Two in "Republican Women for Obama" ad Exposed as Democrats...

Again, why are you conservatives complaining that these women are talking about how the GOP has moved to the right?

You conservatives have been BEGGING the GOP to move to the right. You've been pissing yourselves with glee for 3 years because the Tea Party has had so much luck pulling the GOP to the right.

Now you're there, and suddenly the view isn't so great? lolol

Careful what you wish for next time.
I should have a dollar for every time some conservative gave me shit when I told him he was a fool for wanting the Republican Party to move farther and farther to the right.

Now those same clowns are crying about it. Pay attention the next time I give you advice.
]The lust for power is more important than the advancement of our country[/B]. The people should be very fearful.

That's why Obama's deception puts these two women to shame. They claim only to be from one of two parties supposedly trying to support the American way of life and the Constitution.

Obama claims to be a supporter of the Constitution when he is actually a Marxist with intent to destroy the American way of life and do away with our Constitution.
Again, why are you conservatives complaining that these women are talking about how the GOP has moved to the right?

You conservatives have been BEGGING the GOP to move to the right. You've been pissing yourselves with glee for 3 years because the Tea Party has had so much luck pulling the GOP to the right.

Now you're there, and suddenly the view isn't so great? lolol

Careful what you wish for next time.

We're merely exposing (for the umptenth time) the deceptive nature of the DNC.

Claiming to have been a Republican just to smear Republicans is dishonest.

Liberalism is basically for dishonest people.
Again, why are you conservatives complaining that these women are talking about how the GOP has moved to the right?

You conservatives have been BEGGING the GOP to move to the right. You've been pissing yourselves with glee for 3 years because the Tea Party has had so much luck pulling the GOP to the right.

Now you're there, and suddenly the view isn't so great? lolol

Careful what you wish for next time.

We're merely exposing (for the umptenth time) the deceptive nature of the DNC.

Claiming to have been a Republican just to smear Republicans is dishonest.

Liberalism is basically for dishonest people.

I already proved the woman never claimed she's a Republican.

Romney's very first campaign ad against Obama snipped an Obama quote to make it look like Obama said something that was actually said by John McCain.

Did you piss and moan about that and post it to expose the deceptive nature of Mitt Romney???????

So once upon a time she shared views with the GOP, now she doesn't? Where is that proven false?

Are you all now trying to convince us that the Republican Party has NOT moved far enough to the right to have left some moderates behind?

The woman cited is Hispanic. You think maybe the 20 point drop in Hispanic support from Bush to Romney might reflect some moderate Republicans crossing over to Obama and the Democrats?

Not possible? Why not? How else do you explain it?
In other words, "This is an official diktat from the Democratic Party. It is unquestionably the truth. If it disagrees with reality, reality is wrong."

So your position is that the GOP has not moved to the right and they have not lost any Hispanic support at the national level.

You're entitled to that view. No one is stopping you from being wrong.
Why are you changing the subject from the dishonest ad in the OP?

Never mind. Rhetorical question. It's obvious that you're desperate to deflect attention from the liars in your party.
One lie, shyttehead dupe, so I can beat you senseless with your ignorance- not a list of promises obstructed by mindless obstruction, or pure pubcrappe. ONE. I'll be right here, sheep/hater/dupe.LOL
So, to summarize: the conservatives got caught spouting dopey stuff about the commercial, so now they want the liberals to apologize for being meeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaan by pointing out the conservatives were making crap up again.

Conservatives, you were misled again by your masters, and then left twisting in the wind. Again. You'd think you'd figure out the pattern after the hundredth time. Show a little pride and call your masters to the carpet, instead of constantly trying to shoot the messengers.

Now, like many in the commercial, I was a Republican 30 years ago. I voted for Reagan. Twice. My positions haven't changed much at all. It's just the Republican party has gone totally off the rails. The usual suspects here can now proclaim that I must be lying, being no member of the TrueCultOfGodsRepublicanParty could ever leave it. However, I'm the true Republican, and I consider all of these modern conservative Bircher rejects to be the fakes.
You probably were called a republican 30 yrs ago. Times change and so do political parties. My parents were democrats up until Carter came along. Kennedy was a democrat, but he was more like the republicans of today. Below is a pretty interesting read, and i believe very un-biased. It explains the times and how the parties have basically flip-flopped over the years.

Liberal vs. Conservative ~ Democrat vs. Republican « The World According to Opa

So it really doesn't matter what side you were on 30 yrs means nothing.
So once upon a time she shared views with the GOP, now she doesn't? Where is that proven false?

Are you all now trying to convince us that the Republican Party has NOT moved far enough to the right to have left some moderates behind?

The woman cited is Hispanic. You think maybe the 20 point drop in Hispanic support from Bush to Romney might reflect some moderate Republicans crossing over to Obama and the Democrats?

Not possible? Why not? How else do you explain it?
In other words, "This is an official diktat from the Democratic Party. It is unquestionably the truth. If it disagrees with reality, reality is wrong."

So your position is that the GOP has not moved to the right and they have not lost any Hispanic support at the national level.

You're entitled to that view. No one is stopping you from being wrong.

Hispanics have always favored the food stamp party.

The Republican Party has not moved right. The Democrat party has moved sharply to the left. it's now indistinguishable from the Communist party.
When have Republicans done anything like that?

Disingenuous campaign ploy? Ohs noes! What a travesty, that kind of thing has never happened before! Thank God for the GOP, they'd NEVER do anything like that.

Guess you've never heard of birthers.

In the first place, "birthers" are not the Republican party. In the second, we are campaign ads that are nothing more than blatant lies. Whether birthers are correct or not, they at least believe what they are saying. The women in the Obama ad know what they are saying is total bullshit. They know they're lying.
Sorry're one of the "2" people on this board i have on ignore! :)

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