Two Questions for Atheists

There has only been one good human in history and look what they did to him.


Life on earth is a blink of an eye. There is a thing called age of accountability. No one knows exactly when that occurs but before then it’s basically a free pass into Heaven. When you look at it outside of our limited view of “life” you lose the barbarity aspect.

Atheists and so-called "agnostics" often claim (as they've done in this thread) that they're intellectually honest because they don't accept the belief in a creator without "proof" while simultaneously pretending to know all of the secrets of the universe.
You were honest up until the word simultaneously.

I havent seen evidence of anyone doing that.

A couple of posters here have condemned the creator for taking the lives of children and animals in the passover story based on their belief that they are intellectually and morally superior to said creator.

I don't go to bat for every believer that makes an idiotic statement. You don't have to go to bat for every atheist that makes an idiotic statement.

I have never killed puppies and kittens
I have never slaughtered the first born of Egypt

Makes me morally superior
Frankly, i cant fathom a reason to kill innocent newborns and cattle. Probably out of spite because they didnt suck his big toe like his precious israelite mercenaries.

If you believe you are intellectually and morally superior to the creator, it's ok with me. I don't share your belief, but that's ok. :)
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.

I also dont like a douche who would say..."believe in me or else....burn for eternity."

then leaves their existence as vague as possible to the pragmatic mind

Then says i am a jealous god.

lol bitch nobody likes jealousy
My biggest issue is the "eternal God" part. It is obvious the Christian God is man-made & has all the characteristics of being especially created by MALE humans.
What then was the motive for creating Christianity? Jesus was tortured to death. 11 of the 12 disciples were murdered for talking about it. What was the motive?
If you believe you are intellectually and morally superior to the creator, it's ok with me. I don't share your belief, but that's ok. :)
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.

I also dont like a douche who would say..."believe in me or else....burn for eternity."

then keaves their existence as vague as possible to the pragmatic mind

Then says i am a jealous god.

lol bitch nobody likes jealousy
That’s it though. Accept belief or don’t. No requirements beyond that.
Thats stupid.

I want someone to be a good human before I want someone to "acknowledge that I exist."

This is a god i could never vibe with, its childish as fuck.
There has only been one good human in history and look what they did to him.
Thats an assertion, and merely a subjective opinion.

Worthless, really.
Life on earth is a blink of an eye. There is a thing called age of accountability. No one knows exactly when that occurs but before then it’s basically a free pass into Heaven. When you look at it outside of our limited view of “life” you lose the barbarity aspect.

Atheists and so-called "agnostics" often claim (as they've done in this thread) that they're intellectually honest because they don't accept the belief in a creator without "proof" while simultaneously pretending to know all of the secrets of the universe.
Wrong wrong wrong

We don't necessarily need proof, but logical and making sense would be very helpful. The Christian God fails fails and keeps on failing. However, I DO admit the trashing of the Old Testament and coming out with God 2.0 in the New Testament was a huge improvement.

When do you think we will get God 3.0 with the science patch?
Frankly, i cant fathom a reason to kill innocent newborns and cattle. Probably out of spite because they didnt suck his big toe like his precious israelite mercenaries.

If you believe you are intellectually and morally superior to the creator, it's ok with me. I don't share your belief, but that's ok. :)
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.
You’re viewing death as an end.
Why do you not answer my question directly? Why do you have to parse it and obfuscate?

My friend, there comes a time to stop casting your pearls to the swine and to cast them to another who might appreciate your knowledge and wisdom. Jesus said so himself.

At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling.
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.

I also dont like a douche who would say..."believe in me or else....burn for eternity."

then keaves their existence as vague as possible to the pragmatic mind

Then says i am a jealous god.

lol bitch nobody likes jealousy
That’s it though. Accept belief or don’t. No requirements beyond that.
Thats stupid.

I want someone to be a good human before I want someone to "acknowledge that I exist."

This is a god i could never vibe with, its childish as fuck.
There has only been one good human in history and look what they did to him.
Thats an assertion, and merely a subjective opinion.

Worthless, really.
“Good” is a REALLY worthless subjective opinion. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot all believed themselves to be good.
Frankly, i cant fathom a reason to kill innocent newborns and cattle. Probably out of spite because they didnt suck his big toe like his precious israelite mercenaries.

If you believe you are intellectually and morally superior to the creator, it's ok with me. I don't share your belief, but that's ok. :)
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.
You’re viewing death as an end.
I dont believe in spirits and souls, so why wouldnt i?
Back a few weeks ago, I posed my first question to Atheists and I was surprised how suddenly we had so many posters proclaim themselves "Agnostic!" It was an amazing thing to see. We constantly get bombarded with the so-called "naysayers" on this forum regularly but for some odd reason, my question turned them away from Atheism to Agnosticism instantly. I don't think I ever got an honest answer to my question. So I decided it would be a good idea for a thread OP.

First Question for Atheists:

Do you hope that you are wrong or do you hope that you are right?

It's not a trick question. It's relatively easy. Just answer it honestly. If you can't answer, perhaps you need to ask yourself the question in quiet contemplation? How you answer is important and I will explain later.

The second question is:

Do you ever have doubts about your Atheism?

Again, not a trick question, relatively easy to answer.

Now, I wish that I could take credit for these profoundly brilliant questions but I can't. They are presented by Dennis Prager in an article he posted some time back. I will outline a little more about what he had to say later on. For now, I just want to get some feedback from our Atheist contingent... if we have one.

what people believe is none of your business

I also dont like a douche who would say..."believe in me or else....burn for eternity."

then keaves their existence as vague as possible to the pragmatic mind

Then says i am a jealous god.

lol bitch nobody likes jealousy
That’s it though. Accept belief or don’t. No requirements beyond that.
Thats stupid.

I want someone to be a good human before I want someone to "acknowledge that I exist."

This is a god i could never vibe with, its childish as fuck.
There has only been one good human in history and look what they did to him.
Thats an assertion, and merely a subjective opinion.

Worthless, really.
“Good” is a REALLY worthless subjective opinion. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot all believed themselves to be good.
Its not worthless, sharing subjective opinions helps us establish human boundaries.

Does the universe ultimately care how we act though?
Yes, I operate under my own opinions regarding good, bad, success, failure, etc etc. I dont know whose else opinion I should function under.

It would be hypocritical to fault you. All of us operate, at least to an extent, under our own belief system. We all tend to follow our conscience. Take homosexuality and gay marriage, for example. I know what the bible says and I know what most Christian churches say. Nevertheless, I have no problem with gay people, their lifestyle or even them being recognized by the state in marriage. After all, who am I to judge? My conscience tells me to accept them and love them and, I try to do that just as I try to love thieves, rapists, murderers, etc. After all, I too am a sinner and fall, way, waaaaaaaaaay short. I certainly do NOT deserve to go to paradise to be with Jesus and our creator. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to be forgiven for my sins and cleansed so that too can enter into Heaven after my physical death.
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What then was the motive for creating Christianity? Jesus was tortured to death. 11 of the 12 disciples were murdered for talking about it. What was the motive?

Good questions. Why would people NOT denounce Jesus and instead accept being tortured to death if they in fact KNEW that the whole Jesus story was false? It's not "proof", but it is food for thought.
Frankly, i cant fathom a reason to kill innocent newborns and cattle. Probably out of spite because they didnt suck his big toe like his precious israelite mercenaries.

If you believe you are intellectually and morally superior to the creator, it's ok with me. I don't share your belief, but that's ok. :)
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.

I also dont like a douche who would say..."believe in me or else....burn for eternity."

then leaves their existence as vague as possible to the pragmatic mind

Then says i am a jealous god.

lol bitch nobody likes jealousy
My biggest issue is the "eternal God" part. It is obvious the Christian God is man-made & has all the characteristics of being especially created by MALE humans.
What then was the motive for creating Christianity? Jesus was tortured to death. 11 of the 12 disciples were murdered for talking about it. What was the motive?
Christianity was created waaaay before then. It started as Jewish texts.

The motive was the same as all original cults. To explain the unexplained. The human brain needs answers and if we don't have them, we make them up. Magic & spirits. Witches, demons and angels. Tarot card readers.

The Jesus story is interesting. Some call it murder by his own people when they first ordered the Romans to murder him, then they picked Barabbas when the Romans said no. Then they condemn Judas who was only following God's orders. Didn't God send Jesus specifically to die?
What then was the motive for creating Christianity? Jesus was tortured to death. 11 of the 12 disciples were murdered for talking about it. What was the motive?

Good questions. Why would people NOT denounce Jesus and instead accept being tortured to death if they in fact KNEW that the whole Jesus story was false? It's not "proof", but it is food for thought.
They werent necessarily.

Thats hearsay from where you and I sit.
Thats an assertion, and merely a subjective opinion. Worthless, really.

That's true IF you believe there is no creator and then every person has their own personal belief system as to what is moral and what is "good".

But, if you accept that there is a creator then the next question becomes, how does he want us to live? Then, the creator's statements on how we must live per the bible, for instance, becomes our moral belief system of what is right and wrong and good and bad. Hence, we believe that Jesus lived his life EXACTLY as our creator commanded and, therefore, was without sin and was PERFECT. Incidentally, it is my belief that Jesus' mother, Mary, was also perfect, although some Christians don't share that belief.

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