Two Examples of Why Trumps Wall Can Work, Be Built Quickly and Cheaply

They work hard enough to provide for themselves. Including a place to live.

They can do that in mexico.
This is really to all of the posters who keep calling all the immigrants Mexican: MOST OF THE ILLEGALS ARE COMING FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. The Mexicans have already come and settled in. I agree the Mexicans could do more to stop them, since they very openly trek across the country and hang out in border towns waiting to get smuggled across, but Mexico (understandably) doesn't want to deal with these people either, so they close their eyes and let them continue their journey. At least that's my guess. But stop imagining that all the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. A lot of them aren't even Hispanic--they're Asian.
It's not a matter of Mexico closing their eyes to illegal immigration to the US. It's simply not their job. We are responsible for securing our boarders just they are responsible for securing theirs. However, that's not to say that Mexico has no interest in doing what it can to discourage illegal immigration to the North. Much of the illegal immigration is tied closely to organized crime, which a huge problem in Mexico.

Contrary to much isolationist propaganda aimed at building walls between the US and Mexico, the growing shortage of farm labor is being felt in Mexico just as in the US. In the future, there will be far less reason for poor Mexican farm workers to cross the boarder for jobs.

In the mid 20th century there was an average 5 children per family in Mexico. Today it's 2.2 and falling. There are less young workers to work the farms which has been the mainstay of farm labor both in the US and Mexico. Farm workers today are an average of 15 years older than they were 50 years ago. They are not only less workers available but they are less able to do the work because of age.

The urbanization of the 20th century in the US is in full swing in Mexico. People are deserting small farms and villages for cities. The result has been larger farmers that must import there workers from the cities.

The middle class which hardly existed 60 years ago in Mexico is growing rapidly. Educational levels and worker skills are increasing along with wages. Today in Mexico, as in the US, fewer workers are seeking farm work and if trends continue, a lot less will be over the next 10 to 15 years.

And that is good news for everyone.

BTW, securing our borders is not isolationism any more than it is for Mexico to secure its borders, but I note how you slam us for it but not them.

Is there anything a liberal wont flagellate the USA for but give a pass to everyone else?
Over the last year, Mexico has been doing a good job of stopping illegal immigration from Guatemala. I think this is one of the main reason we've seen the big drop in minors crossing the border.

My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder but it's aimed at Trump's statements and proposals such as forcing Mexico to pay for his wall and promises to break NAFTA which would certainly hurt trade with Mexico and most likely set off a trade war.
Trade mean Mexico might get pissed that more of our companies might stop moving there.............Got news for you pal...........we are already getting the short end of the stick there....................About time we fought back.............

Remember the Alamo.
They work hard enough to provide for themselves. Including a place to live.

They can do that in mexico.
This is really to all of the posters who keep calling all the immigrants Mexican: MOST OF THE ILLEGALS ARE COMING FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. The Mexicans have already come and settled in. I agree the Mexicans could do more to stop them, since they very openly trek across the country and hang out in border towns waiting to get smuggled across, but Mexico (understandably) doesn't want to deal with these people either, so they close their eyes and let them continue their journey. At least that's my guess. But stop imagining that all the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. A lot of them aren't even Hispanic--they're Asian.
It's not a matter of Mexico closing their eyes to illegal immigration to the US. It's simply not their job. We are responsible for securing our boarders just they are responsible for securing theirs. However, that's not to say that Mexico has no interest in doing what it can to discourage illegal immigration to the North. Much of the illegal immigration is tied closely to organized crime, which a huge problem in Mexico.

Contrary to much isolationist propaganda aimed at building walls between the US and Mexico, the growing shortage of farm labor is being felt in Mexico just as in the US. In the future, there will be far less reason for poor Mexican farm workers to cross the boarder for jobs.

In the mid 20th century there was an average 5 children per family in Mexico. Today it's 2.2 and falling. There are less young workers to work the farms which has been the mainstay of farm labor both in the US and Mexico. Farm workers today are an average of 15 years older than they were 50 years ago. They are not only less workers available but they are less able to do the work because of age.

The urbanization of the 20th century in the US is in full swing in Mexico. People are deserting small farms and villages for cities. The result has been larger farmers that must import there workers from the cities.

The middle class which hardly existed 60 years ago in Mexico is growing rapidly. Educational levels and worker skills are increasing along with wages. Today in Mexico, as in the US, fewer workers are seeking farm work and if trends continue, a lot less will be over the next 10 to 15 years.

And that is good news for everyone.

BTW, securing our borders is not isolationism any more than it is for Mexico to secure its borders, but I note how you slam us for it but not them.

Is there anything a liberal wont flagellate the USA for but give a pass to everyone else?
Over the last year, Mexico has been doing a good job of stopping illegal immigration from Guatemala. I think this is one of the main reason we've seen the big drop in minors crossing the border.

My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder but it's aimed at Trump's statements and proposals such as forcing Mexico to pay for his wall and promises to break NAFTA which would certainly hurt trade with Mexico and most likely set off a trade war.

Texas Struggling to Deal With Massive Influx of Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Children | News Radio 1200 WOAI
They work hard enough to provide for themselves. Including a place to live.

They can do that in mexico.
This is really to all of the posters who keep calling all the immigrants Mexican: MOST OF THE ILLEGALS ARE COMING FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. The Mexicans have already come and settled in. I agree the Mexicans could do more to stop them, since they very openly trek across the country and hang out in border towns waiting to get smuggled across, but Mexico (understandably) doesn't want to deal with these people either, so they close their eyes and let them continue their journey. At least that's my guess. But stop imagining that all the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. A lot of them aren't even Hispanic--they're Asian.

Who the fuck ever said they all come from mexico?
And before opening your yap you should use the Google.
62% of illegals come from mexico.
Pew Research (as of Nov. 2015) says 49%. Which means....wait for it....I'm right.

Bet ya really had to dig for that one.....
Immigrant Population Hits Record 42.1 Million in Second Quarter of 2015
Nope. The PEW article was above yours in the Google search. I just took the first one. Nothing makes me quite as frustrated as two tables of statistics on the same subject with completely opposite findings. I like mine because it sounds more like what I've heard before. You like yours for the same reason. How does this even happen? Mine was done in November. Yours was done in the summer. There can't be that much change in the numbers. So do YOU know how this happens?
They can do that in mexico.
This is really to all of the posters who keep calling all the immigrants Mexican: MOST OF THE ILLEGALS ARE COMING FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. The Mexicans have already come and settled in. I agree the Mexicans could do more to stop them, since they very openly trek across the country and hang out in border towns waiting to get smuggled across, but Mexico (understandably) doesn't want to deal with these people either, so they close their eyes and let them continue their journey. At least that's my guess. But stop imagining that all the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. A lot of them aren't even Hispanic--they're Asian.

Who the fuck ever said they all come from mexico?
And before opening your yap you should use the Google.
62% of illegals come from mexico.
Pew Research (as of Nov. 2015) says 49%. Which means....wait for it....I'm right.

Bet ya really had to dig for that one.....
Immigrant Population Hits Record 42.1 Million in Second Quarter of 2015
Nope. The PEW article was above yours in the Google search. I just took the first one. Nothing makes me quite as frustrated as two tables of statistics on the same subject with completely opposite findings. I like mine because it sounds more like what I've heard before. You like yours for the same reason. How does this even happen? Mine was done in November. Yours was done in the summer. There can't be that much change in the numbers. So do YOU know how this happens?

I dont believe the numbers have gone down for the simple fact that Barry has been caught hiding the truth by claiming people turned back at the border are now considered deportations when they've never been counted that way. On top of that you have BP agents who say they have been told not to enforce our border.

Obama encourages ICE to stand down, say former border agents

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

Border Agents Ordered To Stand Down: 'Might As Well Abolish Immigration Laws'

So who are you going to believe? Barry who is fighting to bring in more illegals and muslim terrorist or the agents patrolling the border?
My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder but it's aimed at Trump's statements and proposals such as forcing Mexico to pay for his wall and promises to break NAFTA which would certainly hurt trade with Mexico and most likely set off a trade war.

So building a secure border is Isolationism? I look at all the military bases we have around the world which Trump plans to leave in place and I have to call 'Shenanigans' on that horse manure.

And the Mexicans are manipulating the Peso to make their markets more affordable for export and NAFTA gives us the right to respond with tariffs, so that is not isolationism either, just enforcing the trade treaty.

So are you one of those Hillary Clinton liberals that likes the idea of exporting jobs and entire industries?
Apparently you didn't read my post. I said, "My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder"

Some sectors have seen job gains due to NAFA and some loses. Nearly all economic studies say NAFTA's net effect on jobs has been negligible. However, the benefits of free trade go well beyond jobs. The elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers have increased trade by 400%. This has meant more goods on store shelves at lower prices in both countries better protection of intellectual properties, more investment opportunities across boarders and higher profits.

Removing trade barriers always has both negative and positive results on business sectors but the benefits of free trade when looked at from a nation as a whole greatly out weight the drawbacks. Free trade allows each nation to do what it can do best.
Some sectors have seen job gains due to NAFA and some loses. Nearly all economic studies say NAFTA's net effect on jobs has been negligible. However, the benefits of free trade go well beyond jobs. The elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers have increased trade by 400%. This has meant more goods on store shelves at lower prices in both countries better protection of intellectual properties, more investment opportunities across boarders and higher profits.

Removing trade barriers always has both negative and positive results on business sectors but the benefits of free trade when looked at from a nation as a whole greatly out weight the drawbacks. Free trade allows each nation to do what it can do best.

Yeah, if you have a secure job, the lower prices of free trade are great, but it sucks if you dont have a job because it was exported to Mexico or China, or because your pay is lower due to trading a full time good paying factory assembly job for a part time service job with no benefits.

The secret, though is this, NO JOB IS SAFE from the combined effects of automation, offshoring and the importation of illicit labor through fraud, smuggling or exploitation of guest worker visa programs.
This is really to all of the posters who keep calling all the immigrants Mexican: MOST OF THE ILLEGALS ARE COMING FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. The Mexicans have already come and settled in. I agree the Mexicans could do more to stop them, since they very openly trek across the country and hang out in border towns waiting to get smuggled across, but Mexico (understandably) doesn't want to deal with these people either, so they close their eyes and let them continue their journey. At least that's my guess. But stop imagining that all the illegal immigrants are from Mexico. A lot of them aren't even Hispanic--they're Asian.

Who the fuck ever said they all come from mexico?
And before opening your yap you should use the Google.
62% of illegals come from mexico.
Pew Research (as of Nov. 2015) says 49%. Which means....wait for it....I'm right.

Bet ya really had to dig for that one.....
Immigrant Population Hits Record 42.1 Million in Second Quarter of 2015
Nope. The PEW article was above yours in the Google search. I just took the first one. Nothing makes me quite as frustrated as two tables of statistics on the same subject with completely opposite findings. I like mine because it sounds more like what I've heard before. You like yours for the same reason. How does this even happen? Mine was done in November. Yours was done in the summer. There can't be that much change in the numbers. So do YOU know how this happens?

I dont believe the numbers have gone down for the simple fact that Barry has been caught hiding the truth by claiming people turned back at the border are now considered deportations when they've never been counted that way. On top of that you have BP agents who say they have been told not to enforce our border.

Obama encourages ICE to stand down, say former border agents

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

Border Agents Ordered To Stand Down: 'Might As Well Abolish Immigration Laws'

So who are you going to believe? Barry who is fighting to bring in more illegals and muslim terrorist or the agents patrolling the border?
The Pew Research report was the one that reported the number of illegal immigrants in the US is down from 12 million to 11 million over the last 10 years. They also reported that illegal boarder crossings which are estimated based on the number apprehended is now at a 20 year low.

The Pew Research Center is a non-partition, non-advocacy research organization funded by the Pew Charitable Trust. There is no connection to the Obama administration or any government agency.
The US government does not report on the size of the illegal immigrant population nor the number illegal boarder crossing.

The other study referenced was conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies. This study reports total immigrants (foreign born) in the US. The figures in this report include legal and illegals from all countries. Comparing the two sets of data is an apple and oranges comparison because the subject of the studies are completely different.
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Who the fuck ever said they all come from mexico?
And before opening your yap you should use the Google.
62% of illegals come from mexico.
Pew Research (as of Nov. 2015) says 49%. Which means....wait for it....I'm right.

Bet ya really had to dig for that one.....
Immigrant Population Hits Record 42.1 Million in Second Quarter of 2015
Nope. The PEW article was above yours in the Google search. I just took the first one. Nothing makes me quite as frustrated as two tables of statistics on the same subject with completely opposite findings. I like mine because it sounds more like what I've heard before. You like yours for the same reason. How does this even happen? Mine was done in November. Yours was done in the summer. There can't be that much change in the numbers. So do YOU know how this happens?

I dont believe the numbers have gone down for the simple fact that Barry has been caught hiding the truth by claiming people turned back at the border are now considered deportations when they've never been counted that way. On top of that you have BP agents who say they have been told not to enforce our border.

Obama encourages ICE to stand down, say former border agents

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

Border Agents Ordered To Stand Down: 'Might As Well Abolish Immigration Laws'

So who are you going to believe? Barry who is fighting to bring in more illegals and muslim terrorist or the agents patrolling the border?
The Pew Research report was the one that reported the number of illegal immigrants in the US is down from 12 million to 11 million over the last 10 years. They also reported that illegal boarder crossings which are estimated based on the number apprehended is now at a 20 year low.

The Pew Research Center is a non-partition, non-advocacy research organization funded by the Pew Charitable Trust. There is no connection with the Obama administration or the other government.
The US government does not report on the size of the illegal immigrant population nor the number illegal boarder crossing.

The other study reference was conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies. This study reports total immigrants (foreign born) in the US. The figures in this report include legal and illegals. Comparing the two sets of data is an apple and oranges comparison because the subject of the studies are completely different.

Thanks for making my point.
Some sectors have seen job gains due to NAFA and some loses. Nearly all economic studies say NAFTA's net effect on jobs has been negligible. However, the benefits of free trade go well beyond jobs. The elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers have increased trade by 400%. This has meant more goods on store shelves at lower prices in both countries better protection of intellectual properties, more investment opportunities across boarders and higher profits.

Removing trade barriers always has both negative and positive results on business sectors but the benefits of free trade when looked at from a nation as a whole greatly out weight the drawbacks. Free trade allows each nation to do what it can do best.

Yeah, if you have a secure job, the lower prices of free trade are great, but it sucks if you dont have a job because it was exported to Mexico or China, or because your pay is lower due to trading a full time good paying factory assembly job for a part time service job with no benefits.

The secret, though is this, NO JOB IS SAFE from the combined effects of automation, offshoring and the importation of illicit labor through fraud, smuggling or exploitation of guest worker visa programs.
You're correct, no job is safe but I wouldn't single out free trade as the cause. There are many reasons, too many to discuss in this post.

Government erected protectionist trade barriers had to fall because they just didn't make good economic sense in today's global economy. Why should our government make us pay more for a less expensive higher quality product from abroad in order to protect domestic manufactures? Why shouldn't domestic manufactures be able to sell their products abroad without foreign governments making them prohibitively expense?

I know trade treaties and treaties with limited barriers are not perfect but they're much better than nothing.
Yeah, working Middle Class Native born American citizens are just so much commodity today, in the view of the Establishment. And to excuse and justify their incompetence at securing our nation they spread the flagrant lie that a wall cannot work, and would cost too much anyway.

Here is proof it can work, be put up fast, and wont cost nearly as much as the social services and lost taxes of black market labor.

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

When the fence went up Oct. 17, the influx went down to 870 from 6,353 only a day earlier. Illegal border crossing were steadily below 40 per day throughout the rest of the month. The number picked up slightly in February, after migrants destroyed part of the fence, but it remains in the low hundreds.


This can shoot a pumpkin about half a mile. You think a fence or wall can be built high enough or wide enough to keep them from shooting drugs over it?
My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder but it's aimed at Trump's statements and proposals such as forcing Mexico to pay for his wall and promises to break NAFTA which would certainly hurt trade with Mexico and most likely set off a trade war.

So building a secure border is Isolationism? I look at all the military bases we have around the world which Trump plans to leave in place and I have to call 'Shenanigans' on that horse manure.

And the Mexicans are manipulating the Peso to make their markets more affordable for export and NAFTA gives us the right to respond with tariffs, so that is not isolationism either, just enforcing the trade treaty.

So are you one of those Hillary Clinton liberals that likes the idea of exporting jobs and entire industries?
Apparently you didn't read my post. I said, "My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder"

Some sectors have seen job gains due to NAFA and some loses. Nearly all economic studies say NAFTA's net effect on jobs has been negligible. However, the benefits of free trade go well beyond jobs. The elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers have increased trade by 400%. This has meant more goods on store shelves at lower prices in both countries better protection of intellectual properties, more investment opportunities across boarders and higher profits.

Removing trade barriers always has both negative and positive results on business sectors but the benefits of free trade when looked at from a nation as a whole greatly out weight the drawbacks. Free trade allows each nation to do what it can do best.

Mexican minimum wage is around $5 dollars a day. Illinois minimum wage is around $8.25 an hour, or approximately 13 times a day more than what a Mexican worker makes. So when Chicago's Nabisco plant relocates to Mexico, will the price of a box of Nabisco crackers made in Mexico and sold in USA for say $3 a box, crash to say a dollar or thereabouts? I've yet to see price reductions here after U.S. plants relocate to low wage countries.
Government erected protectionist trade barriers had to fall because they just didn't make good economic sense in today's global economy. Why should our government make us pay more for a less expensive higher quality product from abroad in order to protect domestic manufactures? Why shouldn't domestic manufactures be able to sell their products abroad without foreign governments making them prohibitively expense?

But if you are going to go 'free trade' then go for the FULl monty and let Americans go overseas to buy products instead of letting retail outlets like Walmart have control of the market.

A friend of mine was working in the State department in India and he was able to send home a household full of Mahogony and Teak furniture, that cost him about $200 for the whole shebang. Wouldnt that be great if say a hundred Americans pitched in together and financed one person to go to India and buy a whole bunch of furniture for them and send it home? That would be 'free trade', but that is illegal. You have to pay....wait for it...a TARIFF if you do that as a private citizen.

Why? Because the international corporations like Walmart have lobbied congress to KEEP OUT small business competition by citizens like me and you.

IF we are going to have Free trade that benefits international corporations then lets have IT BENEFIT EVERYBODY!

Why does free trade only seem to benefit people in corporations and those with jobs, but leaves the poor and the jobless sucking air?

I know trade treaties and treaties with limited barriers are not perfect but they're much better than nothing.

These treaties have built in punitive measures nations can take regarding tariffs that are agreed to as responses to monetary manipulation of their export prices. Reagan took action against it, why has every President since taken a pass and let them get away with this theft?

We need FAIR TRADE not Free-4-All Trade
Mexican minimum wage is around $5 dollars a day. Illinois minimum wage is around $8.25 an hour, or approximately 13 times a day more than what a Mexican worker makes. So when Chicago's Nabisco plant relocates to Mexico, will the price of a box of Nabisco crackers made in Mexico and sold in USA for say $3 a box, crash to say a dollar or thereabouts? I've yet to see price reductions here after U.S. plants relocate to low wage countries.

And you wont, because they arent moving there to lower their prices, but to lower their costs and increase their profit margins at the expense of everyone else in the USA..
Government erected protectionist trade barriers had to fall because they just didn't make good economic sense in today's global economy. Why should our government make us pay more for a less expensive higher quality product from abroad in order to protect domestic manufactures? Why shouldn't domestic manufactures be able to sell their products abroad without foreign governments making them prohibitively expense?

But if you are going to go 'free trade' then go for the FULl monty and let Americans go overseas to buy products instead of letting retail outlets like Walmart have control of the market.

A friend of mine was working in the State department in India and he was able to send home a household full of Mahogony and Teak furniture, that cost him about $200 for the whole shebang. Wouldnt that be great if say a hundred Americans pitched in together and financed one person to go to India and buy a whole bunch of furniture for them and send it home? That would be 'free trade', but that is illegal. You have to pay....wait for it...a TARIFF if you do that as a private citizen.

Why? Because the international corporations like Walmart have lobbied congress to KEEP OUT small business competition by citizens like me and you.

IF we are going to have Free trade that benefits international corporations then lets have IT BENEFIT EVERYBODY!

Why does free trade only seem to benefit people in corporations and those with jobs, but leaves the poor and the jobless sucking air?

I know trade treaties and treaties with limited barriers are not perfect but they're much better than nothing.

These treaties have built in punitive measures nations can take regarding tariffs that are agreed to as responses to monetary manipulation of their export prices. Reagan took action against it, why has every President since taken a pass and let them get away with this theft?

We need FAIR TRADE not Free-4-All Trade
Absolutely free trade for all. This is not the 18th century.

Today, there is so much trade between nations that only 10% of the manufactured products are 100% manufactured in their country of origin. For example 90% of the components that go into an iPhone are manufactured in countries other than China. Of the $400 US retail price only about “$10 or less goes to direct labor wages in China. Take a car manufactured in Mexico. 50% of the cost is due to components manufactured mostly in the US.

Supposedly duties are there to protect the manufacturer from foreign completion,yet You pay a 25% tax and duty on cameras from Germany to protect American manufactures. When's the last time you bought a camera manufactured in the US?

One of the major problems with trade agreements is they take so long to negotiate. Reagan got fast approval from congress and negotiations started on NAFTA in 1984. Even with fast track, it took 10 years before it was implement. TTP took 8 years and it was just an expansion of a previous trade agreement.
My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder but it's aimed at Trump's statements and proposals such as forcing Mexico to pay for his wall and promises to break NAFTA which would certainly hurt trade with Mexico and most likely set off a trade war.

So building a secure border is Isolationism? I look at all the military bases we have around the world which Trump plans to leave in place and I have to call 'Shenanigans' on that horse manure.

And the Mexicans are manipulating the Peso to make their markets more affordable for export and NAFTA gives us the right to respond with tariffs, so that is not isolationism either, just enforcing the trade treaty.

So are you one of those Hillary Clinton liberals that likes the idea of exporting jobs and entire industries?
Apparently you didn't read my post. I said, "My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder"

Some sectors have seen job gains due to NAFA and some loses. Nearly all economic studies say NAFTA's net effect on jobs has been negligible. However, the benefits of free trade go well beyond jobs. The elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers have increased trade by 400%. This has meant more goods on store shelves at lower prices in both countries better protection of intellectual properties, more investment opportunities across boarders and higher profits.

Removing trade barriers always has both negative and positive results on business sectors but the benefits of free trade when looked at from a nation as a whole greatly out weight the drawbacks. Free trade allows each nation to do what it can do best.

Mexican minimum wage is around $5 dollars a day. Illinois minimum wage is around $8.25 an hour, or approximately 13 times a day more than what a Mexican worker makes. So when Chicago's Nabisco plant relocates to Mexico, will the price of a box of Nabisco crackers made in Mexico and sold in USA for say $3 a box, crash to say a dollar or thereabouts? I've yet to see price reductions here after U.S. plants relocate to low wage countries.
I know nothing about making crackers but I do know there are other reasons why a company relocates such as taxes, regulations, labor unions, location of raw materials suppliers, location of customers, and governmental incentives for relocation.

Nabisco makes crackers for one reason and one reason only, to make a profit and not just a profit but a maximized profit. Public relations people try to put a friendly face on big corporations but that's just PR. Big corporation are about as altruistic as an automated corrugating and packaging machine.

These big corporations answer to about 12 million stockholders who indirectly answer to over 100 million people that own mutual funds, pensions, annuities, and tax sheltered retirement plans. Most of these people know nothing about Nabisco's move to Mexico and really don't have any interest. There only concern is the value of their investment and how fast it's grows. It's these people, you and me that demand more from our retirement, college savings, and other investments that are indirectly responsible for the unwavering demand for higher profits. So if you want to know who's really responsible for moving that plant out of the US, just look in the mirror.
These big corporations answer to about 12 million stockholders who indirectly answer to over 100 million people that own mutual funds, pensions, annuities, and tax sheltered retirement plans.

And they in turn are going to have to answer to American voters who are pissed off as hell that these corporations are exploiting the assistance we have tried to give other countries. Methinks those days are coming to an end.
These big corporations answer to about 12 million stockholders who indirectly answer to over 100 million people that own mutual funds, pensions, annuities, and tax sheltered retirement plans.

And they in turn are going to have to answer to American voters who are pissed off as hell that these corporations are exploiting the assistance we have tried to give other countries. Methinks those days are coming to an end.
All voters have to do is refuse to invest their retirement and savings in businesses that put their profits ahead of the welfare of their workers. Of course we know that won't happen, because in reality, they are just as greedy as the big corporations.
My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder but it's aimed at Trump's statements and proposals such as forcing Mexico to pay for his wall and promises to break NAFTA which would certainly hurt trade with Mexico and most likely set off a trade war.

So building a secure border is Isolationism? I look at all the military bases we have around the world which Trump plans to leave in place and I have to call 'Shenanigans' on that horse manure.

And the Mexicans are manipulating the Peso to make their markets more affordable for export and NAFTA gives us the right to respond with tariffs, so that is not isolationism either, just enforcing the trade treaty.

So are you one of those Hillary Clinton liberals that likes the idea of exporting jobs and entire industries?
Apparently you didn't read my post. I said, "My reference to isolationism is not about securing the boarder"

Some sectors have seen job gains due to NAFA and some loses. Nearly all economic studies say NAFTA's net effect on jobs has been negligible. However, the benefits of free trade go well beyond jobs. The elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers have increased trade by 400%. This has meant more goods on store shelves at lower prices in both countries better protection of intellectual properties, more investment opportunities across boarders and higher profits.

Removing trade barriers always has both negative and positive results on business sectors but the benefits of free trade when looked at from a nation as a whole greatly out weight the drawbacks. Free trade allows each nation to do what it can do best.

Mexican minimum wage is around $5 dollars a day. Illinois minimum wage is around $8.25 an hour, or approximately 13 times a day more than what a Mexican worker makes. So when Chicago's Nabisco plant relocates to Mexico, will the price of a box of Nabisco crackers made in Mexico and sold in USA for say $3 a box, crash to say a dollar or thereabouts? I've yet to see price reductions here after U.S. plants relocate to low wage countries.
I know nothing about making crackers but I do know there are other reasons why a company relocates such as taxes, regulations, labor unions, location of raw materials suppliers, location of customers, and governmental incentives for relocation.

Nabisco makes crackers for one reason and one reason only, to make a profit and not just a profit but a maximized profit. Public relations people try to put a friendly face on big corporations but that's just PR. Big corporation are about as altruistic as an automated corrugating and packaging machine.

These big corporations answer to about 12 million stockholders who indirectly answer to over 100 million people that own mutual funds, pensions, annuities, and tax sheltered retirement plans. Most of these people know nothing about Nabisco's move to Mexico and really don't have any interest. There only concern is the value of their investment and how fast it's grows. It's these people, you and me that demand more from our retirement, college savings, and other investments that are indirectly responsible for the unwavering demand for higher profits. So if you want to know who's really responsible for moving that plant out of the US, just look in the mirror.

Excellent post Flopper..............
Exactly just look at the mirror who is responsible.
All voters have to do is refuse to invest their retirement and savings in businesses that put their profits ahead of the welfare of their workers. Of course we know that won't happen, because in reality, they are just as greedy as the big corporations.
1. most people are invested into 401ks, Thrift Savings Plans, IRAs, etc that in turn invest mostly into funds and indexes of various kinds or bonds. So thos of us in the Middle Class that would react dont have the objects you suggest we divest from.

2. I dont think regular people are nearly as greedy as those who willingly work 80 hour weeks and neglect the human side of their life in order to get rich. But that level of greed or ambition is not a bad thing. It is when it becomes self destructive or destructive to the community that hosts the businessman that it is a bad thing.

3. You sound awfully judgmental there, Flopper. lol

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