Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident

Sounds like the wild wild west, its a draw. Road rage is becoming rampant it seems. One never knows when a wacko is going to draw a gun on you. Really I don't know why anyone but a crook would carry a gun, and then it should be illegal. I am anti guns.

Why? What have guns ever done to you?
Ask someone who`s been wounded at a movie theater, school, mall, church, playground, etc. Because I`ve never been shot I shouldn`t care about this? Amendment #2 is a national embarrassment as super republican George Will said.
George Will Second Amendment How Embarrassing The Constitution Protects the Guns that Kill - tribunedigital-baltimoresun
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Lol, great headline, you gotta love Yanks and their gun craze, they provide endless fun stories tgat cheer the world up.

Keep up the good news ;)

Yes...and the history channel provides endless humor as we watch you Europeans March innocent people into death know....about 12 million of Europeans and your mass murder....endless fun....

How many times have they mass murdered and when was the last time?

They let the Rwandans murder 800,000 people....when their peace keepers sat on their hands......they were specifically sent to Rwanda to stop the genocide.....and the balkans.......let's not forget about that ......

And World War 2.......12 million people in Europe...and almost every European country handed over citizens to the guys never let America off the hook for slavery, something the Europeans and Africans brought here, and was already practiced by the Indians and ended 150 years ago....but an event that took place only 76 years ago....that e doesn't count even though every Eruopean country participated in handing over their citizens for murder...those bodies don't count...

Considering that that is the very reason we have the 2nd Amendment in the first place....
Wow, thats 3...perhaps you can crowd source the other 5,000+ and do the same tomorrow...and the next day....and the next day....and the next day....and the next day...

Your stat guys...
True. The nutter's anecdotal evidence is..... whats the word I'm looking for.....anecdotal evidence :yawn:


Sounds like the wild wild west, its a draw. Road rage is becoming rampant it seems. One never knows when a wacko is going to draw a gun on you. Really I don't know why anyone but a crook would carry a gun, and then it should be illegal. I am anti guns.

Why? What have guns ever done to you?
Ask someone who`s been wounded at a movie theater, school, mall, church, playground, etc. Because I`ve never been shot I shouldn`t care about this? Amendment #2 is a national embarrassment as super republican George Will said.
George Will Second Amendment How Embarrassing The Constitution Protects the Guns that Kill - tribunedigital-baltimoresun

Ask all the people who used guns to stop being raped, robbed or murdered...whose lives were saved by a good samaritan with a gun........

That happens far more than all the gun crime combined....2 million times a year on average.......

Focus on criminals, then I will take you seriously....
Well then you've proven guns haven't done anything. A gun didn't shoot someone in a theatre, some person did.

If I pick up a hammer and beat someone with it, do you become anti-hammer?
Wow, thats 3...perhaps you can crowd source the other 5,000+ and do the same tomorrow...and the next day....and the next day....and the next day....and the next day...

Your stat guys...
True. The nutter's anecdotal evidence is..... whats the word I'm looking for.....anecdotal evidence :yawn:



Tell that to the Clinton Justice Department...they hired two rabid anti gunners who designed their own study to find out how often gun owners used guns in self defense.....what did they find, the two anti gunners working for an anti gunner President...

1.5 million times a year........that is your guys trying to prove gun self defense doesn't happen....moron.
It's not a fail, it's the truth. A gun is a tool, a hammer is a tool. I can misuse both, but liberals refuse to acknowledge that.
More guns more guns more guns!!
Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.
Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.
Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party
Posted by: Bob Cull in Breaking News, Crime, The Gun Control Debate September 19, 2013
This is the best you have?
A 2-yr old story form outside the mainstream media?

More mindless partisan bigotry from the village useful idiot.

Wow, thats 3...perhaps you can crowd source the other 5,000+ and do the same tomorrow...and the next day....and the next day....and the next day....and the next day...

Your stat guys...

According to your to all the gun murders in the country...that should be easy since they always get some coverage...and if you can't...then I guess those gun murders didn't happen...right?

You anti gun extremists think you are so clever.......most defensive uses of guns never require actually supporting people, and never make the news....only the ones you can catch on video, or have some other interesting new twist...

there are gun murders in democrat cities every day....but because it is blacks killing blacks they don't get covered....are those shootings fake too? since they don't make the nightly news?

You guys have no grasp of the truth, reality or right and wrong....and forget about understanding good and evil......

Ahh...most "uses" of guns don't require guns or "actually supporting people"--whatever the hell that means.

I think we can see where the great disconnect between the lied about statistic and reality are. You lie, then you try to say, "well, I didn't mean they actually used the guns" You're simply a liar and each time you deny it, you look more desperate. I've debated this topic a number of times--almost nobody would try to cling to such an outrageous stat but then again, you're not that intelligent or mature and likely think a gun somehow makes up for your lack of manhood.

As for the news reports. Again, most reading this have never stopped a crime (much less a violet crime as you insist happens 5,000+ times a day--every day), most reading this know of no one who has and most reading this know of nobody who knows any one who knows of someone who has (if you remove combat situations where armies were involved).

Yet I would wager that many here (if not most) are aware of someone who was shot and injured or killed with guns either accidentally or as a victim of crime.

Again, we have thousands of deaths in this nation every year. In Eurpoe they have hundreds in comparison. They have the same movies, same books, same TV shows, same violent video games, etc... The only difference is that we have a 2nd Amendment that allows half wits to buy as many guns as they can afford with predictable results. In Europe, access to weaponry is tightly controlled and their half wits are not able to acquire weapons as easily and they get predictable results too; fewer gun deaths. are actually that stupid......they drew their gun, and the criminal ran away....the criminal would not have run away if the victim had been trying to teach math to a dog.....

Then explain Switzerland....or why it is so easy for criminals in Europe to get fully automatic rifles.......they get them easily....and in Sweden...they are throwing grenades at each other, at least once a week since the beginning of the year....something tells me they don't have grenade stores in Sweden......

They are bringing in violent people from the 3rd world....their crime rate is starting to go up.....peaceful Europeans are now having to deal with violent cultures hostile to their European culture and to me in a few years....
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Lol, great headline, you gotta love Yanks and their gun craze, they provide endless fun stories tgat cheer the world up.

Keep up the good news ;)

Yes...and the history channel provides endless humor as we watch you Europeans March innocent people into death know....about 12 million of Europeans and your mass murder....endless fun....

How many times have they mass murdered and when was the last time?

They let the Rwandans murder 800,000 people....when their peace keepers sat on their hands......they were specifically sent to Rwanda to stop the genocide.....and the balkans.......let's not forget about that ......

And World War 2.......12 million people in Europe...and almost every European country handed over citizens to the guys never let America off the hook for slavery, something the Europeans and Africans brought here, and was already practiced by the Indians and ended 150 years ago....but an event that took place only 76 years ago....that e doesn't count even though every Eruopean country participated in handing over their citizens for murder...those bodies don't count...

Considering that that is the very reason we have the 2nd Amendment in the first place....

Rwanda? You must be joking. WW2? That is once a long time ago and one country, not Europe.
Sounds like the wild wild west, its a draw. Road rage is becoming rampant it seems. One never knows when a wacko is going to draw a gun on you. Really I don't know why anyone but a crook would carry a gun, and then it should be illegal. I am anti guns.
And like all the other anti-gun loons, you argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Sounds like the wild wild west, its a draw. Road rage is becoming rampant it seems. One never knows when a wacko is going to draw a gun on you. Really I don't know why anyone but a crook would carry a gun, and then it should be illegal. I am anti guns.

Why? What have guns ever done to you?
Ask someone who`s been wounded at a movie theater, school, mall, church, playground, etc. Because I`ve never been shot I shouldn`t care about this? Amendment #2 is a national embarrassment as super republican George Will said.
George Will Second Amendment How Embarrassing The Constitution Protects the Guns that Kill - tribunedigital-baltimoresun

Ask all the people who used guns to stop being raped, robbed or murdered...whose lives were saved by a good samaritan with a gun........

That happens far more than all the gun crime combined....2 million times a year on average.......

Focus on criminals, then I will take you seriously....

No it doesn't. Not even mathematically possible.
Wow, thats 3...perhaps you can crowd source the other 5,000+ and do the same tomorrow...and the next day....and the next day....and the next day....and the next day...

Your stat guys...

According to your to all the gun murders in the country...that should be easy since they always get some coverage...and if you can't...then I guess those gun murders didn't happen...right?

You anti gun extremists think you are so clever.......most defensive uses of guns never require actually supporting people, and never make the news....only the ones you can catch on video, or have some other interesting new twist...

there are gun murders in democrat cities every day....but because it is blacks killing blacks they don't get covered....are those shootings fake too? since they don't make the nightly news?

You guys have no grasp of the truth, reality or right and wrong....and forget about understanding good and evil......

Ahh...most "uses" of guns don't require guns or "actually supporting people"--whatever the hell that means.

I think we can see where the great disconnect between the lied about statistic and reality are. You lie, then you try to say, "well, I didn't mean they actually used the guns" You're simply a liar and each time you deny it, you look more desperate. I've debated this topic a number of times--almost nobody would try to cling to such an outrageous stat but then again, you're not that intelligent or mature and likely think a gun somehow makes up for your lack of manhood.

As for the news reports. Again, most reading this have never stopped a crime (much less a violet crime as you insist happens 5,000+ times a day--every day), most reading this know of no one who has and most reading this know of nobody who knows any one who knows of someone who has (if you remove combat situations where armies were involved).

Yet I would wager that many here (if not most) are aware of someone who was shot and injured or killed with guns either accidentally or as a victim of crime.

Again, we have thousands of deaths in this nation every year. In Eurpoe they have hundreds in comparison. They have the same movies, same books, same TV shows, same violent video games, etc... The only difference is that we have a 2nd Amendment that allows half wits to buy as many guns as they can afford with predictable results. In Europe, access to weaponry is tightly controlled and their half wits are not able to acquire weapons as easily and they get predictable results too; fewer gun deaths.

Get outside of the small, multi block areas in democrat controlled cities and our gun violence rate is as low or lower than Europe and our people carry guns...

How do you explain the fact, the fact, that our gun murder rate is going down, not up, as more Americans own guns and over 12.8 million people carry guns for protection....

The violence rate here is going down, not up....
Step one. The NRA manipulates a bunch of half-wits into believing a big bad black liberal is going to take their guns away from them.
Step two. The half-wits stock up on guns, ammo, and anything that will inflict bodily harm.
Step three. The "jackbooted thugs" never show up
Step four. So these half-wits now have the same deficit of brain cells and are armed to the teeth.
Step five. Any breech of redneck etiquette is a reason to get upset and since they have all of these guns and bullets laying around; the results are easy to predict.
More mindless partisan bigotry.
Wow, thats 3...perhaps you can crowd source the other 5,000+ and do the same tomorrow...and the next day....and the next day....and the next day....and the next day...

Your stat guys...
True. The nutter's anecdotal evidence is..... whats the word I'm looking for.....anecdotal evidence :yawn:



Tell that to the Clinton Justice Department...they hired two rabid anti gunners who designed their own study to find out how often gun owners used guns in self defense.....what did they find, the two anti gunners working for an anti gunner President...

1.5 million times a year........that is your guys trying to prove gun self defense doesn't happen....moron.

That is 1 million in today's numbers, half your crazy claim. And there are studies that show most defenses would actually be considered criminal.
Sounds like the wild wild west, its a draw. Road rage is becoming rampant it seems. One never knows when a wacko is going to draw a gun on you. Really I don't know why anyone but a crook would carry a gun, and then it should be illegal. I am anti guns.

Why? What have guns ever done to you?
Ask someone who`s been wounded at a movie theater, school, mall, church, playground, etc. Because I`ve never been shot I shouldn`t care about this? Amendment #2 is a national embarrassment as super republican George Will said.
George Will Second Amendment How Embarrassing The Constitution Protects the Guns that Kill - tribunedigital-baltimoresun

Ask all the people who used guns to stop being raped, robbed or murdered...whose lives were saved by a good samaritan with a gun........

That happens far more than all the gun crime combined....2 million times a year on average.......

Focus on criminals, then I will take you seriously....

No it doesn't. Not even mathematically possible.

Tell that to the clinton researchers...they found 1.5 million, and they are rabid anti gunners........ask them
Wow, thats 3...perhaps you can crowd source the other 5,000+ and do the same tomorrow...and the next day....and the next day....and the next day....and the next day...

Your stat guys...
True. The nutter's anecdotal evidence is..... whats the word I'm looking for.....anecdotal evidence :yawn:



Tell that to the Clinton Justice Department...they hired two rabid anti gunners who designed their own study to find out how often gun owners used guns in self defense.....what did they find, the two anti gunners working for an anti gunner President...

1.5 million times a year........that is your guys trying to prove gun self defense doesn't happen....moron.

That is 1 million in today's numbers, half your crazy claim. And there are studies that show most defenses would actually be considered criminal.

That is a lie anti gun extremists always have to lie.......

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