Two Jewish Terrorists Charged In Historic-Church Arson

I love how these kiss-ass minions do everything they can to change the subject when it comes to Israeli war crimes.

Zionists are the biggest pussy's on the planet.
And what about all the Jews being blown up on the street and barraged by thousands of rockets aimed to kill them lol. Jewish lives matter :) unless you hate the Jews then your going against Jesus who Loves them :)

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28 deaths in 14 years, is hardly a scourge. It's more like a nuisance.
Haha lol there's a lot more then that. In just ONE year in the early 2000's there were hundreds. And what you call a "nuisance" living on the outside. Imagine living knowing there are entire nations that want to kill you for just being you. And those nations are all around you, and people blow themselves up and massacre people where you live on the street. The only reason there's not more death, is that Israel stops them before they act. And they keep the Palestinian terrorist authorities in line.

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I love how these kiss-ass minions do everything they can to change the subject when it comes to Israeli war crimes.

Zionists are the biggest pussy's on the planet.
I love how people love to bash Israel and not muslim terrorists like the Palestinian authorities. It's interesting to say the least

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Itamar massacre Fogel family butchered while sleeping - Israel News Ynetnews

Throats cut, slaughtered as they slept






Fogel Baby-Stabber ‘Proud of What I Did’

Fogel Murderer Proud - Defense Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

You're doing everything you can to hijack this thread and change the subject, just to avoid talking about Israeli atrocities.
The muslim scum slit the throats of babies...I like to keep it real Jew hater:slap:
The muslim scum slit the throats of babies...I like to keep it real Jew hater:slap:
Well, I heard the IDF murdered a pregnant Palestinian woman in cold blood on a Gaza street, then took a knife and carved the unborn baby out of her belly, set it next to the dead mother, then walked off leaving them on the street for all to see.

Why would I hate jews?
I love how people love to bash Israel and not muslim terrorists like the Palestinian authorities. It's interesting to say the least

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Maybe because the Palestinian authorities are not terrorists.

But those fuckers who bombed the King David hotel were.
Haha lol there's a lot more then that. In just ONE year in the early 2000's there were hundreds. And what you call a "nuisance" living on the outside. Imagine living knowing there are entire nations that want to kill you for just being you. And those nations are all around you, and people blow themselves up and massacre people where you live on the street. The only reason there's not more death, is that Israel stops them before they act. And they keep the Palestinian terrorist authorities in line.

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That's a little strange, since the first rocket wasn't fired until 2001.
I love how people love to bash Israel and not muslim terrorists like the Palestinian authorities. It's interesting to say the least

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Maybe because the Palestinian authorities are not terrorists.

But those fuckers who bombed the King David hotel were.
Palestinian authorities aren't terrorists lol
Hamas uses both political activities and violence in pursuit of its goals. For example, while politically engaged in the 2006 Palestinian Territories parliamentary election campaign, Hamas stated in its election manifesto that it was prepared to use "armed resistance to end the occupation".

From 2000 to 2004, Hamas was responsible for killing nearly 400 Israelis and wounding more than 2,000 in 425 attacks, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2001 through May 2008, Hamas launched more than 3,000 Qassam rockets and 2,500 mortar attacks into Israel.

Attacks on civilians
In the first years of the First Intifada (1987–93), Hamas violence was directed first at collaborators with Israel and at individuals it considered moral deviants, and then later at the Israeli military. A new direction began with the formation of the al-Qassam Brigades militia in 1992, and in 1993 suicide attacks began against Israeli targets on the West Bank.
Hamas has defended suicide attacks as a legitimate aspect of its asymmetric warfare against Israel, but they are consideted as crimes against humanity under international law. In a 2002 report, Human Rights Watch stated that Hamas leaders "should be held accountable" for "war crimes and crimes against humanity" committed by the al-Qassam Brigades.

Rocket attacks on Israel
According to Human Rights Watch, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have launched thousands of rockets into Israel since 2001, and poses an ongoing threat to the nearly 800,000 Israeli civilians who live and work in the weapons' range. Hamas officials have said that the rockets were aimed only at military targets, saying that civilian casualties were the "accidental result" of the weapons' poor quality. According to Human Rights Watch, statements by Hamas leaders suggest that the purpose of the rocket attacks was indeed to strike civilians and civilian objects.

According to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch, in 2008, Fathi Hamad, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, stated on Al-Aqsa TV, "For the Palestinian people death became an industry, at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel, and the children excel. Accordingly (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: 'We desire death as you desire life.'"

But the Israelis are the terrorists and the Palestinian government is just a peaceful loving hippie :) right?

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Palestinian authorities aren't terrorists lol
Hamas uses both political activities and violence in pursuit of its goals. For example, while politically engaged in the 2006 Palestinian Territories parliamentary election campaign, Hamas stated in its election manifesto that it was prepared to use "armed resistance to end the occupation".
What's wrong with that? Everyone has a right to resist armed aggression. Are you telling me, if you broke into your neighbors home, your neighbor doesn't have a right to resist your home invasion?

If Israel doesn't want armed resistance, then end the fucking occupation!

From 2000 to 2004, Hamas was responsible for killing nearly 400 Israelis and wounding more than 2,000 in 425 attacks, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2001 through May 2008, Hamas launched more than 3,000 Qassam rockets and 2,500 mortar attacks into Israel.
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs couldn't tell the truth if God Himself was standing right in front of them.

44. That is the total number of deaths from 2001-2014.

Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel: 44

Civilians: 30 (including 2 killed at military posts)

Soldiers: 14
And that's it!

Attacks on civilians
In the first years of the First Intifada (1987–93), Hamas violence was directed first at collaborators with Israel and at individuals it considered moral deviants, and then later at the Israeli military. A new direction began with the formation of the al-Qassam Brigades militia in 1992, and in 1993 suicide attacks began against Israeli targets on the West Bank.
There have been no suicide attacks since 2005.

Hamas has defended suicide attacks as a legitimate aspect of its asymmetric warfare against Israel, but they are consideted as crimes against humanity under international law. In a 2002 report, Human Rights Watch stated that Hamas leaders "should be held accountable" for "war crimes and crimes against humanity" committed by the al-Qassam Brigades.
We're in agreement here.

Rocket attacks on Israel
According to Human Rights Watch, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have launched thousands of rockets into Israel since 2001, and poses an ongoing threat to the nearly 800,000 Israeli civilians who live and work in the weapons' range. Hamas officials have said that the rockets were aimed only at military targets, saying that civilian casualties were the "accidental result" of the weapons' poor quality. According to Human Rights Watch, statements by Hamas leaders suggest that the purpose of the rocket attacks was indeed to strike civilians and civilian objects.
The rocket attacks are in response to the occupation.

According to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch, in 2008, Fathi Hamad, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, stated on Al-Aqsa TV, "For the Palestinian people death became an industry, at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel, and the children excel. Accordingly (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: 'We desire death as you desire life.'"
That's a bunch of hasbara bullshit.

Israel shouldn't talk. They force every citizen to serve in the military.

But the Israelis are the terrorists and the Palestinian government is just a peaceful loving hippie :) right?

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I wouldn't say they are "peaceful loving hippies", but the rockets are in response to Israeli terrorism.

As an example, in 2012, the after the Operation Protective Edge ceasefire, the following chart shows a week-to-week description of all the Israeli ceasefire violations and the rocket attacks that followed...

From the chart above, it's pretty obvious who the terrorist is.
Palestinian authorities aren't terrorists lol
Hamas uses both political activities and violence in pursuit of its goals. For example, while politically engaged in the 2006 Palestinian Territories parliamentary election campaign, Hamas stated in its election manifesto that it was prepared to use "armed resistance to end the occupation".
What's wrong with that? Everyone has a right to resist armed aggression. Are you telling me, if you broke into your neighbors home, your neighbor doesn't have a right to resist your home invasion?

If Israel doesn't want armed resistance, then end the fucking occupation!

From 2000 to 2004, Hamas was responsible for killing nearly 400 Israelis and wounding more than 2,000 in 425 attacks, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2001 through May 2008, Hamas launched more than 3,000 Qassam rockets and 2,500 mortar attacks into Israel.
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs couldn't tell the truth if God Himself was standing right in front of them.

44. That is the total number of deaths from 2001-2014.

Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel: 44

Civilians: 30 (including 2 killed at military posts)

Soldiers: 14
And that's it!

Attacks on civilians
In the first years of the First Intifada (1987–93), Hamas violence was directed first at collaborators with Israel and at individuals it considered moral deviants, and then later at the Israeli military. A new direction began with the formation of the al-Qassam Brigades militia in 1992, and in 1993 suicide attacks began against Israeli targets on the West Bank.
There have been no suicide attacks since 2005.

Hamas has defended suicide attacks as a legitimate aspect of its asymmetric warfare against Israel, but they are consideted as crimes against humanity under international law. In a 2002 report, Human Rights Watch stated that Hamas leaders "should be held accountable" for "war crimes and crimes against humanity" committed by the al-Qassam Brigades.
We're in agreement here.

Rocket attacks on Israel
According to Human Rights Watch, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups have launched thousands of rockets into Israel since 2001, and poses an ongoing threat to the nearly 800,000 Israeli civilians who live and work in the weapons' range. Hamas officials have said that the rockets were aimed only at military targets, saying that civilian casualties were the "accidental result" of the weapons' poor quality. According to Human Rights Watch, statements by Hamas leaders suggest that the purpose of the rocket attacks was indeed to strike civilians and civilian objects.
The rocket attacks are in response to the occupation.

According to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch, in 2008, Fathi Hamad, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, stated on Al-Aqsa TV, "For the Palestinian people death became an industry, at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel, and the children excel. Accordingly (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: 'We desire death as you desire life.'"
That's a bunch of hasbara bullshit.

Israel shouldn't talk. They force every citizen to serve in the military.

But the Israelis are the terrorists and the Palestinian government is just a peaceful loving hippie :) right?

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I wouldn't say they are "peaceful loving hippies", but the rockets are in response to Israeli terrorism.

As an example, in 2012, the after the Operation Protective Edge ceasefire, the following chart shows a week-to-week description of all the Israeli ceasefire violations and the rocket attacks that followed...

From the chart above, it's pretty obvious who the terrorist is.
Of course it's all Israel's fault. Sigh. So the THOUSANDS of rocket attacks are ok because Israel occupies Palestinian land?
The Palestinians are the barrier to peace in the Middle East my friend, not the Israelis

And yes, Israel has more right to exist than most other countries.

And there you go. The Truth is Revealed :)

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A black South African on if Israel's an Apartheid State:

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Of course it's all Israel's fault.
Until the end the occupation.

Much like a neutered dog, you don't get it, do you? Israel is at fault, for the things Israel does.

Sigh. So the THOUSANDS of rocket attacks are ok because Israel occupies Palestinian land?
Why don't you deal with the notion that you think it's okay to occupy Palestinian land, because of the rocket attacks?

The Palestinians are the barrier to peace in the Middle East my friend, not the Israelis
If that was true, then why is it Israel, who is always breaking the ceasefires?

And yes, Israel has more right to exist than most other countries.
Countries don't have rights; people do.

And there you go. The Truth is Revealed :)

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Spare me your hasbara propaganda videos.

The Palestinian's have a right to exist as well.

And Israel has no right, denying them of their right.
Of course it's all Israel's fault.
Until the end the occupation.

Much like a neutered dog, you don't get it, do you? Israel is at fault, for the things Israel does.

Sigh. So the THOUSANDS of rocket attacks are ok because Israel occupies Palestinian land?
Why don't you deal with the notion that you think it's okay to occupy Palestinian land, because of the rocket attacks?

The Palestinians are the barrier to peace in the Middle East my friend, not the Israelis
If that was true, then why is it Israel, who is always breaking the ceasefires?

And yes, Israel has more right to exist than most other countries.
Countries don't have rights; people do.

And there you go. The Truth is Revealed :)

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Spare me your hasbara propaganda videos.

The Palestinian's have a right to exist as well.

And Israel has no right, denying them of their right.

Uh the only reason Israel has the land to the East is because they got it when THEY were attacked by multiple Arab armies for just existing. They even gave a huge chunk of land back to Egypt for peace and Egypt afterward negated the peace. It's pretty hard to make peace with people who don't respect your right to exist and want to murder you dude. Israel is always willing to give back land. They gave back Gaza and what did they get out of it?? Morter rockets and suicide bombers! Lol Israel has given a lot of land up but they get no peace for it! So why would more land make any difference huh? Take out there forces from the east so they can get shelled from BOTH east and west? You think there stupid? You can't make peace with those who want you dead.

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The muslim scum slit the throats of babies...I like to keep it real Jew hater:slap:
Well, I heard the IDF murdered a pregnant Palestinian woman in cold blood on a Gaza street, then took a knife and carved the unborn baby out of her belly, set it next to the dead mother, then walked off leaving them on the street for all to see.

Why would I hate jews?
"You heard" Where did you hear that bull from boy? your spoon fed Jew hater websites? about you post a link to the story? If not STFU:slap:



And Palestine NEVER existed. They only wanted there own state AFTER Israel was born. Coincidence?

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You don't have to believe in God to see Israel is way more innocent then the Arab countries.

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Uh the only reason Israel has the land to the East is because they got it when THEY were attacked by multiple Arab armies for just existing.
No, that is not true. Zionists migrated into the area with racist, apartheid policies, then drove out over 700,000 indigenous Arabs through the use of Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

They even gave a huge chunk of land back to Egypt for peace and Egypt afterward negated the peace.
You can't give, what you don't have. That wasn't Israel's land to give. Conquer by conquest was outlawed at the end of WWII.

It's pretty hard to make peace with people who don't respect your right to exist and want to murder you dude.
Maybe because when Zionists migrated into the area, they treated the indigenous residents like this...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination." - Ahad Ha'am

Israel is always willing to give back land.
If that was true, they wouldn't be increasing settlement construction.

They gave back Gaza and what did they get out of it?? Morter rockets and suicide bombers!
Like I said, you can't give, what you don't have. Gaza was not Israel's to give.

Lol Israel has given a lot of land up but they get no peace for it!
It's not Israel's land! It's an occupation. The only thing you can do with an occupation, is to end it. The only thing Israel needs to do, is get the fuck off land that isn't theirs.

So why would more land make any difference huh?
That has nothing to do with it.

Take out there forces from the east so they can get shelled from BOTH east and west? You think there stupid? You can't make peace with those who want you dead.
Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME. I think they're safe.

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