Two in "Republican Women for Obama" ad Exposed as Democrats...

Why am i not at all surprised!!

Although the ad got a lot of playtime on MSNBC Friday, a recent so-called “Republican women for Obama” video advertisement has turned out to be a disingenuous campaign ploy.

Two in ‘Republican women for Obama’ ad exposed as Democrats | The Daily Caller

Being a registered Democrat is one thing, but deciding someone must be Democrat based on their Facebook 'likes' is a bit different. I would say the first woman is likely a Democrat, but the second one may be a Republican who leans left.
Why am i not at all surprised!!

Although the ad got a lot of playtime on MSNBC Friday, a recent so-called “Republican women for Obama” video advertisement has turned out to be a disingenuous campaign ploy.

Two in ‘Republican women for Obama’ ad exposed as Democrats | The Daily Caller

Being a registered Democrat is one thing, but deciding someone must be Democrat based on their Facebook 'likes' is a bit different. I would say the first woman is likely a Democrat, but the second one may be a Republican who leans left.

When your likes are every left-wing Obama supporting organization in the country, then it's absurd to believe that they were ever Republicans. Would even a liberal Republican support all the following organizations, people?:

Democracy For America
Tar Sands Action
Amy Goodman
Barack Obama
Being Liberal
Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
Think Progress
The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
Climate Reality
The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
The Sierra Club
The Buffett Rule
Obama For America–Colorado
Denver Young Democrats
Latinos For Obama
Michelle Obama
Veterans For Obama
I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
Obama Truth Team
Democratic Party​
Why am i not at all surprised!!

Although the ad got a lot of playtime on MSNBC Friday, a recent so-called “Republican women for Obama” video advertisement has turned out to be a disingenuous campaign ploy.

Two in ‘Republican women for Obama’ ad exposed as Democrats | The Daily Caller

Being a registered Democrat is one thing, but deciding someone must be Democrat based on their Facebook 'likes' is a bit different. I would say the first woman is likely a Democrat, but the second one may be a Republican who leans left.

When your likes are every left-wing Obama supporting organization in the country, then it's absurd to believe that they were ever Republicans. Would even a liberal Republican support all the following organizations, people?:

Democracy For America
Tar Sands Action
Amy Goodman
Barack Obama
Being Liberal
Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
Think Progress
The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
Climate Reality
The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
The Sierra Club
The Buffett Rule
Obama For America–Colorado
Denver Young Democrats
Latinos For Obama
Michelle Obama
Veterans For Obama
I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
Obama Truth Team
Democratic Party​

That woman never claims she was ever a Republican. She says she grew up in a conservative family.

I find it funny that after all the years of conservatives crying about how the GOP wasn't conservative enough,

NOW, when the Democrats do a campaign commercial pointing out how far right the GOP has moved,

conservatives cry about it and take it as an attack.

No proof either woman was a Democrat before the ticket was finalized, and no real evidence these woman are Democrats. As Romney asks for Democratic votes also what is the issue? These may have been Democrats that voted Pubbie for President before Romney. In any event, and voter who picked Baby Bush but rejects Romney is not likely to fill out a ballot in any event. Why is there no check on the democrats for Romney? Because no one associated with the Democratic party will stoop to such lowlife ADslanders.

If you ate going to run an ad, you need to be a little more careful on who you pick.

I bet you could have found two women that were or even are Republicans, that are going to vote for Obama. I'm not sure you need to go into desperation mode so obviously and look stupid doing it.

Not sure what they were thinking.

Thanks for at least addressing the issue, you are better than most liberals. :)

One woman claims she voted for Reagan; one woman claims she voted for both Bushes.

Where's the proof they didn't?

Just the latest in a long line of examples of why no political rhetoric can be believed.

Not a good situation.


Was this one of them?

She wasn't a republican. She was a misguided Paulite.

Interesting though that you picked up that image at atlasshrugs. That's really interesting.
That woman never claims she was ever a Republican. She says she grew up in a conservative family.

1:31 "People like me and my family have realized that the Republican Party once was in line with our views but are no longer."

What impression is she trying to give here? That she's a Democrat?
I never click "like" on anything democrat in facebook. Most wouldn't....
And i know no republican women that lean left enough to agree with Obama.
Ah, the choreographed mass hissyfits from the right. It's what defines them these days, their ability to all simulataneously go into a tantrum as soon as they get commanded to do so. The problem for them is that their poutrage routine has worn thin with America. Nobody wants to hear them whine any longer. Everyone just tunes it out.

Righties, I suggest you check Drudge or FOX or HotAir or Breitbart now, to find out what your newest talking point is supposed to be. After all, none of you wants to miss your chance to bleat along with the rest of the herd.
Ah, the choreographed mass hissyfits from the right. It's what defines them these days, their ability to all simulataneously go into a tantrum as soon as they get commanded to do so. The problem for them is that their poutrage routine has worn thin with America. Nobody wants to hear them whine any longer. Everyone just tunes it out.

Righties, I suggest you check Drudge or FOX or HotAir or Breitbart now, to find out what your newest talking point is supposed to be. After all, none of you wants to miss your chance to bleat along with the rest of the herd.

When were you elected to speak on behalf of 'everyone'?

Make an ass of yourself much?
Being a registered Democrat is one thing, but deciding someone must be Democrat based on their Facebook 'likes' is a bit different. I would say the first woman is likely a Democrat, but the second one may be a Republican who leans left.

When your likes are every left-wing Obama supporting organization in the country, then it's absurd to believe that they were ever Republicans. Would even a liberal Republican support all the following organizations, people?:

Democracy For America
Tar Sands Action
Amy Goodman
Barack Obama
Being Liberal
Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
Think Progress
The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
Climate Reality
The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
The Sierra Club
The Buffett Rule
Obama For America–Colorado
Denver Young Democrats
Latinos For Obama
Michelle Obama
Veterans For Obama
I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
Obama Truth Team
Democratic Party​

That woman never claims she was ever a Republican. She says she grew up in a conservative family.

The article states plainly that the woman with all the left-wing facebook likes, Maria Ciano, has been a registered Democrat since October 2006.

None of those women come off as credible Republicans. They are all mouthing the predictable Democrat talking points.

I find it funny that after all the years of conservatives crying about how the GOP wasn't conservative enough,

NOW, when the Democrats do a campaign commercial pointing out how far right the GOP has moved,

conservatives cry about it and take it as an attack.


The article is bullshit, just like everything else liberals claim. The complain about the article is that it's a big fat lie. It claims these women are all Republican or conservative. They are clearly nothing but a gang of Democrats. They obviously couldn't find any Republican women to endorse their idiotic claims.
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One woman claims she voted for Reagan; one woman claims she voted for both Bushes.

Where's the proof they didn't?

Where's the proof they did? We already know two of these women are liars. Why should we believe any of them?
Ah, the choreographed mass hissyfits from the right. It's what defines them these days, their ability to all simulataneously go into a tantrum as soon as they get commanded to do so. The problem for them is that their poutrage routine has worn thin with America. Nobody wants to hear them whine any longer. Everyone just tunes it out.

Righties, I suggest you check Drudge or FOX or HotAir or Breitbart now, to find out what your newest talking point is supposed to be. After all, none of you wants to miss your chance to bleat along with the rest of the herd.

"Poutrage"? Where did you hear that, DU or DailyKOS?

That woman never claims she was ever a Republican. She says she grew up in a conservative family.

1:31 "People like me and my family have realized that the Republican Party once was in line with our views but are no longer."

What impression is she trying to give here? That she's a Democrat?

You'll note that a lot of the women never state what their party affiliation is. The audience is left to infer that they are Republicans. it's typical deceptive advertising, the kind they use to sell hair grow formulas and penis enlargement supplements.

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