Two Reasons I Don't Care about the Whining About Trump

yeah well , then they and their children will get what they DESERVE Boss , no big deal to me , my kids are grown up . My ww2 generation parents had it made and the USA has been good for the most part for my Baby Boom generation so I grew up in an excellent USA , for the most part . You guys are free to mess things up for yourself and your kids , ok with me Boss .
yeah well then they and their children will get what they DESERVE Boss , no big deal to me , my kids are grown up . My ww2 generation parents had it made and the USA has been tgood for the most part for my Baby Boom generation so I grew up in an excellent USA , for the most part . You guys are free to mess things up for yourself and kids , ok with me Boss .

Look, I don't LIKE this situation any more than you do... but America has made some terrible political choices lately and the chickens are coming home to roost. A Hillary Clinton presidency will be terrible... I'm not sure a Trump presidency wouldn't be almost as bad. An intelligent person might argue the Senate is much more important at this point because a Republican majority could keep Hillary in check, but the feckless GOP leadership we've had lately sort of throws a bucket of cold water on that as well. It's not good for Constitutional Conservatives either way.

Like you, I hate to see what the future holds for my grandkids. This once great nation is spiraling down the toilet bowl fast and it doesn't appear that anything or anyone is going to stop it. We now have about half the country who believe we should be fucking Socialists! You can't talk to them, you can't reason with them.
yeah well then they and their children will get what they DESERVE Boss , no big deal to me , my kids are grown up . My ww2 generation parents had it made and the USA has been tgood for the most part for my Baby Boom generation so I grew up in an excellent USA , for the most part . You guys are free to mess things up for yourself and kids , ok with me Boss .

Look, I don't LIKE this situation any more than you do... but America has made some terrible political choices lately and the chickens are coming home to roost. A Hillary Clinton presidency will be terrible... I'm not sure a Trump presidency wouldn't be almost as bad. An intelligent person might argue the Senate is much more important at this point because a Republican majority could keep Hillary in check, but the feckless GOP leadership we've had lately sort of throws a bucket of cold water on that as well. It's not good for Constitutional Conservatives either way.

Like you, I hate to see what the future holds for my grandkids. This once great nation is spiraling down the toilet bowl fast and it doesn't appear that anything or anyone is going to stop it. We now have about half the country who believe we should be fucking Socialists! You can't talk to them, you can't reason with them.
---------------------------------------------- Respectfully , Go Trump , its the only way to go , its the only chance Boss !!
---------------------------------------------- Respectfully , Go Trump , its the only way to go , its the only chance Boss !!

So our "only chance" is to sell out our principles and support someone who's character we can't trust and who doesn't seem to hold to our values? If that's our "only chance" then we're already screwed.

I'm going to vote... I always do vote. The down ballot races are more important than ever this time. I don't yet know who I will vote for president, I am still undecided. I will not vote for Clinton or Gary Johnson. I doubt I will vote for Trump. And it's not just the "locker room talk" or his poor debate performance, although that doesn't help him.

SCOTUS was a big issue for me but Trump is out there today doing all he can to undermine Republican senators he will need to get any of his nominees confirmed, so I think that's a wash now. But let me be clear... MY vote is MY vote... it's not Trump's vote that I'm not giving him. It's his job to EARN my vote. He has not done so at this point.
Hillary's CRIMINAL. Justice will be served. She's not gonna be president.

If you guys convince the country to elect her anyway, she's still going to jail.

I know you're desperate and want to equate Trumps WORDS with Hillary's DEEDS, but Hillary's going to jail.
yeah well then they and their children will get what they DESERVE Boss , no big deal to me , my kids are grown up . My ww2 generation parents had it made and the USA has been tgood for the most part for my Baby Boom generation so I grew up in an excellent USA , for the most part . You guys are free to mess things up for yourself and kids , ok with me Boss .

Look, I don't LIKE this situation any more than you do... but America has made some terrible political choices lately and the chickens are coming home to roost. A Hillary Clinton presidency will be terrible... I'm not sure a Trump presidency wouldn't be almost as bad. An intelligent person might argue the Senate is much more important at this point because a Republican majority could keep Hillary in check, but the feckless GOP leadership we've had lately sort of throws a bucket of cold water on that as well. It's not good for Constitutional Conservatives either way.

Like you, I hate to see what the future holds for my grandkids. This once great nation is spiraling down the toilet bowl fast and it doesn't appear that anything or anyone is going to stop it. We now have about half the country who believe we should be fucking Socialists! You can't talk to them, you can't reason with them.
---------------------------------------------- Respectfully , Go Trump , its the only way to go , its the only chance Boss !!
pismoe, the polls toll the end of Trump. He could recover, pismoe, but it would take a miracle. Let's see more of you posting here, pismoe!
yeah well then they and their children will get what they DESERVE Boss , no big deal to me , my kids are grown up . My ww2 generation parents had it made and the USA has been tgood for the most part for my Baby Boom generation so I grew up in an excellent USA , for the most part . You guys are free to mess things up for yourself and kids , ok with me Boss .

Look, I don't LIKE this situation any more than you do... but America has made some terrible political choices lately and the chickens are coming home to roost. A Hillary Clinton presidency will be terrible... I'm not sure a Trump presidency wouldn't be almost as bad. An intelligent person might argue the Senate is much more important at this point because a Republican majority could keep Hillary in check, but the feckless GOP leadership we've had lately sort of throws a bucket of cold water on that as well. It's not good for Constitutional Conservatives either way.

Like you, I hate to see what the future holds for my grandkids. This once great nation is spiraling down the toilet bowl fast and it doesn't appear that anything or anyone is going to stop it. We now have about half the country who believe we should be fucking Socialists! You can't talk to them, you can't reason with them.
---------------------------------------------- Respectfully , Go Trump , its the only way to go , its the only chance Boss !!

yeah well then they and their children will get what they DESERVE Boss , no big deal to me , my kids are grown up . My ww2 generation parents had it made and the USA has been tgood for the most part for my Baby Boom generation so I grew up in an excellent USA , for the most part . You guys are free to mess things up for yourself and kids , ok with me Boss .

Look, I don't LIKE this situation any more than you do... but America has made some terrible political choices lately and the chickens are coming home to roost. A Hillary Clinton presidency will be terrible... I'm not sure a Trump presidency wouldn't be almost as bad. An intelligent person might argue the Senate is much more important at this point because a Republican majority could keep Hillary in check, but the feckless GOP leadership we've had lately sort of throws a bucket of cold water on that as well. It's not good for Constitutional Conservatives either way.

Like you, I hate to see what the future holds for my grandkids. This once great nation is spiraling down the toilet bowl fast and it doesn't appear that anything or anyone is going to stop it. We now have about half the country who believe we should be fucking Socialists! You can't talk to them, you can't reason with them.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respectfully , Go Trump , its the only way to go , its the only chance Boss !!
pismoe, the polls toll the end of Trump. He could recover, pismoe, but it would take a miracle. Let's see more of you posting here, pismoe!
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey Jake , as i have said in past posts , Trump or hilary but i support the TRUMP. My thinking is that the hilary will go after you moderate rino repub types for your wealth . After that little thought there is not much more to say because in my opinion you moderates have no use for American freedoms so money , redistribution of wealth , free college , more immigration , open borders don't hurt you guys but taking your money will hurt you . Don't know what else there is to say Jake . ------------------ Go Trump , do your best no matter if you win or lose Donald !!
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its a fine approach and the only way i go , taught by my parents and polite is always best Jake , Election in 25 days about , we will see what happens . Moderates values are squishy as they follow the libs Jake . The last 2 moderate bushes were counting points of conservative lights and what was the other guy talking about ?? yeah , think it was 'compassionate conservatism and both were flooding the USA with third worlders as they imported a Fifth Column that wants your money and stuff plus free college in their language of choice Jake !!
its a fine approach and the only way i go , taught by my parents and polite is always best Jake , Election in 25 days about , we will see what happens . Moderates values are squishy as they follow the libs Jake . The last 2 moderate bushes were counting points of conservative lights and what was the other guy talking about ?? yeah , think it was 'compassionate conservatism and both were flooding the USA with third worlders as they imported a Fifth Column that wants your money and stuff plus free college in their language of choice Jake !!
Centrism and moderate approaches are fine and fully American, pismoe. Now, pismoe, Third World Fifth column is nonsense. That, pismoe, is how Trump is raking in boodles of cash.
---------------------------------------------- Respectfully , Go Trump , its the only way to go , its the only chance Boss !!

So our "only chance" is to sell out our principles and support someone who's character we can't trust and who doesn't seem to hold to our values? If that's our "only chance" then we're already screwed.

I'm going to vote... I always do vote. The down ballot races are more important than ever this time. I don't yet know who I will vote for president, I am still undecided. I will not vote for Clinton or Gary Johnson. I doubt I will vote for Trump. And it's not just the "locker room talk" or his poor debate performance, although that doesn't help him.

SCOTUS was a big issue for me but Trump is out there today doing all he can to undermine Republican senators he will need to get any of his nominees confirmed, so I think that's a wash now. But let me be clear... MY vote is MY vote... it's not Trump's vote that I'm not giving him. It's his job to EARN my vote. He has not done so at this point.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just a question Boss but as far as a FULL supreme court , what is a FULL supreme court ?? Court can operate under the TRUMP with as many justices as are sitting i think . So the TRUMP nominates and the sitting dem majority refuses , so what , the supremes continue to function with whatever the number of sitting judges is , if i am not mistaken Boss . Besides that and seeing what the supremes have done since mrobama , i and millions like ME don't much care if the supremes function anyway Boss .
its a fine approach and the only way i go , taught by my parents and polite is always best Jake , Election in 25 days about , we will see what happens . Moderates values are squishy as they follow the libs Jake . The last 2 moderate bushes were counting points of conservative lights and what was the other guy talking about ?? yeah , think it was 'compassionate conservatism and both were flooding the USA with third worlders as they imported a Fifth Column that wants your money and stuff plus free college in their language of choice Jake !!
Centrism and moderate approaches are fine and fully American, pismoe. Now, pismoe, Third World Fifth column is nonsense. That, pismoe, is how Trump is raking in boodles of cash.
-------------------------------------- like i sayJake , hilary or the Trump , no other choices , Go Trump !!
Sorry.... but when I was about 8-years-old, I learned the excuse of "but THEY did it too!" doesn't work. You can't point to the behavior of others to justify or excuse your own bad behavior. Were you raised some other way or something? :dunno:
Well, that's what you're doing. The behaviour you condemn in Trump, you accept in a Democrat.

My vote for Trump is to break the Clinton/Media monopoly.

So all the side issues you whine about simply will not influence my voting decision
Hillary Clinton is an adulterer? She has bragged about grabbing guys by the ball sack because she's a star?
its a fine approach and the only way i go , taught by my parents and polite is always best Jake , Election in 25 days about , we will see what happens . Moderates values are squishy as they follow the libs Jake . The last 2 moderate bushes were counting points of conservative lights and what was the other guy talking about ?? yeah , think it was 'compassionate conservatism and both were flooding the USA with third worlders as they imported a Fifth Column that wants your money and stuff plus free college in their language of choice Jake !!
Centrism and moderate approaches are fine and fully American, pismoe. Now, pismoe, Third World Fifth column is nonsense. That, pismoe, is how Trump is raking in boodles of cash.
-------------------------------------- like i sayJake , hilary or the Trump , no other choices , Go Trump !!
Yes. The choices do suck. Think Supreme Court Justices. How many more liberal ones do you want to see?
just a question Boss but as far as a FULL supreme court , what is a FULL supreme court ?? Court can operate under the TRUMP with as many justices as are sitting i think . So the TRUMP nominates and the sitting dem majority refuses , so what , the supremes continue to function with whatever the number of sitting judges is , if i am not mistaken Boss . Besides that and seeing what the supremes have done since mrobama , i and millions like ME don't much care if the supremes function anyway Boss .

Well, you seem to be under some delusion that we're going to dissolve the Supreme Court by letting it "wither on the vine" or something. I assure you, that scenario will never happen. The next president will have 2 or 3... possibly more, Supreme Court picks. We know the kind of justices Hillary will nominate. We also know the kind Trump SAYS he will nominate. What we don't know and can't really predict is how many "John Roberts" types there might be. I hate to break it to you but just because a Republican picks a SCOTUS justice, doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of their rulings.

I actually think what we're going to see in the future is a push to limit the terms of Supreme Court justices as well as some mechanism to override their decisions at the state level. There is FAR too much political power being given to 9 people in black robes who aren't elected or accountable and have lifetime appointments.
Bill Clinton

John Kennedy

The Sex Life of JFK

Precisely what makes conservatives such sanctimonious hypocrites.

Clinton's behavior bothered you enough to concoct a line of bullshit about "holding presidents to a higher moral standard than others," to justify impeaching him.

The pass you give Trump (and George W Bush) for their behavior illustrates just how completely full of shit you "guardians of high moral standards" truly are.

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