Two Questions for Atheists

They werent necessarily. Thats hearsay from where you and I sit.

Christians were, supposedly, persecuted. Some were fed to lions for being Christian. I presume that some could have save their own lives by denouncing Christ and his teachings, but they didn't, if you believe the stories. There are stories of ISIS executing Christians who refused to convert to Islam.
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God.
IOW, genocide is OK as long as you rationalize that God ordered it and you win.
Would you be sad if every member of ISIS was killed today?
ISIS believes in God.
A god. And atheists have murdered over 200 million the past century so get off your soapbox.
what people believe is none of your business

LOL. This is a discussion board. Nobody is forced to respond to this guy's questions.

sorry, religious zealots who think they should lecture others should mind their own business.
Please go to the Barney and Friends thread and leave the adults alone.

awww... what's the matter, little troll boy... you don't like being called on your radical religious idiocy?
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God.
IOW, genocide is OK as long as you rationalize that God ordered it and you win.
Would you be sad if every member of ISIS was killed today?
ISIS believes in God.
A god. And atheists have murdered over 200 million the past century so get off your soapbox.


and how many have so-called Christians murdered?


if people would keep their religions to themselves and leave everyone else alone, the world would be a better place
There is no evidence of GOD...




The Party of True Believers ^^^ once regarded as the Party of Lincoln - not no more. The Big Bird ^^^ has replaced the Elephant.
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God.
IOW, genocide is OK as long as you rationalize that God ordered it and you win.
Would you be sad if every member of ISIS was killed today?
ISIS believes in God.
A god. And atheists have murdered over 200 million the past century so get off your soapbox.
Who did what?
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God.
IOW, genocide is OK as long as you rationalize that God ordered it and you win.
Would you be sad if every member of ISIS was killed today?
ISIS believes in God.
A god. And atheists have murdered over 200 million the past century so get off your soapbox.
Who did what?
Who’s who?
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God.
IOW, genocide is OK as long as you rationalize that God ordered it and you win.
Would you be sad if every member of ISIS was killed today?
ISIS believes in God.
A god. And atheists have murdered over 200 million the past century so get off your soapbox.


and how many have so-called Christians murdered?


if people would keep their religions to themselves and leave everyone else alone, the world would be a better place
Please stop trying to shove your beliefs upon everyone else.
IOW, genocide is OK as long as you rationalize that God ordered it and you win.
Would you be sad if every member of ISIS was killed today?
ISIS believes in God.
A god. And atheists have murdered over 200 million the past century so get off your soapbox.
Who did what?
Who’s who?
I just realized you ask but don't answer.
Frankly, i cant fathom a reason to kill innocent newborns and cattle. Probably out of spite because they didnt suck his big toe like his precious israelite mercenaries.

If you believe you are intellectually and morally superior to the creator, it's ok with me. I don't share your belief, but that's ok. :)
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.
You’re viewing death as an end.
I dont believe in spirits and souls, so why wouldnt i?
Then you’re not agnostic.
Then what am i? I dont doubt the concept of a creator.
sorry, religious zealots who think they should lecture others should mind their own business. and this is a POLITICAL messageboard... not a messageboard for zealots to proselytize

No one is required to participate. Ask you atheist friends if they were forced to participate here. Additionally, this is the religion forum. If you disagree, feel free to complain to management. By the way, are you on acid?
Id say prove it but now we are just in circles.

There's no circles. God gave us the ten commandments, told us to "be fruitful and multiply" and sent his son to teach us further.
If you believe you are intellectually and morally superior to the creator, it's ok with me. I don't share your belief, but that's ok. :)
I didnt say that. I believe a creator is VERY possible. Beyond what we can grasp. But i dont buy in to the man made abrahamic god. So i dont think that about the "creator"
And if the abrahamic god is real, i wont ever worship him. Because i am morally superior to that tyrannical, psycho asshole.
You’re viewing death as an end.
I dont believe in spirits and souls, so why wouldnt i?
Then you’re not agnostic.
Then what am i? I dont doubt the concept of a creator.
You’re a rare breed for not believing in an afterlife while open to the possibility of a creator. Interesting.
awww... what's the matter, little troll boy... you don't like being called on your radical religious idiocy?

On the contrary, you're the only one here that is trolling and ALL of your posts here have been to troll.

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