Two Reasons I Don't Care about the Whining About Trump

support Trump , get him elected to see what he does , he is better than Hilary Boss !! I only wanted to make my point that there is no set number of supreme court justices to make an operational supreme court Boss !!
I supported Ted with money a few years before Ted was known outside Texas . Ted is gone for this election . Trump and illary are running , I support the Trump Boss .

Well I know that Ted is gone now... I'm just saying-- if you wanted someone who is going to defiantly stand on principle and not cave to the Democrats, that was Ted Cruz not Donald Trump. Now I wish that Trump was like Ted Cruz.... I could support him if that were the case. But he's nothing like Ted Cruz and expecting him to be is foolish.

Do you honestly believe Trump is going to sit there and allow one vacancy after another on the SCOTUS to happen without getting one of his nominees confirmed by Congress? All the while, with his Democrat opposition making the charge that he doesn't know what he's doing and can't effectively govern? I just don't buy that... I can't make myself believe it. I think he will capitulate and nominate someone acceptable to the Democrats so he can show people he is able to get the job done.
support Trump , get him elected to see what he does , he is better than Hilary Boss !! I only wanted to make my point that there is no set number of supreme court justices to make an operational supreme court Boss !!

I'm not going to support Trump just because he's not Hillary. Sorry.

A actually think it may be WORSE to elect Trump. I know that sounds crazy but that's just my opinion. This insidious "Alt-Right" thing can't be allowed a political victory.. .we're not a bunch of fucking Jew-hating racists! Hitching your wagon to this train wreck is a monumental mistake. We, as Constitutional Conservatives, are FAR better off sticking with our principles and remaining true to them regardless of who wins the presidency. We can live to fight another day.
I supported Ted with money a few years before Ted was known outside Texas . Ted is gone for this election . Trump and illary are running , I support the Trump Boss .

Well I know that Ted is gone now... I'm just saying-- if you wanted someone who is going to defiantly stand on principle and not cave to the Democrats, that was Ted Cruz not Donald Trump. Now I wish that Trump was like Ted Cruz.... I could support him if that were the case. But he's nothing like Ted Cruz and expecting him to be is foolish.

Do you honestly believe Trump is going to sit there and allow one vacancy after another on the SCOTUS to happen without getting one of his nominees confirmed by Congress? All the while, with his Democrat opposition making the charge that he doesn't know what he's doing and can't effectively govern? I just don't buy that... I can't make myself believe it. I think he will capitulate and nominate someone acceptable to the Democrats so he can show people he is able to get the job done.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I KNOW what the 'illary' is bringing and Ted is unavailable so I will go with the Trump on his promises on muslims , the border , the wall , sovereignty , the military and more until a Cruz or Cruz like Gent or Lady comes along Boss .
and a comment on Conservative Constitutional Principals . All bushes , kasiches , juan McCain , fiorina , roobio , jebito bush , gwb , jeff flake , Lindsey graham and others that claim Conservative Constitutional Principles , well , their principles are not my principles . Mostly the guys I mention are all 'fos' Boss !!
and a comment on Conservative Constitutional Principals . All bushes , kasiches , juan McCain , fiorina , roobio , jebito bush , gwb , jeff flake , Lindsey graham and others that claim Conservative Constitutional Principles , well , their principles are not my principles . Mostly the guys I mention are all 'fos' Boss !!

With the possible exception of Fiorina, none of the people you mentioned are Constitutional Conservatives, nor do they stand for Constitutional Conservative principles.

Anybody can CLAIM to be a Conservative! Trump has claimed he is a Conservative! But when you favor raising the minimum wage, paid maternity leave, taxing the rich and protectionist trade policies, that's NOT Conservative.
Agree and that's my point yet the pwicks I mention are held up as being Conservative and as following the Constitution . Like I keep saying [broken record] , Trump or illary , that's all there is for this time for a person that has a chance to win Boss !!
I KNOW what the 'illary' is bringing and Ted is unavailable so I will go with the Trump on his promises on muslims , the border , the wall , sovereignty , the military and more until a Cruz or Cruz like Gent or Lady comes along Boss .

Look, I understand the argument for Trump. I don't begrudge you the right to hold that opinion. But if you are expecting Trump to be a stalwart Conservative, you're fooling yourself or delusional.

I look and listen to these despicable "alt right" people with their tribal nationalism, racism, xenophobia, antisemitic rhetoric and vitriol, and I am disgusted by that. You think if they WIN this election it's going to bode well for true Constitutional Conservatives? I don't think so! Our philosophy will be relegated to the discount bin... we're has-beens... relics of days gone by. They're the new kings of the hill and we take a back seat to their philosophy.

Whereas, if they lose embarrassingly to someone obviously corrupt and defeatable like Hillary... they go away and the plate is cleared for 2020 and the message of Constitutional Conservatism.

In spite of your fears, Hillary winning is not going to be the end of the world. Especially if we manage to hang on to the Senate and House. First of all, I don't think her health is going to hold up. This is a very stressful job and I don't think the old gal is up for it. Secondly, I don't think she can keep her ass out of trouble. She'll end up being the SECOND Clinton to get impeached. And you might be thinking... God help us with Tim Kaine as president, but that guy is so fucking loony the left has trouble supporting him.

Oh, it's not going to be FUN... I admit that. We're in for a rough ride but I think that's the case with EITHER candidate. I'm simply looking at the future of Constitutional Conservatism and I think it stands a better chance if Trump loses. That's just MY opinion.
I supported Ted with money a few years before Ted was known outside Texas . Ted is gone for this election . Trump and illary are running , I support the Trump Boss .

Well I know that Ted is gone now... I'm just saying-- if you wanted someone who is going to defiantly stand on principle and not cave to the Democrats, that was Ted Cruz not Donald Trump. Now I wish that Trump was like Ted Cruz.... I could support him if that were the case. But he's nothing like Ted Cruz and expecting him to be is foolish.

Do you honestly believe Trump is going to sit there and allow one vacancy after another on the SCOTUS to happen without getting one of his nominees confirmed by Congress? All the while, with his Democrat opposition making the charge that he doesn't know what he's doing and can't effectively govern? I just don't buy that... I can't make myself believe it. I think he will capitulate and nominate someone acceptable to the Democrats so he can show people he is able to get the job done.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know what Hilary will do so that's why I support the TRUMP Boss !!
I know what Hilary will do so that's why I support the TRUMP Boss !!

And that is fine,... I don't have a problem with you supporting him or your reasoning. You have to make up you own mind in this election. Speaking for myself, I cannot support him and that doesn't mean I support Hillary by default. I am not supporting Hillary either but that doesn't mean I support Trump by default. My support for a candidate has always been based on my principles and I will stick with that regardless of what that ultimately means.

You don't have to agree with me, I'm not asking you to. I'm simply stating my opinions on the subject and you're free to take them or leave them. I respect those who are going to vote for Trump in order to keep Hillary from winning... that's just not for me.

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