Two Fab Females


Sep 23, 2010
I was sorry to hear about Lauren Bacall’s passing at age 89. I am exceptionally pleased that Phyllis Schlafly is still with us at age 90. To me, the politics of those two fabulous ladies speak to a time anyone born after 1950 can hardly understand. To be precise, political differences and passions that split their generation are unique in that a very, very, few people in the entertainment industry succeeded in splitting the country into today’s America.

I am not going to excerpt the articles as I usually do. I trust that everyone who reviews them will arrive at a deeper understanding of the politics that captured a generation.

When Bogie and Bacall Were Duped by Hollywood Communists
Lauren Bacall, RIP.
By Paul Kengor – 8.15.14

When Bogie and Bacall Were Duped by Hollywood Communists | The American Spectator


Conservative icon still going strong at 90
Power broker politicians 'would tremble' when Phyllis Schlafly walked in the room
Published: 8 hours ago

Conservative icon still going strong at 90
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