTS, you will continue to lose.

who gives a shit how many people were on the mall for the inauguration? Trump beat hillary, that's all that matters.

trump cared so much he brought it up over & over again. & he'll do it again.
ask the 17 intel agencies.

They CAN'T......

You see, those intelligence agencies......according to right wingers on here......are all full of democrats, RINOS, gays, Muslims, Illegal Mexicans, Californians and all sorts of non-Evangelicals traitorous Americans........
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Trump has done a great job at defeating himself. The article is correct they have enough evidence to indict Trump on Obstruction of Justice. You know when you get on an NBC interview and admit you fired Comey over the Russian investigation--I really don't think there is clearer evidence of Obstruction of Justice, and really am not certain what Mueller is waiting for on this one.

Comey did mention to others--regarding Trump pressuring him to drop the case on Michael Flynn, and when he didn't, Trump he fired him. Then they made up this ridiculous excuse that Trump fired Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton. That didn't fly--so he decided to do that NBC interview--:badgrin: That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go - CNNPolitics
Deputy AG briefs the full Senate after whirlwind week of controversy

So you believe the people not involved with the investigation? So sad. Who leaked this info?

You can avoid that video I just posted with Trumps lips snacking in sync with the words coming out of his mouth. He admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is, Obstruction of Justice. That NBC interview won't ever get erased. Richard Nixon was never stupid enough to accept a televised interview and admit guilt.

This investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Robert Mueller has been in charge since late May 2017 and he has already delivered 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea, with more to come.

A good movie for you to watch about right now is "All of the President's Men."

No cullusion, no obstruction..One can't exist without the other.

Well, the above is further proof of your "scholarly legal conclusion" practiced by a 5 year old attorney....
. The charge was cullusion... No cullusion no charge.. Everything else is running on butt hurt emotion by mobs of liberals still hopeful for revenge after their cullusion to get Hillary elected failed. We all seen the fallout the next day, and all these months afterwards. LOL.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


that's mueller's job to tell you when the hammer drops.
What exactly do you drink from your Clinton shrine each morning? does it stain a dress?

Never liked either of the Clinton's........but you morons joining the Trump cult is a bit scary.....LOL

Trump is doing exactly what I want him to do. Its not a cult, its constitutional American government.


A cult of personality arises when a regime uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods such as government-organized demonstrations to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.

^^^ trumpism ^^^

So you believe the people not involved with the investigation? So sad. Who leaked this info?

You can avoid that video I just posted with Trumps lips snacking in sync with the words coming out of his mouth. He admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is, Obstruction of Justice. That NBC interview won't ever get erased. Richard Nixon was never stupid enough to accept a televised interview and admit guilt.

This investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Robert Mueller has been in charge since late May 2017 and he has already delivered 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea, with more to come.

A good movie for you to watch about right now is "All of the President's Men."
No cullusion, no obstruction..One can't exist without the other.

Well, the above is further proof of your "scholarly legal conclusion" practiced by a 5 year old attorney....
. The charge was cullusion... No cullusion no charge.. Everything else is running on butt hurt emotion by mobs of liberals still hopeful for revenge after their cullusion to get Hillary elected failed. We all seen the fallout the next day, and all these months afterwards. LOL.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


the left wing idiots use the word and don't even know what it means or what they are claiming. Liberalism is a mental disease. the liberal posters on USMB prove that every day.

i gave you the legal definition fishface. if you bothered to go to the credible unbiased link... there is an excellent example of exactly what the meaning is & how it would apply to trumpco.

poorly educated fools such as yourself cannot be trusted to find out facts. why? do they hurt THAT much? :itsok:
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It's just my opinion but I think Trump fired Comey because he refused to publicly say that Trump was not a target of the investigation. Everyone seems to be forgetting that Trump made a point of making it public in his letter firing Comey. In doing so he basically dared Comey to deny what he told him in private. Trump probably figured once the public was aware he was not a target the press would let up on him. Of course the MSM just created more conspiracy theories.


Just another example of Trump being a fool. Hey dumbass....when Comey told you that you were not under investigation...he lied to you, stupid. Damn dude, why is Trump so damn dumb?

Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

Trump didn’t ask Comey to drop an investigation on Trump. Trump asked Comey to drop an investigation on Flynn — and Flynn was indeed under investigation.

flynn might have flipped like a flapjack already. he knows he's got time in prison & his son too. way early on flynn was refused immunity.... but that was b4 he started to drop intel on the inner circlejerk of trumpco.

now his lawyers & trump's aren't speaking to each other. that's a problem. for cheetolini.. bigley.
great, now do a narcissism search on Obama, Clinton, McCain, Bush, Reagan, Johnson, Kennedy, Carter, Jesse Jackson, Sharpton,

Actually, YOU should do that search, Mr. Tunafish
.....and then compare them to the orange clown's BIGLY reputation as a blowhard...........

(How's that Trump inauguration crowd bullshit coming along??......LOL)

It's coming along a Hell of a lot better than

crooked hillary's, the two time loser and

three if you count crazy bernie:dance:
Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Bob Brigham
24 Nov 2017 at 20:58 ET
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Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Wow, this nothingburger is piled high 10 feet high with every kind of meat you can think of. It is fucking juicy!!! Trump is fucking going down!
You silly liberals crack us up...

You just keep pissing in the wind

and all you end up with is piss on your face.....

Get use to President Donald J. Trump

You can't beat him.....

He has proved this over and over again.

Seven More Years my Butt Hurt foes....

Trump has done a great job at defeating himself. The article is correct they have enough evidence to indict Trump on Obstruction of Justice. You know when you get on an NBC interview and admit you fired Comey over the Russian investigation--I really don't think there is clearer evidence of Obstruction of Justice, and really am not certain what Mueller is waiting for on this one.

Comey did mention to others--regarding Trump pressuring him to drop the case on Michael Flynn, and when he didn't, Trump he fired him. Then they made up this ridiculous excuse that Trump fired Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton. That didn't fly--so he decided to do that NBC interview--:badgrin: That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go - CNNPolitics
Deputy AG briefs the full Senate after whirlwind week of controversy

comey was fired for cause....

He was not the Judge and Jury..........

"comey was fired for cause" -- That is something the investigation will determine.

the president can fire the FBI director for any reason he chooses. or for no reason at all. He is the boss.

yep he can. but should he? guess who turned the mueller spotlight on himself? what a freakin' dumbass tribblehead is.

What does that make you and yours

if a dumbass is constantly outsmarting you:dance:
Trump has done a great job at defeating himself. The article is correct they have enough evidence to indict Trump on Obstruction of Justice. You know when you get on an NBC interview and admit you fired Comey over the Russian investigation--I really don't think there is clearer evidence of Obstruction of Justice, and really am not certain what Mueller is waiting for on this one.

Comey did mention to others--regarding Trump pressuring him to drop the case on Michael Flynn, and when he didn't, Trump he fired him. Then they made up this ridiculous excuse that Trump fired Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton. That didn't fly--so he decided to do that NBC interview--:badgrin: That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go - CNNPolitics
Deputy AG briefs the full Senate after whirlwind week of controversy

comey was fired for cause....

He was not the Judge and Jury..........

"comey was fired for cause" -- That is something the investigation will determine.

the president can fire the FBI director for any reason he chooses. or for no reason at all. He is the boss.

yep he can. but should he? guess who turned the mueller spotlight on himself? what a freakin' dumbass tribblehead is.

What does that make you and yours

if a dumbass is constantly outsmarting you:dance:

really? CONstantly outsmarting 'me'? it matters not about little ol' the end, it matters a whole shitload to mueller & his team... who, btw is making sure that he dots all the Is & crosses all the Ts b4 he goes public with the indictments. & there will be lots of them.

THE $64K question is -----

wait for it----

did donny dumbfuck outsmart mueller?

lol.... :popcorn:
You can avoid that video I just posted with Trumps lips snacking in sync with the words coming out of his mouth. He admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation, which is, Obstruction of Justice. That NBC interview won't ever get erased. Richard Nixon was never stupid enough to accept a televised interview and admit guilt.

This investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Robert Mueller has been in charge since late May 2017 and he has already delivered 3 criminal Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea, with more to come.

A good movie for you to watch about right now is "All of the President's Men."
Well, the above is further proof of your "scholarly legal conclusion" practiced by a 5 year old attorney....
. The charge was cullusion... No cullusion no charge.. Everything else is running on butt hurt emotion by mobs of liberals still hopeful for revenge after their cullusion to get Hillary elected failed. We all seen the fallout the next day, and all these months afterwards. LOL.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


the left wing idiots use the word and don't even know what it means or what they are claiming. Liberalism is a mental disease. the liberal posters on USMB prove that every day.

i gave you the legal definition fishface. if you bothered to go to the credible unbiased link... there is an excellent example of exactly what the meaning is & how it would apply to trumpco.

poorly educated fools such as yourself cannot be trusted to find out facts. why? do they hurt THAT much? :itsok:

Without poorly educated fools the left wouldn't

have a base. most of you couldn't change a tire

and the rest are on some kind of government

assistance because they are either to lazy

or dumb to make it on their own.

"what the meaning is"

That reminds me..

What's bill clintons definition of is.

Bite those facts Butt Hurt:dance:
Without poorly educated fools the left wouldn't

have a base. most of you couldn't change a tire

These two on the cartoon are "lefties"........LOL

. The charge was cullusion... No cullusion no charge.. Everything else is running on butt hurt emotion by mobs of liberals still hopeful for revenge after their cullusion to get Hillary elected failed. We all seen the fallout the next day, and all these months afterwards. LOL.

there isn't a legal charge of 'collusion'. it would be conspiracy. that means to conspire, cowboy.


A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

Conspiracy - FindLaw

Conspiracy to do what exactly?


the left wing idiots use the word and don't even know what it means or what they are claiming. Liberalism is a mental disease. the liberal posters on USMB prove that every day.

i gave you the legal definition fishface. if you bothered to go to the credible unbiased link... there is an excellent example of exactly what the meaning is & how it would apply to trumpco.

poorly educated fools such as yourself cannot be trusted to find out facts. why? do they hurt THAT much? :itsok:

Without poorly educated fools the left wouldn't

have a base. most of you couldn't change a tire

and the rest are on some kind of government

assistance because they are either to lazy

or dumb to make it on their own.

"what the meaning is"

That reminds me..

What's bill clintons definition of is.

Bite those facts Butt Hurt:dance:

i didn't vote for slick willy, hurt butt.

lol.... next...................
comey was fired for cause....

He was not the Judge and Jury..........
"comey was fired for cause" -- That is something the investigation will determine.

the president can fire the FBI director for any reason he chooses. or for no reason at all. He is the boss.

yep he can. but should he? guess who turned the mueller spotlight on himself? what a freakin' dumbass tribblehead is.

What does that make you and yours

if a dumbass is constantly outsmarting you:dance:

really? CONstantly outsmarting 'me'? it matters not about little ol' the end, it matters a whole shitload to mueller & his team... who, btw is making sure that he dots all the Is & crosses all the Ts b4 he goes public with the indictments. & there will be lots of them.

THE $64K question is -----

wait for it----

did donny dumbfuck outsmart mueller?

lol.... :popcorn:

The fact is President Donald J. Trump

will continue to out smart all of your dumb ass's...

The proof is in the pudding...

Who's your President Now:banana:
It's just my opinion but I think Trump fired Comey because he refused to publicly say that Trump was not a target of the investigation. Everyone seems to be forgetting that Trump made a point of making it public in his letter firing Comey. In doing so he basically dared Comey to deny what he told him in private. Trump probably figured once the public was aware he was not a target the press would let up on him. Of course the MSM just created more conspiracy theories.


Just another example of Trump being a fool. Hey dumbass....when Comey told you that you were not under investigation...he lied to you, stupid. Damn dude, why is Trump so damn dumb?

Really? Comey told Grassley and Feinstein the same in private and subsequently testified to it under oath in congressional testimony. You're either senile or just not too bright.


And he was lying, or at the very least playong loose with the truth. Of course Trump was part of the investigation. Comey's "out" was that he was not the singular focus.

If Trump wasn't under investigation, then the obstruction of just charge is obviously absurd. If he was lying, then he committed perjury.

Trump didn’t ask Comey to drop an investigation on Trump. Trump asked Comey to drop an investigation on Flynn — and Flynn was indeed under investigation.

That's entirely within his authority. Do you think Comey tells Trump what to do, or is it the other way around?
Trump incriminated himself JUST LIKE IVE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR MONTHS. Now we have expert professionals telling you this yet you still think you know better.
Your stupidity and blind loyalty to this criminal makes me laugh.
Appeal to authority - a logical fallacy. Plenty of experts have said there's nothing illegal about what Trump said to Comey.
So what? Their opinion matters as little as yours. Again, it all comes down to what Mueller decides.
Mueller's opinion doesn't matter either, dumbass.
This pimp for Trump is now totally out of his mind. More than usual.
“ Mueller’s opinion doesn’t matter.”
He’s as insane as they come. :cuckoo:

The other day I challenged him to quote me after I denied saying something he attributed to me — only to have him confess he couldn’t actually quote me. :cuckoo:

Your mischaracterizations of reality are positively comical.
You might want to read Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution, the president is the only person charged by the Constitution to ensure the laws are faithfully executed. The DOJ and all it's appendages get their constitutional authority from him, not congress or anyone else.

Faithfully executed means without political interference.
. The whole thing is political.
Yes it is

Political with Russia

ok, one more time winger (and any other libs that would like to weigh in)

Tell us exactly what Russia did that changed the outcome of our election last year. Where did they do it, what precincts were affected? How many votes were changed? which states?

you fools keep saying that Russia hacked our election------------------TELL US HOW.

ask the 17 intel agencies.

Only 3 were involved dip, and even they didn't fully agree with the degree of certainty, and none concluded that any votes were changed.


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