Two Examples of Why Trumps Wall Can Work, Be Built Quickly and Cheaply

You should have mentioned it dumass

I cant post the entire article, dumb ass.

That they still get through makes you look like an idiot pimp for trump.

So cutting illegal border crossings by say eighty percent isnt a success story?
You couple strong border control with the end of all services and employment and they'll go home.

We already did all that and still they came and the reason why is out of your control. Employers lure them up here and until they stop doing that, no fence will be tall enough to stop them.

Stopping he employers will amount to a much better fence than any wall no matter the height.
Stopping the employers who hire illegals is AS important as a wall, but alone it will not stop them.

Wall Street owns congress so how do you plan on stopping them. And building the wall will not stop Wall Street from hiring illegals in large numbers.
I cant post the entire article, dumb ass.

That they still get through makes you look like an idiot pimp for trump.

So cutting illegal border crossings by say eighty percent isnt a success story?
You couple strong border control with the end of all services and employment and they'll go home.

Ending all services and employment........ What made you think they will go home HWGA?

You cant work,see a doc,go to school,receive food stamps,get a drivers license,open a bank account....etc,etc..
You are going to go home.

Will there be any further additions to your laundry list, like maybe death camps. ;)

Only if you give us trouble....:bye1:
That they still get through makes you look like an idiot pimp for trump.

So cutting illegal border crossings by say eighty percent isnt a success story?
You couple strong border control with the end of all services and employment and they'll go home.

Ending all services and employment........ What made you think they will go home HWGA?

You cant work,see a doc,go to school,receive food stamps,get a drivers license,open a bank account....etc,etc..
You are going to go home.

Will there be any further additions to your laundry list, like maybe death camps. ;)

Only if you give us trouble....:bye1:

Whatever you say Adolph.
So cutting illegal border crossings by say eighty percent isnt a success story?
You couple strong border control with the end of all services and employment and they'll go home.

Ending all services and employment........ What made you think they will go home HWGA?

You cant work,see a doc,go to school,receive food stamps,get a drivers license,open a bank account....etc,etc..
You are going to go home.

Will there be any further additions to your laundry list, like maybe death camps. ;)

Only if you give us trouble....:bye1:

Whatever you say Adolph.

Hiel Shitler!!!
Yeah, working Middle Class Native born American citizens are just so much commodity today, in the view of the Establishment. And to excuse and justify their incompetence at securing our nation they spread the flagrant lie that a wall cannot work, and would cost too much anyway.

Here is proof it can work, be put up fast, and wont cost nearly as much as the social services and lost taxes of black market labor.

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

When the fence went up Oct. 17, the influx went down to 870 from 6,353 only a day earlier. Illegal border crossing were steadily below 40 per day throughout the rest of the month. The number picked up slightly in February, after migrants destroyed part of the fence, but it remains in the low hundreds.

What about the tunnels they'll build under it? What a waste of $

Easily discovered by the authorities, very risky and dangerous to the illegals.

And time consuming.
I cant post the entire article, dumb ass.

That they still get through makes you look like an idiot pimp for trump.

So cutting illegal border crossings by say eighty percent isnt a success story?
You couple strong border control with the end of all services and employment and they'll go home.

Ending all services and employment........ What made you think they will go home HWGA?

You cant work,see a doc,go to school,receive food stamps,get a drivers license,open a bank account....etc,etc..
You are going to go home.

Will there be any further additions to your laundry list, like maybe death camps. ;)

Oh dear Gawd, now Trump is going to build Death Camps?

roflmao, it doesnt get any more stupid than that , folks.
He went on to say:

"because of the trauma of the incident,'

How does that work then ?

Dude, look it up. I am not your fucking tutor.
I have, that condition does not exist except in the minds of simpletons.
You have not, or you would realize that
1. most of the time women are not fertile.

2. When raped the womans body tends to avoid conception due to the stress related. Carying a pregnancy through to birth is not an easy thing and conception is generally difficult to pull off. Many couples have tried to conceive children for years and years.

3. You are a hopeless moron.
That they still get through makes you look like an idiot pimp for trump.

So cutting illegal border crossings by say eighty percent isnt a success story?
You couple strong border control with the end of all services and employment and they'll go home.

Ending all services and employment........ What made you think they will go home HWGA?

You cant work,see a doc,go to school,receive food stamps,get a drivers license,open a bank account....etc,etc..
You are going to go home.

Will there be any further additions to your laundry list, like maybe death camps. ;)

Oh dear Gawd, now Trump is going to build Death Camps?

roflmao, it doesnt get any more stupid than that , folks.

Your pal is all for it.
When have we ever stopped illegal border crossing by any meaningful numbers?
And we sure as hell aren't denying them services or jobs.
So in other words your post is a complete lie.

And you're a fool for believing there's any truth to your comment.

So answer the questions.
When have we ever done any of those things?

CNN Fact Check: Illegal border crossings at lowest levels in 40 years -

Here's some stuff that isnt ancient history....

Illegal immigrant children, non-Mexicans surge across U.S. Southwest border at record rate

Senator: Record number of unaccompanied minors set to flood southern border

Yeah, so. Their numbers are still way down from years past when apprehensions were numbering in the hundreds of thousands, per month.

Way way down...... But these unaccompanied children from CA countries are pissing off my buddies at ICE.....
How will Trump make Mexico pay for a wall? He has never told us.


Yes. Moderators have asked him how he would make them pay for it.

"How will you make the Mexicans pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But they said they won't pay for a wall."

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But how will you make them pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

He has no answer for anything.

You live under a rock?
Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

And as he said,these are only some of the options.

That came from you. Trump never mentioned any of that.

Want some more?
Trump proposes ways to make Mexico pay for immigrants

Sorry I do not read Adolf trump fantasy.

Yes these are current. Do you why and what gave them the right to send UNACCOMPANIED minors crossing the western border? When these children crossed the border...... they don't run. They purposely want to get caught. Why is that?

You obviously didnt read the links.

I am very familiar with those links. Those links only explain what is going on but not why.
Everyone should be asking WHY unaccompanied children from CA countries? When Mexicans will die to cross the borders and no unaccompanied children.
Ending all services and employment........ What made you think they will go home HWGA?

You cant work,see a doc,go to school,receive food stamps,get a drivers license,open a bank account....etc,etc..
You are going to go home.

So by deporting themselves they have a better life on the other side of the wall?
No matter what their relatives or friends will feed them and still use toilet paper. On the other side your lucky if you have a newspaper or a water.
Common HWGA I know you are smarter than this. Seriously.

Surely you've been to mexico.
They can work there it's just not as lucrative and you need to ask yourself why they came here in the first place. If that goes away so do they.

That will be a big..... IF they can find a job.... Here they can always find dirty job no matter what it takes for them...... But self deport...... is like a suicide. Yes I have a business in Mexico.

So you're one of those evil capitalist shipping jobs to mexico.
Trump just might make that less profitable.

Yet you want lower prices buying at Amazon. You should be thankful that you can still afford to buy stuff..... If I made those products here in US you will expect quadruple the prices.... About 80% of my consumables are made in China....... If I make them here in US at the minimum 230% increase across the board........... That is just the labor. Facilities, tooling, equipment etc etc etc are not even included. See if people can afford to have health insurances. If hospital bills are high now........ Think real hard how high are those bills are going to be.
If WE make products here..... How can WE compete world wide? As far as I'm concerned Adolf Trump don't know what he is talking about...... Sure its good to hear will bring those jobs back. But at what cost?
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Yeah, working Middle Class Native born American citizens are just so much commodity today, in the view of the Establishment. And to excuse and justify their incompetence at securing our nation they spread the flagrant lie that a wall cannot work, and would cost too much anyway.

Here is proof it can work, be put up fast, and wont cost nearly as much as the social services and lost taxes of black market labor.

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

When the fence went up Oct. 17, the influx went down to 870 from 6,353 only a day earlier. Illegal border crossing were steadily below 40 per day throughout the rest of the month. The number picked up slightly in February, after migrants destroyed part of the fence, but it remains in the low hundreds.

Trump said a wall, not a fence. There's a big difference. However, armed guards stop intruders where walls and fences just delay them.

Homeland Security has been seeking more funds to extend fencing a hundred miles or so, purchase drones and electronic surveillance and hire additional personnel. If we want to increase boarder security this is what we should be doing because it's working, and not building some silly 2000 mile wall that Homeland Security says it's not needed and wasteful.

There is something else going on that Trump and supporters prefer to ignore. There's a million less illegal immigrants in the US than there was 8 years ago. The number of illegal boarder crossing has now reached a 20 year low. Homeland security analysis are crediting the increase in boarder security which started some years ago and the decrease in the supply of Mexican unskilled workers.
Trump said a wall, not a fence. There's a big difference. However, armed guards stop intruders where walls and fences just delay them.

Homeland Security has been seeking more funds to extend fencing a hundred miles or so, purchase drones and electronic surveillance and hire additional personnel. If we want to increase boarder security this is what we should be doing because it's working, and not building some silly 2000 mile wall that Homeland Security says it's not needed and wasteful.

There is something else going on that Trump and supporters prefer to ignore. There's a million less illegal immigrants in the US than there was 8 years ago. The number of illegal boarder crossing has now reached a 20 year low. Homeland security analysis are crediting the increase in boarder security which started some years ago and the decrease in the supply of Mexican unskilled workers.

A wall is not necessarily a stone curtain wall. A wall can be a metaphor for a system of obstacles that are manned and under constant watch.

And of course Obama Homeland Security is going to say that a 'wall' is not needed, they can fuck everything up without any new barriers.

And the low number of crossings are merely the ones caught. Not all of them are being caught or processed so of course the count is down.

Yeah, so. Their numbers are still way down from years past when apprehensions were numbering in the hundreds of thousands, per month.

Way way down...... But these unaccompanied children from CA countries are pissing off my buddies at ICE.....

There's not much we can do about it except take them in. But predictions are just that. Predictions are not yet fact.
Trump said a wall, not a fence. There's a big difference. However, armed guards stop intruders where walls and fences just delay them.

Homeland Security has been seeking more funds to extend fencing a hundred miles or so, purchase drones and electronic surveillance and hire additional personnel. If we want to increase boarder security this is what we should be doing because it's working, and not building some silly 2000 mile wall that Homeland Security says it's not needed and wasteful.

There is something else going on that Trump and supporters prefer to ignore. There's a million less illegal immigrants in the US than there was 8 years ago. The number of illegal boarder crossing has now reached a 20 year low. Homeland security analysis are crediting the increase in boarder security which started some years ago and the decrease in the supply of Mexican unskilled workers.

A wall is not necessarily a stone curtain wall. A wall can be a metaphor for a system of obstacles that are manned and under constant watch.

And of course Obama Homeland Security is going to say that a 'wall' is not needed, they can fuck everything up without any new barriers.

And the low number of crossings are merely the ones caught. Not all of them are being caught or processed so of course the count is down.

Not to mention that our crappy economy is less of a draw and the huge numbers of illegals and immigrants already here are occupying many of the economic niches they would want to fill.


Way way down...... But these unaccompanied children from CA countries are pissing off my buddies at ICE.....

There's not much we can do about it except take them in. But predictions are just that. Predictions are not yet fact.

Send them home.
Yeah, working Middle Class Native born American citizens are just so much commodity today, in the view of the Establishment. And to excuse and justify their incompetence at securing our nation they spread the flagrant lie that a wall cannot work, and would cost too much anyway.

Here is proof it can work, be put up fast, and wont cost nearly as much as the social services and lost taxes of black market labor.

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

When the fence went up Oct. 17, the influx went down to 870 from 6,353 only a day earlier. Illegal border crossing were steadily below 40 per day throughout the rest of the month. The number picked up slightly in February, after migrants destroyed part of the fence, but it remains in the low hundreds.

IMO only one thing that will work long term, go after the employers and prosecute the illegals using false IDs.

Obviously the wall alone isnt going to work.
And to tell you the truth it would be easier to just stop supporting illegals in anyway,and as you said make it financially unwise to hire them.
Yeah, I think as long as the jobs are there people will find a way. Border security is certainly a must but not an end all. Same old story if we would just enforce our laws.

A physical wall isnt really necessary if you put the manpower and tech on the border,which needs to be done to stop drug trafficking and possible terrorist incursions as well as illegals.

Any fence or wall can be breached with a tunnel or extension ladder if it is unguarded

So the challenge is that we need to guard the 2000 miles of fence in addition to building it. Our biggest impediment to crossing is not a physical barrier, but vast expanses of desert that must be crossed. Aircraft, drones, cameras and sensors can pick up when someone is crossing that empty land and border agents can be sent to intercept

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