Two Questions for Atheists

You don't know me. You don't know what kind of person I am. You need to believe I am a horrible person, so that you do not have to admit that there can be good, generous, kind people who do not need the implied threat of some "Sky Daddy" watching their every move to "keep them on the straight, and narrow". I do not help people, and demonstrate kindness because Some Magic Man in the Sky will punish me if I don't. I do these things simply because it feels better to not be a fucking asshole.

Yes I DO know you by the commentary you post here regularly. It says volumes about the kind of person you are. Again, you imply that you "help people" because it "feels better" than being an asshole. You've not explained why it "feels better" and you can't explain it unless you admit that it comes from within your SOUL... which you deny having!
Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry. You know, kinda like how chocolate has been demonstrated to help with depression, and demonstrated, chemically, and neurologically why it helps.

This leads me to believe you don't really "HELP" anyone but yourself. If you don't get something out of it, you couldn't care less. And you ARE an asshole, as evidenced by your "Sky Daddy" remark, besmirching the faith-based beliefs of your fellow man. You have no respect for anyone else, including yourself.
Yup. I mock irrational behaviour pretending to be rational, and daring to say, suggest, or imply that being irrational is superior to being rational. I make no apologies for that. Hey. At least I don't threaten the people who disagree with me with an eternity of pain, and suffering. Again, I will consider the source, and give that all, of the consideration it deserves.
Right and wrong are simply determined by the Golden Rule which, contrary to Christians delusion, did not come from them.


“do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matt. 7:12)
Which was stolen from the Egyptians, who in turn stole it from the Mesopotamians. It was also part of pre-Christian Greek, Tamil (200 BCE) tradition, Persian tradition, shall I go on...? Your point? As I said, Christians didn't invent that concept; they stole it from previous cultures.
Right and wrong are simply determined by the Golden Rule which, contrary to Christians delusion, did not come from them.


“do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matt. 7:12)
Which was stolen from the Egyptians, who in turn stole it from the Mesopotamians. It was also part of pre-Christian Greek, Tamil (200 BCE) tradition, Persian tradition, shall I go on...? Your point? As I said, Christians didn't invent that concept; they stole it from previous cultures.
As Mark Twain has observed: “The ancients have stolen all our really good, new ideas.”

Comparative Religions

Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry.

boss states he has a degree in psychology -

It is a function of brain chemistry.


Flora's intelligence hasn't a CNS to derive for its source nor a central chemical coordination ... physiology alone only exists when life is present including Faunas brain, between the two it is undeniable a metaphysical presence exists for the explanation of physiology's presence that to date has yet to be observed or recorded by scientific research. A factor the atheist for some reason refuses to believe exists, Czern post as an example.
Atheists are more moral than Christians

We act because it is the right thing to do. Christians act because they fear retribution

In any subset of people, be those people Christians or atheists, we have people acting because they fear retribution (from society in this life).

In any subset of people, be those people atheists or Christians, we have people acting because they truly want to strive for the ideal, because that is the type of people they wish to become.

Broad brushing any group, (be it Christians about atheists, or atheists about Christians) only displays ignorance on the part of the person (whatever their position) wielding the brush.
The statement is fundamentally correct, however.

Christians, for the most part, act in accordance with sanctioned doctrine and dogma – and in some cases when that doctrine and dogma is the wrong thing to do, such as seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law, or seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.
Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry. You know, kinda like how chocolate has been demonstrated to help with depression, and demonstrated, chemically, and neurologically why it helps.

I majored in psychology. You've still failed to explain what causes you to "feel good" as opposed to not feeling anything or feeling bad. I understand how chemistry in the brain works but it is triggered by something, the chemicals don't rationalize you need to "feel good" do they?

You know what else helps with depression? Spirituality!

Yup. I mock irrational behaviour pretending to be rational, and daring to say, suggest, or imply that being irrational is superior to being rational. I make no apologies for that. Hey. At least I don't threaten the people who disagree with me with an eternity of pain, and suffering. Again, I will consider the source, and give that all, of the consideration it deserves.

The only one being irrational is YOU. It's the rational position to embrace human spirituality which has been an intrinsic human behavioral attribute for the entire existence of our species civilization. You are among the outlying 5% who don't connect spiritually. An anomaly. A freak of nature.
Which was stolen from the Egyptians, who in turn stole it from the Mesopotamians. It was also part of pre-Christian Greek, Tamil (200 BCE) tradition, Persian tradition, shall I go on...? Your point? As I said, Christians didn't invent that concept; they stole it from previous cultures.

It's an intrinsic human spiritual concept. No other creatures in nature practice the Golden Rule.... it's survival of the fittest... natural selection... circle of life. Yes, other cultures had similar concepts... many spiritual concepts predate Christianity. Human spirituality goes back to the oldest of civilizations.
Christians, for the most part, act in accordance with sanctioned doctrine and dogma – and in some cases when that doctrine and dogma is the wrong thing to do, such as seeking to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law, or seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

Christians do not seek to "disadvantage" gays and transgenders through "force of law." No one compels a woman to become pregnant or for people of either gender to choose an alternate lifestyle. However, once life is the issue, one can choose to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves rather than choosing to silence those voices forever.

Many look at sin as missing the ideal. One of the reasons same sex unions miss the ideal, is that statistics show that the life span is shorter and mental health is also more likely become an issue (even among societies who traditionally are very accepting of such unions). Who--besides gays--do you wish shorter lifespans and mental health issues--upon? Oh, right. The unborn. And their mothers.

Before you blow a gasket, I am a great believer of free will and minding one's own business regarding what happens between consenting adults. I have the same attitude towards football players. The risk of injury and brain damage is so great, I would not wish an NFL career on anyone. However, they're adults. They know the risks. We can respect the decisions of others without jumping gung-ho onto a bandwagon because it makes us look hip and cool. We can be concerned without being disapproving. (Another area where some are apt to miss the caring mark and tumble right into disapproval.)
Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry. You know, kinda like how chocolate has been demonstrated to help with depression, and demonstrated, chemically, and neurologically why it helps.

I majored in psychology. You've still failed to explain what causes you to "feel good" as opposed to not feeling anything or feeling bad. I understand how chemistry in the brain works but it is triggered by something, the chemicals don't rationalize you need to "feel good" do they?

You know what else helps with depression? Spirituality!
Really? You majored in psychology, and you don't know about endorphins, serotonin, and neuropeptides? Really??? You should get your money back.

Yup. I mock irrational behaviour pretending to be rational, and daring to say, suggest, or imply that being irrational is superior to being rational. I make no apologies for that. Hey. At least I don't threaten the people who disagree with me with an eternity of pain, and suffering. Again, I will consider the source, and give that all, of the consideration it deserves.

The only one being irrational is YOU. It's the rational position to embrace human spirituality which has been an intrinsic human behavioral attribute for the entire existence of our species civilization. You are among the outlying 5% who don't connect spiritually. An anomaly. A freak of nature.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

I am becoming convinced that these people do not know what the word rational means. They really should quit using it.
Which was stolen from the Egyptians, who in turn stole it from the Mesopotamians. It was also part of pre-Christian Greek, Tamil (200 BCE) tradition, Persian tradition, shall I go on...? Your point? As I said, Christians didn't invent that concept; they stole it from previous cultures.

It's an intrinsic human spiritual concept. No other creatures in nature practice the Golden Rule.... it's survival of the fittest... natural selection... circle of life. Yes, other cultures had similar concepts... many spiritual concepts predate Christianity. Human spirituality goes back to the oldest of civilizations.
You keep speaking of this "Human Spirituality". Where is the soul located? How much does it weigh? What objective, observable, verifiable evidence can you provide of its existence? Your Human Spirituality is just another way to discount the evolutionary achievement of man to engage in rational thought, and conscious decision making.
Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry. You know, kinda like how chocolate has been demonstrated to help with depression, and demonstrated, chemically, and neurologically why it helps.

I majored in psychology. You've still failed to explain what causes you to "feel good" as opposed to not feeling anything or feeling bad. I understand how chemistry in the brain works but it is triggered by something, the chemicals don't rationalize you need to "feel good" do they?

You know what else helps with depression? Spirituality!
Really? You majored in psychology, and you don't know about endorphins, serotonin, and neuropeptides? Really??? You should get your money back.

Yup. I mock irrational behaviour pretending to be rational, and daring to say, suggest, or imply that being irrational is superior to being rational. I make no apologies for that. Hey. At least I don't threaten the people who disagree with me with an eternity of pain, and suffering. Again, I will consider the source, and give that all, of the consideration it deserves.

The only one being irrational is YOU. It's the rational position to embrace human spirituality which has been an intrinsic human behavioral attribute for the entire existence of our species civilization. You are among the outlying 5% who don't connect spiritually. An anomaly. A freak of nature.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

I am becoming convinced that these people do not know what the word rational means. They really should quit using it.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

physiology is the empirical evidence for a metaphysical presence responsible for its creation.
Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry. You know, kinda like how chocolate has been demonstrated to help with depression, and demonstrated, chemically, and neurologically why it helps.

I majored in psychology. You've still failed to explain what causes you to "feel good" as opposed to not feeling anything or feeling bad. I understand how chemistry in the brain works but it is triggered by something, the chemicals don't rationalize you need to "feel good" do they?

You know what else helps with depression? Spirituality!
Really? You majored in psychology, and you don't know about endorphins, serotonin, and neuropeptides? Really??? You should get your money back.

Yup. I mock irrational behaviour pretending to be rational, and daring to say, suggest, or imply that being irrational is superior to being rational. I make no apologies for that. Hey. At least I don't threaten the people who disagree with me with an eternity of pain, and suffering. Again, I will consider the source, and give that all, of the consideration it deserves.

The only one being irrational is YOU. It's the rational position to embrace human spirituality which has been an intrinsic human behavioral attribute for the entire existence of our species civilization. You are among the outlying 5% who don't connect spiritually. An anomaly. A freak of nature.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

I am becoming convinced that these people do not know what the word rational means. They really should quit using it.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

physiology is the empirical evidence for a metaphysical presence responsible for its creation.
And how do you figure that?
Back a few weeks ago, I posed my first question to Atheists and I was surprised how suddenly we had so many posters proclaim themselves "Agnostic!" It was an amazing thing to see. We constantly get bombarded with the so-called "naysayers" on this forum regularly but for some odd reason, my question turned them away from Atheism to Agnosticism instantly. I don't think I ever got an honest answer to my question. So I decided it would be a good idea for a thread OP.

First Question for Atheists:

Do you hope that you are wrong or do you hope that you are right?

It's not a trick question. It's relatively easy. Just answer it honestly. If you can't answer, perhaps you need to ask yourself the question in quiet contemplation? How you answer is important and I will explain later.

The second question is:

Do you ever have doubts about your Atheism?

Again, not a trick question, relatively easy to answer.

Now, I wish that I could take credit for these profoundly brilliant questions but I can't. They are presented by Dennis Prager in an article he posted some time back. I will outline a little more about what he had to say later on. For now, I just want to get some feedback from our Atheist contingent... if we have one.
Brother Prager has given me plenty of those so called "parking lot moments" when you sit there thinking about the sharp point he just made...I am an NPR atheist, too.
Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry. You know, kinda like how chocolate has been demonstrated to help with depression, and demonstrated, chemically, and neurologically why it helps.

I majored in psychology. You've still failed to explain what causes you to "feel good" as opposed to not feeling anything or feeling bad. I understand how chemistry in the brain works but it is triggered by something, the chemicals don't rationalize you need to "feel good" do they?

You know what else helps with depression? Spirituality!
Really? You majored in psychology, and you don't know about endorphins, serotonin, and neuropeptides? Really??? You should get your money back.

Yup. I mock irrational behaviour pretending to be rational, and daring to say, suggest, or imply that being irrational is superior to being rational. I make no apologies for that. Hey. At least I don't threaten the people who disagree with me with an eternity of pain, and suffering. Again, I will consider the source, and give that all, of the consideration it deserves.

The only one being irrational is YOU. It's the rational position to embrace human spirituality which has been an intrinsic human behavioral attribute for the entire existence of our species civilization. You are among the outlying 5% who don't connect spiritually. An anomaly. A freak of nature.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

I am becoming convinced that these people do not know what the word rational means. They really should quit using it.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

physiology is the empirical evidence for a metaphysical presence responsible for its creation.
And how do you figure that?
And how do you figure that?

what is your explanation for where physiology originates, its configuration and physiology's ability to function.

the brain did not make itself nor does it speak.
Really? The "Soul"? You have obviously never studied the brain, psychology, or neurology. "Feeling good" isn't a function of "the soul". It is a function of brain chemistry. You know, kinda like how chocolate has been demonstrated to help with depression, and demonstrated, chemically, and neurologically why it helps.

I majored in psychology. You've still failed to explain what causes you to "feel good" as opposed to not feeling anything or feeling bad. I understand how chemistry in the brain works but it is triggered by something, the chemicals don't rationalize you need to "feel good" do they?

You know what else helps with depression? Spirituality!
Really? You majored in psychology, and you don't know about endorphins, serotonin, and neuropeptides? Really??? You should get your money back.

Yup. I mock irrational behaviour pretending to be rational, and daring to say, suggest, or imply that being irrational is superior to being rational. I make no apologies for that. Hey. At least I don't threaten the people who disagree with me with an eternity of pain, and suffering. Again, I will consider the source, and give that all, of the consideration it deserves.

The only one being irrational is YOU. It's the rational position to embrace human spirituality which has been an intrinsic human behavioral attribute for the entire existence of our species civilization. You are among the outlying 5% who don't connect spiritually. An anomaly. A freak of nature.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

I am becoming convinced that these people do not know what the word rational means. They really should quit using it.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

physiology is the empirical evidence for a metaphysical presence responsible for its creation.
And how do you figure that?
And how do you figure that?

what is your explanation for where physiology originates, its configuration and physiology's ability to function.

the brain did not make itself nor does it speak.
Yeah, this is an old argument. "The human body is just too complex to have formed without a creator". You're not really going to make me demonstrate all of the ways that this is not at all a rational argument, are you? Not only is this not original, it's old, and trite.
parking lot moments"
I majored in psychology. You've still failed to explain what causes you to "feel good" as opposed to not feeling anything or feeling bad. I understand how chemistry in the brain works but it is triggered by something, the chemicals don't rationalize you need to "feel good" do they?

You know what else helps with depression? Spirituality!
Really? You majored in psychology, and you don't know about endorphins, serotonin, and neuropeptides? Really??? You should get your money back.

The only one being irrational is YOU. It's the rational position to embrace human spirituality which has been an intrinsic human behavioral attribute for the entire existence of our species civilization. You are among the outlying 5% who don't connect spiritually. An anomaly. A freak of nature.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

I am becoming convinced that these people do not know what the word rational means. They really should quit using it.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

physiology is the empirical evidence for a metaphysical presence responsible for its creation.
And how do you figure that?
And how do you figure that?

what is your explanation for where physiology originates, its configuration and physiology's ability to function.

the brain did not make itself nor does it speak.
Yeah, this is an old argument. "The human body is just too complex to have formed without a creator". You're not really going to make me demonstrate all of the ways that this is not at all a rational argument, are you? Not only is this not original, it's old, and trite.
So the human body is too complex to be a random creation. Why? Who made god then? He's/she pretty complex....
parking lot moments"
Really? You majored in psychology, and you don't know about endorphins, serotonin, and neuropeptides? Really??? You should get your money back.

Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

I am becoming convinced that these people do not know what the word rational means. They really should quit using it.
Yet another person telling me that the rational position is to just accept the existence of a thing for which there is not a single shred of empirical, objective, verifiable evidence. Why do these theists keep trying to convince us that the irrational is actually rational?

physiology is the empirical evidence for a metaphysical presence responsible for its creation.
And how do you figure that?
And how do you figure that?

what is your explanation for where physiology originates, its configuration and physiology's ability to function.

the brain did not make itself nor does it speak.
Yeah, this is an old argument. "The human body is just too complex to have formed without a creator". You're not really going to make me demonstrate all of the ways that this is not at all a rational argument, are you? Not only is this not original, it's old, and trite.
So the human body is too complex to be a random creation. Why? Who made god then, he's/she pretty complex...
And that is just one of many problems with this very old, entirely dissected argument.

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