Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident

In this thread a couple people fail to realize that not all gun owners are responsible, but that that in and of itself shouldn't mean that everyone should lose their right to own a gun. For every stupid or criminal person involved with a legally-owned gun, what's the number of responsible citizens? This kind of crap being is stupid, because it's like saying cars should be banned because we have some 32,000 motor vehicle fatalities as of 2013. Not everyone in a group is the same, you know. And if you don't know, now's a good time to start knowing it.

They don't care....they have a mental disorder when it comes to guns.....nothing rational that you say will mean anything to them.....they would rather see innocents slaughtered than that they be saved by a gun.....
Judging by the number of innocents shot every year in the US, the guns aren't doing that much to save them. We have more guns in this nation per capita than any other first world nation, and we have the most deaths by gunfire per capita of any first world nation. A record to be really proud of.
99.99712% of the guns in the US are NOT used to commit murder.
Please compare this to the rest of the first world nations.
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Lol, great headline, you gotta love Yanks and their gun craze, they provide endless fun stories tgat cheer the world up.

Keep up the good news ;)

Yes...and the history channel provides endless humor as we watch you Europeans March innocent people into death know....about 12 million of Europeans and your mass murder....endless fun....

How many times have they mass murdered and when was the last time?

They let the Rwandans murder 800,000 people....when their peace keepers sat on their hands......they were specifically sent to Rwanda to stop the genocide.....and the balkans.......let's not forget about that ......

And World War 2.......12 million people in Europe...and almost every European country handed over citizens to the guys never let America off the hook for slavery, something the Europeans and Africans brought here, and was already practiced by the Indians and ended 150 years ago....but an event that took place only 76 years ago....that e doesn't count even though every Eruopean country participated in handing over their citizens for murder...those bodies don't count...

Considering that that is the very reason we have the 2nd Amendment in the first place....

Rwanda? You must be joking. WW2? That is once a long time ago and one country, not Europe.

Rwanda was protected by European soldiers...who specifically went their to stop the genocide...and sat and actually watched as Rwandan's murdered 800,000 people with machetes.....and then there is Mexico, where the government and drug cartels murder unarmed people.....unarmed by law....
Wow, thats 3...perhaps you can crowd source the other 5,000+ and do the same tomorrow...and the next day....and the next day....and the next day....and the next day...

Your stat guys...
True. The nutter's anecdotal evidence is..... whats the word I'm looking for.....anecdotal evidence :yawn:



Tell that to the Clinton Justice Department...they hired two rabid anti gunners who designed their own study to find out how often gun owners used guns in self defense.....what did they find, the two anti gunners working for an anti gunner President...

1.5 million times a year........that is your guys trying to prove gun self defense doesn't happen....moron.

That is 1 million in today's numbers, half your crazy claim. And there are studies that show most defenses would actually be considered criminal.

That is a lie anti gun extremists always have to lie.......

Which part? Crime is down over 30%. You still defending crimes that aren't attempted?
Lol, great headline, you gotta love Yanks and their gun craze, they provide endless fun stories tgat cheer the world up.

Keep up the good news ;)

Yes...and the history channel provides endless humor as we watch you Europeans March innocent people into death know....about 12 million of Europeans and your mass murder....endless fun....

How many times have they mass murdered and when was the last time?

They let the Rwandans murder 800,000 people....when their peace keepers sat on their hands......they were specifically sent to Rwanda to stop the genocide.....and the balkans.......let's not forget about that ......

And World War 2.......12 million people in Europe...and almost every European country handed over citizens to the guys never let America off the hook for slavery, something the Europeans and Africans brought here, and was already practiced by the Indians and ended 150 years ago....but an event that took place only 76 years ago....that e doesn't count even though every Eruopean country participated in handing over their citizens for murder...those bodies don't count...

Considering that that is the very reason we have the 2nd Amendment in the first place....

Rwanda? You must be joking. WW2? That is once a long time ago and one country, not Europe.

Rwanda was protected by European soldiers...who specifically went their to stop the genocide...and sat and actually watched as Rwandan's murdered 800,000 people with machetes.....and then there is Mexico, where the government and drug cartels murder unarmed people.....unarmed by law....

So Europeans didn't kill anyone. So you are taking something one country did long ago and pretending it is common. Very honest. You hate europe because they have happy people, low crime and few guns. They prove everything you believe wrong. Rather than learn from it you hate them.
Thank god they were both good shots. Being prepared has paid off once again.

It's a humorous thread but let's keep in mind that a man was gunned down at a car wash in front of his wife and mother. Who else saw it? Dunno. Is this the nation we want?

No and that is the point. But getting through to people that sleep with their guns because they are terrified of life isn't going to happen. Fear trumps all other emotions and they live on emotion.

In reality of course it is tragic, every shooting is tragic. Because of the fear of a minority the majority of the population has to live in this type of nation. Again, their fear trumps all else.

You are a stupid person.....your policies and beliefs have created the hell holes where the murders cities that breed gangs and drug dealers....that is where the majority of gun murders take place....and none of your ideas will do one thing to stop crimes with guns or mass shootings......

You are embarrassing yourself.

Cities in red states are rife with murders dope. What Pollyanna world do you live in? You're one of these people that needs everything you believe to be good and dripping with honey and everyone you don't like is evil and the son of the devil.

You don't live in reality. 65 million school age children go about their lives every day without a gun and they don't walk around as terrified as so called 'adult' gun lickers are. You are afraid, fine. Just don't project that out onto the rest of society. Its in your head, keep it there.

You do realize that those cities are usually controlled by democrats...right? Tennessee...a red state, it's six largest cities are run by democrats...dittos Louisiana, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge, which make the top 25 most violent cities, run by democrats for decades........

You don't know these urban hell holes created by the small, multiblock areas that are run by gangs, the children are afraid of gun fire from gangs created by democrat social and law enforcement policies.....

The only ones afraid of guns are you anti gun extremists...if you actually focused on criminals instead of gun owners you would actually cut down on gun murders...

Which, by the way, are going more Americans own and carry guns...

How do you explain that?

You live in a black and white world where your ok and good and special and a saint and everyone else is evil. Not reality, but go with what makes you feel good.
You live in a black and white world where your ok and good and special and a saint and everyone else is evil. Not reality, but go with what makes you feel good.
Says he who believes gun-related crime is so bad that the rights of the law abiding must be further restricted, but not so bad that law-abiding have legitimate justification in carrying a gun for self-defense.
Yes...and the history channel provides endless humor as we watch you Europeans March innocent people into death know....about 12 million of Europeans and your mass murder....endless fun....

Lol, yeh that was a good one, we only keep that for special occasions.

We only killed the deviants and communist agitators which was fair enough really.
It's not a fail, it's the truth. A gun is a tool, a hammer is a tool. I can misuse both, but liberals refuse to acknowledge that.
And what is a hammer for?
Now, what is a gun for?

Gun is for shooting bullets.

Hammer is for hammering nails.

Either can be used for other purposes.

Hammers are for pounding things. Guns are for killing things. Either could be used to defend yourself but neither is designed for it.
It's not a fail, it's the truth. A gun is a tool, a hammer is a tool. I can misuse both, but liberals refuse to acknowledge that.
And what is a hammer for?
Now, what is a gun for?

Gun is for shooting bullets.

Hammer is for hammering nails.

Either can be used for other purposes.

Hammers are for pounding things. Guns are for killing things. Either could be used to defend yourself but neither is designed for it.

A gun is specifically designed to save the life of the is powerful enough to deal with opponents who are larger, stronger and more aggressive than the user...the user could be a 5 foot tall woman in a wheel chair and she could control a room full of violent criminals....

the gun is powerful enough and effective enough that it doesn't even have to be fired to stop a good percentage of violent attacks...another reason it is a self defense tool.....

So you are wrong...
It's not a fail, it's the truth. A gun is a tool, a hammer is a tool. I can misuse both, but liberals refuse to acknowledge that.
And what is a hammer for?
Now, what is a gun for?

Gun is for shooting bullets.

Hammer is for hammering nails.

Either can be used for other purposes.

Hammers are for pounding things. Guns are for killing things. Either could be used to defend yourself but neither is designed for it.

A gun is specifically designed to save the life of the user...
No, it's specifically designed to kill something, which is why we give them to soldiers. Body armor is for protection, the gun is for killing the enemy. That's why a couple of gun stores don't want to sell to Muslims, who they say are the enemy. If a gun was for protection both sides would have them, and no one would get hurt...
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It's not a fail, it's the truth. A gun is a tool, a hammer is a tool. I can misuse both, but liberals refuse to acknowledge that.
And what is a hammer for?
Now, what is a gun for?

Gun is for shooting bullets.

Hammer is for hammering nails.

Either can be used for other purposes.

Hammers are for pounding things. Guns are for killing things. Either could be used to defend yourself but neither is designed for it.

A gun is specifically designed to save the life of the user...
No, it's specifically designed to kill something, which is why we give them to soldiers. Body armor is for protection, the gun is for killing the enemy. That's why a couple of gun stores don't want to sell to Muslims, who they say are the enemy. If a gun was for protection both side would have them, and no one would get hurt...

the gun is designed to save the life of the user...this can be accomplished by firing bullets....which can drive off an enemy, injure or kill them......3 options right there...

And the most common type of use...never requires any gullet to be fired...all while protecting the life of the user...
.... the mere presence of a gun deters violence more than it is used to cause violence......the majority of police officers never fire their guns and at the same time the mere presence of the gun keeps them safe from attack....ditto guns in the hands of soldiers, again, most soldiers will never fire their guns....but the mere presence of guns is usually more than enough to prevent open combat between nations...

so you are wrong....
the gun is designed to save the life of the user..
We have the right to arms as a means to affect our right to self defense, exercised individually or collectively; firearms are specifically protected by the constitution because they are likely the most effective means to this end.

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