Two proud boys Found Guilty

Do you know how it is, that the cops knew the names of the Proud Boys in question, but not the Antifa?
They weren't wearing masks? Don't be such a goomer.

And the NYPD couldn't remove the Antifa masks? lol

The Proud Boys made the mistake of cooperating with the Commie AG office and said who they were and had ID on them.

But Antifa apparently forgot their fingerprints and left them at home, lol.

I've often said, masks should never be allowed at a protest. Mask goes or you go. If I were Queen of the World, it would be illegal to wear a mask to a protest.

I totally agree, in fact, I would bet that New York and Washington state already have such laws on the books to counter the KKK back in the 1930s, but they never unmask Antifa, wow, I wonder why?

THey march in the streets and defend themselves when attacked.

The numbers have not come out from this latest Portland incident. Want to bet how many were Proud Boys arrested and how many where Antifa?

It shouldn’t matter whether it’s the Proud Boys or Antifa. Antifa does nothing but give liberals a bad name. If you commit assault you should get prosecuted.

And if you defend yourself from assault and get arrested, that is a massive injustice, and if the reason for it is politics,

at that point, you are a political prisoner.

This is a massive collapse of the American system.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves. The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved. The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything? OP needs to quit whining. If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

There was a proud boy event, and Antifa surrounded and harassed the event, before, during and after.

The Proud Boys in question, were leaving, trying to go home.

Do you know how it is, that the cops knew the names of the Proud Boys in question, but not the Antifa?
They weren't wearing masks? Don't be such a goomer.

I've often said, masks should never be allowed at a protest. Mask goes or you go. If I were Queen of the World, it would be illegal to wear a mask to a protest.

Anfta refused to speak to the cops. The Proud Boys gave their names to the cops that had been protected them from the violent mob all night. (either then or later)

And then the cops let them leave, because to the cops at the scene there was no reason to hold the Proud Boys. (or antifa,)

It was days later, when politicians got involved that charges were filed. For political reasons.

This is not about the fight, but about the politics of the Proud Boys, and the use of the power of the State against them.

This is pure oppression.

Even if you disagree with EVERYTHING the Proud Boys stand for, this should be a huge red flag for you.
THey march in the streets and defend themselves when attacked.

The numbers have not come out from this latest Portland incident. Want to bet how many were Proud Boys arrested and how many where Antifa?

It shouldn’t matter whether it’s the Proud Boys or Antifa. Antifa does nothing but give liberals a bad name. If you commit assault you should get prosecuted.

And if you defend yourself from assault and get arrested, that is a massive injustice, and if the reason for it is politics,

at that point, you are a political prisoner.

This is a massive collapse of the American system.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves. The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved. The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything? OP needs to quit whining. If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

Antifa and the Proud Boys are examples of what not to be. It’s tribalism at its core. Extremism on either side of the aisle is abhorrent.

What do you base that on?

Key Points

  • The Proud Boys, founded by Gavin McInnes, are a right wing “fraternity” who present themselves as proponents of mainstream conservative values, but engage in extreme, often violent tactics to promote their agenda. The group is not cohesive and is highly decentralized.
  • The Proud Boys abhor progressive policies, liberalism and what they call “political correctness,” regularly use violence in the form of street fights, and promote violence in speeches, podcasts, and videos.
  • The group, which is nominally part of the alt lite, is overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic, and some members are also anti-Semitic and racist.
  • The group’s members regularly engage in physical altercations as part of their hazing and membership rituals, promoting violence both as a means of becoming an official Proud Boy and as a tactic for defending their values.
  • Proud Boys (including McInnes) regularly show up at rallies and events. Members of the group claim to act as “security” for controversial, right-wing politicians and public figure, including Vickie Paladino and Ann Coulter.
  • Most of the group’s official Twitter accounts were suspended in August of 2018, leaving the remaining active accounts to push far-right conspiracy theories and talking points until October 2018, when Twitter removed the remaining Proud Boys’ individual and regional accounts.
  • As of October 30th, Facebook and Instagram had deactivated Gavin McInnes, and Proud Boys groups were no longer visible on Facebook. Individual Proud Boys’ Facebook profiles remained live.

Antifa: Scope and Tactics:

Today's antifa argue they are the on-the-ground defense against individuals they believe are promoting fascism in the United States. However, antifa, who have many anti-police anarchists in their ranks, can also target law enforcement with both verbal and physical assaults because they believe the police are providing cover for white supremacists. They will sometimes chant against fascism and against law enforcement in the same breath.

While some antifa use their fists, other violent tactics include throwing projectiles, including bricks, crowbars, homemade slingshots, metal chains, water bottles, and balloons filled with urine and feces. They have deployed noxious gases, pushed through police barricades, and attempted to exploit any perceived weakness in law enforcement presence.

Away from rallies, they also engage in “doxxing,” exposing their adversaries’ identities, addresses, jobs and other private information. This can lead to their opponents being harassed or losing their jobs, among other consequences. Members of the alt right and other right wing extremists have responded with their own doxxing campaigns, and by perpetuating hateful and violent narratives using fake “antifa” social media accounts.

Proud Boys

Who are Antifa?
I read a 1938 LA Times that reported Nazi Germany was going to investigate Kristallnacht and prosecute those guilty.
And of course we now know the truth and who was behind it.
Yes, the Woketards are still using the same old playbook written by Lenin and Stalin from the early 1900's.
Hitler and Mussolini used those tactics too.

It is why we have the 2nd Amendment here in the U.S.

There are three essential pillars of an open society.

The freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, and the right to bare arms.

If ANY of those is taken away, our popular sovereignty, and our entitlement to an open society is under threat to direct assault. The fact that Old Lady cannot see that? Is troubling.

I do not care who you are, or what you stand for. I will ALWAYS defend your right to protest, anytime, anywhere. I will defend your right to free speech, anytime, anywhere, to write anything, or say anything you wish. I will ALWAYS defend your right to self-defense, no matter what your political affiliation is.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

The ten steps
Wolf outlines ten steps that "closing societies" — such as Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, and Stalin's Russia — have historically followed. These steps, Wolf claims, are being observed in America now.

The steps are:

  1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
  2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
  3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
  4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
  5. Infiltrate and harass citizens' groups.
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
  7. Target key individuals.
  8. Control the press.
  9. Cast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason.
  10. Subvert the rule of law.[3]

If you don't like the Proud Boys being arrested, you should tell them to quit breaking the law.

I don't care if they are arrested.

What concerns me, is the alignment of the state with Antifa in an effort to turn America into a police State.

(see #3.)

"Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens."
Antifa and the Proud Boys are examples of what not to be. It’s tribalism at its core. Extremism on either side of the aisle is abhorrent.
Because defending yourself against a mob is just tribalism.


Translation: I support the Proud Boys.
lol, of course you got that wrong too.

I support equal justice, which did not happen here as Antifa was plainly the aggressor, not the Proud Boys and yet only PB got prosecuted.

Are you really just that shallow?

Nope, that’s the one resorting to insults when losing an argument.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves.

So now defending yourself against a pursuing mob that caught you is not defending yourself? lol

The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

No, the jury heard that as well, and I am not claiming that the prosecutors are Antifa, I am saying it is likely they KNOW THE ANTIFA MEMBERS PERSONALLY.

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved.

Because being chased down and attacked is just a situation that screams equivalence all over it. roflmao

The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything?

Yeah, tells me that they saw no advantage in putting them on the stand.

OP needs to quit whining.

Yeah, Rosa Parks was such a whiner, too, lol.

If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

They were not 'going to mix it up with Antifa.

Did you even read the article, OldLady?

PB was having a meeting at a bar. Antifa attacked the bar the night before because of the planned meeting and threatened to kill those that attend the meeting.

The next night Antifa show up doing their normal threats, busting things, and attacking people that got in their way. The PB try to sneak out a back way, but Antifa caught them and attacked like mobs often do, first surrounding, then taunting then throwing things like rocks and bottles because deep down they are still basically just cowards. Then PB defended themselves by trying to fight their way through the attacking mob.

It is all right there in the article. All you have to do is read the article, picture it in your mind and figger it out.

Not that hard, really.

But to tell the complete Truth, I doubt you have even read this whole response I am writing to you. Your mind is made up, and closed for business.
But to tell the complete Truth, I doubt you have even read this whole response I am writing to you. Your mind is made up, and closed for business.
I wish the Antifa thugs who were also assaulting folks had been arrested, too.
The JURY heard and saw the actual evidence, not just the one sided and desperate justifications of the defense lawyers. The Proud Boys are trolls. I have no idea what that situation was that McGinnis was performing in the Club that day, but it was apparently highly offensive to start with. Antifa made it clear the day before that they weren't liking it, and the show went on. Because McGinnis and the Proud Boys like running their mouths and insulting folks a lot. It's what they do. Drink beer and talk smack and then fight whoever objects. Fun times.

If there are any sane people on this thread, what was that plastic sword and Japanese murder about?
It shouldn’t matter whether it’s the Proud Boys or Antifa. Antifa does nothing but give liberals a bad name. If you commit assault you should get prosecuted.

And if you defend yourself from assault and get arrested, that is a massive injustice, and if the reason for it is politics,

at that point, you are a political prisoner.

This is a massive collapse of the American system.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves. The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved. The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything? OP needs to quit whining. If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

Antifa and the Proud Boys are examples of what not to be. It’s tribalism at its core. Extremism on either side of the aisle is abhorrent.

What do you base that on?

Key Points

  • The Proud Boys, founded by Gavin McInnes, are a right wing “fraternity” who present themselves as proponents of mainstream conservative values, but engage in extreme, often violent tactics to promote their agenda. The group is not cohesive and is highly decentralized.
  • The Proud Boys abhor progressive policies, liberalism and what they call “political correctness,” regularly use violence in the form of street fights, and promote violence in speeches, podcasts, and videos.
  • The group, which is nominally part of the alt lite, is overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic, and some members are also anti-Semitic and racist.
  • The group’s members regularly engage in physical altercations as part of their hazing and membership rituals, promoting violence both as a means of becoming an official Proud Boy and as a tactic for defending their values.
  • Proud Boys (including McInnes) regularly show up at rallies and events. Members of the group claim to act as “security” for controversial, right-wing politicians and public figure, including Vickie Paladino and Ann Coulter.
  • Most of the group’s official Twitter accounts were suspended in August of 2018, leaving the remaining active accounts to push far-right conspiracy theories and talking points until October 2018, when Twitter removed the remaining Proud Boys’ individual and regional accounts.
  • As of October 30th, Facebook and Instagram had deactivated Gavin McInnes, and Proud Boys groups were no longer visible on Facebook. Individual Proud Boys’ Facebook profiles remained live.

1. The violence is almost solely in self defense. That is legitimate. And hardly extreme. Self Defense is not an extreme concept in America, is it?

2. The hazing is being pummeled, lightly, by friends, until you can name, 5 types of breakfast cereal.

3. Being deplatformed is not evidence of extremism. It is evidence of the type of political enmity, that I am claiming is motivating these charges.
I read a 1938 LA Times that reported Nazi Germany was going to investigate Kristallnacht and prosecute those guilty.
And of course we now know the truth and who was behind it.
Yes, the Woketards are still using the same old playbook written by Lenin and Stalin from the early 1900's.
Hitler and Mussolini used those tactics too.

It is why we have the 2nd Amendment here in the U.S.

There are three essential pillars of an open society.

The freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly, and the right to bare arms.

If ANY of those is taken away, our popular sovereignty, and our entitlement to an open society is under threat to direct assault. The fact that Old Lady cannot see that? Is troubling.

I do not care who you are, or what you stand for. I will ALWAYS defend your right to protest, anytime, anywhere. I will defend your right to free speech, anytime, anywhere, to write anything, or say anything you wish. I will ALWAYS defend your right to self-defense, no matter what your political affiliation is.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

The ten steps
Wolf outlines ten steps that "closing societies" — such as Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, and Stalin's Russia — have historically followed. These steps, Wolf claims, are being observed in America now.

The steps are:

  1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
  2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
  3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
  4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
  5. Infiltrate and harass citizens' groups.
  6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
  7. Target key individuals.
  8. Control the press.
  9. Cast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason.
  10. Subvert the rule of law.[3]

If you don't like the Proud Boys being arrested, you should tell them to quit breaking the law.

I don't care if they are arrested.

What concerns me, is the alignment of the state with Antifa in an effort to turn America into a police State.

(see #3.)

"Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens."

Which now, you are not even allowed to defend yourself against.
And if you defend yourself from assault and get arrested, that is a massive injustice, and if the reason for it is politics,

at that point, you are a political prisoner.

This is a massive collapse of the American system.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves. The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved. The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything? OP needs to quit whining. If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

Antifa and the Proud Boys are examples of what not to be. It’s tribalism at its core. Extremism on either side of the aisle is abhorrent.

What do you base that on?

Key Points

  • The Proud Boys, founded by Gavin McInnes, are a right wing “fraternity” who present themselves as proponents of mainstream conservative values, but engage in extreme, often violent tactics to promote their agenda. The group is not cohesive and is highly decentralized.
  • The Proud Boys abhor progressive policies, liberalism and what they call “political correctness,” regularly use violence in the form of street fights, and promote violence in speeches, podcasts, and videos.
  • The group, which is nominally part of the alt lite, is overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic, and some members are also anti-Semitic and racist.
  • The group’s members regularly engage in physical altercations as part of their hazing and membership rituals, promoting violence both as a means of becoming an official Proud Boy and as a tactic for defending their values.
  • Proud Boys (including McInnes) regularly show up at rallies and events. Members of the group claim to act as “security” for controversial, right-wing politicians and public figure, including Vickie Paladino and Ann Coulter.
  • Most of the group’s official Twitter accounts were suspended in August of 2018, leaving the remaining active accounts to push far-right conspiracy theories and talking points until October 2018, when Twitter removed the remaining Proud Boys’ individual and regional accounts.
  • As of October 30th, Facebook and Instagram had deactivated Gavin McInnes, and Proud Boys groups were no longer visible on Facebook. Individual Proud Boys’ Facebook profiles remained live.

1. The violence is almost solely in self defense. That is legitimate. And hardly extreme. Self Defense is not an extreme concept in America, is it?

2. The hazing is being pummeled, lightly, by friends, until you can name, 5 types of breakfast cereal.

3. Being deplatformed is not evidence of extremism. It is evidence of the type of political enmity, that I am claiming is motivating these charges.

And that’s your opinion. Mine is that these are two forms of extremism representing both sides of the spectrum.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves.

So now defending yourself against a pursuing mob that caught you is not defending yourself? lol

The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

No, the jury heard that as well, and I am not claiming that the prosecutors are Antifa, I am saying it is likely they KNOW THE ANTIFA MEMBERS PERSONALLY.

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved.

Because being chased down and attacked is just a situation that screams equivalence all over it. roflmao

The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything?

Yeah, tells me that they saw no advantage in putting them on the stand.

OP needs to quit whining.

Yeah, Rosa Parks was such a whiner, too, lol.

If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

They were not 'going to mix it up with Antifa.

Did you even read the article, OldLady?

PB was having a meeting at a bar. Antifa attacked the bar the night before because of the planned meeting and threatened to kill those that attend the meeting.

The next night Antifa show up doing their normal threats, busting things, and attacking people that got in their way. The PB try to sneak out a back way, but Antifa caught them and attacked like mobs often do, first surrounding, then taunting then throwing things like rocks and bottles because deep down they are still basically just cowards. Then PB defended themselves by trying to fight their way through the attacking mob.

It is all right there in the article. All you have to do is read the article, picture it in your mind and figger it out.

Not that hard, really.

But to tell the complete Truth, I doubt you have even read this whole response I am writing to you. Your mind is made up, and closed for business.
But to tell the complete Truth, I doubt you have even read this whole response I am writing to you. Your mind is made up, and closed for business.
I wish the Antifa thugs who were also assaulting folks had been arrested, too.
The JURY heard and saw the actual evidence, not just the one sided and desperate justifications of the defense lawyers. The Proud Boys are trolls. I have no idea what that situation was that McGinnis was performing in the Club that day, but it was apparently highly offensive to start with. Antifa made it clear the day before that they weren't liking it, and the show went on. Because McGinnis and the Proud Boys like running their mouths and insulting folks a lot. It's what they do. Drink beer and talk smack and then fight whoever objects. Fun times.

If there are any sane people on this thread, what was that plastic sword and Japanese murder about?

Wow. The show went on, even though Antifa made it clear they did not like it?

Jeez, almost like the Proud Boys, think this is a Free COuntry or something.

NYC taught them a lesson about THAT, didnt' they?

As to the sword, they ritually and humorously react the execution of some famous Japanese nationalist.

It is a PLASTIC sword. Of the type children play with. The event was at least half party.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves. The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved. The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything? OP needs to quit whining. If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

Antifa and the Proud Boys are examples of what not to be. It’s tribalism at its core. Extremism on either side of the aisle is abhorrent.

What do you base that on?

Key Points

  • The Proud Boys, founded by Gavin McInnes, are a right wing “fraternity” who present themselves as proponents of mainstream conservative values, but engage in extreme, often violent tactics to promote their agenda. The group is not cohesive and is highly decentralized.
  • The Proud Boys abhor progressive policies, liberalism and what they call “political correctness,” regularly use violence in the form of street fights, and promote violence in speeches, podcasts, and videos.
  • The group, which is nominally part of the alt lite, is overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic, and some members are also anti-Semitic and racist.
  • The group’s members regularly engage in physical altercations as part of their hazing and membership rituals, promoting violence both as a means of becoming an official Proud Boy and as a tactic for defending their values.
  • Proud Boys (including McInnes) regularly show up at rallies and events. Members of the group claim to act as “security” for controversial, right-wing politicians and public figure, including Vickie Paladino and Ann Coulter.
  • Most of the group’s official Twitter accounts were suspended in August of 2018, leaving the remaining active accounts to push far-right conspiracy theories and talking points until October 2018, when Twitter removed the remaining Proud Boys’ individual and regional accounts.
  • As of October 30th, Facebook and Instagram had deactivated Gavin McInnes, and Proud Boys groups were no longer visible on Facebook. Individual Proud Boys’ Facebook profiles remained live.

1. The violence is almost solely in self defense. That is legitimate. And hardly extreme. Self Defense is not an extreme concept in America, is it?

2. The hazing is being pummeled, lightly, by friends, until you can name, 5 types of breakfast cereal.

3. Being deplatformed is not evidence of extremism. It is evidence of the type of political enmity, that I am claiming is motivating these charges.

And that’s your opinion. Mine is that these are two forms of extremism representing both sides of the spectrum.

It is your opinion that self defense is now extremism in America?
And that’s your opinion. Mine is that these are two forms of extremism representing both sides of the spectrum.
Because you are a shallow limp-wristed WOKETARD who cannot discern the difference between self defense vrs a mob hunting down, chasing surrounding and assaulting a handful of people trying to sneak away.

You are a hilarious joke, and I appreciate your illustration of what conservatives face in our nation today from institutionalized Marxism.
It shouldn’t matter whether it’s the Proud Boys or Antifa. Antifa does nothing but give liberals a bad name. If you commit assault you should get prosecuted.

And if you defend yourself from assault and get arrested, that is a massive injustice, and if the reason for it is politics,

at that point, you are a political prisoner.

This is a massive collapse of the American system.
Obviously, the Proud Boys who were convicted weren't defending themselves. The court heard the EVIDENCE, not Jim's one sided and probably half made up story (I base the made-up part on his theory that the prosecutor is also Antifa).

There was a rumble. Some folks in the Proud Boys and in Antifa were happy to fight, no self-defense involved. The Proud Boys were so guilty the defense wouldn't even put them on the stand. Does that tell you anything? OP needs to quit whining. If you go to "mix it up" with folks and you actually do, you MIGHT get caught.

There was a proud boy event, and Antifa surrounded and harassed the event, before, during and after.

The Proud Boys in question, were leaving, trying to go home.

Do you know how it is, that the cops knew the names of the Proud Boys in question, but not the Antifa?
They weren't wearing masks? Don't be such a goomer.

I've often said, masks should never be allowed at a protest. Mask goes or you go. If I were Queen of the World, it would be illegal to wear a mask to a protest.

Anfta refused to speak to the cops. The Proud Boys gave their names to the cops that had been protected them from the violent mob all night. (either then or later)

And then the cops let them leave, because to the cops at the scene there was no reason to hold the Proud Boys. (or antifa,)

It was days later, when politicians got involved that charges were filed. For political reasons.

This is not about the fight, but about the politics of the Proud Boys, and the use of the power of the State against them.

This is pure oppression.

Even if you disagree with EVERYTHING the Proud Boys stand for, this should be a huge red flag for you.
During a one minute fight between a big crowd of people, it is impossible to be everywhere at once or see everything that happened. I believe the charges were filed days later because cops need evidence before they can arrest people, and they needed to review video and talk to witnesses before they could figure out who started what.

I do not believe this is the "power of the State" except in that no government condones riots.
they ritually and humorously react the execution of some famous Japanese nationalist.

Executions always tickle my funny bone, too. Anyone know anymore about it?
Key Points
The Proud Boys, founded by Gavin McInnes, are a right wing “fraternity” who present themselves as proponents of mainstream conservative values, but engage in extreme, often violent tactics to promote their agenda. The group is not cohesive and is highly decentralized.


The Proud Boys abhor progressive policies, liberalism and what they call “political correctness,” regularly use violence in the form of street fights, and promote violence in speeches, podcasts, and videos.
The group, which is nominally part of the alt lite, is overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic, and some members are also anti-Semitic and racist.

They promote defending yourself against Marxist thugs.

Congrats on the 'alt-lite' reference, lol.

The group’s members regularly engage in physical altercations as part of their hazing and membership rituals, promoting violence both as a means of becoming an official Proud Boy and as a tactic for defending their values.
Proud Boys (including McInnes) regularly show up at rallies and events. Members of the group claim to act as “security” for controversial, right-wing politicians and public figure, including Vickie Paladino and Ann Coulter.

They are security vrs Antifa.

Most of the group’s official Twitter accounts were suspended in August of 2018, leaving the remaining active accounts to push far-right conspiracy theories and talking points until October 2018, when Twitter removed the remaining Proud Boys’ individual and regional accounts.
As of October 30th, Facebook and Instagram had deactivated Gavin McInnes, and Proud Boys groups were no longer visible on Facebook. Individual Proud Boys’ Facebook profiles remained live.

Because these online services are run by Woketards like yourself.

Today's antifa argue they are the on-the-ground defense against individuals they believe are promoting fascism in the United States. However, antifa, who have many anti-police anarchists in their ranks, can also target law enforcement with both verbal and physical assaults because they believe the police are providing cover for white supremacists. They will sometimes chant against fascism and against law enforcement in the same breath.

Wow, is that a toned down description or what?

Antifa regards anyone that opposes a Marxist agenda to be a White Supremacist and they will and have attacked people that were just advocating Free speech and free thought like Ben Shapiro who is not a White Supremacist at all, lol. In other words, Antifa is at war with the 80% of America that believes in free speech.

While some antifa use their fists, other violent tactics include throwing projectiles, including bricks, crowbars, homemade slingshots, metal chains, water bottles, and balloons filled with urine and feces. They have deployed noxious gases, pushed through police barricades, and attempted to exploit any perceived weakness in law enforcement presence.

In other words, they regularly engage in assault on innocent people that they deem racist for disagreeing with them, roflmao.

Theya re terrorists and should see quality time in an Alaska prison without utilities.

Away from rallies, they also engage in “doxxing,” exposing their adversaries’ identities, addresses, jobs and other private information. This can lead to their opponents being harassed or losing their jobs, among other consequences. Members of the alt right and other right wing extremists have responded with their own doxxing campaigns, and by perpetuating hateful and violent narratives using fake “antifa” social media accounts.
Antifa doxes a whole hell of a lot more people than the alt-lite does, roflmao
It shouldn’t matter whether it’s the Proud Boys or Antifa. Antifa does nothing but give liberals a bad name. If you commit assault you should get prosecuted.

And defending yourself from a mob that caught you sneaking off and chased you down is 'committing assault'?

You are simply a Dull Boy.
A jury, the Appeals court, and state supreme court thinks differently than you do Jim, and they had access to ALL of the facts and evidence.

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