Two in "Republican Women for Obama" ad Exposed as Democrats...

Not the first time they've lied about affiliation.

"Ashamed Republican" Is An Embarrassed Democrat (Wizbang)


And he did it again not even a year later:

Ashamed Republican Is Still A Democrat (Wizbang)

Hey, liberals: If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.
Republican women don't talk that shit. They're all democraps. stay outta my womb stay outta my bedroom but pay for my play.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Another Obama lie, what a bunch of first rate losers, they join Wasserman-Shitz email lie.

What a group, they can't run on the economy because it is terrible you now they out and out lie.

A proud moment for the Democratic Party.

How can anyone believe any Democratic Party ad.

Where is TM?

I'm sure we'll hear from TM....she's really looking hard for an excuse right now!!! Lol!
Hey...they're scrambling at this moment to find other lies and excuses!! I can't imagine what they'll come up with, but i'm sure it'll be entertaining!!! Lol!
Do you think i'll have the first ever post that the libs have no answer for?

Naw.....i know, i'm dreaming! Would i win a prize??? Lol!
Not the first time they've lied about affiliation.

"Ashamed Republican" Is An Embarrassed Democrat (Wizbang)


And he did it again not even a year later:

Ashamed Republican Is Still A Democrat (Wizbang)

Hey, liberals: If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

I love it when threads are posted by life long Republicans that have now fallen out of love with republicans and in love with Obama. Every single one of them is a bald faced liar. NO republican can love what Obama has done to this country. Only died in the wool liberals can hold their noses hard enough to vote for this reeking administration.
Why am i not at all surprised!!

Although the ad got a lot of playtime on MSNBC Friday, a recent so-called “Republican women for Obama” video advertisement has turned out to be a disingenuous campaign ploy.

Two in ‘Republican women for Obama’ ad exposed as Democrats | The Daily Caller

what ever makes cons sleep better at night.

Does all the lying from the Obama administration keep you up at night? How much is too much even for you?
Where's TM, Franco, Lone or the other looney left to the rescue bunch are they waiting for the Dem talking points?

They are silent on the Wasserman-Schultz e-mail where she justifies the lie.

Slimy bunch.
Why am i not at all surprised!!

Although the ad got a lot of playtime on MSNBC Friday, a recent so-called “Republican women for Obama” video advertisement has turned out to be a disingenuous campaign ploy.

Two in ‘Republican women for Obama’ ad exposed as Democrats | The Daily Caller

what ever makes cons sleep better at night.

Not even going to defend the lie, interesting, but as you say, whatever helps,you,sleep at night. Sweet Dreams!

Pretty funny you can't defend it considering your moniker.

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