Two Reasons I Don't Care about the Whining About Trump

sounds like you are trying to change what my post says and asks Boss . My post has nothing to do with dissolving the supreme court . My simple posted question is , how many supremes are needed so the court can function ?? In other words , if Trump gets in and 3 liberals retire that simply means a sitting supreme court of 5 / FIVE will continue to do their work . The dem majority won't confirm the conservative judges that Trump nominates so whats the big deal as the court continues to function just fine with 5 sitting supreme court Judges Boss !! Where is the problem Boss ??
---------------------------------------------- Respectfully , Go Trump , its the only way to go , its the only chance Boss !!

So our "only chance" is to sell out our principles and support someone who's character we can't trust and who doesn't seem to hold to our values? If that's our "only chance" then we're already screwed.

I'm going to vote... I always do vote. The down ballot races are more important than ever this time. I don't yet know who I will vote for president, I am still undecided. I will not vote for Clinton or Gary Johnson. I doubt I will vote for Trump. And it's not just the "locker room talk" or his poor debate performance, although that doesn't help him.

SCOTUS was a big issue for me but Trump is out there today doing all he can to undermine Republican senators he will need to get any of his nominees confirmed, so I think that's a wash now. But let me be clear... MY vote is MY vote... it's not Trump's vote that I'm not giving him. It's his job to EARN my vote. He has not done so at this point.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just a question Boss but as far as a FULL supreme court , what is a FULL supreme court ?? Court can operate under the TRUMP with as many justices as are sitting i think . So the TRUMP nominates and the sitting dem majority refuses , so what , the supremes continue to function with whatever the number of sitting judges is , if i am not mistaken Boss . Besides that and seeing what the supremes have done since mrobama , i and millions like ME don't much care if the supremes function anyway Boss .
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah , there , just above is my original question , nothing about dissolving the supreme court . And you still haven't answered my question about how many judges are needed for a supreme court Boss .
Bill Clinton

John Kennedy

The Sex Life of JFK
So you're saying that criticism of Bill Clinton or John Kennedy is irrelevant? Or are you saying you're lowering your standards, excusing Clinton (who is not on a ballot or Kennedy who is dead) to rationalize Trump?

Your choices are: stop criticizing Clinton and Kennedy or keep criticizing them while you ignore Trump's similar faults and being fairly called a hypocrite.
sounds like you are trying to change what my post says and asks Boss . My post has nothing to do with dissolving the supreme court . My simple posted question is , how many supremes are needed so the court can function ?? In other words , if Trump gets in and 3 liberals retire that simply means a sitting supreme court of 5 / FIVE will continue to do their work . The dem majority won't confirm the conservative judges that Trump nominates so whats the big deal as the court continues to function just fine with 5 sitting supreme court Judges Boss !! Where is the problem Boss ??
We should have an even number and when it's partisan bs it ends up in a tie.

You have to convince one on the other side.

A new president should always get to replace 1 judge of his her choice
what it should be is not MY question , my question is , how many supreme court judges are NEEDED Sealy ??
Each state should have 1 senator and two reps and state governments should be part time.

If we want to cut spending let's start at the top where the real fraud is
sounds like you are trying to change what my post says and asks Boss . My post has nothing to do with dissolving the supreme court . My simple posted question is , how many supremes are needed so the court can function ?? In other words , if Trump gets in and 3 liberals retire that simply means a sitting supreme court of 5 / FIVE will continue to do their work . The dem majority won't confirm the conservative judges that Trump nominates so whats the big deal as the court continues to function just fine with 5 sitting supreme court Judges Boss !! Where is the problem Boss ??

The scenario you describe has never happened in American history and it won't happen this time. My guess would be, Trump nominates a "conservative" justice-- dems reject-- he then nominates a "moderate" justice. I'm sorry but Trump is just not going to stand strong and defiantly on conservative principle... he never has. You're fooling yourself if that's what you believe.

I think a LOT of conservatives who have supported Trump are going to be majorly disappointed if he wins. He has absolutely no intention to govern as a conservative or he'd be embracing conservatism instead of attacking it. He would have embraced Ted Cruz because he would have realized what a strong ally Cruz would be for him in the Senate. But he knows that he doesn't intend to govern as a conservative and Cruz represents his primary adversary going forward, so he wants to marginalize him.

But back to your hypothetical about SCOTUS... do you think the opposition party is not going to exploit 4 empty seats on the court for political advantage? I realize you don't personally have a problem with that but you're not all of America. I don't personally have a problem with shutting down the government but I'm not all of America. Everybody doesn't agree with me.
what it should be is not MY question , my question is , how many supreme court judges are NEEDED Sealy ??
3 or 2
---------------------------- I don't know if you are being serious or what but I don't think that there is a set number as congress can have as many supremes as they like . If my speculation is correct then your numbers of 3 or 2 is correct . My point is that if the TRUMP were to be elected than the supreme court can function with any number of supreme court judges if a dem majority would not confirm Trump nominees Sealy .
Each state should have 1 senator and two reps and state governments should be part time.

If we want to cut spending let's start at the top where the real fraud is

Just shut up... you're not even making any sense... the discussion was about SCOTUS justices and you've jumped over to the legislature and cutting spending... like you give some shit about cutting spending.
so my point is that a Trump supreme court can function with any number of justices . So Trump nominates and the dems won't confirm just doesn't matter Boss . And if congress were to say , hey , we need the 3 liberal retirees to be replaced , well it looks like congress and the dems that won't confirm conservative Trump picks have a problem ehh Boss ??
I'm only interested in your answer to my stated question Boss . And here is some info and anyone else interested enough to take a look Boss . --- Frequently Asked Questions - Supreme Court of the United States ---

I understand your question, I just don't think it's a realistic scenario that would ever happen in reality. It's like saying, what if a plane crash killed 6 justices? Could the SCOTUS still function with just 3? Sure it could. Hypothetically, we could take it down to just ONE justice. That's never going to happen but we can speculate.

I imagine, if you ever saw the situation where there were TWO vacant seats on the court, the opposition party would be screaming from the rooftops about the travesty of that and the urgent need to fix it. And dumb Americans would buy into it and agree. So.. no... your scenario is never going to happen... not in a million years.
seems to me that if the TRUMP is elected that he can nominate who he likes and the dems can deny who they like . The onus would be on the dems that won't confirm Trumps conservatice choices . And the possibility of the Trump being hardazz and cornering the dems is the only reason that I am voting for the Trump Boss . [if TRUMP gets elected]
so my point is that a Trump supreme court can function with any number of justices . So Trump nominates and the dems won't confirm just doesn't matter Boss . And if congress were to say , hey , we need the 3 liberal retirees to be replaced , well it looks like congress and the dems that won't confirm conservative Trump picks have a problem ehh Boss ??

But it DOES matter because political perception matters. Trump likes to be adored and loved.... he is not going to take heat for not being able to nominate a suitable justice. He's a POPULIST... he is going to nominate someone that will be confirmed.... then crow about his brilliant pick!

Now you can speculate how things will look all day long... it would seem that it would look like Obama refusing to sign a continuing resolution to fund the government without funding Obamacare was Obama choosing to shut down the government... but that's not the political perception.
I'm only interested in your answer to my stated question Boss . And here is some info and anyone else interested enough to take a look Boss . --- Frequently Asked Questions - Supreme Court of the United States ---

I understand your question, I just don't think it's a realistic scenario that would ever happen in reality. It's like saying, what if a plane crash killed 6 justices? Could the SCOTUS still function with just 3? Sure it could. Hypothetically, we could take it down to just ONE justice. That's never going to happen but we can speculate.

I imagine, if you ever saw the situation where there were TWO vacant seats on the court, the opposition party would be screaming from the rooftops about the travesty of that and the urgent need to fix it. And dumb Americans would buy into it and agree. So.. no... your scenario is never going to happen... not in a million years.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no urgent need to fix as the court operates normally with 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 justices . feck the ENEMY party that you call the OPPOSITION party . Supremes have 8 justices now and the problems in the USA or world has nothing to do with the numbers of judges on the supreme court Boss !!
seems to me that if the TRUMP is elected that he can nominate who he likes and the dems can deny who they like . The onus would be on the dems that won't confirm Trumps conservatice choices . And the possibility of the Trump being hardazz and cornering the dems is the only reason that I am voting for the Trump Boss . [if TRUMP gets elected]

And I am saying that if you wanted a hard ass who is going to defy the Democrats and stand strong, you should have supported Ted Cruz. Trump is NOT the one who is going to do that. He is going to capitulate and work WITH the Democrats more than he stands strong on conservative principles.

And this idea about "the onus" is incorrect as well. You may think that... it's just not how it works politically. The Democrats turn that onus around on you with a few biased polls and waving the banner of "will of the people" and before you know it, the onus is back on you. You're the unreasonable one who can't work with them... .and that's how the public perceives it whether it's true or not. Look at the deal with "government shutdowns" for a classic example.
no urgent need to fix as the court operates normally with 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 justices . feck the ENEMY party that you call the OPPOSITION party . Supremes have 8 justices now and the problems in the USA or world has nothing to do with the numbers of judges on the supreme court Boss !!

But you already have liberals whining, moaning and writhing in agony because Obama is "being obstructed" in not being able to replace Scalia.

You're correct on the constitutionality of it... the SCOTUS doesn't HAVE to have ANY particular number of justices. It could function with only ONE! But that is never going to happen in reality so there's really no need in arguing about it.

Trump would not leave 2, 3 or 4 seats vacant on the court... just not going to ever happen. He is a populist and he wants to be liked and adored... he WILL nominate someone who will eventually be confirmed. It's simply foolish to believe anything else is possible.
I supported Ted with money a few years before Ted was known outside Texas . Ted is gone for this election . Trump and illary are running , I support the Trump Boss .

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