Two Examples of Why Trumps Wall Can Work, Be Built Quickly and Cheaply

...most on the left have no knowledge of history. Their history begins with Marx and end with Obama.

That was your generation.

Now history begins with color television and ends with Deadpool.

Knew a guy who seriously thought that the term BC, as in Rome was sacked in 250 BC, meant 'Before Color' as in color TV.

Dont laugh, seriously he thought that.
He is a wonderful example of the failure of government education. Sadly, there are far to many Americans like him.

Yep, we have a distant family member who is a successful lawyer, yet did not know what sequester was. And yes, she votes too

We can all come up with examples of ignorance...particularly by those on the left.

For example, a family member who is very accomplished, was recently bitching about the Koch Bros and their influence...I mentioned that Soros has far more influence. He asked who is Soros....I did all I could not to laugh in his face.
Then there was that chap who thought that rape victims couldnt get pregnant.
I dont think a wall will be enough.
I would suggest that the danger of tunnels would still exist.
Firstly the wall needs to be wide enough to allow a railway line to run in either direction.This would help move troops around to threatened areas quickly and efficiently.

Secondly what is needed is a moat as well. Perhaps 30m deep and 100m wide.
Lifers can be used to dig this out at no charge.
If those drug dealing rapists can tunnel under all of that then they must be the right stuff and will thrive in America.

Ignorant garbage.
Yeah, working Middle Class Native born American citizens are just so much commodity today, in the view of the Establishment. And to excuse and justify their incompetence at securing our nation they spread the flagrant lie that a wall cannot work, and would cost too much anyway.

Here is proof it can work, be put up fast, and wont cost nearly as much as the social services and lost taxes of black market labor.

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

When the fence went up Oct. 17, the influx went down to 870 from 6,353 only a day earlier. Illegal border crossing were steadily below 40 per day throughout the rest of the month. The number picked up slightly in February, after migrants destroyed part of the fence, but it remains in the low hundreds.

What about the tunnels they'll build under it? What a waste of $

Easily discovered by the authorities, very risky and dangerous to the illegals.
If nothing else, the wall will represent our dissatisfaction with law breakers... Well, unless you're running for POTUS

Follow the law, and build the wall.

That is a good point.

Why is the Left not stopping this illegal act? It is ILLEGAL to enter our country without approval, yet the Left apparently has no problem with it. This would seem to indicate the Left is okay with people breaking laws they do not like.
Mexico is terrified that this might happen.
The idea that America would hold the key to the second largest source of income next to PEMEX freaks the shit out of em.
Mexico is terrified that this might happen.
The idea that America would hold the key to the second largest source of income next to PEMEX freaks the shit out of em.
Of course, the Mexican elite and government are terrified of a wall. They know where their bread is buttered.

Amazingly, many on the Left want to keep buttering their bread at the expense of the American middle class and poor. How can they be so stupid?
I dont think a wall will be enough.
I would suggest that the danger of tunnels would still exist.
Firstly the wall needs to be wide enough to allow a railway line to run in either direction.This would help move troops around to threatened areas quickly and efficiently.

Secondly what is needed is a moat as well. Perhaps 30m deep and 100m wide.
Lifers can be used to dig this out at no charge.
If those drug dealing rapists can tunnel under all of that then they must be the right stuff and will thrive in America.
Are you making fun of our chickenshit racist goons? I thought so.
How will Trump make Mexico pay for a wall? He has never told us.


Yes. Moderators have asked him how he would make them pay for it.

"How will you make the Mexicans pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But they said they won't pay for a wall."

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But how will you make them pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

He has no answer for anything.
I dont think a wall will be enough.
I would suggest that the danger of tunnels would still exist.
Firstly the wall needs to be wide enough to allow a railway line to run in either direction.This would help move troops around to threatened areas quickly and efficiently.

Secondly what is needed is a moat as well. Perhaps 30m deep and 100m wide.
Lifers can be used to dig this out at no charge.
If those drug dealing rapists can tunnel under all of that then they must be the right stuff and will thrive in America.
Are you making fun of our chickenshit racist goons? I thought so.
Just trying to sort the detail out.
Building and maintenance costs will be huge.
To offset the costs perhaps they could ad boards along the length of it. Perhaps the NRA could take a few. Maybe build small 1 bed units as well. They could put all the sick trannys in them and our kids could wash their hands in peace.
How will Trump make Mexico pay for a wall? He has never told us.


Yes. Moderators have asked him how he would make them pay for it.

"How will you make the Mexicans pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But they said they won't pay for a wall."

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But how will you make them pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

He has no answer for anything.

You live under a rock?
Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

And as he said,these are only some of the options.
...most on the left have no knowledge of history. Their history begins with Marx and end with Obama.

That was your generation.

Now history begins with color television and ends with Deadpool.

Knew a guy who seriously thought that the term BC, as in Rome was sacked in 250 BC, meant 'Before Color' as in color TV.

Dont laugh, seriously he thought that.
The great Walter Williams has a column this week on this subject...

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni publishes occasional reports on what college students know. Nearly 10 percent of the college graduates surveyed thought Judith Sheindlin, TV’s “Judge Judy,” is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court. Less than 20 percent of the college graduates knew the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation. More than a quarter of the college graduates did not know Franklin D. Roosevelt was president during World War II; one-third did not know he was the president who spearheaded the New Deal. But it is a little mystery why so many college students are illiterate, innumerate and resistant to understanding. Let’s look at it.
Campus Lunacy - LewRockwell

Sadly...this deterioration in educational standards has gone on a long time and yet nothing is done. The Left, which controls education from pre-K to Ph. D, apparently has no problem with it.
Then there was that chap who thought that rape victims couldnt get pregnant.

That is not what he said, and what he said is correct; rapes rarely result in pregnancies.

If you understood reproductive biology instead of the smell of your toe cheese you would grasp the point, so I am not wasting my time assplaining it to you , doofus.
How will Trump make Mexico pay for a wall? He has never told us.


Yes. Moderators have asked him how he would make them pay for it.

"How will you make the Mexicans pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But they said they won't pay for a wall."

"They'll pay for a wall."

"But how will you make them pay for a wall?"

"They'll pay for a wall."

He has no answer for anything.

There are many ways to make Mexico pay for building the wall, from putting a tariff on their products to taxing all remittances sent to Mexico to canceling their foreign aid, etc.

Why should Trump show his hand before he is even elected? That is bad negotiation strategy and the public is simply too used to morons Presidents.
Just apply for a visa, fly in, and stick around. Nobody will notice. You'll look just like the other 45 million brown people eating beans and rice 3X a day ???

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