Two Questions for Atheists

Facts are facts.

What's a fact, that Hitler was a genuine, committed follower of Christ and his teachings? LOL. Hey Mark, if you want to believe that Hitler was a committed follower of Christ, that's ok with me. :)
I think hitler is stupid to bring up in discussions like this. However, he very well could be christian. And i really dont think anyone has the right to deny him that.
If you do that, you have millions more to deny their self branded religion. People have killed for similar reasons throughout history. Perhaps even god himself. Neither felt their victims deserve to live...
And look how well Hitler played the Christians. He got them all to go along. Every Christian in Germany and every Christian in Italy.

There were and are a LOT of self-proclaimed "Christians" that were complete assholes just like there were self-proclaimed atheists like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. that were also assholes. I don't believe anyone has argued otherwise. However, I have to take exception with your claim that all German Christians were with Hitler. There were plenty of Germans that didn't like Hitler at all.
Hitler was religious

A lot of people were "religious" and a lot of people followed their own belief system. You guys like throwing around Hitler. Why is it you never want to talk about Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the North Korean dynasty, Castro, etc.?
Hitler was religious

A lot of people were "religious" and a lot of people followed their own belief system. You guys like throwing around Hitler. Why is it you never want to talk about Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the North Korean dynasty, Castro, etc.?
Cuz conservatives remind us of Hitler

There is no moral justification for genocide of men women children and their animals. None. Definitely not worth worshipping.
Hell, i bet god has killed more than satan.
I understand how you arrived at your conclusions. Keep in mind often a conclusion is the point where modern day people have stopped thinking/studying and have settled for a very shallow, superficial perspective of ancient presentations of history and moral lessons.
awwww... more revisionist history from the right. Either Adolph was a Christian or he used Christian beliefs to pursue his agenda... so either he was Christian or he led Christians. the difference is nil given the result. so-called Christians stood up and zeig-heiled just like the white male supremacist Christians do for Donald.

Where did I "revise" history? I simply dispute the assertion that Hitler was a genuine, devoted follower of Christ's example and his teachings. You know, love your neighbor, do unto others, turn the cheek, etc. As far as I can tell, Hitler never followed ANY of Christ's teachings. But, if you want to believe that Hitler was a true Christian, it's ok with me. :)
There is no moral justification for genocide of men women children and their animals. None. Definitely not worth worshipping.
Hell, i bet god has killed more than satan.
I understand how you arrived at your conclusions. Keep in mind often a conclusion is the point where modern day people have stopped thinking/studying and have settled for a very shallow, superficial perspective of ancient presentations of history and moral lessons.
Tell us what the Passover story really was and what it means

This should be good
There is no moral justification for genocide of men women children and their animals. None. Definitely not worth worshipping.
Hell, i bet god has killed more than satan.
I understand how you arrived at your conclusions. Keep in mind often a conclusion is the point where modern day people have stopped thinking/studying and have settled for a very shallow, superficial perspective of ancient presentations of history and moral lessons.
So if i read it again it genocide will make sense?
awwww... more revisionist history from the right. Either Adolph was a Christian or he used Christian beliefs to pursue his agenda... so either he was Christian or he led Christians. the difference is nil given the result. so-called Christians stood up and zeig-heiled just like the white male supremacist Christians do for Donald.

Where did I "revise" history? I simply dispute the assertion that Hitler was a genuine, devoted follower of Christ's example and his teachings. You know, love your neighbor, do unto others, turn the cheek, etc. As far as I can tell, Hitler never followed ANY of Christ's teachings. But, if you want to believe that Hitler was a true Christian, it's ok with me. :)
trump. You forgot to answer my question about trump.

I know why. We know why
Are you trying to say that modern believers are not only liars, but they purposely gave us the wrong Bible?

There are many problems with modern day people--both believers and non-believers. Those who insist the King James version of the Bible is literally true have single-handedly ushered reasonable, logical people such as yourself into atheism. It is my thought modern atheists shouldn't let themselves be pushed around so easily. On the other hand, (like literal religious people) atheists/agnostics are just as ready to believe their own personal interpretation of the Bible is correct and therefore are just as trusting of their personal conclusions about God as their religious counterparts. To me, these two groups (literal believers and atheists) seem more alike than they are different.

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