Two muslims killed in Queens today, one was an imam

Your post was scum, there is no "settled" other than your post stupid, partisan nonsense. Next.

no it is settled, you claimed non muslims have done it in the past then refused to back up your claim with links to past instances, you are a lying piece of shit as usual
no it is settled, you claimed non muslims have done it in the past then refused to back up your claim with links to past instances, you are a lying piece of shit as usual
I think he was referring to things like the Tulsa Race Riot in 1921, the US government's genocide of native Americans, Jim Crow laws, lynchings and the like. Saying "bu..bu...but that's different!" like a weenie liberal is bullshit. It happened. True, we've done better or the past several decades, but we're a First World country. Comparing ourselves to a Third World country is like a High Schooler lauding their accomplishments over a First Grader. It's lame.

The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot and the 90 years that followed
....You assume to know what is in another persons soul by the precepts of your own errors. You label someone unchristian like yet you are unable to show where that person has a spirit of Lucifer 'a light bearer'...
Wrong, slick. You're also guilty of hypocrisy by claiming others are assuming when that's exactly what you've done....unless you claim to be a mind reader. Are you?

As for unChristian, one doesn't have to walk with the Devil in order to be unChristian. One simply has to act contrary to Christ's teachings. You are free to believe hate and spreading hate are "Christian" regardless of the numerous passages in the Bible saying otherwise such as Matthew 7:1-3 and Matthew 26:52.
You are free to walk with that accuser spirit but no one has to be silent as you do. Even Jesus 'Jehovah's salvation with us' told Peter Satan get thee behind me when Peter thinks as a carnal being. A spiritual man judges all things but first you have to get to that point.
Muslims there are blaming trump. I first looked at the NY times, and they didn't provide a description of the suspect, only the clothes he wore, so that had me think likely not a trump supporter. Then I found the DM, and witnesses said the shooter is hispanic.

Wait, so trump hates hispanics, so a hispanic guy goes out and kills muslims because trump made him hate muslims? =How fucking stupid are liberals? I had a liberal friend email me this blaming either Trump or "zionists" for it. I of course provided him both stories and he STFU.

Witnesses said the shooter was tall and Hispanic.

Read more: Gunman executes Imam and assistant as they walk home from NYC mosque

you aren't smart enough to understand that revving up the loons gets people dead?

oh wait... you aren't.

that said, we don't yet know who killed them or why.
So christian of you ***NOT***
Thank you for proving your hypocrisy as I pointed out earlier:
....You label someone unchristian like yet you are unable to show where that person has a spirit of Lucifer 'a light bearer'. One who claims that he/she will rise above the Lord's throne......
So where's the proof I'm unChristian, Rod? Am I spreading hate like you and "the Donald"?
Muslims there are blaming trump. I first looked at the NY times, and they didn't provide a description of the suspect, only the clothes he wore, so that had me think likely not a trump supporter. Then I found the DM, and witnesses said the shooter is hispanic.

Wait, so trump hates hispanics, so a hispanic guy goes out and kills muslims because trump made him hate muslims? =How fucking stupid are liberals? I had a liberal friend email me this blaming either Trump or "zionists" for it. I of course provided him both stories and he STFU.

Witnesses said the shooter was tall and Hispanic.

Read more: Gunman executes Imam and assistant as they walk home from NYC mosque

you aren't smart enough to understand that revving up the loons gets people dead?

oh wait... you aren't.

that said, we don't yet know who killed them or why.
It appears that you are not intelligent enough to search through and read the reports of the long standing vengeance fighting between the various Muslim factions from Bangladesh where even the Muslims are sick of Muslims. Bangladesh: Muslims set off bombs in Hindu temple, shoot at people fleeing
Muslims there are blaming trump. I first looked at the NY times, and they didn't provide a description of the suspect, only the clothes he wore, so that had me think likely not a trump supporter. Then I found the DM, and witnesses said the shooter is hispanic.

Wait, so trump hates hispanics, so a hispanic guy goes out and kills muslims because trump made him hate muslims? =How fucking stupid are liberals? I had a liberal friend email me this blaming either Trump or "zionists" for it. I of course provided him both stories and he STFU.

Witnesses said the shooter was tall and Hispanic.

Read more: Gunman executes Imam and assistant as they walk home from NYC mosque

you aren't smart enough to understand that revving up the loons gets people dead?

oh wait... you aren't.

that said, we don't yet know who killed them or why.
It appears that you are not intelligent enough to search through and read the reports of the long standing vengeance fighting between the various Muslim factions from Bangladesh where even the Muslims are sick of Muslims. Bangladesh: Muslims set off bombs in Hindu temple, shoot at people fleeing

poor loon.

last I checked the NYC police were still investigating.

I think i'll take their word and not the word of a conspiracy theory freak
So christian of you ***NOT***
Thank you for proving your hypocrisy as I pointed out earlier:
....You label someone unchristian like yet you are unable to show where that person has a spirit of Lucifer 'a light bearer'. One who claims that he/she will rise above the Lord's throne......
So where's the proof I'm unChristian, Rod? Am I spreading hate like you and "the Donald"?
Limiting rapugees from rapugee and murdering cultures into the country is not hate no matter how you try to spin it. Protecting the wives, daughters and children from these violent countries is the duty of the government.
Muslims there are blaming trump. I first looked at the NY times, and they didn't provide a description of the suspect, only the clothes he wore, so that had me think likely not a trump supporter. Then I found the DM, and witnesses said the shooter is hispanic.

Wait, so trump hates hispanics, so a hispanic guy goes out and kills muslims because trump made him hate muslims? =How fucking stupid are liberals? I had a liberal friend email me this blaming either Trump or "zionists" for it. I of course provided him both stories and he STFU.

Witnesses said the shooter was tall and Hispanic.

Read more: Gunman executes Imam and assistant as they walk home from NYC mosque

you aren't smart enough to understand that revving up the loons gets people dead?

oh wait... you aren't.

that said, we don't yet know who killed them or why.
It appears that you are not intelligent enough to search through and read the reports of the long standing vengeance fighting between the various Muslim factions from Bangladesh where even the Muslims are sick of Muslims. Bangladesh: Muslims set off bombs in Hindu temple, shoot at people fleeing

poor loon.

last I checked the NYC police were still investigating.

I think i'll take their word and not the word of a conspiracy theory freak
At least we know you think of well over half of the population in this country are "conspiracy theory freaks" when they do not go along with the members of DNC that robs them of their safety in order to line their own pocket books, are not smart enough to keep official records of the State Department in a secure government location, etc. etc. etc. Poor Jillian whatever will you do when your DNC members are all locked away where they belong for treason. It is much easier for you bigots to try to put the blame on the victims or those who are willing to stand between the possible victims and the nutjobs that get into official positions.
Limiting rapugees from rapugee and murdering cultures into the country is not hate no matter how you try to spin it. Protecting the wives, daughters and children from these violent countries is the duty of the government.
Wow! I bet you were the dodgeball champ in HS. Amirite?

While I agree about protecting innocent people, regardless of religion, age or gender, it's not our government's responsibility to be the World Police much less send our nation's sons and daughter's into harm's way on some half-assed crusade.

Have you ever served in the military? As what and for how long? Do you have any relatives serving? I ask because it's always easier to send someone else's kids or parents to war rather than pick up a rifle and go yourself or send your own kids.
Limiting rapugees from rapugee and murdering cultures into the country is not hate no matter how you try to spin it. Protecting the wives, daughters and children from these violent countries is the duty of the government.
Wow! I bet you were the dodgeball champ in HS. Amirite?

While I agree about protecting innocent people, regardless of religion, age or gender, it's not our government's responsibility to be the World Police much less send our nation's sons and daughter's into harm's way on some half-assed crusade.

Have you ever served in the military? As what and for how long? Do you have any relatives serving? I ask because it's always easier to send someone else's kids or parents to war rather than pick up a rifle and go yourself or send your own kids.
You can find the answer to a portion of your questions in the announcement area where I explained my husband's patch as my new avatar. We have family members that have served in Afghanistan and in Iraq plus close friends that still suffer the effects of the Gulf war, Vietnam and Korea. A grandfather that fought the Japanese and suffered the effects of what he saw and experience his whole life. Plus a father-in-law that was there when Buchenwald was liberated.
At least we know you think of well over half of the population in this country are "conspiracy theory freaks" when they do not go along with the members of DNC that robs them of their safety in order to line their own pocket books, are not smart enough to keep official records of the State Department in a secure government location, etc. etc. etc. Poor Jillian whatever will you do when your DNC members are all locked away where they belong for treason. It is much easier for you bigots to try to put the blame on the victims or those who are willing to stand between the possible victims and the nutjobs that get into official positions.
Not a fan of jillian or other Moonbats, but she didn't say "well over half of the population in this country are "conspiracy theory freaks"". She just implied you were.....and I agree. You're just as loony as she is.
You can find the answer to a portion of your questions in the announcement area where I explained my husband's patch as my new avatar. We have family members that have served in Afghanistan and in Iraq plus close friends that still suffer the effects of the Gulf war, Vietnam and Korea. A grandfather that fought the Japanese and suffered the effects of what he saw and experience his whole life. Plus a father-in-law that was there when Buchenwald was liberated.
Good to see you applaud your family members serving but are unwilling to do so yourself. Besides bitching at retired 21 year veterans like myself and spreading hate against those you deem non-Christians, what else do you do for fun?
At least we know you think of well over half of the population in this country are "conspiracy theory freaks" when they do not go along with the members of DNC that robs them of their safety in order to line their own pocket books, are not smart enough to keep official records of the State Department in a secure government location, etc. etc. etc. Poor Jillian whatever will you do when your DNC members are all locked away where they belong for treason. It is much easier for you bigots to try to put the blame on the victims or those who are willing to stand between the possible victims and the nutjobs that get into official positions.
Not a fan of jillian or other Moonbats, but she didn't say "well over half of the population in this country are "conspiracy theory freaks"". She just implied you were.....and I agree. You're just as loony as she is.
Jillian is a troll that supports mass vaccinations, for her anything the Dems do is okay, you are a "bigot", if you believe that your grandchildren are off limits to what people from GLSEN or NAMBLA may want to teach them in schools you are a "bigot" and if you mention the hacks that are revealing what the DNC and its members have been doing according to Jillian you should STFU. I cannot tell you what I truly think of her or the mod on her that I apparently pissed off when I made a comment last week in the flame zone will get all bent out of shape. You can think whatever you like and you can comment whatever you like that does not mean that someone else will not call you on your comments.

Good to see you applaud your family members serving but are unwilling to do so yourself. Besides bitching at retired 21 year veterans like myself and spreading hate against those you deem non-Christians, what else do you do for fun?
You gotten enough information as far as my personal life goes.
Muslims there are blaming trump. I first looked at the NY times, and they didn't provide a description of the suspect, only the clothes he wore, so that had me think likely not a trump supporter. Then I found the DM, and witnesses said the shooter is hispanic.

Wait, so trump hates hispanics, so a hispanic guy goes out and kills muslims because trump made him hate muslims? =How fucking stupid are liberals? I had a liberal friend email me this blaming either Trump or "zionists" for it. I of course provided him both stories and he STFU.

Witnesses said the shooter was tall and Hispanic.

Read more: Gunman executes Imam and assistant as they walk home from NYC mosque
The sketch I saw seemed to indicate a suspect with middle eastern features. If so, then maybe the imam was an informer who's cover was blown.
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....You can think whatever you like and you can comment whatever you like.....
Awesome! God Bless America!

New York Imam slaying: Suspect charged with murder after execution of cleric and assistant
POLICE have charged a man with the murder of a Muslim Imam and his assistant near a mosque in New York.
PUBLISHED: 04:45, Tue, Aug 16, 2016 | UPDATED: 05:16, Tue, Aug 16, 2016
...Oscar Morel was arrested following the slaying of Muslim cleric Maulama Akonjee, 55, and Thara Uddin, 64.

New York Police Department’s Chief of Detectives Robert Bryce said officers "strongly believe" the 35-year-old is the killer....Henry Sautner, deputy inspector of the New York Police department said: "There’s nothing in the preliminary investigation to indicate that they were targeted because of their faith."

Police are investigating whether the murder could have been gang related after clashes between Hispanic and Muslim gangs within the city.

Officers are looking into the theory the shooter was an experienced hitman, judging by the calmness at which he carried out the executions....

...However the local Muslim community has claimed the attack was a hate crime.

Crowds gathered at the scene of the shooting, chanting: “We want justice!"


The local community believe the attack was a hate crime...

New York Imam slaying: Suspect charged with murder after execution of cleric and assistant

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