Two Examples of Why Trumps Wall Can Work, Be Built Quickly and Cheaply

All voters have to do is refuse to invest their retirement and savings in businesses that put their profits ahead of the welfare of their workers. Of course we know that won't happen, because in reality, they are just as greedy as the big corporations.
1. most people are invested into 401ks, Thrift Savings Plans, IRAs, etc that in turn invest mostly into funds and indexes of various kinds or bonds. So thos of us in the Middle Class that would react dont have the objects you suggest we divest from.

2. I dont think regular people are nearly as greedy as those who willingly work 80 hour weeks and neglect the human side of their life in order to get rich. But that level of greed or ambition is not a bad thing. It is when it becomes self destructive or destructive to the community that hosts the businessman that it is a bad thing.

3. You sound awfully judgmental there, Flopper. lol
1. There are a number "Socially Responsibly Mutual Funds", that base their choice of investment in companies that don't put profits above all else. Most these funds don't do as well as the market averages, so an investor is penalized for not putting returns above all else.

2. Well, I've know a lot greedy people both rich and poor. I would say that most of the top dogs in the big corporation put work first above all else. I doubt people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Warren Buffett would have accomplished near as much without the growth incentive that exist in our economy. The charitable trusts and foundations they have set up will be saving lives and helping millions people long after they have been forgotten.

3. Yes, I probably am a bit judgmental. However, I get tired of hearing people blame all the worlds problems on big business. illegal immigrants, blacks, politicians. Christians, Jews, etc.. Without big business, there would little growth incentive for smaller businesses. They do serve a purpose.

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