Two-Thirds Of College Grads Regret Their Diploma, Costs And Major

Ya... something you evidently don't know jack shit about, or it's value.

I wonder how he would have dealt with the college I went to... we had an attendance requirement. Each class was 22-44 sessions over 11 weeks. Students were allowed 3 absences without cause per class. Anything more than that and you lost credit for the course.
I flunked Algebra because of that. I worked 110 hours a week plus went to college so I would only show up to school to take my tests. I was a straight A student in all my classes but my Algebra teacher flunked me because of attendance. He said I needed to get my priorities straight. He was right, I needed to make sure the rent got paid first so I dropped out of college. That was my first attempt at going to college.

I also dropped out of one college for getting 100% pass rating by putting the answers up on their chalk board for all of their tests. And I got kicked out of another University for being a Conservative. English teacher flunked me for "being a heartless asshole." She even put that in writing and nobody would undo what she did so I got screwed.

Why were you taking Algebra in college?
Algebra 1 & 2 are required for an AA or AS degree.

You didn’t take algebra in high school?
Perhaps the problem is most 18 year olds aren't mature enough to be kicked out of the house and on their own. Getting an education in an in demand field gives them time to mature and turn into hard working adults who are ready to cope with the Omi ominous demands of a working adult life.
And I’m sure they wince every time they get a bill for what they owe in loans.

Not surprisingly perhaps, the new survey found the top regret was incurring immense debts for that higher education, a debt whose payments run on for many years, causing postponed marriages and families. An estimated 70 percent of college graduates this year finished school with loans to repay averaging $33,000.

The second largest graduate regret was their choice of college majors. Sen. Marco Rubio has noted in speeches that the occupational demand for Greek philosophers has not been good for about 2,000 years.

Most satisfied were majors in math, science, tech and especially engineering. More than a third of computer science grads and four-in-ten engineering grads had no regrets about their area choice of studies.

More @ Two-Thirds Of College Grads Regret Their Diploma, Costs And Major

Heres the morons who run and work for government bureaucracies

$335,000 in "advanced" degrees IN POLICY!
Between her and her husband they make a quarter a million a year and theyre in debt for a million ...LOSERS! and guaranteed they're democrats .

She is a flippant idiot millennial you can tell its going in one ear and out the other

I had an old timer tell me once how he started out in the early 1960s
Started in the mail room
Well i can name them .....mill no longer around it was cohama where he started
I think they were Um&m i cant remember... He got a job at corporate offices in the city .
The guy even had his first pay stub in a frame IT was like 100 n something bucks for 2 weeks ......Which a young single guy could live off of easily in those days.

Not only did he get a decent salary . his boss liked him THEY asked him if he wanted to go to school at night ..DERP uh yes
THEY paid for it ...he even got car fare and a dinner allowance .

They sent him to F.I.T ...which no longer teaches what he majored in.
No government mandates forced em to offer it to their employees.
AH when capitalism worked and wasnt warped into this crony capitalist and wall st driven shit we have today
It can be fixed ....unlike socialism THAT WILL NEVER EVER EVA EVA EVA WORK
democratic socialist nazi morons
Today's young kids have things stacked against them in some respects. Tent is high, wages are bleh, health insurance is pricey yet o cannot go without it as oned can put them in ruins for life, the list goes on. Then some complain about them living in their patents basement. Life isn't black or white it's alot of gray.
If I had to do it over again, I’d probably go with one of the trades. Either plumbing or electrician.

Mostly because spending your life sitting on your ass either in an office or on a business trip is torture and not worth the few extra bucks you might make.
Ya... something you evidently don't know jack shit about, or it's value.

I wonder how he would have dealt with the college I went to... we had an attendance requirement. Each class was 22-44 sessions over 11 weeks. Students were allowed 3 absences without cause per class. Anything more than that and you lost credit for the course.
I flunked Algebra because of that. I worked 110 hours a week plus went to college so I would only show up to school to take my tests. I was a straight A student in all my classes but my Algebra teacher flunked me because of attendance. He said I needed to get my priorities straight. He was right, I needed to make sure the rent got paid first so I dropped out of college. That was my first attempt at going to college.

I also dropped out of one college for getting 100% pass rating by putting the answers up on their chalk board for all of their tests. And I got kicked out of another University for being a Conservative. English teacher flunked me for "being a heartless asshole." She even put that in writing and nobody would undo what she did so I got screwed.

Why were you taking Algebra in college?
Algebra 1 & 2 are required for an AA or AS degree.

You didn’t take algebra in high school?
yeah but I didn't enter into College till over 10 years after I had graduated from high School and so had to retake a few classes. I enlisted in the Army at 17. I was well into my 20's when I first entered College.
I wonder how he would have dealt with the college I went to... we had an attendance requirement. Each class was 22-44 sessions over 11 weeks. Students were allowed 3 absences without cause per class. Anything more than that and you lost credit for the course.
I flunked Algebra because of that. I worked 110 hours a week plus went to college so I would only show up to school to take my tests. I was a straight A student in all my classes but my Algebra teacher flunked me because of attendance. He said I needed to get my priorities straight. He was right, I needed to make sure the rent got paid first so I dropped out of college. That was my first attempt at going to college.

I also dropped out of one college for getting 100% pass rating by putting the answers up on their chalk board for all of their tests. And I got kicked out of another University for being a Conservative. English teacher flunked me for "being a heartless asshole." She even put that in writing and nobody would undo what she did so I got screwed.

Why were you taking Algebra in college?
Algebra 1 & 2 are required for an AA or AS degree.

You didn’t take algebra in high school?
yeah but I didn't enter into College till over 10 years after I had graduated from high School and so had to retake a few classes. I enlisted in the Army at 17. I was well into my 20's when I first entered College.

Got it. Thank you for your service.
Ya... something you evidently don't know jack shit about, or it's value.

I wonder how he would have dealt with the college I went to... we had an attendance requirement. Each class was 22-44 sessions over 11 weeks. Students were allowed 3 absences without cause per class. Anything more than that and you lost credit for the course.
I flunked Algebra because of that. I worked 110 hours a week plus went to college so I would only show up to school to take my tests. I was a straight A student in all my classes but my Algebra teacher flunked me because of attendance. He said I needed to get my priorities straight. He was right, I needed to make sure the rent got paid first so I dropped out of college. That was my first attempt at going to college.

I also dropped out of one college for getting 100% pass rating by putting the answers up on their chalk board for all of their tests. And I got kicked out of another University for being a Conservative. English teacher flunked me for "being a heartless asshole." She even put that in writing and nobody would undo what she did so I got screwed.

Why were you taking Algebra in college?
Algebra 1 & 2 are required for an AA or AS degree.
Not only Algebra, but if you're going for an AS in Electrical Engineering like I have, we also had Calculus, Trigonometry, Quadratics and Tech Math which was just applied mathematics. If you're good with a calculator, you shouldn't have any problem. I got straight A's.
Ya... something you evidently don't know jack shit about, or it's value.

I wonder how he would have dealt with the college I went to... we had an attendance requirement. Each class was 22-44 sessions over 11 weeks. Students were allowed 3 absences without cause per class. Anything more than that and you lost credit for the course.
MMI has something similar... if you missed too much school, they just kicked you out.

You really had to be there, for all of it, because the instruction moved so fast, if you missed a day, you missed a lot, and it was almost impossible to catch up.
Stupid poll. Other than what you paid, what you majored in, and who you slept with, what other regret choices are there?

Statistically every one of them is better off with a degree and debt than tackling the world with a HS diploma the internet loves.

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